It's Friday

My prince charming ..?

Christie's POV

3:30 PM; Min and Victoria were coming towards me and the smiled and waved at me when they saw me. "Guess what?!" i squealed. "what?" asked Min. I told them how Key oppa had invited the three of us and Cheondoong sunbae to go to the club tomorrow night. Min's eyes got wide and she elbowed me in the stomach and gave me wink. i shoved her away and then also added that Kikwang sunbae was gonna be there too. she giggled "YES YES YES! Kikwang sunbae is soooo hotttt." Victoria only rolled her eyes at Min's comment but her eyes were bright and full of excitement. She gave me big grin and said, "You two know what this means! SHOPPING TIME LADIES!" Min jumped up and down nodding her head, and i just groaned. But secretly, i was excited too, i wasn't usually a big fan of shopping but i wanted to look super good tomorrow night.

Vic took me & Min by the hand and we took a taxi to the mall. Victoria with a huge smile on her face pulled us towards one of the dress shops and started to pick some dresses out. She put a silver one on Min and told her to go put it on, she gave me a blue dress and pushed me into the dressing room. As I was dressing I heard a girl speak, "Omg i can't believe Cheondoong oppa broke up with me & is now ignoring me, all i did was sleep with another guy. BIG DEAL." I scoffed, i automatically knew who it was. It was the queen biotch of college; Krystal. She was one of the biggest /s in our school, any guy who wanted to get laid could just ask her and she would gladly do it. It was disgusting but she was proud of it.

I was absorbed in my thought until someone shouted "Yah! Christie get your out here i wanna see it!" said Victoria. I came out of the dressing room and looked in the mirror. "ooooh! its sooo cuuute on you! it makes you look xy" said Victoria. And it was cute on me, it was a strapless blue dress that fit my body perfectly. Min came out too in her dress and she had a pouty look on her face, "I can't wear this! I won't be able to dance with this on! and besides it doesn't look good on me.." Vic scowled and gave her a y halter top and skinny jeans. "Will you be able to dance in this??" asked Victoria, and Min gladly nodded. As for Vic, she chose a cute pink dress and killer stilettos (how she's gonna dance in those i have no idea) but she looked good and i guess that was all that mattered.

As we went to the cash register to pay, i pulled out my wallet but Victoria stopped me and said, "No no no, I'm paying for this. This is your special night to meet you-know-who, so think of it as a gift." i gave her a grateful smile and hugged her. "you're paying for mine too right?" said Min. Victoria chuckled and said of course. After Victoria paid we walked out of the mall.


Kikwang's POV

its fridaay, friday, gotta get down on fridaay ♫

ew why the hell am i singing this sonng ..? i must be going crazy. Then Key hyung and Cheondoong hyung met up with me at the park. We sat down at a table and I said," So Cheondoong hyung, Key hyung did something a little interesting last night .." I looked up at Key hyung and he gave me a weird look, i just shrugged and nudged him. "Yeah so .. uh i invited some girls to come with us to the club." said Key hyung. Cheondoong hyung just looked at him and said, "This was supposed to be just the three of us. Why did you invite them?" "They're just my friends, they're younger then us, but their sweet girls. Besides i thought it'd be fun, & plus kikwang's been desperate for a girlfriend.." Cheondoong hyung's eyes crinkled up and he coughed loudly, obviously trying to supress his laughter.

"HA.HA. very funny. and i am NOT desperate for a girlfriend Key hyung!" i said. Both hyungs just burst out laughing andi sat there in silence. After they finally managed to stop laughing, Cheondoong hyung looked at me and said, "Kikwang-ah, relaxxx.. we're just messing with ya." I gave him by puppy dog look and he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Boy, you do need a girlfriend." i punched him in the arm and grumbled, "whatever! lets go to the icecream parlor." We stood up and walked towards the ice cream parlor.


Key's POV

The three of us entered the ice cream shop & took a seat in the far back corner. We all ordered chocolate milkshakes and we started talking about how all the teachers just had to give us a load of homework over the weekend. I took a look around the shop and saw Christie & her three friends sitting in the shop eating icecream too. Why are they here...? thank god Cheondoong hyungs back is towards Christie.. I saw Christie just staring at Cheondoong hyung and her face flushed pink when her friends had noticed. they all were giggling and whispering, girls are soo weird .. i thought. But i could see that Christie kept taking small glimpses at Cheondoong hyung. i pulled my phone out of my pocket and started writing a text:


TO: Christie



(her reply)

ooops! sorry oppa, i couldn't help it! I'll stop now! :)

I looked over at her and she gave me a thumbs up and turned away. Suddenly Kikwang hit my chest and said, "Hyung why do you keep staring at the girls here? And you say that i'm desperate." "I - I was j-just looking around.. chill man." I stuttered, i was completely taken by surprise. Cheondoong hyung laughed at us & said, "You guys are like little kids sometimes..." Me & kikwang started giving him aegyo (cutesy acts) and he stuck his tongue out at us and said "Knock it off guys, you guys loook gay!"We just laughed and then kikwang stood up and told us that he had hiphop lessons soon and left. Me & cheondoong hyung said bye and we both went home.




Author's Note: I know this is starting off a bit slow but i hope that you guys are sorta enjoying it! thankss & comments are appreciated for feedbackk! :)

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Your story is really reaaally similar to this one :, isn't this plagiarising ?
THUNDER IS MY LEGIT AND ULTIMATE BIAS! continue the story pleeeeeeeeease!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
I hope things won't be so awkward between Victoria and Key! Update soon~!
ilovethunder #5
@shalalapaula okay thanks.
@ilovethunder: Eep, cliffhanger! D : Hrm, I realized that you don't capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. : x I think your fanfic would look neater if you started to capitalize. Hm, by the way, are Vic and Key going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend? They seem so lonely. : x Update soon~!
ilovethunder #7
@shalalapaula haha thank you for the advice! i deff agree, i'm just not really sure how to make it neater. but i will try! ^^
Annyeong~! New reader here. : 3 This fanfic is so cute, but it could need a bit of neatness. But you can ignore me and my criticism. ^__^ Anyways, you should escalate Min's/Kikwang's friendship soon! ^__^ Please update soon~
thunder please confess to her A.S.A.P!!<br />
that jaeyoung guy is a jerk!!!!<br />
and sulli just back off because thunder belongs to christie!!!!<br />
update soon!!!<br />