eff my life.

My prince charming ..?

Cheondoong's POV

christie and jaeyoung on a date ..? no it can't be. she looked too unhappy.. i shut the cafe doors behind me and walked towards the exit. i turned the corner and ran right into Sulli.

"oh erm sorry." i mumbled.

"oh! hey cheondoong oppaa~ no its okay." she said as she smiled up at me. I tried to walk past her but she grabbed my hand and said, "wait! oppa, now that your over Krystal, maybe me & you could hang out..?"

i still can't believe that Christie and Jaeyoung were together .. i thought it was just a study thing but a date ..?? ugh my head hurts.. why can't she be mine ..?

"umm oppa? will you?"

"huh? errr .. yeah." what did Sulli just asked me? whatever.

she squealed and gave me a hug. i just stood there and didn't hug her back, and we stood like that. i then heard slamming towards and saw Christie walking out looking like she was about to punch someone. and then i saw Jaeyoung burst out and grab Christie and pin her to the wall. what the hell?! he better not hurt her!

i stared as she tried to break away from him, but then all of a sudden he smashed her lips onto hers. i felt anger boiling inside of me, and i broke away from Sulli.

"whaa-?" she turned and saw who i was walking towards. "wait!!" she grabbed my shoulders and said, "don't go to christie. can't you see both of them are on a date!? you can have me oppa!" i pulled her hands off and she stamped her foot at me. wow she did not just do that .. what a brat. i walked towards Christie and Jaeyoung and i finally saw Christie punch Jaeyoung in the gut and she turned and walked right passed me with tears streaming down her face.

"I HATE YOU JAEYOUNG. I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!" she yelled as she ran out of the school.

Christie's POV

i opened the cafe doors and left, i turned the corner and then i heard Jaeyoung coming out after me. he grabbed my arms and pushed me to the wall.

"you . stop being so stubborn and kiss me." he said. i tried to break free out of his grasp but he was way stronger than i was.

"no, never." i retorted. he gave me a sly smile and suddenly crashed his lips onto mine. no no no!! get off of me you ! i tried to get my arms free but his grip was too tight and i could feel his tongue trying to pry open my mouth. i looked around to see if anyone else was there and there was cheondoong oppa.... hugging sulli?! no.. this wasn't happening.. i felt tears run down my face and finally Jaeyoung broke his lips off of mine, and loosesned his grip on my arms. feeling nothing but burning anger and jealousy i punched Jaeyoung in the gut and started running towards the exit while screaming at jaeyoung.

I saw cheondoong oppa infront of me and i ran right past him. no .. please tell me he didn't see jaeyoung kiss me. please don't tell me that he loves sulli .. i kept running and i soon saw Sulli smirking at me. i ran full speed towards the parking lot and drove to Victoria's house.


Cheondoong's POV

as christie ran past me all i could feel was hate and jealousy towards jaeyoung. i walked up to jaeyoung where he was laughing to himself and wiping his mouth.

"oh hey cheondoong. i guess you saw me kissing my girlfriend, Christieee."

i clamped my mouth shut and stared straight back at him.

he didn't wait for my reply and said "yeahh, it was real sweet. shes such a hot girl."

without thinking i punched him straight in the face and left him staring at me dumbly on the floor.

what the hell have i just done? how can i let christie know how i feel..? ugh . i slid into my car and drove towards Christie's house. when i got there i rang her doorbell. no answer. i rang it again. still no answer. i yelled at her to open the door but still no answer. i turned and sat inside my car, im not leaving until i see her. i don't care if i have to sit out in this parking lot all night.

Christie's POV

*knock knock*

*Victoria opens the door*

 "Christie you came back aliv-- what the hell happened to you..?!"

i hugged Victoria and felt the tears run down my face. she patted my back and took me to her room. after i calmed down a bit she gave me a glass of water and sat on the edge of her bed watching me.

"what happened. tell every little detail." i told her everything from when jaeyoung told cheondoong oppa it was a date, to the part where i saw cheondoong oppa hugging Sulli, and when jayoung kissed me infront of cheondoong oppa. Vic listened the entire time and was silent after i was done.

"i don't know what to do anymore .. i mean sulli is so perfect, shes popular, she pretty, and everybody loves her.. i mean what am i compared to that???" i said.

"you're everything more then Sulli, your gorgeous, your smart, and who cares about popularity? youre tons better then Sulli, and if cheondoong oppa can't realize that, its his loss."

i smiled gratefully at Vic and she told me i could sleepover one more night if i wanted to. i agreed and stayed at her house.



A.N - whatcha think? and please all you silent readers i NEED comments and advice! im starting to run out of ideass!!! anyhooo enjoy and i will keep updating! <3 thankss

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Your story is really reaaally similar to this one : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/21835#comments, isn't this plagiarising ?
THUNDER IS MY LEGIT AND ULTIMATE BIAS! continue the story pleeeeeeeeease!
m0zarts0nata-- #3
I hope things won't be so awkward between Victoria and Key! Update soon~!
ilovethunder #5
@shalalapaula okay thanks.
@ilovethunder: Eep, cliffhanger! D : Hrm, I realized that you don't capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence. : x I think your fanfic would look neater if you started to capitalize. Hm, by the way, are Vic and Key going to find a boyfriend/girlfriend? They seem so lonely. : x Update soon~!
ilovethunder #7
@shalalapaula haha thank you for the advice! i deff agree, i'm just not really sure how to make it neater. but i will try! ^^
Annyeong~! New reader here. : 3 This fanfic is so cute, but it could need a bit of neatness. But you can ignore me and my criticism. ^__^ Anyways, you should escalate Min's/Kikwang's friendship soon! ^__^ Please update soon~
thunder please confess to her A.S.A.P!!<br />
that jaeyoung guy is a jerk!!!!<br />
and sulli just back off because thunder belongs to christie!!!!<br />
update soon!!!<br />