Scene 8

Not So Good Life
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“MWO?!! Fany noona caught a flu??” a big doe eyed boy shocked hearing what the other guy just tell him.

“Ne, Jaejoong~ah” he answers the younger boy lazily.

“When we are at the hot-spring she looks okay, right?” he still asking some annoying question.

“That’s right, when we are at the hot spring he is still healthy, so it is after the visit she is sick” Yunho tries to explain again.


At the hot spring….

Yah!! Why did my heart beats so fast now?? Why do I keep remember the incident at the hot spring?!! ANDWAE!!


Yunho shook his head severely and his cheeks turn red. He is embarrassed on what he is doing to the beautiful boy and Jaejoong being there, standing oh so innocently doesn’t help him at all. Jaejoong on the other hand keep watching Yunho with suspicious stare. It is not weird to see Yunho suddenly cry, laugh, doing crazy things and talking even scolding himself. Not weird at all. But the strange thing is, why did he become so nervous after Jaejoong mentions about the hot spring??


It must be something….


“Arrgghhh...!! why do I keep remember the incident in the hot spring?? Oh please don’t think about it again Jung Yunho! Snap out of it already! Your friend is sick and here you have to see her!” here we go Jung Yunho is talking to himself while his palms and do self ‘hwaiting’ to himself.






“What’s the incident in the hot spring that I don’t know, huh??” Jaejoong looks at Yunho with murderous stare and Yunho can’t help but being nervous. The cold sweat broke from his nape already.

“At the hot spring….” Jaejoong walks closer and leans dangerously close to Yunho till their face are just about 3 cm apart. But it is romantic at all when the dark aura and murderous stare is all you got from Jaejoong.

“Something must be happened and I don’t know about it, right?” Jejoong’s point finger touching Yunho’s nose bridge, accusing him, “What’s the incident that could make Tiffany noona catch cold, huh?”

“Er~ Wai.. Wait!” Yunho keeps walking backwards to avoid Jaejoong’s accusing finger.

“For example, Tiffany’s noona bath robe was coming off. No, it is you who took it off!!” Jaejoong is really scary and look like he could kill Yunho anytime soon.

“WHAT?!! What are you saying Jaejoong~ah?!! Yah! I don’t know what happened to her actually and don’t say things like that from your mouth!”

“What?! Because it feels like your wife accusing you for cheating, huh?!!”








‘The hot spring incident all because of you and had nothing to do with Tiffany!! How can you forget everything, huh?!!’


Yunho pulls his own hair like crazy. He is really frustrated about this misunderstanding and Jaejoong made it worse by bringing the ‘wife’ matter here.





“I want to visit Tiffany noona too!!!” Jaejoong shouts right in front of Yunho’s face and Yunho can’t get paler than this.

“Yah! Jaejoong~ah wait!! It is not easy to visit her, we need a lot of preparation first!!” Yunho becomes panic and his face got paler thinking that he has to visit Tiffany. It is sure the other hell’s way. It is insane.

“Let’s go!!!”

“Yah Jaejoong~~ah!!!! WAIT!! LISTEN TO ME!!!”





~Tiffany’s house~


The weather is quite clear when the two pretty girls walk elegantly to the beautiful mansion owned by the Hwang family. The girls look tired and annoyed because of something but they always try to smile along the way. Their long hair flies freely along with the wind and it makes them look even more beautiful. Every boys that happen to pass them never fail to give more attention to see the girls who are chatting to each other. But it looks clearly that they don’t feel comfortable being stared like that the whole time.

“Are you sure we look okay?” the black colored girl ask nervously to the taller girl beside her.

“Yeah, you look beautiful anyway” the taller girl answers lazily.

“But….” The shorted girl keeps on tugging her t-shirt. It is too short for her liking and if she doesn’t wear additional t-shirt it would reveal her flat y belly for sure.

“Yah!! Just ignore it. Here we are!” they stopped in front of the big mansion and the shorter girl snorted angrily being ignored by her friend.

“YAH!! Yunho hyung!!! What’s this dress up for, huh?!!!!” the shorter girl (?) spats angrily to the taller girl (?)


(here are the girls!!! *gyahahahahahahahhhahaha!!! Look how I made Yunho!! LOL ROTFL*)



“Didn’t I tell you before we need so much preparation if we want to enter Tiffany’s house, huh?!! Here it is!!” Yunho face palming himself feeling embarassed. Out of all people in the world, why he has to dress up in front of his own wife?!

“Yah!! I don’t know what’s the purpose of this dress up things! And you look so scary hyung!!” Jaejoong cannot keep his voice low and keep shouting with his original voice.

“Yah! Don’t bother me Kim Jaejoong! You are lucky having pretty face and it is for you to disguise, I know I look scary because I don’t have anything near girly feature like you had. So now please stop complaining, will ya? Are we going to visit Tiffany or not?” Yunho feels annoyed with the other boy’s attitude.

“Everyone will be bothered looking at your face Jung!!” Jaejoong is still stubborn as ever.

Yunho on the other hand just rolls his eyes and looks away after taking a glance at the annoyed Jaejoong, “Listen, this is definitely required for us to enter Hwang mansion. Just listen to me and everything will be alright. Let me tell you clearly, this definitely not my habit or interest to dress up like this but we have to” he explains calmly.

Jaejoong keeps silent, listening to Yunho, “Okay, I don’t mind it already. But why are you keep looking away from me?” he asks Yunho curiously.



If I look at you now I will turn into stone! T_T

You really look like Jaejin!!



“Hey you two what are you doing there? Who are—”

The girl from the window above stop calling the other two girls (?) who are standing outside her house. She feels like she knew who the girls are.

“Yah!! What’s with the dress up?!! Gyahaha *cough* hahaha *cough cough* ha.. ha.. *cough*” she can’t laugh freely because of the cold but she cannot stop laughing looking athe beautiful Jaejoong and the weird looking girl Yunho.

“Are we dressing up just to make her cold worse?” Jaejoong hisses to Yunho.

“No!” he hisses back and looks up, “Tiffany are you fine?” she asks the girl who still trying to hold back her laughter.

“I’m fi—”









The two boys suddenly jump to the left and right, squealing loudly like girls while avoiding the man who suddenly come attacking them with sharp pencils. It feels like they are avoiding the arrows shot at them

“Who are you?!! Are you trying to flirt with Tiffany?!! I’ll kill you!!!” the man suddenly jump to the poor boys girls while pointing razor to the both of them.

Yunho, who is lying helplessly on the terace with face facing the floor is almost fainting from the attack, while Jaejoong just sit on the floor with mouth and eyes wide open and face paler than before, he is totally shocked with the appearance of the man.

“Daddy!! Wait a minute!! Can’t you see they are girls?!!” Tiffany shouts from her window looking at her daddy attacking her friends.

“Eh? Really?” the middle aged man look at the victims scattered on the floor again confusedly. He definitely can hear boy’s voice from inside the house just now, but it turns out Tiffany’s visitors are girls.

“Oh, yeah it is girls” he says awkwardly, “But I think I heard boy’s voice just now” he mumbles to himself.



Jaejoong crawls closer to help Yunho to sit and help him to adjust his dress. His hands still shaking from the shock.

“He is Tiffany noona’s daddy? I thought he is her brother. He looks really young” Jaejoong whispers to Yunho when they finally can stand up.

“He is Hwang Hyukjae, Tiffany’s father. His daughter is very precious for him and he will never let any man lay a hand on his daughter. So over protective. And for your information, he is 38 years old already” Yunho explains. Tries hard to look calm while adjusting his pony.

Yunho really had bad memories with Mr. Hwang and his daughter complex syndrom. He swear he will never visit Tiffany’s house anymore but he has to do it today since the girl is sick. When they are still child, Mr. Hwang was like ‘I will never let you take away Miyoung (Tiffany) from me!! You should have to go through me first!!’ and those horrible images haunting him even until now.

“The last time I come to play here was when we are at 4 grade in elementary school. I was groaning and crying as he used a metal ruler to hit me all over my body” Yunho shuddered remembering the hurtful memory.

“So that’s why we have to dress up like girls?” Jaejoong asks with unbelievable stare. Totally frightened.



“Oh, I’m sorry girls I don’t know. You are Miyoung’s friends, right?” Mr. Hwang bows to the girls and they bow back politely.

“Ah yes…. I am Yunhee and this is Jaejin…” Yunho speaks with the voice as girly as possible to convince the crazy father. But on the other hand, it amazes Jaejoong how can he be so girly and it sends shiver to the younger boy’s spine.

“Since you are Yunhee, I think I should be Jaehee….” He whispers to Yunho’s ear earning death glare from the taller boy.

“Ah ne, just call her Jaejin” Yunho insist on naming Jaejoong with Jaejin.

Three of them bows respectfully to each other but something caught Mr. Hwang’s attention.




The girls (?) gulp their saliva nervously. Mr. Hwang’s eyes could be really sharp and he is definitely know how to torture a person. It is not a good sign.

“You…. The brown haired girl, it seems like I have seen you before….” Yunho gulps his lump bitterly. Brown hair, it is him. Jaejoong has black hair.

Mr. Hwang walks closer to the nervous boy with suspicious stare. Jaejoong took few steps avoiding Yunho. He feels like betrayer already, but the best thing to do now is avoiding Mr. Hwang’s wrath.

“Looking closer, you’re quite muscular and familiar”




Am I busted already?!!



“Huh?” he pretends not to hear Mr. Hwang’s statement about his muscle.

“Could it be.. Could it be.. Could it be..” he leans closer and closer to Yunho and Yunho wishes he got something to write his last will before he dies in Mr. Hwang’s hand.




All of sudden Mr. Hwang’s body is being dragged avoiding the poor boy. Yunho cannot more grateful than this. He really thinks he will die young in the hand of Mr. Hwang.

“Sonsaengnim! Why did you slip off to somewhere else, huh?!! We need help here! The deadline is tomorrow!” suddenly a man around 30 appears from behind of Mr. Hwang, dragging him to the ofice by force

“Ah! No, I was just only worried about Miyoung!” he tries to say while his body is being dragged to their room to continue the sketch.

“Don’t run away from the truth! Don’t make excuses! Quikly finish your draft for the next episode manga!”

“I’m not running away from the truth!!”

“Ppalli!! We have to hand it tomorrow morning!!”

“No…. Ah! Sorry Miyoung~ah….!! Daddy cannot protect you….!! T_T ”


And just by that the scary father was being dragged leaving the two boys standing dumbfounded in front of the main door. They are not even inside yet but the incident had been this hectic. They can’t imagine if they are caught inside the house. They just keep looking at the poor sonsaengnim till they are disappeared behin the door in the last coridor.

Jaejoong is still watching the door with many expression appeared on his pretty face. Confused, scared, frightened, and reliefed at the same time.


“That was….?” He asks nervously to Yunho who is doing the same thing like him. Staring at the closed door in the end of the corridor.

“He is Hwang Hyukjae or the one who we know with Eunhyuk. He is the famous manga artist” Yunho adjust his dress and picks the cookies bag from the floor not far from them.

“Kajja Joongie~ah~~~” Yunho calls the other boy with his cute voice and Jaejoong just stand there dumbfounded. He is still cannot registering the fact that the weird girl in front of him now is Yunho.




“Thanks for coming.. *cough* Sorry my daddy did that again Yunho~ah… *cough*” Tiffany says while sitting on her bad, looks pale than usual, “But, talking about this…. Yunho you…. Hahahha *cough* hahahahha *cough cough*” Tiffany really can’t stand it. Looking at Yunho’s face with make-up is really funny. He puts everything right, even the colour of the blush on and lipstick match him really well. She wonder where did he learn all of it.

“Yah! Enough! Stop laughing already, you will cough badly.” He scolds the girl who’s still laughing while coughing on the bed. Tiffany covers her face with her hand to hide her laughter.

“Actually after going through your father, I intended to strip off this girl clothes immediately” he tugs on the clothes, feeling uncomfortable.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute Yunho~yah! I rarely get such opportunity to see you dressed up like this. How about wearing lipgloss too? Yunhee….” Tiffany takes her strawberry lipgloss and offers it to Yunho with her famous smiling eyes.

“BASTARD!! I am also not really willing to use make up like this!!” Yunho lost his patient and feeling embarrassed. He just yells loudly at Tiffany using his original voice.



“I just heard a man’s voice!!”


Suddenly Tiffany’s room door being opened harshly by his daddy again who comes with scary face after hearing a man yells in his home.


“Ah!! I really love cosmetics!!! ~~♥♥♥♥♥ ”

Yunho acts fact by squealing cutely and make the most adorable aegyo he ever has to deceive Mr. Hwang.

Tiffany giggles madly seeing her best friend in girly mode and batting his eyelashes beautifully like an expert. She tries hard to hide her laughter because Yunho looks really really weird at that time. But on the other hand, the other girly boy just sit there dumbfounded with his big doe eyes widenend in shock seeing his usually manly friend can act oh so cutely like a real girl.


“Sonsangnim!! You ran away again?!!” the calls of Mr. Hwang’s assistant save their life.

“No! No it’s not like this…. Miyoung she is—” he can’t investigate the mysterious man’s voice in his home anymore since his assistant drags him mercilessly back to their office again.


Yunho and Jaejoong heaved a really long relief sigh after they cannot hear Tiffany’s daddy again.

“Huft…. Oh, so how is your cold?” Yunho asks casually while trying to undress himself from the girly clothes.

“Ah, you took it off. No fun~~” Tiffany whines and pout. But all she could get is the murderous glare from both guys.

“Ehehehehe…. I’m fine. It’s just that I caught small cold from last night” she finally answers with stupid grin.

“Ah, I didn’t serve you guys teas. Please wait for a while” he tried to stand up but fail and cough again.

“Yah!! No need to serve tea! You just lie down and rest!” Yunho catches her and scolds her stubbornness.

“I am fine Yun, I’m—” she can’t finish her sentence and cough again.

“Yah Tiffany!” Yunho force her to sit on her bed again, “Look, your forehead is burning! The cold you catch that serious?” he took his palm on the girl’s forehead.

“It’s nothing serious!” Tiffany is still stubborn.

“Your face really looks pale. Did you even eat something? Looks like there is no one really taking care of you” Yunho lies her down on the bed again.

“I didn’t have energy left to cook myself something….” She smiles sweetly and Yunho just shook his head in disbelieve.

“Where’s your mom?”

“You know she is a manga artist too. She is having her meeting today”




All the time, Jaejoong is just watching them taking care of each other. Watching Yunho touching Tiffany’s forehead, lies her down on the bed, caressing her hair and another affectionate gestures. Suddenly he feels like he is no one there and his presence is not needed. He just want to run away from the room but he is the one who insist to see Tiffany. Even Yunho didn’t want to go at the first place.

“I know your cold is that bad! You….” Yunho sighs, “Your personality has never change at all. Don’t try to hide your suffering! If you are not feeling well then say it!”

“…………….” Jaejoong doesn’t know why it hurt seeing at them.



Maybe because I love Tiffany noona?


Is it….??



He is not sure himself anymore.


“I will take care of you, lend me your kitchen, I will make something for you to eat” Yunho releases Tiffany’s shoulders and lay her down back, “Jaejoongie!”




He calls me?




“Let’s cook together” Yunho gives him his best smile and Jaejoong feels warm inside. Yunho didn’t ignore him this whole time. He smiles too, even just a small smile.


They walk together to the kitchen and slowed down their pace when they are passing Mr. Hwang’s office. They don’t need the third encounter with him, especially when they are now not in disguise.



“Hey, since she is sick, let’s make porridge! ^^” Yunho suggest happily but then he frown, “Ah, but she also needs some vitamins” he looks like he’s thinking hard.

“You know how to prepare the ingredients?” Jaejoong asks from behind. He is really clueless with kitchen thingy.

“Uhm, I just have to prepare basic ingredients” he says while folding his sleeves.

“You sure knows how to cook” Jaejoong says sadly, feeling defeated.

“Ah, not that good. Well, my mother is really clumsy in cooking. To avoid danger, I always help her in the kitchen to cook. Little by little I learn how to cook from the receipt book she always bought” he smiles and pats Jaejoong head lovingly, “I’m not really that impressive in cooking….”






Duk duk duk duk



Their heart stop beating upon hearing the sound of someone walk

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finally I updated it... huft.. enjoy!!


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OMG! OMG! OMG! I LOVE NG LIFE! I HOPE IT'LL BE MUCH BETTER FOR YUNJAE VERSION! I WISH FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER IN THE END, (i don't really like the manga's ending, yet i love the plot) i hope you'll continue this one (feelin excited)
Gothiclolita89 #2
Chapter 9: thats great.
our greatest heenim became jj hyung XD ups noona since jj was boy now.
poor yh being bullied by heenim
Kattan69 #3
Chapter 9: Poor Jae going to save him? Why is he suffering alone?
Chapter 9: Aaa finally you ipdate this srory xD
Finally sumirunaaa I miss yoooouu please make yunho suffered moooooorreee lols
Now I just wait for reina and curious who will be her in here ><
Thanks for the update!!!
Chapter 9: yay an update and omo i really miss this story, Yun is such a cutie and hwaa knew it HeeChul is from his past and waah its Jae's sister in their past life aigoo poor Yun.... wonder what'll happen next curious much anyways thank you so much for the update and me, i miss this story so much im so happy when i saw an update ^-^
aishinki #6
Chapter 8: Woaaaahhh
I imagine How cute joongie in woman's clothes making yunho drooling nonstop hihihiihiiiiiiii
Chapter 8: Finally you update it hehe...
What? Who is he? Is he sumiruna(?) >< cant wait it, and i wonder who's the one to take role with sumi xD
Hope jae aware abt his feelings towards yun. Huhu im sad when yun trying to make miyoung and joongie near.

Wow, u know what?! I liiike ur edited lols yun looks so cute and pweetttyyy lols. OTL
Chapter 8: yay an update, been waiting for it, love love it....omo Jae's feeling something for Yun and he's just confused, can't wait for the next update, please update it soon ^-^

about the girly YunHo it looks fine but still manly hahahaa XD
aishinki #9
Chapter 7: Continue pls..
aishinki #10
Chapter 7: Author-shii
This story is cute~