back to school.

My prince charming ..?

Min's POV:

7:00 *rriing rrrring* i rolled out of bed, rubbed my eyes, and stretched my arms out. i trudged to the bathroom and looked at the clock on the wall, oh t! its 7:10!!! i brushed my teeth hurriedly, changed, and jogged towards the school.

"Min!! hey wait up!"

i turned around and saw Kikwang oppa jogging to catch up with me. damn it .. i look terrible right now. i looked at my reflection on my phone screen and groaned as i saw my hair sticking up in different places everywhere.

" *huff huff* hey, i saw you heading to school so i was just wondering if you wanted to walk together.?" said Kikwang oppa.

"yeah of course" i responded. i tried to flatten my hair out with my hands as we walked, but no matter how much i tried my stupid hair wouldn't stay down. Still trying to fix my hair i wasn't paying attention to where i was going and suddenly i tripped on the sidewalk.

Kikwang oppa tried to catch me from my fall, but he was a bit too late.

"damn! are you okay Min?!" he asked "i'm sooo sorry i didn't catch you!"

i brushed myself off giggling, "hehe why are you sorry? its my fault, so don't be! & i'm fine, i think." with a concerned expression on his face he grabbed my hands and pulled me up. when i was steady i took a step, cried out in pain and fell again.

"Min!" cried Kikwang oppa.

wow that hurt ALOT. i groaned as i tried to get up again.

"oppa, i'll be okay. help me up."

again kikwang grabbed my hands and pulled me up, but my ankle gave out underneath me and i cried out in pain again as i felt a burning sharpness pierce my leg.

"that's it, get on my back." said Kikwang.

"wha-? no i'm oka-"

"no you're not Min! you're obviously in pain, come on get on my back."

i held in my groan as i slowly got onto his back, and he gently lifted me up. he carried me on his back as he walked to school. we passed many girls who went to our school, and they all gasped and whispered as me and oppa went past them. i smiled slyly to myself and buried my face into his neck. wow he smelled amazingly good... we got to the school entrance and he started to walk up the stairs to the front doors when i told him to put me down.

"i'll carry you to the nurses room, its fine i'm not tired."

"no its not that ..." i muttered

"then what?"

"everyone's staring .. & i can hear everyone whispering around us! they all think we're dating or something!!!"

he looked straight at me and said, "then let them think we're dating."

my mouth hung open as he winked at me and then carried me on his back again. We entered the hallway towards the nurse's office and there i saw christie & vic staring at me with shock. i mouthed,"i'll tell you ALL about it later!!!" they nodded and christie gave me a small wink.

We walked into the nurses office and the nurse helped Kikwang put me down onto one of the beds.

he panted to the nurse, "will she be okay?"

"looks like she sprained her ankle. it's a good thing she had you kikwang."

she bandaged up my ankle and left the room, so that it was just me & kikwang alone.


"oppa, about that thing i said a few minutes ago.."


"you know how everyone thinks we're dating or something... when you said let them think that way .. what did you mean.??

Kikwangs POV:

"you know how everyone thinks we're dating or something... when you said let them think that way .. what did you mean.?? Min asked timidly. should i confess that i like her? what should i do?

"well.." *DING DING DING* went the homeroom bell. ugh did that have to ring now?? the nurse walked back in and told me that i had to go to homeroom. i gave Min a small hug and went to homeroom, still wondering about what i should say to her..


Me, Key hyung and cheondoong hyung walked into the lunch room and sat down. we were talking when a commotion started near the salad bar. the three of us stood up and walked towards the small crowd that was forming. some junior named minwoo had tried to be funny and smack her and she had started to yell at him.

"why the hell did you touch me there?!" yelled Min.

"geez chill babe, its just your . besides who cares?" sneered Minwoo.

"I CARE! that disgusting!!"

"you wanna know what else is disgusting?" he moved in closer to her and tried to kiss her lips. she turned her face to the otherr side and the small crowd cheered as Minwoo became angrier and angrier. he kept edging closer and closer to Min until she finally yelled, "stop it!"

he smirked,"give me a good reason why i should."

"b-because.. because.."

Min's POV:

"b-because .. because.." come on think of something! anything! come on com-

then suddenly a voice cut me off and said,"because... i'm her boyfriend."




Author's Note: ooohhh cliffhanger!!! sorta not really ... okay so yeah i know random with the whole Min & Kikwang thing, but i looked at my comments and saw the suggestion so i though "eh why not? i don't have any other ideas anyway." yeah so if you liked it please let me know! COMMENTS & SUBSCRIBERS ARE WANTED ;) adiossss!

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Your story is really reaaally similar to this one :, isn't this plagiarising ?
THUNDER IS MY LEGIT AND ULTIMATE BIAS! continue the story pleeeeeeeeease!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
I hope things won't be so awkward between Victoria and Key! Update soon~!
ilovethunder #5
@shalalapaula okay thanks.
@ilovethunder: Eep, cliffhanger! D : Hrm, I realized that you don't capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. : x I think your fanfic would look neater if you started to capitalize. Hm, by the way, are Vic and Key going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend? They seem so lonely. : x Update soon~!
ilovethunder #7
@shalalapaula haha thank you for the advice! i deff agree, i'm just not really sure how to make it neater. but i will try! ^^
Annyeong~! New reader here. : 3 This fanfic is so cute, but it could need a bit of neatness. But you can ignore me and my criticism. ^__^ Anyways, you should escalate Min's/Kikwang's friendship soon! ^__^ Please update soon~
thunder please confess to her A.S.A.P!!<br />
that jaeyoung guy is a jerk!!!!<br />
and sulli just back off because thunder belongs to christie!!!!<br />
update soon!!!<br />