Chapter 6 - Unexpected Surprise

Strawberry Ice Cream [Hiatus]


It was almost the end of the holidays. You were at JaeHwa's house in your sleeping bags talking about the 'surprise'.
" Yah! I don't wanna go!" You shout loudly.
" Why? You don't wanna meet the man of your dreams?"
" Honey, they are celebrities and we are just nobodies."
" So? Tomorrow might be fate."
" Honey, again this is reality, not fantasy."
" Honey, this is reality where anything can happen."
" You've mistaken the word anything for nothing."
" Just come for me please?"
" Fine, fine, I'll come only because of you, but you pay for meals, extra meals (ice-cream), well everything."
" What?! No wa- Oh what the hell, okay then."
" Well, I'm going to sleep now and if you wake me up during the night, I won't go."
" Ngaw, okay then. Nighties"
" Yessh! We are hereeee! EXO her we come!"
You, dressed up in a pair of jeans, with thick jacket on top of your plain white T-shirt with a scarf loose around you neck.
" Look-at-that-line," You said in a shocked expression. 
" It will only take a couple of hours."
" A couple?!"
" Once, I was at a Jay Park fan sign and it was so big, that I got lost so many times and you know how good I am with maps."
" Aish! How long do you predict here?"
" Err, 3-5 hrs."
" You're kidding me."
" No I'm not."
" Aish, what ever."
After 2 complete hours
" How come theres no one behind us after these two long hours?"
" They probably blocked the entrance."
" Why?"
" Shops closing, duh."
" Awkward."
" Ah! Since we are last we could stay longer talking to them"
" Or they could be rushing."
" Can't be. We are their ultimate fans." 
After another 2 hours of waiting (at about seven)JaeHwa, your best friend walks up to a tall guy, most likely the tallest. You follow JaeHwa
" Hi~"
" Yo, what can I do for you?"
" Uh, could you please sign this album."
" Sure, whats your name?" he asks as he is signing JaeHwa's album she bought five hours ago.
" Jung JaeHwa."
" And the friend of yours?"
" HyunJae, Soo HyunJae."
" Okay, cool. Here's your signed album."
" Thanks."
" Well I hope to see you again in the future."
" Haha, me too." JaeHwa walks off and you follow her. When you catch up she gives a sigh.
" Sigh, not much this time."
" Well-"
A man suddenly appears. 
" You two girls look okay, come with me. I want you two to help out a bit for EXO. Is that okay?"
" Of course." JaeHwa says loud and clear.
" I'm not so sure-"
" Great, come with me."
You two follow the man backstage, but go to an area where there are no one else to be seen.
" You wait outside." The man says to you. You nod and JaeHwa and the man enter a room. You get worried.
After about five minutes you hear a scream. You try to open the door, but it was locked. 
" JaeHwa! JaeHwa! Are you okay?" You hear a lock sound. You try to open the door. It worked. You slamm the door open and search for JaeHwa. She was beside to the door.
 You ask worrying so much, " What happen?"
" He made me wear these clothes, but I didn't want to. Then, then, he tried to-"
Tears started dripping.
 You said, " Let's get out of here first and then well sort it okay?"
She nodded, You wanted to get out of that place A.S.A.P.
After finding your way out, you put her on the floor near the table to wear EXO had their fansign. You see Kai. He looks at you. You give a worried expression and he walks up to you. " What's wrong?"
" Uh, do you have any clothes for my friend. Before she-"
JaeHwa puts her hand over my mouth. I stop talking.
" Ah okay, sure." He takes his jacket off and places it on JaeHwa without any hesitation. Kai suddenly gets pushed. You see that man again. He grabs you by the collar and forcing you stand. He then places a sharp object right on your nape. You tilt your head up and get frightened allot. " Stand back!" he shouts. A sudden group of staff and sercriuty appear. " How'd this happen?" a staff member asks.
" Uh, I don't know. The man just appeared out of no where" Kai responds as he gets out from the floor.
The man lifts the sharp object abit higher causing some blood coming out from you neck making you more nervous.
" What do you want?" A man in a secrity uniform steps up and says.
" You know what I want!"
" Just calm down. Dont hurt the girl."
" If you don't have that, this girl will suffer." Another person says.
" Don't-touch-my-friend!!" JaeHwa shouts as she punches the man's weak spot. The sharp object fell out of his hands, but as it was flying the air, it was able to cut a horizontal line across your cheek before falling to the floor.
The man got hand-cuffed. You were relived by that. Kai and JaeHwa ran up to you. 
" Are you okay HyunJae?" She asks.
" I'm fine." You say.
" Do you need me to help you? Like take you to the doctors or something?" Kai asks.
" It's okay, let's go JaeHwa."
" Mhm"
You and JaeHwa walk out and into the streets. Kai doesn't move from his spot. He just stares at you two.
" Wah! Are you okay?"
" Of course, I've had worse."
" But that's the past! Talk about now."
" I'm fine kay."
" Shessh, just say no already."
" I'll leave mate."
" No no! Don't go!"
You giggled
" Aish! So annoying."
" Talk about yourself."
You two walk until you got to the bus stop. You sit down and try to warm up your hands as you wait.
" You should at least band aid you wounds."
You take your scarf trying to cover it up.
" Better?"
" No!"
" It doesn't matter okay, it's gonna heal."
" In a trillion years."
" I've had bigger scars okay and plus what happened to you before then, huh?" 
JaeHwa goes silent.
The bus arrives and you both get on. You sit with her for about ten minutes chatting before getting off your stop.
" Bye JaeHwa!" You wave as you are in the cold.
" Bye. Take care!" She says as she gives a wave, still in the bus. 
You walk off home. You arrive at about half past seven. "I'm home!" you shout.
" Why are you home do late?"
" Uh, we went shopping and didn't notice the time." You said nervously.
Your mum walks up to you, " Your just lucky you didn't get by bad people! I was so worried."
" Sor-ry, dad hasn't even come home yet so why are you worried, gosh."
" He's a man, your a young girl."
" So?"
" You can get kidnapped!"
" I'm gonna go have a shower." You say as you walk upstairs.
After you finish your shower, you notice the cuts on your face. You take your scarf and try to cover it up.
" Dinner!" Your sister shouts.
" Coming!"
You jog downstairs to the dinning table. 
" Rice as usual," You sigh.
You dig in. As you eat, you hear a door open.
" Hello daddy!" You shout.
Your scarf drops and your sister sees your scar.
" What happened there?" She points.
" Nothing, just don't tell mum and dad."
" Asdfghjkl."
" Please."
" Okay, but you have to give me your iPad for at least a week."
" Okay, but you promise not to tell."
" Yessh," She says with a giant grin.
In the car with your sister and dad driving you to school. You were hoping no one would notice your scar.
You arrived at class at eight. Early is what you like, but not happening very often, but today was a day you unexpectedly came early. No one was in class except JaeHwa. She comes to school extremely early everyday.
" JaeHwa!"
" Hai! Ohmygosh! You know I still have Kai's jacket from yesterday. He may not be my bias, but mommy gosh, a jacket."
" A jacket that will just be something extra for you to stare at."
The door opens.
" Yo! Is this room 26?"
An unfamiliar student walks into your class.
A/N: BaDump! Who is it? So did you guys enjoy this chapter? This was actually the extra story I wrote, but I adjusted the storyline a bit.
 If you just read the last chapter, you're gonna be like JAEKWANG! What happened with JaeKwang? It'll be in the next chapter so calm down.


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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 14: Wow,this fanfic is great! I love it so much! Please update soon, I can't wait!
Love,ShiningCherry ^-^
Chapter 13: Wow, is this really your first? This is great^^
I'll keep read it^^
yankee17zelo #3
Chapter 10: it's okay!!
Mindstring #4
Chapter 6: this is great
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 7: same as last last time. ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #6
Chapter 6: same as i said last time keep it up ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #7
Chapter 5: Update soon but don't stress yourself if you need a break go ahead you deserve one. ~{^.^}~
yankee17zelo #8
Chapter 1: i like this!! :D
i like this :)