Chapter 7

Strawberry Ice Cream [Hiatus]


First day back at school. Start of a new term. You were really hyped up in the morning. You were always excited when it came to new students. You nagged you dad to drive you to school early. Guess what? You need up coming to school before eight.
You opened the door to your classroom. There was a student who sat at their desk on their phone. It was JaeHwa.
" JaeHwaaa!!"
" OhMyingGosh! You know how yesterday, Kai from EXO gave me a jacket, yeah! I still have it! He might not be my bias, but he is part of the legendary EXO! I have to go to their next fan signing event."
" Great," You said sarcastically.
" I know right! I can talk to him and talk about stuff!"
" Stuff teddy bears?" You said sarcastically, again.
" No! The incident and he might like treat us. You get what I mean?"
" Totally, you want us to be his dogs, and se by that he can give us treats."
" You get what I mean, gosh."
You and JaeHwa had a good five-minute talk about that 'incident'. Then, suddenly the door opened and a tall, tanned man was present. Behind him, was a shorter boy, with greyish hair and his eyes glued onto his phone. You looked up. It's someone you haven't seen at this school before, but it's someone you know.
" Kai?!" JaeHwa said in a loud tone.
" Is this room twenty-six?"
" Yees," JaeHwa respond.
Then there was a boy who pushed Kai to get into the classroom. He looked at you and JaeHwa, then he turned to Kai and Sehun.
" Eh? Oh, more celebrities, great."
He walked up to his locker and grabbed his belongings, sat at his desk and just started playing  on his phone.
" Uh, so is it okay if I can have tour now or should I-"
" Now! Now! Now! Come on, I'll show you."
JaeHwa linked to Kai's arm and started walking off into the hallway, while Kai was holding onto Sehun. 
You looked at JaeKwang. He didn't look back at you. You suddenly remembered that you had avoided him since you had acted all angry for no reason when he asked you for ice cream. You didn't know why you did that, you just couldn't think. You sighed. 
" JaeKwang-ah."
He ignored you.
" I'm sorry, I-"
You were looking around the classroom and there on the floor, under the desk next to you was a big biting creature.
You screamed, " Ahhhhhh! SPIDER!!"
A/N: Sorry for short chapter -.-'  I have a new idea for a new story, but I think I'll publish it a bit later on. I think I only re-read this chapter once only, so I'm very sorry for errors. Haha, for once I don't have much to say. Okay byes!
P.S: I love you subscribers soooo much! Please comment! bye! I love you! (Yes, I'm very weird).
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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 14: Wow,this fanfic is great! I love it so much! Please update soon, I can't wait!
Love,ShiningCherry ^-^
Chapter 13: Wow, is this really your first? This is great^^
I'll keep read it^^
yankee17zelo #3
Chapter 10: it's okay!!
Mindstring #4
Chapter 6: this is great
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 7: same as last last time. ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #6
Chapter 6: same as i said last time keep it up ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #7
Chapter 5: Update soon but don't stress yourself if you need a break go ahead you deserve one. ~{^.^}~
yankee17zelo #8
Chapter 1: i like this!! :D
i like this :)