
My prince charming ..?

Christie's POV

*YAWNN* ew schoool .. ugh i better get up. i brushed my teeth, and took a shower, ate some breakfast and headed out towards school.

"Christie!" shouted Vic. i waved to her smiled, when she caught up to me she asked, "how you feeling? you look ALOT better than you did saturday night."

"i feel fine now, i don't think i'm ever gonna drink again.." i said. i looked over my shoulder and saw Min walking towards us looking super happy.

"HEY GUYS!" she said, "look what kikwang oppa texted me sunday!!!" she showed us the text and we just giggled.

"hehe that's adorable!" said Vic. min nodded happily and hugged herself.

"Come on guys, we're gonna be late for our math class!!" i reminded them. We headed down towards our math room and took our seats.

"Alright class! i have a few things to pass out and a couple of announcements." said Mr.Jung. he walked through the rows of chairs and passed out everyone's tests. "Min, nice 87%. Minhyuk, study harder 76%. Victoria very nice 92%." he stopped right at my desk and with a huge grin he said, "Well done Christie, your 3rd 102%." i joyfully looked down at my paper, while everyone else scowled at me.

Min pouted and muttered, "i wish i could have that .." i gave her small wink and she just smiled and whispered, "nice job." Vic gave me a thumbs up, and we all turned our attention to Mr.Jung again

"okay class so two announcements, first, you have school today and then no school on tuesday and wednesday cus of inservice~!" he laughed as we all cheered,"and secondly! Christie, will you please stand up?"

kinda nervous and a bit confused, i stood up and Mr.Jung proudly said,"this math course has been abit too easy for you so i talked to the senior math teacher and she has agreed to transfer you into her class!!" he said and the class let out some low whistles.

what?! senior class?!? wtf ... i mean yeah hes right, the class is too easy buut ... >.< i picked up my stuff and Mr. Jung told me which class i could go to now. "3rd floor, room B205. Good luck~ i know you'll do amazingly." Mr. Jung patted my shoulder and i waved sadly to Min and Vic. i walked up to the 3rd floor and found the room.  i walked and entered the class room...

"YAH attention people! we have a junior joining our class, and from what i've heard she'll probably surpass all of you. so lets welcome Christie Hong." said mrs. young. the senior class hooted wildely because as soon as i looked around the room, me and this other tacky looking girl were the only girls in the class. I saw cheondoong oppa waving to me from the back with a cute smile on his face and i could feel myself blushing.

"okay okay, calm yourselves!" said Mrs. Young, she motioned with her hand on where to sit. right behind cheondoong oppa!!! eeekkkkk !!! omg i love love love love you mrs.young!!! <333

i quietly made my way towards my seat. i was sitting next to the window and beside me sat someone familiar .. who  was it ..? i racked my memory and remembered. it was Jaeyoung sunbae, the one who had gotten me and Min into his little drinking game. He gave me a sly wink and said, "why hello pretty, glad you'll be sitting with me now babe." i looked away in disgust and pulled out my binders and pencils.

"psst.. hey christie, how you feeling?" whispered cheondoong oppa.

"fine, thanks sun- i mean oppa for the soup." i said back. he turned around and gave me a wink and mouthed. "no problem" i felt my heart racing .. no no calm yourself.. deep breaths.. wheww.

"Okay now that introductions are over, pop quiz! i hope you've all been paying attention!!" announced Mrs. Young. jaeyoung and a few others groaned, but everyone else sat there quietly and cleared off their desks.

"you have 30 mins to complete your 20 question test. GO." said Mrs. Young.

***********************************************45 Mins later ****************************************************

Mrs. Young walked through the aisle passing everyone's papers back, "78% Chansung, try harder. 95% Cheondoong, very nice. 88% Junho better then last time." she stopped at my desk and with a bright smile announced "very very nice Christie! your one of the first this year to get a perfect on my pop quizzes!!" she handed my paper back to me and it had a giant 100% in purple. she smiled and patted my shoulder. She resumed passing out papers and then stopped at Jaeyoung's desk. "32% Jaeyoung." some of the sunbae's snickered, but Jaeyoung did not seem to care. "so what? i'm not getting any smarter in this class anyway. math is stupid." spat Jaeyoung.

"well i'm afraid, whether you like math or not, you're going to have to pull up your grades or you're parents are gonna have to deal with it this time." said Mrs. Young.

Jaeyoung tried to keep his composure, but you could tell he was getting uncomfortable. "fine. i'll study harder." he grumbled.

Mrs Young laughed and said, "no no, your getting a tutor." she turned around and pointed at me. "she will be tutoring you." Mrs. Young looked at me and said "thats okay right??" say no say no! hes a ert and you hate him!!! "uhm .. yea." i said. OMG WHY THE HELL DID YOU AGREE?!?

Jaeyoung grinned and gave me a wink. ugh what have i gotten myself into now?!? fml.

"alright now that thats settled, class will be almost over & remember no school tomorrow and wednesday!!" said Mrs. Young. the bell rang, and the seniors piled out of class. Jaeyoung grabbed my wrists before i left and said," meet me tomorrow in the school cafe at 10 so you can tutor me." i shook my head no , but he grabbed my wrists tighter and with a yelp i said yes. he let me go and walked away. ugh what a freaking jerkk!! fml.ㅜㅜ

Key's POV

i was walking towards science class when i saw Christie wandering in the senior hallway. i speed walked to catch up to her tapped her shoulder.

"yah, what are you doing here?" i asked. she explained about her schedule change and that now she was going to be taking senior math. i congratulated her and she gave me a wan smile & said thanks.

"something wrong?" i asked. 

"i made the stupidest mistake ever." she said. i asked her what, and she explained how Mrs. Young had asked her to tutor Jaeyoung in math and how she had stupidly agreed.

"and tomorrow i have to meet up with him at the school cafe so i can tutor him." she whined. i sat there thinking, and i told her,"well i thnk you should just tutor him, and the faster you do it the sooner it'll be over right?" i said.

she looked up at me and said, "you know what? i think your right."


Author's Note: well yeah .. soo this was kind of a random chapter .... sorry if it didn't make sense.. i can't really think of anything . :/ oh yeah i just edited it too cus it just didn't make much sense. anyway please tell me what you think!!!!

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Your story is really reaaally similar to this one :, isn't this plagiarising ?
THUNDER IS MY LEGIT AND ULTIMATE BIAS! continue the story pleeeeeeeeease!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
I hope things won't be so awkward between Victoria and Key! Update soon~!
ilovethunder #5
@shalalapaula okay thanks.
@ilovethunder: Eep, cliffhanger! D : Hrm, I realized that you don't capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. : x I think your fanfic would look neater if you started to capitalize. Hm, by the way, are Vic and Key going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend? They seem so lonely. : x Update soon~!
ilovethunder #7
@shalalapaula haha thank you for the advice! i deff agree, i'm just not really sure how to make it neater. but i will try! ^^
Annyeong~! New reader here. : 3 This fanfic is so cute, but it could need a bit of neatness. But you can ignore me and my criticism. ^__^ Anyways, you should escalate Min's/Kikwang's friendship soon! ^__^ Please update soon~
thunder please confess to her A.S.A.P!!<br />
that jaeyoung guy is a jerk!!!!<br />
and sulli just back off because thunder belongs to christie!!!!<br />
update soon!!!<br />