His Promise

I Just Can't Let You Go

Hand in hand, the two walk down the streets of Seoul. Soyou, smiling the entire time. She swings their arms together in happiness, and Kris finds this, cute. The two pass a ice cream store and for a moment Soyou's thoughts wander back to Jongdae, but is quickly pulled back by Kris who lets go of her hand and instead wraps an arm around her waist.

Heat rises to her cheeks from this and Kris just gives her a kiss on the cheek, in which she returns. She could feel glares being sent her way and other girls who look at her with envy, some even check Kris out in front of their boyfriends, who try to bring their girlfriend's attention back to them. 

The two stop in front of a movie theater and Kris turns to her, "How about we watch a movie?" 

Soyou ponders for a moment, although she's already said yes in her mind, she wants her appearance to be cute while she pretends to ponder on a decision. She grins, "Sure. What movie do you have in mind?"

"Well, there's this new horror movie that's already been released." Kris replied.

Soyou pretends to look scared as if she's never liked the movie genre of horror. But, unlike other "girly girls" Soyou is actually a very large fan of horror movies and she enjoys watching them. 

Kris sees her "reaction" to his suggestion, and grins, "Don't worry. It won't be that scary." 

Her smile grows wider and she moves closer to him, "Okay then!" 

They both buy their tickets and snacks and they enter the air conditioned theater. Taking their seats and getting comfortable they stay silent. It's as if to Soyou, what happened earlier was just nothing. Somehow, Kris just managed to get her distracted so much, that she even forgot about Kris' rage from earlier in the day. 

The movie finally started and throughout the entire thing Soyou was just watching it, and taking in everything, although the plotline was quite confusing, the horror itself was enjoyable to watch, well to her at least. She can hear some girls in the theater, shrieking, gasping, and whimpering into their boyfriend's shirt. But she was too taken in by the movie to do the same. 

After the movie, it was already around 7 and the two left the theater, and Kris was bringing her home. Once again, the two were hand in hand, although quiet, Soyou actually enjoyed it. 

When they reached Soyou's front door to her apartment, she was playing around with the ends of her skirt, "Thanks a lot Kris, I had... a really great time with you." 

"The pleasure's all mine my dear." his voice sounded velvety and she just wanted to swoon. Kris took out a box from his pocket, and opened it up to reveal a simple yet intricately designed ring. She looked at his face, and he was just grinning sheepishly at her, as his eyes looked at the ring then back at her.

"Promise ring." Kris said simply, "To promise that I will forever be yours and to you the same." He took out the ring and placed the box down somewhere. Gently, he took her hand and placed the ring on her ring finger. The ring's band was simple, but the designs on her were intricate and almost vine-like, and as he put it on her, she could also see one on his ring finger.

Soyou jumped in glee before wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck and giving him a kiss. 

"I love you!" 

Kris chuckled, "I love you too." his words almost came out like a whisper, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer and quickly their lips connected.

The kiss quickly escalated and it was a full on make out session between the two. Not wanting to get in trouble with the other neighbors in Soyou's apartment complex, the two entered the apartment. Kris practically slams Soyou against the wall as their lips return to their heated make out session.



The alarm on Soyou's phone went off, and she groggily picked it up and pressed the snooze button, not wanting to be disturbed by its annoying ring. She turns to her side to feel it empty, and she sits up, covering her torso with the bed sheets. She looks around wondering where he had gone. She stopped for a moment, and the night's events slowly returned to her.

It was her first time ever doing it.

She couldn't believe it. 

She actually did the deed.

It caused something in her stomach to gather, and it felt warm. She placed a hand on her heart, and looked at the ring he had given her. 

The promise ring. They both had it on the entire time the deed was done. Although there was pain, she urged him to continue on. He was gentle, and sweet. He held her as if she was as fragile as glass itself and that she would just break under his arms. 

But there was still disappointment, to have woken up alone the day right after you lost your ity. She turned to the bedside table where a note was left. She gingerly picked up the piece of paper and read its contents;

I had a wonderful experience with you. So sad it only lasted a night. I'll see you back in university, with a wonderful surprise waiting.


She smiles at this and returns the note to the table and begins to get ready for the surprise awaiting her. As she enters the shower, the sounds of the water hitting the tiles drowns the sound of her phone ringing. 

When she emerges from the bathroom she quickly changes into one of her best outifts, it was a simple yet amazingly cute dress, and the fact is that it was also the first item she purchased only a few hours after she confessed to Kris. It was something that she aimed for the moment she set her eyes on it.

It was a light and sort of salmon colored pink, it was loose and flowy, and it had a white satin collar. It reached just a few centimeters above her knees and it was also sleeveless which showed of her clearly radiant skin (which she of course had to develop through her ever growing collection of skin and face products). She felt confident having it on, and it was beautiful on her. 

She wore it with simple white heels, and her hair was once again in its usual style of choice, in soft and curly waves and put in a low side ponytail, and to push away her side bang she put on a very simple white headband. She was incredibly happy today, especially after slipping on that simple accesory given to her the night before. She admired it for a moment before checking the clock in her room. 

She wanted to head to the university as early as she could and quickle grabbed her phone, bag, and folder before heading out to the university. 

The walk to the bus stop was bright and happy for her, she managed to get a few glances from a few men as she passed them, but she paid not attention to them. When she reached the university it was as usual filled with students already heading in for last minute cramming of a few projects and assignments. 

Her eyes scanned the sea of students to look for her tall and blonde hair boyfriend, but when he was nowhere in sight she sighed, 'Probably on his way here...' she thought to herself trying to cheer up at his absence.

She sat by a bench close by to her building, taking out her sketchbook from her folder and pencil case from her bag, she began to flip through the pages of the book, when she felt someone pull it away from her, and run away. She was taken aback by this and began to run after the thief. 

The thief ran through the different paths of the university until they dropped it by the university's fountain. She sighed and picked it up, when she picked it up she brushed off some dust that accumulated as it was dropped onto the dirty concrete.

She smiled in triumph when she examined it and no damage was done to the pages inside. She was about to walk back to her relaxing bench when she felt something hit her in the back of her head. It felt sticky and gross, and she cringed at the feeling and placed a hand on it. It was an egg. She turned back to see Kris there with his usual group of friends with some other people she didn't recognize, all holding eggs in their hands. 

"Surprise." Kris smirked before throwing another one of the eggs at her.


Oh god... I can see it now. All the comments going, "NOOOO!!!! SOYOU!! KRIS YOU BASTARD!!" and all those things.. 

Please don't kill me guys ^^; This is all apart of the story, so please don't kill me. Ummm... Yeah. So, they did it, then next day Soyou gets attacked by a majority of the student body with eggs...

Hmm. Anyway, look forward to the next one, subscribe, comment, upvote, and suggest to friends if you liked the story ^^ Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!! This year was an up and down rollercoaster of emotions, my grandpa died this year and I received a lot of crap from some peeps in school. So glad I can let go of that and I have a now clear slate for new screwups and fics :)

I'm thinking of putting up a EXO fic. What do you guys think? Any pairings you wanna see? Any ideas? Any fics, songs, etc. that you guys think I could get inspiration from? I might put in it, so if you guys wanna suggest something maybe suggest an m rated one ^^; I love me my lol. But its pretty early in the story and I don't wanna put a scene just yet.... YET...

Enjoy your new year everyone!!

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Shadie_mami #1
Chapter 1: God bless you for being such a talented writer!
Chapter 21: Aww.. this is sad.. there's still a lot I need to know~ I really enjoyed reading this, even if it's not updated frequently. But I got no right to stop you coz youre the author haha, anyways, I look forward to your future stories :)
Chapter 21: that was so short~ but am i the only one who is hoping that soyou will meet kris & date each other again? XD lol~
tiffany97 #4
Chapter 21: kris and soyou please
Chapter 21: ouhhhh~ then,let Kris have a serious talk with Soyou? l0l
don't end it s quickly~
Chapter 21: nono no! don't end this story :( Im expecting for more chaps. Its okay chingu. take your time! We can wait. This is one of my favourite ff so far :( 화이팅!

btw, seems like dasom and chen are close friends?
Chapter 20: Suho's.... Cameo was funny. Hahahaha! Jongdae outrunning him.
And that Kris basshard should just be thrown into a pool of cockroaches(prepared by Jongdae of course), then people will take pictures of him squirming/squealing/suffering to humiliate him! That would be like the most humane way to get back at him. No violence at all.

And.. how does Jongdae knows Dasom? Through Baekhyun too?
Chapter 19: ohh kris..give them a break please~ xD
Firstly, I'm glad you continued this story! (I'm not a new reader btw><)
Secondly, I love how close Chen and Soyou are already. But I hope they start dating soon...
And at first I thought this is just focused on Soyu but when I saw the rest of SISTAR appearing, I was so happy!!! And Bacon's their common friend! *throws confetti*
But what's up with Kris? How dare he pull Jongdae into this? That basshard! Perhaps Soyou can go kick his or something and teach him another lesson:P
Really looking forward to the next chapter author-nim!!!:)