Chapter 13

Strawberry Ice Cream [Hiatus]


“ What are you doing?”

You looked down and responded in a soft tone, “ You were ah-sleep and-”

“ You should ask before you touch a star’s personal belongings.”

You looked up as you had just gotten a heart attack. The intense of his eyes, showed you that he really didn’t want a single finger on his phone. It was just a phone, why was he so protective of it?

“ I said you were asleep and I couldn’t wake you up. Did you just want to ditch you in the cold rain?” It was raining really hard. You didn’t know yourself. He looked up and his eyes, just became calm. “ HyunJae, you could of just left me back there.” 

“ Huh? What are you talking about?” How did he know you-

“ If you just left me there, I wouldn’t go for you, but since you carried me,” He turned to you and he slowly leaned forward. You tried to look strong and so you made your eyes look like you were ready for a fight. He softly said, “ You’re gonna fall for me.” He got up. Her gave you a hand to stand. You jumped up without his hand. You patted your dress and looked at him. He gave a smile. You gave a slight glare. “ Let’s go back to the plaza.”

“ Sorry, umm, oh look at the time. Gotta run.” You quickly ran away in the other direction.

‘Stupid Kim Jongin, pain in the . People these days.’ You ran all the way home. Even though it took you a whole hour. ‘It was just a stupid phone. Can’t I just call a friend of yours? Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate.’

You open the door to your bedroom and jumped onto the bed, floor. You accidentally jumped to close to the edge and feel face-first. ‘Ouch!’ You got up lightheaded and walked to the bathroom. You forgot to turn the heater on as you went in, so it was freezing. You rushed your shower and ran back to your room and into your bed. It was sunny before, but not it windy like hell. You snuggled under your bed and looked at your phone.

‘4 Unread Messages.’

The first message was from JaeHwa. ‘Hyuna! I need help with homework! The english essay that is due tomorrow.’ You snickered and texted back, ‘Start now and I’ll edit it during lunch.’ You got a response straight away. 

‘What do I write about?’

‘I don’t know, it’s your fault for starting so late.’ You checked your other messages. The second was from Zelo, ‘Where were you today?’ You looked at the message for a while. What was so important for him to ask you where you were today? There were always a day once in a while, where you couldn’t walk with them. You didn’t really have to inform them. You checked your next message and it was from Daehyun, ‘Where were you? It was Zelo’s birthday today!’ You read it again, Z, Choi JunHong’s birthday? It was Zelo’s birthday and you didn’t know? You finally realized the message Zelo sent you was about. You had to make up big time, but how? You had to think of something quick, by tomorrow. You laid in your bed for a good half hour before you found an idea. ‘Robot’


You woke up at 6am to find a place where they sold robots, or anything. You mentally killed yourself for hanging out with Jongin and forgetting Zelo’s birthday. Every step was like a stab in the chest, because of how guilty you felt. You ran outside after getting dressed. All the stores were closed. You ran everywhere in the nearby streets, not a single store opened. You caught a bus to school. As soon as you got off, you ran everywhere to find a store nearby the school. Not a single store was opened. Everything was a disaster. One of your closest friend’s birthday and you chose to walk off. 

You sat outside the school, the time was eight. You just sat there, depressed and sorry. You were the worse friend, ever. You took out your phone and started texting Zelo. You sent him a giant message, apologizing. You got up after the text and walked to class. You spotted JaeKwang sitting at his desk. You gave a loud sigh and walked to your seat. His eyes spotted you from the corner and he walked up to you, “Hyuna.”

“ What?”

“ What’s with your mood today?” He gave you an eyebrow look and you just stared forward. “ Nothing,” You replied with a cold mouth.

“ Then why are you acting like that?”

“ Okay, I’ll tell you. My sister woke me up at four in the morning because she had a nightmare and with her sleeping in my bed, I couldn’t go back to sleep.” You looked at him,  trying to convince him. He stood in front of your desk and placed his elbows on your desk. He stared at your eyes. You flinched and whispered in a low voice, “JaeKwang-ah.” He smirked and you had just realized what you had just said and said in a higher and girlier tone, “JaeKwang-ah loves to e girls’ eyes, now staph it!”

During break, you sat with JaeHwa. You both argued about Jongin, when you brought up how much you hated him. You and Jaehwa noticed that he was sitting on the table next to us when she shouted how hot he is. You gave Jaehwa a death glare and she quieted down very quickly. Sehun wasn’t paying any attention though. Kim Jongin waved to both you and Jaehwa when he saw us both look at him. You smiled too, in a fake way. You faced back to Jaehwa and changed the subject.

After school, you stood outside the front gates, not knowing what you are doing there. You had a small plan of seeing Zelo. If you didn’t feel nervous, you’d confess, but if you were, you’d run off into hiding and never ever show your face in front of anyone ever again. There he stood right in front of your face when you looked up. Shocked and nervous your body started to become tense. He opened his mouth and said, “Come with me, I have something to show you.” 

‘Show? Huh?’

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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 14: Wow,this fanfic is great! I love it so much! Please update soon, I can't wait!
Love,ShiningCherry ^-^
Chapter 13: Wow, is this really your first? This is great^^
I'll keep read it^^
yankee17zelo #3
Chapter 10: it's okay!!
Mindstring #4
Chapter 6: this is great
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 7: same as last last time. ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #6
Chapter 6: same as i said last time keep it up ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #7
Chapter 5: Update soon but don't stress yourself if you need a break go ahead you deserve one. ~{^.^}~
yankee17zelo #8
Chapter 1: i like this!! :D
i like this :)