You're going to regret it

Enemy , Odd Law and .... Kiss ??

[A/N : I forgot to say that L is not at Kyungmi's house .]


"Did you slap Kyungmi ?" she asked . All of them including Kyungmi felt suprised with Mrs Park question . Sunggyu said slowly "Neh ." and he looked down at the floor

"May I know why ? You said that you love her but why did you slap her ? Tell me why . Tell me the truth ." she said . Kyungmi felt uneasy because Mrs Park is the kindest woman in the world but when she become mad or angry , she'll be the tigress in the house .

"Eh , omma . Its not SUnggyu oppa's fault . Its mine ." she said "Okay . Then tell me why did he slap you ." Mrs Park said

"There's a b- girl , yesterday , she told me to stay away from INFINITE oppas . Well , I told her that I can't and I told her to move away since I wanted to go to INFINITE oppas at the school gate . But then , she slapped me . And I fell on the ground . Then , I p-punch her on the stomach . And s-s-slap her ... hard ."

"Then , when did he slap you , honey ?" Mrs Park asked softly "Imu is bipolar ." Sungyeol whispered to himself but unfortunately Woohyun heard him which made Woohyun slapped his arm "Today . When I came to school , I saw INFINITE oppas in a group of circle and that girl was in the middle . I heard that she's saying that I punch her and bla bla blaa .. Then , when I go there , I asked her wether she is talking about me and she denied it . Then I said to her that I don't believe a like her . After that she slapped me . And then I punched her and slapped her again and again . Then , Sunggyu oppa carried me away from the girl ." she stopped for a while to take some breath and drink some water .

"I told oppa to let me go but he didn't and then I say to him that I wanted to punch that girl again and I used some harsh word to describe her and Sunggyu oppa slapped me because of that . The end ." she said and smile sweetly at Mrs Park hoping that she won't be mad anymore

Mrs Park sighed heavily "Hon , I've told you right not to punch anyone anymore  . Don't you remember the last time you punch your friend when you're 6th grade ? His parents came to our house and gave me a warning ."

"Mian , omma ." she said and bite her bottom lips "Gwaenchana ." Mrs Park replied and stood up "I'm going to cook for lunch . You guys want to stay here for lunch ?" she asked and INFINITE members nodded

"Good . Stay here . Feel comfortable okay ." she said and walked to the kitchen .


"I'm bored !" Sungjong said and poked Sunggyu's cheek "Nado !" Sungyeol said and poked Sunggyu's other cheek

"Yah ! Stop poking my chubby cheek !" Sunggyu said pushed both of their hands away but they started to poke it again . Sunggyu surrender and let them poke his chubby cheek .

"I'm going to watch the Tv .. Anyone who want to join me ?" Kyungmi asked and all of them stood up and walked to the second floor since the first floor Tv was only for playing games and watch DVD .

All of them sat on a curve sofa and Kyungmi took the remote control and pick a channel .

All of them agree to watch Running Man since it was the only show that was interesting at that time .

They won't ever stop laughing especially the Choding . They laughed like a person who have a mental problem , I tell you .

After the show ended , Mrs Park called them to eat since the food was ready and everyone raced down to the dining table and took their own seat .

"Omma , you cook spagetthi ?" Kyungmi asked and Mrs PArk nodded "Wah ! My favourite !" she said and quickly grab a plate that have a spagetthi on it . She put the plate on the table and ready to eat but then , Mrs Park slapped her hand away

"Omma ." she pouted "You're a girl honey . Remember , attitude ." she said . Sunggyu was about to laugh but when Kyungmi saw him , she kicked his leg under the table which made Sunggyu winced in pain

Mrs PArk was shocked when she heard that and quickly turn her head to Sunggyu "What is it Sunggyu ?" Sunggyu want to answer but Kyungmi made a 'I'll kill you' gesture . Then , Sunggyu thought that if he told the truth , imu must be angry at her .

So , he told Mrs Park "Imu . Kyungmi kicked my leg . She's cruel , imu ." he said sadly and Mrs PArk sighed

"You'll be grounded for 1 weeks young lady ." "But omma ."

"Hey , you beat a girl and now you kick your brother ? Is that what you supposed to do ?" she asked "Ani . Mian oppa ." she said

"It's okay . Let's eat everyone ." Mrs Park said

*you're going to regret it Sunggyu oppa .*


I'm totally sorry for not updating for a long time . And I know that this chapter is not good and it is so boring .

You can kill me right now .

*give everyone a big gun*

Please kill me if you want T^T 




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Chapter 25: KyungMi i'll support u.. I'll be by ur side XD ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 24: Hahahahahah grandpa gyu pity u.. Hohohoho
Chapter 1: +.+ can't be copied too.i wanna read it on my phone T.T
this story is daebak :)
Chapter 22: Wow.. Good guess Gyu.. Hahahah serve you right Minji.. Wanna some more?? And L why?? Dont you believe it?? Hahahaha
Chapter 21: Kekekeke L .. ^^
Chapter 20: update soon ^^
Chapter 16: Awwww.... XD
Chapter 15: I'll be waiting for the next chapter... Hwaiting!!
Chapter 15: Erghhhh Sungyu plis don be too sweet... Its hard for me to choose between MyungSoo n Sungyu later on..
Chapter 14: TRIPLESnELF : Is ti the one who talk to Sunggu's mom ?? If it was , he was no one important .. haha ^^