Heading to Mertian, Attacking Mertain

Hunters VS Kishins

Taeyeon POV

After gathering everything Jessica came back with a huge log on her shoulder. she used half for the fire and half for us to sit on. Then tiffany came back with a deer over her shoulder. I skwered the meat and cooked it on the fire with the long strong stick i found. After eating basically half of the deer since krystal was a big eater we headed off to mertian again. The trip was long but we managed to get to the front of the town by evening. We stopped a bit to recover from the trip before heading in the town for a fight. we talked and ate some of our supplies a bit and then krystal talked about something for the plan on invading the town of mertian.

"Hey i brought something that might boost our chances of things when they go wrong." She thens takes out a grenade out of her bag." I got 3 grenades for todays mission. I suggest that we use one at the start and one for taeyeon and one for me to use whenever we need it." I took one of the grenades and krystal had two left for herself. after that we decided to attack now and walk in through the front gate of the town and shouted to attrach everyone and bring them forth into one group near us. krystal threw the grenade and it blew up a lot of the demons making the rest of them to turn into their true forms. We all formed our weapons and attacke them. tiffany staying back and backing us up with her bow and arrows. we manged to keep up with the attacks until the leader came. Every group of demons mostly have a leader.

"So this was what the rukus was about, I doubt you would be getting out here alive after waking me up" The leader said in a calm tone yet you can feel anger behind it. he slamed his fist down and created a crack on the ground with all of us dodged. Krystal threw another grenade at him but nothing blew up except for the other demons around him. I ate one of the demons soul floating around making me stronger than before a bit. I charged up my power and slashed it causing a blue slash of wind flying towards the group of demons. everthing vanished and burned up in its path, including all the demons and biulding. everything except for one thing.


The leader in front of us..

"Hupmh, you have to do way better than that to defeat me." the everything went black.

"TAEYEON!!" was all i heard before everything when black and deaf.


Tiffany POV


"TAEYEON!!" I shouted at her. that was all i could mange to say before the demon swipped his big sharp claws arcross taeyeons body and she fell down on her back. she layed there. lifelessly, motionless and not breathing.

"TAEYEONNIE WAKE UP!!!" i heard krystal shout but it was no use. She still layed there. I went angry and charged my arrow to its strongest and shot him. The arrow hit him but the impact didn't do a thing. "

"HAHAHAHAHHA external damge wont do a thing! come and die!" the demon chuckle and went for jessica.

Jessica slashed and blocked his attacks. Her attacks arent piercing through. Krystal joined in the attack as well. I started attack even though i knew it was no use. the attacks just would scratch or pierce through him. he began to laugh and his mouth grew big and it was wide open. then i thought back for a bit.

"External damage wont do a thing!"

I quickly ran to taeyeon's body and grabed the grenade. I ripped of the safety ring and threw it into the demons mouth. It exploded and it also damged him a bit. he coughed out a lot of blood.

"DAMN YOU GUYS! I WONT FORGIVE YOU!" He ran pass Jessica and slashed her at a fast rate that no one could even follow with their eyes.

"UNNIE!" Jessica dropped to the ground with a deafening scream from krystal. My body shook is fear. This was suppose to be a smooth, first mission. WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!! I next turn my head towards Krystal only to see her lifeless body thrown away by the demons hand to the ground.  

"What are you going to do now? All of your friend are dead and you are as scared as hell." he walked towards me. Each heavy step closer was scary. he lifted my chin up so i faced him.

"what are you going to do now?




Hey guys Kayshi2001 here. Updated finally after some new year celebration and really slow writing.







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Yourmomisgay #1
Chapter 13: pls update soon :(
larasatirobiatul_a #2
Chapter 13: Update pliss i hope krystal okay
Chapter 13: update soon please
Chapter 3: Based from soul eater right?I really love soul eater!
pls continue to update!good job author-shi
Chapter 13: Yay!!!
I'll wait for you >.<
Thank you for keeping this story!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Hey!... When are you going to update? :) PLS ANSWER...
Your story is good By the way :))
Chapter 12: Good story hope you'll be updating soon :-)
iceprincess33 #8
Chapter 12: wow i love your stories update soon ♥ ♥ ♥ ~