Soyou's New Friends

I Just Can't Let You Go

Soyou's POV

My return to that damned college was evident. Although I loved my course here and despite the fact that the projects, thesises and all those things college students do are pretty difficult (besides getting drunk at clubs) life seemed pretty normal you could say. Although a lot of people are avoiding me and I may get shoved or pushed over by a few people every once in a while, Jongdae helps make it all go away at the end of the day.

I knw what  you guys may be thinking. 'Oh my god! Their finally dating?' Well, you and three other friends of mine (*coughcoughBaekhyuLuhanXiumincoughcough*) are going to be very disappointed when I say that. No we are not dating. Why can't anyone understand the fact that we're just really good friends that just shared a kiss with each other. No big deal right? I mean all opposite friends do that. Yeah.... I definitely hope they do...


Finally lunch and I sit down at my usual spot where I meet up with Jongdae, although sometimes Luhan and Xiumin tag along. I don't know what's up with those two, but they're almost like conjoined twins. Inseperable.

I see the usual, handsome troll face running towards me. I could tell, despite the distance, that he had a two containers, our lunch. I waved my hand for him to run faster and he then began to sprint. I was a bit worried that he might fall since the terrain of the college was quite uneven. I move over to let him sit next to me, and he's panting like a wild dog back from a run.

"An egg sandwich for you..." he hands me my container, "And another one for me." He continues with a smile, we both open our containers and begin chowing down.

"So..." I begin, "What's the thing with Luhan and Xiumin?" Hey. If I want answers, I gotta start asking questions don't I?

"What do you mean what's the thing between  them?" Jongdae looks over at me, replying while chewing in between.

"I mean. Those guys are practically inseperable. Is something going on...?"

Jongdae laughs, "No no no. Those guys ain't gay."

"Then if they're not dating...?"

"They're like soul brothers or something.  If I remember correctly... Xiumin and his family moved to China for a few years, so obviously the guy didn't really know a lot of Chinese. But with Luhan's interest in K-Pop and all that. He's been learning Korean, prior to Xiumin's moving. They both went to the same middle school and three years passed and they spent almost every single day they could together. Still can't separate the guys till now." he explained, "I met them in middle school about a year after they met. At least that's what they told me." he nods. 

He stays dazed for a moment, probably thinking about their fond memories together with the two of them, "Then Xiumin and I had to return to Korea. Luhan wanted to come along, so we brought him with us. And we went though high school together where we met Baekhyun and a few other friends. I'll definitely introduce them to you later. But right now," he smirks and my first intuition was to run away since a smirk with Jongdae meant something.

But my expectations of something bad were shot down and all he does is give me an arm over my shoulder, causing me to move closer towards him, "I'd like yout to enjoy my company first~" I shrug his arm off and return to eating.

"Go eat your own damn sandwich cause I sure as hell ain't giving you any of mine." I say in between my chews.

He whines, "Damn it... I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

"Too bad cause I did." I swallow and stick my tongue out to taunt him, he begins fake crying and I just leave him there to his fake crying.

"Oh boohoo. You're in college Jongdae. You shouldn't be crying over a sandwich."

"But I'm still hungry~" he pouts.

"Then go buy yourself another sandwich!" I exclaim.

"But I has no more money..."


"But it's trueeee~"

"Then how are you getting home?"


I chuckle, then I start laughing out loud. He starts with the chuckle and soon we're both laughing our asses off.

"Hey hey hey." I hear someone coming towards us and see Luhan and Xiumin coming over, "Why all the laughter? I hate laughter..." he says with a frown, but quickly smiles, "Unless I'm the one to cause it~"

Jongdae and I look at him, then at each other, and we return to the laughing. Luhan's getting a bit annoyed by the fact that we're laughing and not letting him in on the fun.

"Yaaaah!" he says

Xiumin puts his hand on his shoulder,"Just let the love birds enjoy their time together before class Lu. Just let them enjoy." he nods.

Jongdae and I instantly stop laughing, "We're not lovebirds!" we both say simontaneously. I glance over at him and he seemed to have the same idea and we both look at Xiumin and Luhan. They both start laughing and Jongdae goes off to attack them, while I just sit here and watch.


An hour later, my class hasn't started and strangely enough I see three really hot and y girls come in through the door to my class (no I'm not lesbian). All the guys in the back start going hysterical while all the girls are off to make fake rumours. I just sit there and stay silent, I look down at my sketchbook and begin doodling. It was a good thing Jongdae returned it to me after finding it or else I might have gone insane. Although it was a bit beaten up, it didn't matter as long as I still had the thing with me. I smiled, and notice shuffling and gasping from the people behind us. 

I turn over to see the three hot girls surrounding me. One in front, another one on my left and another one on my right.

"Dasom." the one in the front starts. 

"Bora." the one to my right continues.

"Hyorin." the one in the front speaks.

"We've heard a lot about you Soyou. And we'd like you to hang out with us." the one named Hyorin speaks. She has very dark skin, something I've never really seen in a Korean, and her voice sounds all raspy, almost as if she has sore throat or something. But despite those things, she has one of the iest and curviest bodies I've ever seen. I mean, she has a hell of a tiny waist and her s and are just like... Humongous. 

y I gotta say. 

I'm not lesbian.

"W-wait. How did you find out-"

"Your name?" Bora interrupts me and I'm starting to get scared. Are these girls witches or something?

"Well," Dasom starts, "we've heard a lot about you prior to coming here since a friend of ours attends this college and it just so happens that I'm taking the same course as you. Which means, we're classmates." she says with a smile, exposing her perfect, pearly whites. To me, Dasom reminds me a lot of Snow White. Her raven, black hair, her beautiful and flawless pale skin. Her slim body. And her lips were such a beautfiul shade of red, and I don't exactly think that's lipstick.

"Then what are you-"

"We're here to our maknae here." this time Bora interrupts. Bora seems like the craziest so far, and body-wise she ain't no joke either. She looked as if she could just beat you up in a minute and less. Her outfit was something that stood out. Her sports jacket that stopped right above her belly button, her pants which just hung low on her hips, the hip hop hat or whatever you called that on her head. Her make up was pretty heavy, but you could still make out her beautiful features. 

Wait wait wait. That doesn't change the fact that these girls actually finished my sentences... What the hell is going on-

"Unnie!" Dasom whines.

"Take care of her okay? We don't want any guys prowling on her or anything like that." Hyorin finishes and her and Bora leave. Leaving Dasom with me.

She sits in the seat next to me and I'm just looking at her, dazed.

What the hell just happened?

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Shadie_mami #1
Chapter 1: God bless you for being such a talented writer!
Chapter 21: Aww.. this is sad.. there's still a lot I need to know~ I really enjoyed reading this, even if it's not updated frequently. But I got no right to stop you coz youre the author haha, anyways, I look forward to your future stories :)
Chapter 21: that was so short~ but am i the only one who is hoping that soyou will meet kris & date each other again? XD lol~
tiffany97 #4
Chapter 21: kris and soyou please
Chapter 21: ouhhhh~ then,let Kris have a serious talk with Soyou? l0l
don't end it s quickly~
Chapter 21: nono no! don't end this story :( Im expecting for more chaps. Its okay chingu. take your time! We can wait. This is one of my favourite ff so far :( 화이팅!

btw, seems like dasom and chen are close friends?
Chapter 20: Suho's.... Cameo was funny. Hahahaha! Jongdae outrunning him.
And that Kris basshard should just be thrown into a pool of cockroaches(prepared by Jongdae of course), then people will take pictures of him squirming/squealing/suffering to humiliate him! That would be like the most humane way to get back at him. No violence at all.

And.. how does Jongdae knows Dasom? Through Baekhyun too?
Chapter 19: ohh kris..give them a break please~ xD
Firstly, I'm glad you continued this story! (I'm not a new reader btw><)
Secondly, I love how close Chen and Soyou are already. But I hope they start dating soon...
And at first I thought this is just focused on Soyu but when I saw the rest of SISTAR appearing, I was so happy!!! And Bacon's their common friend! *throws confetti*
But what's up with Kris? How dare he pull Jongdae into this? That basshard! Perhaps Soyou can go kick his or something and teach him another lesson:P
Really looking forward to the next chapter author-nim!!!:)