@lorime, that's taken from the MV BEAUTIFUL HANGOVER. :)))

@mivlashun, kyah!!  I know that it's late but HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :))) MORE BLESSINGS to come!!!





[Fatima's POV]

Finally, mom is asleep.  It's already 3am, I am lying here in the sofa, but it seems like sleepiness doesn't want to visit me.  I sat up quickly, grabbed my phone, before lying again.  How about checking my twitter eh?  I haven't checked it for a while now.

I browsed Twitter and I have noticed that I have one new DM.  I checked it and, OH!

I literally gasped and I am quite worried that my mom will be awake, I'm glad she didn't.  I sighed and began reading the message.  I smiled.  I immediately copied the number and saved it on my phone.  I tried to reply to the message but as always, I'm already unfollowed.

I stood up and walk towards the terrace of the hospital room.  Am I going to call him now?  I think it's already late, hmm.  I breathed in and breathed out, aish.  Why is this so hard?

I shook my head and decided to call him now.  I dialled the number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?"  he answered.  I bit my lower lip to hide my excitement.  Why did he answer the phone so fast?  Is he waiting?  Aigoo, what am I going to say?

"Hello, anybody there?  Yoboseyo?"  he said again.  I tried to open my mouth but words don't come out.  Damn!

"If you are not going to speak I'm going to drop the ca~"

"Wait,~"  I finally said and I closed my eyes in frustration.  I heard him chuckle on the other line.  Gosh, did he recognize that it's me?

"Fatima?  Is that you?"  it is enough to answer my question.

"Ne, it's me.  I'm sorry about leaving you earlier."

"That's fine, ahm, if I may ask?  What happened?  You really look troubled earlier and I am worried.  If you just want to share, I mean~"

"It's my mom, she's here in the hospital, she fainted but she's okay now and I thank God for that.  Thanks for the concern oppa, I'm sorry again if I walked out."

"No, no need to say sorry, I'm glad that she's okay now,"  he responded and there's been an awkward silence.  The silence is like back in the province and you are in the middle of nowhere and crickets are croaking loudly, that's it.  I heard him cough a bit and I did the same.

"You know what, I fetched Jiyong from the bar earlier?  He is dead drunk.  But he's okay now and he's sleeping soundly."  he said.

"Really?  Actually he left my eonni earlier,"  I said.

"Yeah, sorry about that, he's not really well this past few days."  he is not well?  I wonder why, now I can't wait to see Jeka unnie to tell me what happened between her and Jiyong.

"Ahm, are you busy or something?  Or sleepy?"  he asked me when I didn't respond.

"Ah~ no, I'm not sleepy, and I'm not busy as well."  I responded and I let out a small laugh.

"How about tomorrow?  Or should I say, later?"  OH.  He's asking me out again.  OMG.  Hmm, but my mom is still sick.  I may need to look after her first.

"Hmm, I may need to take care of my mom for today, and I have work on Monday."  I answered and I heard him letting out a sigh.

"Oh, okay, I see, ahm, hmm.. Will it be okay to meet you after work on Monday?"  he said and I sat down and bit my lower lip, I can feel myself blush and luckily he's not seeing me.

"Y~yeah,  I'm okay with it."  I said.

"Perfect, ahm, wait, hmm, so, Monday, right?  What time do we meet?  Am I going to pick you up?"  I said and I chuckled a bit.

"No need oppa, let's just meet somewhere.  It's not necessary to pick me up.  I'll be out at 5PM at work."

"Are you sure?  I mean, I'm okay with and I'll be happy to do it for you.  Please?"  he said and I crossed my legs.

"Hmm..."  I answered and I don't know if I'm going to agree with it but I can't help but feel happy since he is willing to do that for me.

"Please Fatima?"  he said in a soft voice and I'm freaking damn close to fainting now.  Thank goodness I'm sitting on a chair.

"O~okay, ah, yeah, okay."  I stuttered and I pressed my lips together to stop myself from giggling.

"Alright then, hmm.. Please don't think that I'm a stalker but I already know where you work, so I'll just pick you up there then?"  he said and I gasped lightly, making sure that he won't hear it.

"Y~yeah oppa."  I manage to say without stuttering but damn!  He knows where I work.

"Hmm, I've actually known that because of your Twitter account, I've seen the information there."  he clarified and I snapped.  Yeah yeah, I put in my work details there, yeah, now I know.

"I see,"  I said.

"So, I'll pick you up at 5PM at Julien Road, okay?"

"Ne oppa,"

"See you there, looking forward to it."  he said and I blushed again.

"Me too, I'll see you on Monday oppa."  I whispered.

"Thanks Fatima, have a good night, or Good morning.  Sleep well."  he chuckled and I did the same.

"Good morning too oppa, bye."  I said and I hang up the phone.

OMO, how can I sleep?  How to sleep??  What is sleep??  Aish.


[10AM, same day]

[Jeka's POV]

"Aunt Fe!  Are you feeling much better now?"  I asked worriedly as I approach them by the door.  Fatima is following her behind.

"I'm OK Jeka, they said that I just needed to rest."  she said as I help her walk towards the living room.

"Aish, I've heard that you've cleaned Aunt Gloria and Amy's house eh?  They have a helper why did you do that?"

"Because I have nothing to do, and I've had enough of those Jeka, Fatima already scolded me last night."  she said and we chuckled.

"Okay Auntie, have you eaten?  I've prepared breakfast."

"Not yet, glad that you cooked unnie."  Fatima spoke as we walk towards the dining room.  Aunt Fe is now walking before us and Fatima whispered something in my ear.

"I have a lot of things to tell you."  she said and I giggled.

"Me too, let's talk later."  I said and we followed Aunt Fe at the dining room.


"So!  Fatima!  Tell me the details."  I said as we slouched on the couch.  Aunt Fe is now sleeping and resting silently at her room.

"Hmm, what do you want me to tell?"

"Duh, of course EVERYTHING!!"  I said and we chuckled.

"Hmm.. Okay.  So, when you left and go to the dance floor, I was left alone obviously, but there are guys who are trying to hit on me and I am suffocated with the smoke, so I decided to look for you or to get some fresh air outside.  Then when I left the table, a guy is trying to make me go with him, to the point that he's dragging me out of the bar."

"OMO!  Really?  Such erts.  Then what happened?"

"Then, someone punched him on the face and dragged me out of the bar."  she said smiling and giggling.

"OMG!!  So it's Youngbae who saved you??"  I asked her and she nodded in delight.

"AAAAHH~!!!!"  I squealed and she tapped my thighs.

"Unnie, my mom is sleeping."  she said and I chuckled.

"Sorry.  Great!  Okay, so where are you when Amy called in?"

"Hmm, we are at the cab and we are trying to go to their hotel~"

"To the hotel? Right away?  Isn't it too fast?  Omo!"  I interrupted her and she glared at me.

"Yah!  We are going there to eat unnie, to eat food."  she said and I laughed.

"Why so serious Fatima, okay then, so that's the time that you left him right?  Too bad you haven't exchanged numbers."  I said and she put on a sheepish smile.

"There is something that you are not telling me, why are you smiling like that?"  I said and she sighed.

"He sent another message to me via Twitter, he put in his number there, then.. I called him."  she said and my eyes widened.

"Chincha?  Aigoo, so what have you talked about then?"  she said, excitement filling my voice.

"Hmm, I'm going to meet him tomorrow after work, he will pick me up from work."  she said and I hugged her.

"Finally!!  OMG Fatima, Youngbae is asking you out for a date, this time no one should interrupt or cut it off."  I said and she released from the hug.

"Unnie, do you think he likes me?"

"Harajuku!  What the?  Why do you need to ask that?  Isn't it obvious?"

"Hmm, unnie, what if he's just friendly, and we are just on a friendly date tomorrow?"  she said and I slapped her thighs.

"Yah!  Why are you thinking that way?  I am really positive that he likes you, and you know that."  I said and she sighed a bit.

"If ever he will say that he likes me, will it work for the both of us?  You think?"

"Why not?"  I answered back and she let out a loud sigh.

"He will definitely go back to Korea after a few weeks.  He will be far from me.  He might see someone better."

"Yah, Youngbae waited for this day to come.  Can you imagine that?  If he had found someone better, he should've done it two years ago.  But he didn't, he looked for you, do you think distance matters to him?"  I said and she didn't say anything.

When I am about to say something again to make her realize that Youngbae likes her, my phone suddenly rang.

Unknown number??


[Jiyong's POV]


I stretched my arms and I groaned in pain.  , my head throbs.  I sat up slowly and I hold my head.  Argh, what have I done last night?  The last thing I remember is that I went back to the bar to drink again, after that nothing.  I remember leaving Jeka at the restaurant alone.  !  She's injured last night and I left her alone?  Stupid Jiyong!!

I stood up from the bed and when I'm about to go to the bathroom, Youngbae come out.

"Oh!  You're awake.  You okay?"  he said and I sat down on the bed again.

"What happened last night?  How did I manage to go home?  I can't remember."  I said as I hold on to my head and Youngbae chuckled.

"Of course you cannot."  he said as he sat down on the sofa near the television.

"What happened Bae?"  I asked as I stood up and walk my way towards him.

"I don't know what you've done inside the bar, you texted me to say that you need help.  When I go there, I've seen you lying on your back at the car park.  You are dead drunk and you are crying.  I guess the bouncers have thrown you away."  he said and I tilted my head in confusion.

"I did that?"  I asked and he nodded.

"You said that you think you cannot move on.  You can't seem to forget about her.  That's what you have said last night."  he said and I face palm myself.

"I~  I didn't know.  Aish!"  I groaned in frustration and Youngbae tapped my back.

"That's okay, but you need to be careful.  Glad no one recognized you that time or else we will be in big trouble."

"I'm sorry Bae, I didn't mean to do that.  I have done something more embarrassing, I left Jeka at the restaurant and she's injured!"

"What happened back there?  I mean, before you go to the bar again?"

"We are having a great time together, however, she reminds me of Dara.  I don't know they don't really look like each other but their voice and gestures are quite similar.  I accidentally called her Dara whilst we're talking."

"Aish!!  Why did you do that Ji?"

"I don't know, it just slipped from my tongue.  Then that's the time that I went back to the bar and I bet I lose myself."  I said as I hold on to my head again and tug on my hair once.

"Ji, do not drink from now on okay?"  he said and I nodded.

"Bae, do you think I need to contact Jeka again?  She is nice and I like her, I want to apologize because of what I did, but she reminds me of Dara so much.  I am really confused right now."  I said and Bae faced me.

"You're just thinking about Dara that's why you are thinking that she resembles her.  Try to know Jeka without thinking about Dara.  It will help, wash off all the things about her and memories with her, and think about Jeka only.  NO one else."  he said and I blinked my eyes a few times.

"Do you think I can do that?"

"Man, that's just a girl!  I know you can do it.  You need to do it too, it's for your own good."

"But, do you think I'm just using Jeka to forget about Dara?"

"It may sound like that but let's put it on a different way, that you are trying to know more about Jeka.  Actually Ji, it just depends on what you think and how you want it to be."  he said and I stood up to do some stretching.

"Wait, Ji, I have something for you."  he said as he took out his phone.

"What is it,?''  I asked him while trying to peek on his phone.

"Here,"  he said and he showed me the screen on his phone.

"Woah!  Thank you man!!"





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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 27: Aww I feel so bad for jiyong. I hope Dara's plan backfires. It ashame that she can't let him move on, he was really happy with jeka.
Chapter 25: Wow, you have Dara being so very wicked here. I'm pausing here to say this before reading the next chapter. Just wow. This is such a soap opera right now. I can't wait to see what happens next. I am sad for Ji though and I hope that he and Jeka will be able to work things out and I hope Dara gets burned. Thanks for updating. Happy Writing - Lori
Chapter 23: Alright, you're giving us the little bitty bites, but I will take it and try to be happy that there is a new chapter. I'm really worried for Ji now and I hope he will make the best choice for his heart.
Chapter 22: Okay, it is May of 2015, can I expect a conclusion to the story by December of 2015? Or at least another chapter? Come on, give me something. I need an UPDATE!
Chapter 22: You ARE BACK!!! :D :D :D
Welcome back... don't stress much about work...just do what you have, we're here :)
Chapter 21: Okay, where are you? why haven't you updated? huh? what did Dara see? of course we all hope it was Bae and Fatima, right? So now we just need for her to get her bubble busted by finding out that Ji has moved on...he has moved on right? Come on, update soon.
Chapter 21: In your face Dara! Hahaha.

Thanks for the update
Chapter 19: I started reading yesterday & ended today, though I might get late for work, but this is a good one. you didn't keep your promise though. Update soon please! =)
Chapter 19: What happens neeeeeeeeeeext???!??!??!