
[Jeka's POV]

"Hello?"  I said over the phone.

"Jeka?  Is that you?  OMG.  Thanks for answering."  he said and I frowned.

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Jiyong.  I'm sorry if I left you last night and you are injured.  I just had a personal issue.  I am really sorry Jeka, are you okay?"

, it's him.  He's calling me!  Omo!  I can feel my cheeks burn and I looked at Fatima, I turn on the mute option on my phone.

"Fatima, it's Jiyong!  He contacted me!  I'm just wondering where did he get my number."  I said and Fatima just smiled at me.

"Are you still there?  Are you mad?"  Jiyong suddenly spoke through the phone and I turn off the mute.

"A~ ah, I'm still here Ji."  I said and I smiled evilly.

"Oh, okay.  Are you okay now Jeka?"  he asked me. 


An idea came to my mind.  I plan to make Jiyong feel that I'm disappointed and I want to know how he will respond to it.

"I'm okay Ji, I actually just struggled walking out of the restaurant because of my sprained foot.  It nearly took me an hour to walk to the cab lane.  Even getting inside the cab is a hard thing to do.  I am also alone at the house when I went home so I treated my sprained foot myself, which is not an easy task.  But you don't need to worry I am fine."  I chuckled quietly.  I heard him sigh.

"I'll just go to my room."  Fatima winked at me and left the living room.

"Aish, I'm really sorry Jeka, I'm such a jerk and an leaving you last night, damn it!"  he groaned and I laughed a bit.

"I am fine Jiyong, it's just I was a bit disappointed about what happened but I'm fine."  I turn on the mute and laughed at myself.

"I know, I am a god damn jerk.  Will you forgive me?"  he said and I chuckled more.  I didn't respond or say anything.

"Okay, I know that it's not easy to forgive me after what I've done, but, I'll make it up to you if you want.  I mean, I am really sorry Je~"  I interrupted him with a loud laugh.

"Jiyong-ssi!  Why so serious?  I'm okay, I'm just playing with you.  I got you right there haven't I?"  I said and I can hear him sigh loudly.

"You are unbelievable.  Unbelievable Jeka.  I am so nervous.  Glad that you're not really mad at me."  he said.

"I'm really not, trust me.  By the way, how did you get my number?  I can't remember giving it to you last night."

"Oh, Youngbae gave it to me, he said that Fatima gave it to him when they spoke over the phone earlier today."  he said and I gasped.

"Really?"  I said. 




"I wonder why she did that."

"Maybe she can sense that I needed it,"  he laughed and I smiled.  There's been an awkward silence and I really wanted to ask him about last night, why he called me Dara.



"About last night, ahm, I remember you..calling me.. ahm..~"

"Dara?"  he interrupted me.



"I know that you are going to ask that, I would like to explain myself about it.  I know that I've just met you for about a day, but I know that I can trust you with this."  Jiyong said that made Jeka more curious and concerned.

"Oh, actually, you're not really obliged to tell me about what happened, if something has happened, I mean, it's a personal~"

"As I have told you, I am OK with it.  I am comfortable with you and I know too well that I can trust you."  he interrupted her and Jeka stood up from her seat, biting her lower lip, trying to hide the anticipation of knowing what is with Jiyong and Dara that seems personal and intimate.

"Thanks Jiyong for trusting me, but, if you find it uncomfortable, you may stop, ahm, so.. would you like to tell it now?''

"Hmm, it will be much better to share it personally.  We can meet somewhere if you want, I will make up with you for what I did last night.  Please say yes Jeka."  he pleaded and Jeka's lips curved into a smile.

"Ahm, I'll think about it,"  she said and Jiyong's face fell a bit.

"Please?"  he begged and Jeka chuckled.

"Okay!"  she said and Jiyong cheered.

"Alright, thank you Jeka.  So, where can I meet you?  Would you like me to pick you up?  What is your address?  Is fine din~"

"Ji, wait,"  she interrupted her and she laughed.  "Relax, okay?  Don't need to pick me up.  Let's meet at the tea house.  That will be easier.  Arasseo?"  she giggled and Jiyong smiled.

"Alright Jeka, see you there, thank you again.  I will assure you that you will enjoy this day."


[Jiyong's POV]


I'm correct.  That's Dara noona's car.  I am really sure that it's hers.  She even asked me to accompany her in buying that car.  I inched closer and peeked through the windows, but obviously it's heavily tinted so I cannot see anything inside but I believe no one is inside.  I looked around and stopped.

One very familiar figure was caught by my eye.  Even though her face is covered by a scarf and a beanie, I can still recognize her.  She is clinging on a guy's arm, whom I've never ever seen before.  They are smiling and they are obviously happy.  I noticed that they are approaching the car so I immediately went back to my car and hid there.  I peeked through the roof of my car and I caught them kissing passionately.  I immediately lowered myself down and I can feel tears in my eyes.

"Damn it Sandara!"  I cursed a little too loud but I don't really care if they heard me or not.  Knowing what will be the answer to my question I stood up and peeked through the roof and I've noticed that the car is slowly pulling out of the park so I immediately went inside my car and slowly followed them.

I continued following them and I hope they will not notice that someone is following them.  I noticed that they are taking a very familiar road.  The road to Dara's house.

I parked my car two blocks away from her house.  The guy jumped out of the driver's seat and he helped her went out of the passenger's seat.  Once again, their lips met and the guy went away, hailing the cab that passed by.  Once the cab passed by my car, I started the engine and made my way towards Dara's house.  She's about to open the door when she looked back because of my constant horn honking.  I can see her eyes widened upon recognizing that it's my car that is in front of her.

I went out of the car slowly with a light head.  I looked at her and she's looking away but she just stood in front of the door.

"What do you want Jiyong?"  she screamed and I laughed sarcastically.

"You're really asking me that?"  I muttered as I managed to get out of the car completely.


"I just saw everything.  Your friends just told me everything noona!"  I said as I walk towards her.  She shook her head before looking at me.

"Is he the reason why you are leaving me?  Who is he?  Is he much better?  Why are you doing this to me all of a sudden noona?"  I screamed and she glared at me.

"I already broke up with you earlier Ji, our relationship is over.  It's all over, I'm stopping it right now."  she said and I hissed.

"When did you start dating him?  While we are still together?  Huh Sandara?  You cheated on me, you ing cheated on me!"  I screamed as I kicked one of the pots on the staircase.

"Okay, I admit that I cheated on you.  But, I just can't find a way to tell it to you.  I mean, you're really nice and I loved you at first, but, it seems not enough for me Ji, I am really sorry."  she said and she's about to leave when I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.

"Noona, please don't leave me, I will forgive you, I will forget everything, just go back to me, I will be much better, I will do everything noona please!  Don't do this to me baby girl."  I held her hand and I kneeled in front of her bowing my head.

"Jiyong-ssi, stand up, I don't deserve you, I am a sinner, I cheated on you.  Find someone better than me, who will love you, but that's not me.  Jiyong please."  she said in a hoarse voice and I looked at her.  She's crying.

"You really don't want to leave me, do you?  Is the guy black-mailing you?  Is he using something against you that's why you are forced to be with him?  Dara, you can tell me anything.  Tell me if you have a problem,  tell me,"  I said as I looked at her teary eyes.

"No Jiyong, he's not black-mailing me.  I love him.  I love him so much that I was forced to cheat on you.  I'm happy with him Ji.  I hope you will be happy too.  I just can't let this continue knowing that I am hurting you more.  You will always be my favorite dongsaeng."  she said and I shouted hard which made her jump a bit.

"Jiyong, you're scaring me."  she said as I grabbed her arm.

"I don't ing care noona, tell me the reason why you chose him over me.  Is he richer?  More handsome or hotter than me?  Or, is he better in bed?"  I whispered at her ear and she pushed me away.

A loud sound of slap from her hand to my cheek, the cracking of her heels towards the tiled floor, and the loud bang on the door echoed through the calmness and silence of the night.



I sat there, mouth agape and eyes wide open.  Jiyong wiped a few tears that escaped his eyes while telling the entire story of their sad break up.

"Are you okay there?"  Jiyong chuckled a bit and I looked at him.

"Ye~yeah, I was just... wow."  I said as I drank my tea.  We just met about two hours ago and Jiyong just finished sharing his traumatic experience with Sandara.

"I know, I was really hurt by that time, and to be quite honest, I'm still hurting and in the process of moving on, but I just realized that it's not easy as it may seem."  he said as he took a bite from his sandwich.  I just looked at him and sighed a bit knowing that he experienced a lot during the past few months.

"But, you're really good in keeping them when you are on stage and when the camera is on."  I said and he smiled.

"I know, I need to.  The relationship is really a secret, it was not revealed outside YG."

"What did you do after that day?"

"I continued texting her and giving her a call but she already changed her number.  She never show her face to me ever since."

"A lot of awards night involved the YG Family during the past few months, you had a few variety shows as well and we haven't noticed any tension between the two of you, oh well, you really need to be professional during work."

"Yeah, that's true."  he said as he finished eating his sandwich.

"I~ I never thought that Daragon is real."  I muttered.  Jiyong tilted his head in confusion.


"Ahm,  Dara from Sandara plus Gon from G-Dragon, DARAGON."  I explained and Jiyong smiled.

"Wow, Daragon. Nice one."  he said as he gulped his orange juice.  I coughed nervously and looked down.

"By the way, I have a question for you."  he said and I looked up at him.

"Go on,"

"Hmm, how old are you Jeka?"  he said and I smiled.

"Would you like to take a guess Ji?"

"Hmm, 20?"  he said and I laughed.  He looked at me with confusion masked on his face.

"Why are you laughing eh?"  he said and I stopped.

"I'm already 26.  I am your noona."  I said and his jaw dropped.

"What?  Are you serious?"

"Yeah, do I look like I'm joking?"  I grinned and he blink his eyes a few times.

"OH, Jeka noona.. You don't really look 26."

"Really?  Actually I already know that."  I smiled and he laughed.  There has been silence then he's just staring at me.

"Hmm, can I ask you something?"  I said.

"Carry on,"  he smiled.

"Why did you tell me this?  I mean, it's kinda personal and you barely know me.  I am a fan, aren't you afraid that I might spill this and broadcast it to the world?"  I asked and he just looked at me.

"To be quite honest Jeka, I don't know as well why I'm telling you this.  I just have a strong feeling that you are good and you will not harm me."  he smiled and I almost fell off my chair because on how cute he is.

"You know what, I really think that you are special to me, and you can help me a lot."  he said and my eyes widened.  Jiyong is saying this to me?

"Wh~ what are you talking about Jiyong-ssi?"

"Noona, I think, I like you."







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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 27: Aww I feel so bad for jiyong. I hope Dara's plan backfires. It ashame that she can't let him move on, he was really happy with jeka.
Chapter 25: Wow, you have Dara being so very wicked here. I'm pausing here to say this before reading the next chapter. Just wow. This is such a soap opera right now. I can't wait to see what happens next. I am sad for Ji though and I hope that he and Jeka will be able to work things out and I hope Dara gets burned. Thanks for updating. Happy Writing - Lori
Chapter 23: Alright, you're giving us the little bitty bites, but I will take it and try to be happy that there is a new chapter. I'm really worried for Ji now and I hope he will make the best choice for his heart.
Chapter 22: Okay, it is May of 2015, can I expect a conclusion to the story by December of 2015? Or at least another chapter? Come on, give me something. I need an UPDATE!
Chapter 22: You ARE BACK!!! :D :D :D
Welcome back... don't stress much about work...just do what you have, we're here :)
Chapter 21: Okay, where are you? why haven't you updated? huh? what did Dara see? of course we all hope it was Bae and Fatima, right? So now we just need for her to get her bubble busted by finding out that Ji has moved on...he has moved on right? Come on, update soon.
Chapter 21: In your face Dara! Hahaha.

Thanks for the update
Chapter 19: I started reading yesterday & ended today, though I might get late for work, but this is a good one. you didn't keep your promise though. Update soon please! =)
Chapter 19: What happens neeeeeeeeeeext???!??!??!