


I am bored as hell.  Youngbae just left since he has a date with Fatima.  I am here, all alone and I don't know what to do.

Out of nowhere, my phone rang and a message came through from Youngbae.

From:  Teydaddy

"Jeka noona says sorry she cannot go out with you because she's busy and she needs to study.  Try next time dude!  :p"

"AISH!!!"  I growled and ran may hands through my face before laying back on the bed.  I am extremely bored and I need to go out!  I wanna go out with Jeka noona!  I want to see her.  I want to be with her.

My eyes widened.  Did I just say that?

Yeah, I just did.  Okay, I should not deny the fact that I like her.  I really like her.  Not as great as what I felt for Dara noona but hey, we just met.  I want to know her better.

Being the stubborn leader that I am, I grabbed my phone and composed a message for her.

To:  My new noona

"Noona, Jiyong-ie here.  Let's have dinner tonight.  I have nothing to do.  Please?"

I hit the send button.  I stood up from the bed holding my phone and patiently waiting for her response.


Yah!  She's not replying to any of my messages.  I already sent about ten messages or more?  I decided to call her instead.  I dialled her number.

"The number you dialled is unaccessible~"

"Yaahh!!!"  I shouted through the pillows.  Aigoo!  I desperately wanted to see her.  I don't think I can sleep or rest without seeing or being with her.  I checked the clock, it's 6:00PM.  I need to know where she lives.

I opened my laptop and went to the City of London University website.  I tried to go through the courses and students..  Aish!  I don't have her full name!!

I closed my laptop since there's no use in searching if I don't know her full name.  How can I know where she lives?  I don't know where to start and where to go as well.  I checked my phone and I got another message from Bae.

I smirked upon reading the message.  It has Jeka and Fatima's full address.  I went straight to the bathroom to wash up.  I dressed like a pro and ran out of the hotel.  I hailed a cab and told the driver to take me to their address.

After about an hour ride, I am now in front of their house.  I am smiling from ear to ear as I remove my sunglasses to take a full view of the house.  It's not that big but it's cute.  I went up the stairs and search for a doorbell.  I almost break my neck in search for a doorbell but I really cannot see anything.  I noticed that there is a small hole where in you can take a peek inside the house.  I took a peek and it's dark inside.  I just decided to knock.

*knock knock knock knock*

I knocked loudly not caring if I wake her up or disturb her study sessions.

"Who's there?"  I heard her say and I giggled.  I move away from the hole so that she will not see who's outside.  I knocked on the door again and this time I looked through the hole.



I move away from the door once I recognized who is the person knocking.


"Noona!  It's me Jiyong-ie!  Can I come in?"  he said and I hold on to my head.  How the hell?  How did he get here?

"What are you doing here Jiyong-ssi?"

"I want to see you noona!  I am bored at the hotel."  he said and I closed my eyes.

"I told Youngbae that I cannot meet you today because I need to study."  I said and I heard him chuckle.

"You don't really plan to let me in noona?  It's cold here.  I don't want to get sick."  he said and I believe he has a smug look on his face.  I moaned in frustration and opened the door.  Jiyong swiftly went inside the house.

"Woah, this is big."  he said with a childish look on his face.  I can't help but blush.

"Jiyong, I am really sorry, as much as I want to go out with you I really need to study for my exams tomorrow.  I'll make it up to you next time if I'm not busy."  I told him as we walk towards the living room.  Jiyong is still smiling as settled himself at the long couch.

"Jiyong, are you even listening to me?"  I shouted and he looked at me with an innocent look on his face.

"Ne?"  he answered and I sighed loudly.

"Have you heard what I said?"

"Yes noona.  We will not go out, I will help you study."  he showed his sheepish smile and I can't help but smile.

"I am OK Ji, no need to help me study.  You better go home now, it's getting late."  I said and I can see his face fell and followed by pout.  OMG, I can die now.  He's just too damn cute.  Why is he doing this to me?  I turn around so that he will not see me blush.

"You're already studying at school, why are you still studying at home noona?"  he said and I let out a laugh.  I just can't help it.  He's been acting such an innocent kid and I find it really cute.  I face him with a smile on my face as I sit down beside him.

"Jiyong-ie!  Why are you asking me that?  Of course, there are exams so I need to study at home as well, take note, my course is not easy."  I said and he just looked at me.

"I will just watch you study."  he smirked.  Kwon Ji Yong-ssi, do you think I can focus if you're going to watch me study???

"You will be more bored."

"That's fine, I enjoy looking at you."  he winked and I blushed madly.  Damn it Jiyong!  Stop being so cute and hot at the same time.

"Noona, stop studying, you are already smart, I know that, I will pray so that you will pass your exam tomorrow, just, just be with me."  his face turned serious and the tone changed to a manlier one too.  I looked at him and he went beside me, our bodies and faces inches apart.  I coughed nervously and I stood up from my seat.

"OK OK OK.  I will not study and I'll be with you.  Happy?"



I smiled wickedly as I heard what she said.  I never fail to make someone agree to what I want using my charm and charisma.  I looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Noona, I'm hungry."  I pouted and she looked away biting her lower lip.

"I have pesto there at the table, we can share it."  she smiled and I nodded.  She led me towards the dining room and I saw the plate of pesto.  I grinnned then I saw her getting a fork from the kitchen sink.

"This is not enough for me."  I said pointing on the plate of pesto.  I smirked upon seeing her face fell.

"Ji, I know what you want, you want to go out, I can't, Fatima's mom is upstairs, I can't leave her alone."  she said and I frowned.  Too bad.

"Aww.  I didn't know."  I said as she sat down beside me and handed me the fork.

"If you want you can finish 'em.  I've eaten enough."  she smiled at me oh so sweetly.  My heart skipped a beat and I smiled back.

"Thank you noona."  I said as I began eating the pasta.

"What do you want to drink?"  she offered as she stood up.

"Hmm, water will do."  I said and when she's about to open the refrigerator door,  I asked her.

"How about some beer noona?"  I raised my eyebrows and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hmm.. I think we still have, here you go."  she said as she grabbed one icy cold beer from the fridge.

"Gomawo noona."  I smiled and she opened the can and handed it over to me.  She sat on the other side of the table facing me.

"You're not going to drink?"  I asked and she shook her head.

"Why did you sit there?  Sit here beside me noona."  I said and she stood up and sat beside me.

"Say ah!"  I said and I gestured her to open .

"I'm already full Ji, you eat."  she hold my wrist.

"Ani, you eat too."  I pouted and brought the fork closer to .  She rolled her eyes before opening and eating the pasta.

"Good girl."  I smirked as I eat the rest of the food.



"Why do you want to see me?"  she asked and I looked at her.  Oh, my eyebrows furrowed as  I try to think of a reason why I want to see her.

"Hmm.. To be quite honest, I don't know as well why I want to see you."  I smiled cheekily and she pouted.

"What kind of answer is that Jiyong?"  she said and I let out a small laugh.

"I'm just being honest noona, I just want to see you and be with you, without reasons."

"Do you miss me?"  she joked.  I snapped.  Yeah!

"I think so yeah, I miss you.  I miss you Jeka noona."




My insides are beginning to twirl and butterflies are in marathon in my stomach.  He stared at me like he's going to bear holes on me.  I looked away because I am blushing madly.

"Noona, look at me."  he said with a husky, y, seductive voice.  OMG, why am I saying this.  I looked at him slowly and he has this heart-melting-jaw-dropping smirk on his face.

"Why a~are you loo~king at me like that?"  I manage to say.  Not long after, lifted my chin up and traced my jaw and chin using his fingers.

"Your voice is shaking noona, are you nervous?"  he said and I shook my head.

"Why will I be nervous?"  I said and he let out a chuckle.  He locked the strands of hair blocking my face behind my ear.

"I don't know.  Because of me?"  he said cockily.  I laughed and I slapped his shoulders.

"Just eat, you pabo."  I said and I tried to stand up but he grabbed my hand so I was forced to sit again.  My heart began thumping faster as he inched closer.  My breathing became uneasy as he began circling his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Ji, what are you~"  I was lost when he kissed my forehead, then down to my cheeks, to my left ear and he nibbled on my earlobe.  He trailed soft kisses on my jaw and brushing his lips on mine softly.

"Do you want me to kiss you noona?"  I cannot say anything.  I want him to kiss me of course but I am just too shy to tell.

"I will take your silence as a yes."  after saying that he began kissing me slowly.  I give in pretty quickly as I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer.  His lips tastes like heaven.  Soon he my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him to have a better access.

"Jeka?  Jeka is that you?  What are you doing?"







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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 27: Aww I feel so bad for jiyong. I hope Dara's plan backfires. It ashame that she can't let him move on, he was really happy with jeka.
Chapter 25: Wow, you have Dara being so very wicked here. I'm pausing here to say this before reading the next chapter. Just wow. This is such a soap opera right now. I can't wait to see what happens next. I am sad for Ji though and I hope that he and Jeka will be able to work things out and I hope Dara gets burned. Thanks for updating. Happy Writing - Lori
Chapter 23: Alright, you're giving us the little bitty bites, but I will take it and try to be happy that there is a new chapter. I'm really worried for Ji now and I hope he will make the best choice for his heart.
Chapter 22: Okay, it is May of 2015, can I expect a conclusion to the story by December of 2015? Or at least another chapter? Come on, give me something. I need an UPDATE!
Chapter 22: You ARE BACK!!! :D :D :D
Welcome back... don't stress much about work...just do what you have, we're here :)
Chapter 21: Okay, where are you? why haven't you updated? huh? what did Dara see? of course we all hope it was Bae and Fatima, right? So now we just need for her to get her bubble busted by finding out that Ji has moved on...he has moved on right? Come on, update soon.
Chapter 21: In your face Dara! Hahaha.

Thanks for the update
Chapter 19: I started reading yesterday & ended today, though I might get late for work, but this is a good one. you didn't keep your promise though. Update soon please! =)
Chapter 19: What happens neeeeeeeeeeext???!??!??!