Chapter 4

Unwanted Silence

I was sitting on the couch, still in my pj’s, which consisted of a blue t-shirt and gray sweats. My hair was still a mess, and I was eating a bowl of cereal while watching TV. Since it was Sunday and I finished all of my homework yesterday I had nothing to do, so I figured I would just laze around for a bit. After a while I decided that I should do something with myself though. So I finished my cereal and put my bowl in the sink before heading to take a shower. My shower didn’t take long and soon I was standing in front of the mirror, wiping the steam away to see my face.

            You really need to find some friends Kim Kibum. You can’t keep lazing around the house on the weekends. You haven’t even had your first kiss because you’re too busy locking yourself away in your room. I scolded myself before letting out a sigh and leaving the bathroom, towel wrapped around my waist. As I was walking to my room I decided to take a detour and head to the kitchen first for a bottle of water. When I entered the kitchen I saw Soohyun putting together what looked like a tray of snacks. He didn’t notice me enter so I called out his name, something that I only did rarely since I didn’t trust my voice. Once I had his attention he smiled at me and I asked him what the snacks were for.

            “Your friend is here. You didn’t see him on the couch?” he asked me as he finished up the tray. I shook my head and followed him out into the living room figuring that it was Taemin, only to become shocked seeing Jonghyun sitting there on my couch. My eyes went wide as I looked from him to the towel that was around my waist. I quickly ran into my room to get dressed.

            I can’t believe he’s here and he saw me ! Well not fully , but what is he doing here anyway? Did he text me? I thought to myself as I picked up my phone looking for any missed texts, but there was nothing.  So he just showed up out of the blue? Wait, I need to put on clothes! I can’t just leave him sitting out there forever and who knows what my cousin is telling him.

            So I quickly proceeded to put on my clothes. It took me a while to decide on what I wanted to wear, but I soon settled for a pair of comfortable blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I fixed my hair so that I could look somewhat presentable; even though I already embarrassed myself, before leaving my room, notebook in my hand. As I came to the living room I saw Soohyun and Jonghyun sitting on the couch talking. I lightly knocked on the wall closest to me before fully entering the room.

            “I’m leaving soon. Inguk and I have a date, so you and Jonghyun have fun and don’t eat too much junk,” Soohyun signed to me. I simply waved him off and he ruffled my hair before walking off to his room to get ready. I really hated when he did that, especially after spending time to make it look somewhat decent. I quickly patted my stray hairs back down on my head before sitting next to Jonghyun and giving him a smile. He noticed the notebook in my hand and put his hand out, asking me to hand it to him. As soon as I handed it over he opened up to a clean page and started to quickly scribble something down. He was writing for a while that I became curious and tried to peak, but he hid the message from my sight. It wasn’t long though before he was finished and handing the book back to me. I looked down at it and saw a lot of scratched out words but was still able to understand what he was saying.

            ‘I’m sorry for cancelling on you yesterday Kibum-ah. I really wanted to come, but my parents stuck me with Minseok last minute and then I had band practice. And my band practice tends to go late sometimes. So yea…’ That was the end of his note and I smiled to myself before writing my own.

            ‘It’s fine. I mean you’re here now. You could’ve let me know that you were coming though, so you wouldn’t have had to see me half .’ I passed the notebook back to him and he was soon writing back.

            ‘Well I wanted to surprise you.’

            ‘What if I wasn’t home though?’

            He seemed to think for a minute before writing again and I figured that I had proven my point on why he should have let me known first. I took the notebook from his hand when he was done and after reading what he wrote I slightly glared at him.

            ‘Well you were, so it all worked out in the end. Plus, it wasn’t a big deal that I saw you half , even though you sort of have a body like a girls’. Minus the s and all.’

            He simply smiled and laughed as I glared so I took the notebook and started hitting him with it. Not real hard, but hard enough to let him know I didn’t appreciate his ‘joke.’ He put his hand up to stop the hitting and snatched the book from my hand.

            “I don’t look like a girl!” I angrily signed at him, before remembering that he doesn’t understand sign language. He took my wrist in his hand which caused me to stop everything as I realized that somehow I had ended up straddling Jonghyun. Jonghyun let go of my wrist and took my face in both of his hands before mouthing, really slowly, ‘I’m sorry.’

            I nodded my head and slowly got off of his lap to sit back down on the couch. When I did I saw that my cousin was standing there watching us with a smile on his face.

            “What?” I signed to him and he shook his head.

            “Nothing, just don’t have on the couch ok?”

            My eyes went wide before I started to angrily sign “We weren’t going to! We’re not even dating and we’re both straight and…” Soohyun put his hand up to stop my ranting.

            “I know, I know. I’m leaving now though, so you two be good,” he then opened his mouth and started speaking to Jonghyun. I tried to catch what he was saying, but he was purposely speaking to fast and hiding his mouth slightly so that I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Once he left I picked up the notebook quickly to ask Jonghyun what Soohyun has said to him, he read it before handing the notebook back to me.

            ‘Nothing. He told me that he’ll be back in a couple of hours and to have fun. What did he say to you?’ he asked and I already knew I wasn’t going to tell him what he actually said.

            ‘Same, he told me the same thing,’ I wrote but as he read it I could tell that he probably didn’t believe I was telling him the whole truth.

            ‘Ok, so what do you want to do?’ he asked as he handed it back to me and I was glad that he didn’t ask me if I was lying or not. Soohyun always said I wasn’t a good liar; that I always tend to blink less when I’m lying, good thing Jonghyun didn’t know that though. Now I had to decide on something for us to do and the only thought coming to my mind was watching a movie, so that’s what I suggested.

            ‘We can watch a movie on my laptop.’

            ‘I’m fine with that,’ he wrote and then I stood up and led him to my bedroom. When we were inside my bedroom I remembered that I only had the one chair to my desk and I figured he wouldn’t be too comfortable sitting in that during the whole movie. So I opened up the notebook and wrote:

            ‘It might be better if I bring my computer out there and we watch the movie. So you won’t be uncomfortable,’ he took the notebook from me writing,

            ‘How would I be uncomfortable on your bed?’And that’s when I realized I was an idiot. Of course we could both just sit up on my bed and watch the movie. It’s not like either of us are a girl or was going to try and hit on the other one. So I gestured for him to sit before walking over to my desk and getting my laptop. I brought the computer over to the bed and saw that he had already made himself comfortable, so I sat right next to him before opening up the notepad on my computer.

            ‘You can pick the movie if you want.’ I typed and handed him the computer.

            ‘Are you sure? Is there nothing you want to see?’

            ‘It doesn’t really matter. My cousin pays for this subscription every month and tells me to use it whenever. So since you’re my guest you get to pick, nothing scary though. I don’t really like scary movies.’

            ‘Ok then.’ He typed and showed me his message before searching for a movie he wanted to watch.  It didn’t take him long to pick one and he ended up choosing a comedy that I had already seen, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

            We started watching the movie, typing little things back and forth as the movie progressed before I felt my eyes starting to droop. I didn’t fall asleep during movies often, but for some reason I was just really tired today. I figured that I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Jonghyun was slowly trying to lay me on the bed.

            I quickly noticed that I was lying on his shoulder and moved myself away. I looked around for a piece of paper or something to write on so that I could apologize, but Jonghyun had a small smile on his face as he handed me my laptop. I looked at it and saw that he wrote a note on it.

            ‘Sorry for waking you, I was trying not to. I have to go though. My parents want me to come home and watch my brother.’ After finishing reading his message I nodded my head. He stood from my bed and I got up to follow him and walk him to the door.  

            ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ he mouthed slow enough so I could understand and I nodded my head again giving him another smile. I waved goodbye to him as he walked away before closing the door and heading back inside; only to be scared when Soohyun jumped out of nowhere in front of me.

            “Hyung! Don’t do that, you scared me!” I signed, but he had a huge smile on his face and I soon found out why when he said,

            “My Kibummie has a boyfriend now. You’re all grown up,” he said as he faked a tear. My eyes went wide as I lightly hit him.

            “He’s not my boyfriend! We’re just friends!”

            “Oh come on, you don’t have to lie to your hyung. I saw you sleeping in his lap when I came to check on you two.”

            “I wasn’t sleeping on his lap; I fell asleep on his shoulder.”

            “No, that’s how you woke up. I came in to help relieve him of having you sleep, but he told me to let you sleep a little longer. So I sat you up on his shoulder, since he said he was losing feeling in his legs.”

            After Soohyun hyung said that I felt my face becoming red. I couldn’t believe that not only did I fall asleep during the movie, but I fell asleep in Jonghyun’s lap on top of that. That’s probably why he wanted to leave so quickly, he felt awkward around me and I wouldn’t blame him. I had to apologize to him as soon as possible tomorrow!

            Inguk hyung soon came over to where Soohyun and I were and he only had to look between us for a second to realize that Soohyun was bothering me.

            “Soohyun, stop teasing Kibum,” Inguk signed and from then on they started speaking, signing very little so I had almost no clue what they were talking about. I decided that was my chance to leave, but right as I was about to walk away Inguk took my hand to stop me. I guess their discussion ended faster than I thought it would.

            “Soohyun said he’ll stop teasing you, but I’m happy that you were able to find someone that you like. As long as he treats you well, Soohyun and I approve of him being your boyfriend.”

            I literally face palmed myself as he walked away to join Soohyun, wherever he went. I couldn’t believe they actually thought I was dating Jonghyun, not everyone was gay like them. Not saying it’s a problem or anything, but it seems like they automatically assume that I like guys or something. Do I give off a gay vibe? I bet Jonghyun will find it funny tomorrow when I tell him. Him and I dating; yea that’s really funny.  Plus it would never happen, even if I did want it to. I thought to myself as I walked into my room to avoid my idiot cousin and his boyfriend for the rest of the night. 

I'm sorry it took so long to update this! I have so many fanfics and I'm slacking big time! I hope this chapter wasn't too horrible though!!


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Chapter 13: Omfg i wasn't expecting this turn of events
Chapter 13: awww, poor kibummie, I just hope Jonghyun is the understanding type...
Chapter 13: Oohhhh, what a terrible first time! :( Now he won't want to try again! Hope the Uncles are understanding, and I really hope Jonghyun turns out to be a good guy!
hiflyer_87 #5
Chapter 12: Interesting suggestion Jjong...."run away" hmmmm I can sense where this may go :D
geondarza #6
Hello, my name is Gen, I wanted to ask your permission to translate this story into Spanish. Really is great but not all know English ... and I would like more to know this fic, always respecting the credits. I wait your answer and thanks for reading
Chapter 12: I love this so much I'm cryingㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Hehehe. I missed your story a lot though. Seriously.
Chapter 12: I feel like I've waited for this for so long! Wow....I was all for Jonghyun but after being so forceful and moving so I'm not so sure! Still think Woohyun isn't playing fair (guessing he was turned down by Jonghyun at one point, or just jealous??) I am suspecting though that his cousins and Jonghyun are planning on surprising him with implants (due to your hints....). Please let Jonghyun shape up and be a gentlemen! Fighting!
LFA9871 #9
Wow so jonghyun is abusive towards Key.....damn
PLEASE tell me you have not abandoned this story. Because it's a masterpiece and I'll die if I don't know what happens next ㅜㅜ