My Saviour

I Just Can't Let You Go

Soyou's POV

I was in the bathroom by myself to clean myself up. I could hear Jongdae and his friends out there discussing things, but I couldn't hear them well to know what they were talking about. 

As I looked in the mirror I saw someone there, she looked so pathetic and broken. Her hair was messy and all cut up, her eyes were red from her crying, her make up was smudged and her entire body was covered in different colored splotches of dye, and she smelled heavily of eggs. But there was something on the outside that defined her attire... her broken heart. 

Her heart was shattered into a million pieces, stepped on, thrown at, and humiliated. 

I watched as the girl's memories began to flood my mind from the beginning.

The girl's brother was her parent's favorite, they adored him day and night, showered him with love, despite her being the youngest, her brother was loved more. No matter what she did, her parents never acknowledged it. She was smarter, she had higher grades, more talent, and when she achieved so much, her parents never turned their heads. If her brother got a hundred they'd be celebrating as if they'd just won the lottery. She had to suffer their neglect and ignorance towards everything.

Despite being a top student, there were perks but there were also disadvantages. First of all, she was often called nerd, and often times she was also bullied and made fun of. But the thing that kept her going was to get her parents' acknowledgment. She didn't care if she had little to no friends, all she wanted was her parents to say something to her, that wasn't just insults. Se wanted encouragement, she wanted them to smile because of her, not because of her older brother. But of course, that never happened.

When the girl finally graduated high school she took the first train out of there and into a university, she wanted to leave that cursed house, she never contacted her parents, and her parents never contacted her. I watched as she finally began to smile, she fell in love, and now here she was, staring right back at me...

I clutch onto the sink's rim tightly and then began to wash my face. I couldn't bear to look at the girl in the mirror's face. 

I could feel her broken heartedness, the pain and suffering she went through. I didn't want to see her anymore. It was horrifying.

"Why?! Why?! Why?!" I begged collapsing onto my kneesms, "Why? Why?" tears began to stream from my eyes as I continued to ask myself why. Why me? Why me of all people? I didn't do anything to deserve any of this torture, the torture of heartbreak, the torture of being ignored, the torture of .


Jongdae's POV


"Damn it..." I hissed out. Anger was boiling in my blood and I just couldn't seem to stand still, I wanted to punch something. No. I wanted to punch someone. More specifically that , that bastard, that sick, twisted and heartless shell that once held a human. How could anyone bear to watch something like that and laugh?

"!" I punched the locker, leaving a slight dent, but I didn't really give a at that point. I wanted to kill that.. that.. that Kris. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and turned to see, my best friends Luhan and Xiumin bot with sympathetic looks on their faces. 

They both knew. They both knew I loved her. She was practically one of the only things able to make me feel so many emotions at once, happy, sad, angry, she was practically my weakness. She was my angel. But she had her eyes set on someone else, and she had to suffer greatly because of it. 

Any guy would have been lucky to have her, and yet he was right there, watching and laughing as she took all those humiliating blows from those es... They cut her hair... They may have not injured her enough or at all to get her in trouble, but they killed her on the inside, especially him.

I took out my phone and selected my inbox programme and it opened up a bunch of text messages, the most recent one just poured more fuel into my already blazing fire of anger;

From unknown number:




Right below the text was a video of the two of us during the park with subtitles saying, "OMG SHE'S A . SHE'S CHEATING ON KRIS." 

I knew this text was sent to almost every single student and was also forwarded to others. I even remember a few more sending them to me. When I asked Xiumin and Luhan if they received texts too, they agreed and they also received multiple texts. Except to Soyou. 

She had absolutely no idea. I tried to call her, but she never picked up. They didn't say what time it would have happened so I had to keep a look out for whatever could happen, but I didn't think that it'd be during a lecture of mine. I received numerous numbers of texts from Luhan and Xiumin about what was going down, and the moment lecture ended I just sprinted out of there.

By the time I arrived most of the people had already left and I was too late. I searched the entire grounds for her, until I found her crying. It broke my heart to see her like that. All because of that damn bastard.

"At least you found her..." I could hear the sympathy in Luhan's voice. 

"Yeah man. Its not your fault, its Kris and his es' faults." Xiumin sounded slightly irritated from what I can hear and I turn to them, the anger beginning to simmer down cause of my friends.

I glance behind Xiumin and Luhan to see Soyou standing there and I carefully remove Luhan's hand from my shoulder and walk over to her, giving her an embrace, "Are you okay now?" I knew she wasn't. But I couldn't think of anything else to say.  I could tell that shehad been crying and this is all I could really give her right now.

Soyou's POV

I stand up, after a good sob and then walk out of the bathroom. The first thing my eyes land on is Jongdae who was facing the locker, he turned back at me and I flinched. I watched in a daze as he approached me and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Are you okay now?" he asked.

"Y-yeah..." I replied. I didn't want him to see me this way. But I felt so safe in his arms. I felt so warm, something I never felt with Kris. Jongdae's saved the day once more for me. He somehow just makes me feel so happy inside, and I felt as if all the negativity had been pushed away from my body and has been replaced with peace, all because of him. 

"Thank you." I pushed him away, much to my dismay, but I wanted to show him I was fine now.

"Thank you for what?" he raised an eyebrow a playful smirk forming on his thin lips.

"Thank you. For finding me before it could have gotten any worse." I reply smugly, I touch the ends of my hair and sigh, "Aigoo..."

"Oh!" I turn back to the unfamiliar voice of thee baby-faced friend, "A friend I know of owns a salon. I'm sure he'd loved to fix that hair of yours!" he said enthusiastically, taking my hair with the tips of his fingers, "Just evening it out would be fine, is that okay?"

My heart broke quite a bit, I really loved my long hair. It was one of the favorite things about me that I didn't have much issues with, and now that it was short I felt a small piece of my sort of mended heart break off again.

"I-I guess so." I replied with a sigh. He just smiled and took my hand, I turned to see Jongdae sighing and a flash of jealousy running through his face before rolling his eyes.

"Let's go." he groans. The bun-cheeked friend wraps an arm around Jongdae's shoulder.

"Don't worry man. I'm sure Baekhyun's got something up his sleeve to help her out." he says, patting his shoulder.


"Oh! And by the way. I'm Luhan and the baozi over there is Minseok, or Xiumin as we like to call him." he motions over to the cute bun-cheeked friend who was rambling on about something and Jongdae just keeping an amused smile on his face,  "We also call Jongdae, Chen. Seeing as how we all met each other back in China. I guess we're all just used to calling each other our Chinese names." he says with a smile and we begin walking to the salon.



Okay. So I'm gone for a week and I'm sorry for giving you guys this awful filler chapter! More will be coming up soon and again I AM SOO SORRY >_< 

Also, guess who's going to watch EXO, INFINITE, U-KISS, and GG LIVE!! MEEEE :DDD I'll be telling more soon in my next chapter. SO right now... BYE

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Shadie_mami #1
Chapter 1: God bless you for being such a talented writer!
Chapter 21: Aww.. this is sad.. there's still a lot I need to know~ I really enjoyed reading this, even if it's not updated frequently. But I got no right to stop you coz youre the author haha, anyways, I look forward to your future stories :)
Chapter 21: that was so short~ but am i the only one who is hoping that soyou will meet kris & date each other again? XD lol~
tiffany97 #4
Chapter 21: kris and soyou please
Chapter 21: ouhhhh~ then,let Kris have a serious talk with Soyou? l0l
don't end it s quickly~
Chapter 21: nono no! don't end this story :( Im expecting for more chaps. Its okay chingu. take your time! We can wait. This is one of my favourite ff so far :( 화이팅!

btw, seems like dasom and chen are close friends?
Chapter 20: Suho's.... Cameo was funny. Hahahaha! Jongdae outrunning him.
And that Kris basshard should just be thrown into a pool of cockroaches(prepared by Jongdae of course), then people will take pictures of him squirming/squealing/suffering to humiliate him! That would be like the most humane way to get back at him. No violence at all.

And.. how does Jongdae knows Dasom? Through Baekhyun too?
Chapter 19: ohh kris..give them a break please~ xD
Firstly, I'm glad you continued this story! (I'm not a new reader btw><)
Secondly, I love how close Chen and Soyou are already. But I hope they start dating soon...
And at first I thought this is just focused on Soyu but when I saw the rest of SISTAR appearing, I was so happy!!! And Bacon's their common friend! *throws confetti*
But what's up with Kris? How dare he pull Jongdae into this? That basshard! Perhaps Soyou can go kick his or something and teach him another lesson:P
Really looking forward to the next chapter author-nim!!!:)