Oh My God...

I Just Can't Let You Go


"You !" I frown the moment I see that dragon's face and push him off of me, "What the hell man?!" 

"Look, this isn't the Soyou I know..." Oh. 

Oh my god. 

Is he seriously trying to play the "honey I'm sorry card" and coming back to me? Is this seriously what he is doing? "I broke it off with Hyuna so please.. Can we have this all behind us?" he sounds.. sad. And my heart.. It's starting to race now too. Oh god. No! Soyou, get a hold of yourself girl! He wants you to do this so he could get back with you! Damn that was so soon.. Something fishy is going on around here.... But then again, what if he did really break it off with Hyuna? I mean, she was a . NO! How the hell could I be considering a jackass like him?! No. No. No!!! 

I was in my thoughts for quite a few moments, and Kris takes a hold of my hand, "Babe... Come back to me?" his tone is... sad, and he sounds like he's practically begging at this point.

"I-I..." he looks at me with a smile and that Kris half-smile half-smirk came onto his face.... I smile, "I..." His eyes brighten and...


I give him a good ol' smack. "Like hell I'd get back together with you! Do you realize as to WHY you think this isn't the "real" Soyou!? Because you didn't ing know me. And now you know me as some y piece of meat you wanna put that hotdog of yours in. Well to damn bad cause I ain't falling for your twice!" 


"You really think I'm that ing stupid? Cause if you do, the you're so damn wrong. I know you haven't "broken it up" with Hyuna. I'm not falling for your same dragon trick twice you jackass!" words started spilling out of my mouth in anger. Did this man actually think I was such an idiot like that?! Did he REALLY? What kind of a man thinks that someone like me would fall for his tricks twice. No way in hell. Nuh uh. He can go back to ing his ty girlfriend (who's obviously cheating on him with Kai) in the damn public bathrooms!


Oh my God.... Soyou. Is awesome!

For a moment I actually thought she was going to get back and I was about to interfere until I heard a "smack" sound. Almost like in those comic books with the sound graphics? It was hilarious to watch her smack him. Well, then again, you could say that Soyou wsa a great actress for making us all fall for the 'I-I...' act. Words kept spilling out of like a waterfall and it was almost like watching a mother scolding her teenage son for sneaking out to go drinking with his friends. 

I could see Kris shrinking down, then Soyou sighs and rubs her temples then calmly explains something, then walks away, leaving the Kris shocked and daze.

"So what was that all about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, putting a smirk on my face. 

She groans, "I'm going home..." she explains.

"W-wae?!" I pout and follow her as she begins walking to wherever.

She doesn't answer and I just stay silent, judging by the sighs and groans she was probably really tired from the shouting. I noticed that she had quite the temper, and I don't really want the same treatment she had with Kris... Yeah. Definitely don't. I think I feel a few bruises from the smacks she's given me, definitely don't want another few, especially not from Soyou after "talking" (more like scolding) to Kris.

We reach her apartment and this is where it gets awkward. 


"Sorry about earlier..." I apologize, glancing at my surroundings, not really wanting to make eye contact after Chen's seen me go all hulk. He just chuckles and I was about to smack him.

"Don't apologize. Seeing what happened earlier. I think my job is finished here." he smiles.

"J-job? What the hell's that supposed to mean you troll-" he cups my cheek and we share a soft kiss. It lasts a few seconds longer than it should, and during that time, my heart is going crazy in my chest. Butterflies fill my stomach and are fliterring about. Oh god. His lips were so soft. He pulls back with a smile and winks.

"All in due time Soyou. All in due time." we share another kiss and his kisses were so much different from Kris'. Kris had a cold feeling to them, almost as if his kisses were just instinctive and had no feeling, whereas Chen's were just... Full of love. They were gentle and loving. I loved the feeling and it felt... Almost addicting.

This time I pull back, "W-what..." 


Holy hell..

Where did this side of me come from!? 

Holy hell holy hell... 

Her lips... They just seemed... Oh god. I think I'm going crazy. Soyou just drives me up against the wall and when I'm around her... Oh dear god. I want to capture her lips again, but I wasn't sure whether third time in this case was really going to be the charm. A small smile and a blush (?) forms and she looks at me, "Thanks Chen.." is all she says before she takes me by surprise and kisses me. 

She pulls back and giggles, "I'll see you on Monday then?" I just nod and she goes inside her apartment, leaving me out here.

"AWOOOOOO~!" I howl in glee. I don't know.. It was just a thing that I did. Howling like some sort of wolf....


"Omo.. Omo.. Omo.." I giggle and jump around my apartment, hearing a faint howling sound that seems as if it's coming from Chen. That's pretty hot... I blush and slap my cheeks lightly.

Could I be falling for him? 


Omo~! They shared a kiss~! *^*


So I was thinking of maybe making a new fic based off of Wolf? You know, just for the fun of it XD What do you guys think? o w o Should I or should I not? Any suggestions on pairings?


I'm sorry.. Big Exost... No. Exotic here cx hihihi~ I might be putting up a few chapters tonight since I won't be on in the morning cause I'm FINALLY taking korean classes guys! Yeheyyyy~!




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Shadie_mami #1
Chapter 1: God bless you for being such a talented writer!
Chapter 21: Aww.. this is sad.. there's still a lot I need to know~ I really enjoyed reading this, even if it's not updated frequently. But I got no right to stop you coz youre the author haha, anyways, I look forward to your future stories :)
Chapter 21: that was so short~ but am i the only one who is hoping that soyou will meet kris & date each other again? XD lol~
tiffany97 #4
Chapter 21: kris and soyou please
Chapter 21: ouhhhh~ then,let Kris have a serious talk with Soyou? l0l
don't end it s quickly~
Chapter 21: nono no! don't end this story :( Im expecting for more chaps. Its okay chingu. take your time! We can wait. This is one of my favourite ff so far :( 화이팅!

btw, seems like dasom and chen are close friends?
Chapter 20: Suho's.... Cameo was funny. Hahahaha! Jongdae outrunning him.
And that Kris basshard should just be thrown into a pool of cockroaches(prepared by Jongdae of course), then people will take pictures of him squirming/squealing/suffering to humiliate him! That would be like the most humane way to get back at him. No violence at all.

And.. how does Jongdae knows Dasom? Through Baekhyun too?
Chapter 19: ohh kris..give them a break please~ xD
Firstly, I'm glad you continued this story! (I'm not a new reader btw><)
Secondly, I love how close Chen and Soyou are already. But I hope they start dating soon...
And at first I thought this is just focused on Soyu but when I saw the rest of SISTAR appearing, I was so happy!!! And Bacon's their common friend! *throws confetti*
But what's up with Kris? How dare he pull Jongdae into this? That basshard! Perhaps Soyou can go kick his or something and teach him another lesson:P
Really looking forward to the next chapter author-nim!!!:)