It's You

Game Connections

It had been a week since the first showcase and you were back in the comfort of your own apartment. You were supposed to be in another city for another exhibition, but you argued with the directors and faked that you were sick. Luckily for you, they believed you and said that you could stay home for the rest of the exhibitions as long as you attended the last showcase which would be held in Busan. You happily agreed and went home feeling a little better about yourself.

Staying home was exactly what you needed at the moment. You were still feeling broken from your encounter with Kyuhyun and all you wanted to do was bury yourself in your sad emotions, hoping that somehow you would pick yourself up. You knew it would take awhile for you to bounce back to your almost upbeat self so you made a pit stop to a local grocery store to buy buckets of ice cream and junk food. As you were buying the food, the cashier gave you a weird look. You knew he was judging you because if you ate all of that food then you would gain at least 20lbs, but you didn’t care. Your weight was the last thing on your mind. All you were focused on was getting over these terrible feelings and trying to get Kyuhyun out of your head once and for all.

You knew it was silly of you to be mad at Kyuhyun just for showing up, but you were so confused about all of your feelings that it just ended up as anger. You finally made it home and just dropped everything on the floor as soon as you opened the door. You made your way to your bath room and made yourself a hot bath with your favourite bath salts. Once everything was ready, you gently stepped into the tub, letting the hot water try and take you to another world. It was actually relaxing for the first 10 minutes, but after that, thoughts started running through your head. All of them about Kyuhyun. You started to question if you left too soon that day and if you should have let him respond. You wondered what he thought of you now, especially after you poured out your heart to him. What if he liked you too? What if he was just too nervous to respond? You quickly snapped yourself out of those thoughts. You were trying to get him off of your mind and all you could do was think about last week. You tried to relax again but as soon as you did, his image just ran through your mind again. You couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was on stage and how his perfect voice was able touch your heart in a way you had never experienced before. Your eyes shot open again. Clearly the bath idea wasn’t working.

You stepped out of the water and drained the tub. Later you changed into a big sweatshirt, some shorts, and some fuzzy socks and made your way to the kitchen. You opened up one of the tubs of ice cream and gave yourself 2 big scoops and then walked over to the couch. You forgot that your laptop was still there from the last time you were logged on to Star Craft. Just the thought of the game made you want to cry. You picked up the computer and shoved it under a pillow so that it would be out of sight. Next you the TV and looked for something to watch so that you would be distracted. Not the best idea. All of the variety shows that were showing either had Kyuhyun as a guest or had something to do with Super Junior. All of the music shows were showing performances of the group. Even the movie channels were annoying because they had something to do about love. You decided to watch the news since that seemed like the safest thing. But as soon as you did, you noticed that the local news was doing a coverage of the showcase in Seoul, and the first thing you saw was Super Junior’s performance. You were done. It was like every little thing around you made you think of him. You gave up trying and turned everything off.

Once your apartment was dead silent, you just sat there alone, hugging your legs. You let your emotions drown you as all sorts of thoughts crashed into you. You cursed yourself for letting things turn out the way they did. Now all you could do was think about Kyuhyun. His smile, his laugh, and practically everything else. You swore you were going crazy because it was almost as if you could hear his voice. You didn’t want to hear his beautiful singing because it just made you cry even more. You tried to block out the voice from your head but realized you couldn’t. Then you suddenly realized that you weren’t hearing things. Your head shot up as you walked around your apartment trying to find the source of the music. You stopped in front of your door when the sound became the loudest. You stood there frozen as you listened to the song.

“I don’t need any words. It’s just you, “It’s too late”, but for me it’s just you

I know our love is wrong
I can’t give up, I can’t let you go…

My lips, cold as can be, are even more blue
I cry out to find to find your warmth
I call, even though I call for you
And there’s no reply, I’ll wait for you

Oh whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Oh whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you

Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Still Still) Even as time goes by

Oh when you tell me you love me, when you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Still Still) Even as time goes by…”

Your legs began to shake as you debated whether or not you should open the door. Your hands began to tremble when you reached for the door knob, slowly turning it so that it would open. You peeked out slowly and saw Kyuhyun sitting on the floor with his back against a wall, just singing as he stared at the door of your apartment. He looked, tired, cold, and his eyes were puffed…almost as if he had been crying. Your heart broke at the sight and opened the door fully so that he could enter. Without saying a word you both just shared a look and then you started to cry. You told yourself that you wouldn’t make yourself look weak this time but you were not sure what came over you as soon as you closed the door. Seeing him in front of you like that, knowing that he knew your true feelings made you so overwhelmed that crying was the only thing you could do.

Kyuhyun pulled you into a tight hug that told you he wasn’t going to let go. He held you like that for was felt like hours as he tried to calm you down. Once you were quiet you pushed him away.

“How did you find me here?”

“One of the directors of the exhibition gave me your address. He told me to make things up to you and that’s exactly what I came here to do.” His voice was sharp and cold. You knew more than anyone else that he only used that voice to hold back his tears. You wanted to hug him because he was obviously hurt, but another part of you told yourself to be just as cold as his voice.

“Ha. So you need some random man to tell you to come a comfort me?”

“No! You never gave me a chance to answer that day!” He was raising his voice and you were afraid that other people would hear.

“I don’t need to hear what you’re going to say. I already have a pretty good idea and I really don’t feel like listening to another one of your songs. If you can’t say it with words then don’t even bother.”

“You know I’m not good with expressing myself. You’ve always known that! The only way I can get the courage to tell you how I feel is by singing it to you….I know you wanted an answer that day but the truth is-”

“I get it!” You cut him off because you couldn’t handle anymore. You knew he was going to reject you and your heart couldn’t take it. “Look, I’m sorry for pouring my heart out to you just like that but I really don’t need to hear you say goodbye through a song…I’m sorry for-”

You were cut off by a pair of lips on yours. It was forced yet you could still tell that he was scared. You wanted to melt into it and reassure him that there was no need to feel that way but then reality hit you. You pushed him off of you and yelled.

“What the hell was that Kyu?”

“It took me a week to gather up the courage to come here and it’s taken me all my life to realize how I really feel about you. I don’t know why it took me this long when I’ve always felt like this…I love you.” You eyes began to water hearing those words from him. “Ever since we were little, I’ve loved you. From little toddlers messing around on a play ground, I loved you as a friend. And as time went on, that love grew to a more romantic meaning. I’ve never told anyone but I started to wonder what it would be like to hold you through longs nights. I wanted to know what it would be like to hold your hands and call you mine. I still think about those things, but the day you told me you were moving…I froze. I didn’t want to show you how hurt I was because you seemed so determined to go….I guess I wanted to be that supporting friend who was there for…I didn’t want to complicate things.”

Tears were falling down both of your faces as you tried to let everything sink in.

“You’re such an idiot…why didn’t you tell me?”

“The same reason why you didn’t want to tell me…our friendship meant too much to destroy….I was afraid I would scare you away if I did.”

“…And now it’s too late.” You didn’t dare to look into his eyes after you let that slip out.

“Why? How is it too late?...I love you and you love me…Why can’t this work?”

“Kyu…it’s different now. You have your life to live and I have mine…..think about what would happen to your groups’ image if they found out that you had a girlfriend…What would your manager say?”

“I don’t give a damn about all of that…”

“Kyuhyun listen to yourself. This isn’t some fairytale where we can just forget about our lives and run off into a meadow….Even if we did try and make it work…do you really think we could handle a long distance relationship.”

“You could move in with me.” You just gave him a look. “Look…I’m determined to make this work. I don’t care what it takes. All I know is that I’ve waited too long for this and I am not about to let you go. I let you slip out of my life once and I am not going to let it happen again.”


“Why are you trying to find reasons for this not to work? Do you not understand that I love you? I want to be that guy that you can lean on. I want to hold you and make you feel safe and warm. I want to protect you. And more importantly, I want to be that person who can bring you nothing but happiness. I want to be the reason for that beautiful smile.”

You started to tear up again, but they were tears of happiness. “You’re so cliché.”

He smiled at you as he wiped your tear from your cheek. “It may be cliché but it’s my true feelings towards you…all I can hope is that you will accept my heart.”

You didn’t say anything. Instead you practically jumped on him as he grabbed you into a hug. You both stayed like that until he picked you up and carried you to the couch. You sat down next to him and he cautiously laced his fingers with yours. You looked down and smiled. You were about to say something but he acted like he had done nothing and then looked at your game collection that was still lying out. A smirk appeared on his face.

“Wanna play?”

You smiled and put Mario Go Kart in. You both played an intense game and Kyuhyun was beating you for the entire time. He was down to his last lap and he sped through until he was near the finish line. Suddenly he stopped his character right in front of the finish line. Within a few seconds you had realized that he had stopped playing and just like that you won the race. You looked at him and he just smirked.

“Looks like you won again.”

You realized what he did and you had a smirk to match his. “What’s my prize?”

His smirk turned into a genuine smile as he leaned down slowly to capture your lips. The kiss was sweet and slow and it made your heart race. He gently pulled away leaving his lips centimeters away from yours. He gently tucked your hair behind your ear and searched you eyes. He whispered softly. “I love you.”

You smiled. “I love you too.” You then leaned back to cuddle in his chest and the two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night.


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I found it!! ^^

This was the first fanfic I've ever read on this site, I can remember. :)

It brought me to tears. ^^
LoveAsAlways #2
Chapter 12: I read this awhile back, had to check comments, I was sure I had read this story before x)
Chapter 12: AWWW <3333333
Gujunhye #4
Chapter 12: amazing ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡
Chapter 12: awww so sweeeet i caaaantttt
Chapter 12: o u o this is such a sweet story! it was amazing but wait it's the end? nooo please write a sequel or something :3
Phonni #7
Chapter 12: This is soooo awesome. I love this story ~ ♥♥
Please write a sequel !!
arukas26 #8
Chapter 12: Thank you for writing such a nice story. Keep it up! :)
erykamaeo2 #9
Chapter 12: author chingu! please do write a sequel!! ~ this story is great! jebaaaaal :)))