Getting Behind on Work

Game Connections

It had been an entire week and you and GamerKyu were still at it. Both of you had a set time for when you would log on and you would play until someone had to log off. Sometimes you even played till the sun rose. Somehow you managed to win every time and you started to think that he was just letting you win now. But you never questioned it, you were just glad that you got to continue with this little agreement. You actually blushed at the thought that this guy was purposely losing just so that he would have an excuse to keep playing with you. You didn’t want to put any ideas into your head, but you couldn’t help but come to that conclusion. On some games it felt like he wasn’t even trying because he would make a stupid mistake and then skip right to the part where you both would have a conversation.

You also wanted to skip the game just to talk to him on some days, but you never made it look like that because you didn’t want to seem eager. You were at a point where you didn’t really care who was on the other end because you actually made a friendship with this guy and you didn’t want to ruin it. And you were careful not to tell anyone about this because you knew they would judge you and advise you not to keep playing with some stranger over the internet. But there was something about this GamerKyu that felt right to you. You couldn’t explain it but you felt like you have known him for years. And the more you got to talk to him, the more he reminded you of the person who was once very close to your heart. And it was this reason that made you think that you might be gaining feelings for this person. From all of your conversations, you could tell that you had most of the same interests. Not only that, both of you were the same age. He seemed perfect. Although, the only thing was that you had no face to put on him. All you had was his icon, which was just an egg with a purple background.  You had sneakily tried to ask for pictures and at least a name through your 5 questions and he always refused saying that he wasn’t allowed to do that. You respected his decision and just tried to form an image of him yourself. But every time you did that, his face appeared. You shook your head and tried not to get your hopes up. You told yourself that it would take a miracle for it to be him.

The next morning you woke up by the sound of your buzzing phone. You reached around your side table as your head was still buried into your pillow. You answered the call and the first thing you heard was an angry man asking you where you were. Your eyes shot open and you realized that you had over slept. You cursed yourself and apologized to the man on the phone. It was one of the directors from the museum and you were supposed to meet up with them to show them the outlines of your design for the ads. You couldn’t afford to mess this up so you jumped out of bed and quickly got ready. You were nervous on the bus and you couldn’t stop shaking. You only had some rough sketches of your design and only a few of them were complete. You knew the directors wouldn’t be pleased but you figured that you could charm your way into convincing them that it was more than it really was. You cursed yourself again for being so careless. You had gotten so caught up in your own silly entertainment that you had let your work slack. This hadn’t happened to you in years and you remembered that this was one of the reasons why you let it all go. They were all nothing but distractions, and you were chasing hopeless fantasies of falling in love.

And just as you expected, you were scolded by the men in suits. They threatened to hire other artists but luckily your sketches were better than what they had expected, especially for a history exhibition. You had convinced them that you had incorporated everything that they were looking for and that you just needed a little more time to complete it. The director tried to play the role of the mean boss but he gave you more time anyway. He gave you a week to finish everything so that they could send the advertisements out for the next 2 weeks. You felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulder and you told yourself that you would try to go back to where you put work before anything else. But in the back of your mind, you knew you would still make time for Star Craft and a certain opponent.

Before leaving, one of the men had complimented you on your work and apologized for being so harsh on you. You accepted his apology and told him that it was completely your fault for procrastinating. The man smiled at you and handed you a ticket. He explained that it was the first showcase for the exhibition and since you were a part of it, you had a free invitation to the event. You thanked him and took the ticket. On the way home you examined the ticket and saw that the first showcase was going to be held in Seoul. You remembered that GamerKyu was from Seoul and you thought that this was your opportunity to finally meet him. You shook your head again and reminded yourself that there would be no showcase for you if you didn’t complete your work on time.

Once home you locked yourself in your little studio and worked till midnight. You work yourself till your hands started to hurt and after a few hours, you decided to give yourself a break. It was already midnight and you had only completely a little more than most of your work. You thought you should give it a rest and went up to your living room. You knew you should get some sleep but you just wanted to check your account before going to bed. And as soon as you logged on, several notifications popped up. Most from GamerKyu.

                GamerKyu: Are we not playing today???

                GamerKyu: Hey

                GamerKyu: Aish…tired of playing with me?

                GamerKyu: I’m sorry if I’m bothering you

You checked the last message and saw that it was only sent a few minutes ago. So you quickly replied.

                Smalllove: Hey. I’m sorry…I was really busy. Can we just talk today?

                GamerKyu: Sure ^^ What’s up?

                Smalllove: Nothing. Work is killing me

                GamerKyu: Never thought the life of an artist could be so tough

                Smalllove: How come you know what I do for a living but I know nothing about you??

                GamerKyu: It’ll ruin the surprise

                Smalllove: I’m getting tired of this game… I can’t keep getting close with someone who won’t even let me know them.

                GamerKyu: Mianhae…

                Smalllove: How many more games till I get to meet you?

                GamerKyu: 1. Then we can choose a place to meet up ^^

                Smalllove: Sounds great

                GamerKyu: But I won’t be going easy on you this time

                Smalllove: I look forward to the challenge…But right now I’m going to sleep. Good night! ^^

                GamerKyu: Chaljayo

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I found it!! ^^

This was the first fanfic I've ever read on this site, I can remember. :)

It brought me to tears. ^^
LoveAsAlways #2
Chapter 12: I read this awhile back, had to check comments, I was sure I had read this story before x)
Chapter 12: AWWW <3333333
Gujunhye #4
Chapter 12: amazing ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Chapter 12: awww so sweeeet i caaaantttt
Chapter 12: o u o this is such a sweet story! it was amazing but wait it's the end? nooo please write a sequel or something :3
Phonni #7
Chapter 12: This is soooo awesome. I love this story ~ ♥♥
Please write a sequel !!
arukas26 #8
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing such a nice story. Keep it up! :)
erykamaeo2 #9
Chapter 12: author chingu! please do write a sequel!! ~ this story is great! jebaaaaal :)))