Meeting A New Friend

I Just Can't Let You Go

Soyou POV

I was walking next to Luhan and listening to him rambling on and on about some funny things that happened back in China.

"And Chen was like, 'OH MY GOD! XIUMIN!'" he said with exaggeration trying to mimic Jongdae's face. 

"Heeey!" I felt Xiumin wrap an arm around me and another one around Luhan, "What's going on over here?" he asks a cheeky smile on his cute little face. I still can't help but be constantly reminded of a bun when I see his face. Then I remember Luhan and Jongdae's nickname for him, baozi was it? It was pretty cute and I caught myself a few times saying it.

"Just telling her about the time you almost blew up the microwave and probably the entire apartment." the cute baozi pouted and retracted his arm from my shoulder and caught Luhan in a neck hold and began to mess up his hair.

"Yah!!" he said, although I could tell he was trying to sound angry, it was over powered by his will to laugh. I smiled at all this. I've never had so much fun with people like them. It helped to almost take my mind off of the events that happened earlier in the day. Almost.

My smile slowly dissipated and I was just left staring at them longingly. I wonder how it would have been like if I didn't meet them, or Jongdae when Kris and his bastard friends humiliated me. I still couldn't help that broken piece of me there. But, somehow, they made it bearable to hold.

I feel another hand snake around my waist and I look up to see Jongdae with a goofy smile on my face, he then turns to me, "Sorry about them. Their idiots sometimes." 

I giggle, "Nah. It's fine. Takes my mind off of things." I turn back to them, it seemed that Luhan managed to get out of his hold and is now chasing after  Xiumin, although I think they're still heading the right way towards that, 'super special salon that my friend works at' as Luhan says. I smile at that thought again, Luhan and Xiumin are just the most adorable things ever. It's actually pretty hard to imagine them being older than me since it seems like their looks and mental age makes me look like some noona.

"You know. I still never understood as to why you went out with him." his smile seems to have disappeared and now he just kept a blank face, his eyes fixated on the walk.

"I-I don't really know either. I guess I was just desperate back then,  I mean. Leaving your stupid home and heading out to college, working your off in tons of part time jobs, and living alone is honestly not that fun, plus I wasn't really social so I guess I was just looking for someone to love, and he seemed perfect at the time." I reply my smile, completely gone, but my eyes still stay glued to the two over in front of us having a hell of a grand time.

They then stop and begin to take in deep breaths, Luhan's the first one to recover and looks back at us, "Guys! We're here!" he exclaims.

We both quicken our steps until we're in front of the salon, and my eyes literally widened, "My god... Is this?" 

"Yup! Byun Hair Salon. One of the best in Korea." Xiumin exclaims, "A friend of ours works here, his dad's actually the owner of the entire company." 

"O-omo..." that's all I could have really said at that moment until Luhan and Xiumin pulled me away from Jongdae and began to drag me in. When we entered the posh salon I felt myself tense up, the entire place was filled with expensive looking items and the clients were all dressed so nicely. I looked down at my dirtied up clothes then back at them, and I feel some heat pooling into my cheeks but it doesn't seem that the three care about what they wear.

"Guuuuyyyssss!" my eyes widen at the high pitched squeal, and I see another one of those beautiful people coming towards us. He had dark brown hair and his eyes, although slightly on the chinky side, he seemed to have one of the brightest I've ever seen, and plus he had large amounts of eyeliner on to open his eyes up, he also had a definitely well-built body, although not on the muscular side, he had a good body. He was in the staff's pants unform, but what set him apart was rather than his shirt being what the employees wore (a simple black tee with the salon's name over the heart), he wore a light blue collared shirt, it definitely set him apart from the rest. He had a large smile on his face as he ran towards Luhan and gave him a bear hug.

"Baekhyun~ What about me!" Xiumin pouted. Baekhyun now released Luhan and gave Xiumin another one of his bear hugs.

He turns towards me and I feel myself shying closer to Luhan, who was the closest to me during that time, "Who's this?" he asks, his face a few inches away from mine.

"Oh. This is a friend of ours. Soyou-ah, this is Baekhyun. The one we told you who's father runs this entire place." Luhan introduced, Baekhyun eyed me carefully from head to toe, and in all of my nervousness I just gave him a curt nod.

"What happened to her?" he asked, turning towards Jongdae.

"Kris." he answers bluntly, crossing his arms a frown on his face.

"Ohhhh." he sounds as if this wasn't the first time and just nods, "Well, don't worry Soyou-ah. I'll definitely make your hair as beautiful as it must have been before." he pats my back and drags me off to wherever and whatever he's going to do. 


Jongdae POV

I watch as Baekhyun goes off to fix up Soyou's currently messed up outfit, from head to toe. Well, maybe if Kris hadn't done anything to her maybe she wouldn't have been like this. I sit in the waiting area next to Luhan and Xiumin who are going on and on about something. As they do that, my mind begins to wander back to Kris.

Damn. I just wanna kill that bastard. That .. That... Well, I can't really think of anymore adjectives that would be considered appropriate, but that Kris is just the lowest of the low. I just can't wait to get my hands on him. I grit my teeth and I ball my hand into a fist. The two other guys seem to notice which is why they begin to poke my cheeks.

I sigh, as if trying to let all the tenseness in me out and just relax. I give them a small smile and they notice this too. I swear. These guys know me better than I know myself. 

"How long is Baekhyun going to take?" I ask.

"Dunno. But seeing the damage done to her hair I'd say it'd take a few hours or so, depending on how much Baekhyun's gonnna fix everything, I mean. That guy is seriously a fashion guru." Xiumin replies, while shaking his head, "He's picked out most of the things in my closet, and all the products I'm using." he then shrugs, "Its a strain on the wallet, but I don't mind that much."

I nod. Baekhyun's just like one of those fairy godmothers or genies in Disney movies, he always seems to know the right thing for the right person and just make them feel better. I remember meeting Baekhyun for the first time, he critiscized me on my clothes, back then I never wore much. Just some baggy jeans and a shirt, but I guess now I'm much more conscious, although I don't fuss over it, I still do my best to look good. 

"Aigoo.." Luhan sighs, "I hope we don't have to wait long. Kyungsoo's probably going to be waiting for me back at home."

I nod. Now, I don't really live in the dorms since I'm not really fond of the cramp places they usually offer, so me and a few friends decided to pool our money together to get an apartment close by. I'm currently living with about two other guys, one of them being Xiumin, and another one named Suho. Luhan lives with another three of my friends since he usually hates the messiness in our apartment, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are both of them, including another student named Lay.

All of us are pretty close, since I met Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Suho back in high school, Xiumin and Luhan over in China, including Lay, although he transferred over here before I did since he and Suho have this thing going on... 

I don't have anything against two of my friends being gay. To be honest I don't really mind it, I'm actually pretty happy. I mean, back then, Suho used to be extremely depressed, you couldn't believe it now, but back in high school he was pretty much the epitome of being a bully victim. It was sad that I had to move, I would have done anything I could to help him out but Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were there too so I tried not to worry as much. We all kept in touch through e-mails, and video chats almost every single day. I was quite surprised when I found out we would all be going to the same college. 

"Yeah.." I replied crossing my arms...


Soyou POV

Baekhyun escorted me over to the sinks or whatever the hell people called them and began to wash all the crap out of my hair. He snickered every once in a while before scrubbing my hair a little harder and then softening it again, "Soo... Are you and Jongdae?"

"N-no!" I exclaimed, "No.. He's just.. a really caring and close friend." 

"Mhmmm.." I see him nod from the corner of my eye sarcastically, "I believe you dear. But I don't think Jongdae thinks the same thing. I could tell..." 

"Tell what?" I asked. Baekhyun then began to wash the shampoo off of my hair.

"Well, he likes you obviously!" he cooes waving his hand in the hair like one of those stereotypical gay guys. But I found it to be quite funny and had to stifle back a laugh, but I also found myself to be blushing a bit at this. What was wrong with me?

"Nooo~" I replied rolling my eyes and scoffing, trying to sound like I didn't believe him. But there was the warm and happy feeling in me that I couldn't hold back.

"Trust me my dear. He likes you. He definitely does." he says and then begins to run the conditioner through my hair.

I turned even more pink in my cheeks and I had to slap it away.

When he finished with my hair he quickly escorted me to a seat somewhere close to the back where I was concealed from the front desk and the mirror was also covered by curtain, "What's all this?" I asked looking up to him as he began to check his tools.

"Oh. I just don't want you to see the whole process. I want you and the others to be surprised after I work my magic~"

I just nod and leave him to do his work. He cut, dried, my hair, and if I was correct I think he even dyed my hair a different color than its usually bleachy, orange look. 

When he was finished I was completely shocked by my transformation..

Was that really me?


Yeah! New update guys :DD Sorry I'm such a bad author by not updating that much. Buuut. I come back with news! So, like I said I went to a concert where I got to see EXO, Infinite, U-Kiss, SNSD, Tahiti, and Tasty. And it was awweeesooome.

But I had to say, I loved Exo's performance the most. They did a lot of fanservice during the concert, and they even spoke tagalog >_< Tao, Luhan, Kai, Sehun, and D.O passed by and waved towards me and my friend. So we were like AHHHHHH!!! It was just.. awesome. And Kris sorta trolled us filipino fans:

Kris: Hi everyone! My name is Kris and I'm from EXO (lol tbh I dunno why they have to say their from EXO. I mean.. We all know you guys are...)


Kris: The Filipinas is so hot! (Filipinas: can mean both our country or filipino women.)


Kris: I meant the weather guys...


Kris: Nah I'm just kidding guys. You're all hot! -off to next performance-

XDD So yeah. It was fun c: Subscribe, upvote, suggest, and comment if you like this chapter c: Sorry again ^^;



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Shadie_mami #1
Chapter 1: God bless you for being such a talented writer!
Chapter 21: Aww.. this is sad.. there's still a lot I need to know~ I really enjoyed reading this, even if it's not updated frequently. But I got no right to stop you coz youre the author haha, anyways, I look forward to your future stories :)
Chapter 21: that was so short~ but am i the only one who is hoping that soyou will meet kris & date each other again? XD lol~
tiffany97 #4
Chapter 21: kris and soyou please
Chapter 21: ouhhhh~ then,let Kris have a serious talk with Soyou? l0l
don't end it s quickly~
Chapter 21: nono no! don't end this story :( Im expecting for more chaps. Its okay chingu. take your time! We can wait. This is one of my favourite ff so far :( 화이팅!

btw, seems like dasom and chen are close friends?
Chapter 20: Suho's.... Cameo was funny. Hahahaha! Jongdae outrunning him.
And that Kris basshard should just be thrown into a pool of cockroaches(prepared by Jongdae of course), then people will take pictures of him squirming/squealing/suffering to humiliate him! That would be like the most humane way to get back at him. No violence at all.

And.. how does Jongdae knows Dasom? Through Baekhyun too?
Chapter 19: ohh kris..give them a break please~ xD
Firstly, I'm glad you continued this story! (I'm not a new reader btw><)
Secondly, I love how close Chen and Soyou are already. But I hope they start dating soon...
And at first I thought this is just focused on Soyu but when I saw the rest of SISTAR appearing, I was so happy!!! And Bacon's their common friend! *throws confetti*
But what's up with Kris? How dare he pull Jongdae into this? That basshard! Perhaps Soyou can go kick his or something and teach him another lesson:P
Really looking forward to the next chapter author-nim!!!:)