Chapter 1 - New Friend/s

Strawberry Ice Cream [Hiatus]

Word count = 2000-3000

You were into your 3rd week of school now. The bell had rang. You stood under the sun on the steps of the front gate.


You saw the guy you met the other day, well you think you did. You approach him. 

You say, “ Hi.” 

 He responds, “ Do I know you?” * What! He doesn't know me.*

“ Are you sure? It was just yesterday.”

“ You probably mistaken me," He turns his head away.

“ Is your name Moon JongUp?” He still kept his head away from you. 

" Umm, do you have a short memory?"

He still ignores you.

You go up to his face and just stare at him. 

" What the are you doing?"

" Trying to get your memory back."

" Like I'd remember," he mumbles. You can't really hear him, but you hear the words, ' I'd remember.' It didn't make much sense, but it sounds like he remembers you. 

You start to shout, “ Yay, finally! It took forever to get back your brain.

“ What I was saying was-”

“ JongUp, do you want ice-cream?” He tries to get away from you, but you grab his arm and link tightly. You start dragging him to get some ice-cream.


You and JongUp arrived at SweetDesserts. It's your favourite sweet store.

“ JongUp, do you talk much?” He ignores you.

“ Common answer me!” You shake his arm many times until he answers.

“ I don’t know."

“ Okay then. ” You look at the menu and show him your favourite dish and he nods with a frown, agreeing to the one you picked. You order strawberry ice cream mountain. The waiter comes to you table as your favourite dish comes out. Both his and your eyes stare at the dish.

“ Let’s eat! I can’t eat it by myself JongUp, so you have to help me.” You eat the first spoonful first. You froze. JongUp started to giggle abit. You frown at him and he starts eating. You keep eating until there is one piece left.

JongUp says, “ You eat it.”

You answer, “ You should eat it.”

“ No, you.”

“ Okay!”

“ Wah! You’re supposed to say no, you should eat it.”

“ Hahaha, that trick always works.” You take the last piece and tell him to open-wide. He opens his mouth. You stuff the ice-cream into his mouth.

“ Nnnnh, cold.” He shivers. You giggle.

“ Haha, I should pay now.” You pay ten dollars and you both leave the shop together.


You were walking along the path on the streets

“ Err Your name is.."

" Wha- You still don't know my name? It's HyunJae!"

" Sorry and see we probably didn't hang out yesterday."

You think really hard, you relise it wasn't yesterday, it was last week.

" Oh! JongUp, it was last week!"

" Huh?"

" Nevermind."

Your phone vibrates. You answer your call, " Hello?"

" HyunJae, can you come home now? Dinner is already ready."

You sigh, " Okay then." You hang up.

“ I guess I gotta go home now.”

“ Really? Okay then.”

" I go by bus."

" Me too."

" What bus?"

" 123."

" Me too!"


You both sit on the bench waiting for the bus. You sit for not long when a shadow appears over your heads. The bus stops. You jump up pull JongUp with you into the bus. Two girls are sitting at the back of the bus questioning about you and JongUp. You ignore them.

“ JongUp, so we are officially friends now, right?” He looks at you and smiles. You take out your phone and take a photo with him. " Smile."

“ JongUp oppa, do you read FanFics?”

“ Huh? FanFics?”

“ You’ve never heard them before? It’s ‘fan fiction.’ I read B.A.P fanfics the most, but I don’t really know much about that band. The're stories made by fans”

“ HyunJae.”

“ Yeah?”

“ You should listen to EXO.”

“ Eh? EXO?”

“ You’ve never heard of EXO?”

He took his phone out and put an ear pod in your ear. He chose a song. The song was really good. He then put the other ear pod in his ear. He quickly pauses the song.

“ Ops! Wrong song.” JongUp says. You catch a quick glimpse of the artist name on his screen, B.A.P.

“ Eh, but the song was really good.”

“ EXO is better.”


The bus stops and you stand up, “ Well this is my stop and hope to see you soon Oppa!” JungUp grabs your hand just before you walked off, but faces away in redness, “ It’s mine too.”

“ Really? Haha, what a coincidence.” He gets off with you and he walks you home.

“ JongUp.”

“ Huh?”

“ Tell me, what was the band name?”

“ Not telling.”

“ Tell me!”

“ I’ll tell you next time okay.”

“ You better.”

He chuckles and responds, “ Okay then.”

You then arrive to your house and wave good bye to JungUp. He waves until you close the door. He then walks off. 

After dinner and  shower you go to your room and rest on your bed. You read the latest update of your FanFic. You remember you saw the word ‘B.A.P’ on JongUp’s phone. Hmm, B.A.P. You search them up and watch their MV, Warrior and saw guys that looked very familiar. You then found another MV called No Mercy. There you saw JungUp and another very familiar guy, but couldn’t put it too your head.

“ JongUp!” You shouted in your head. You sighed with no way to contact him. You went on and did your homework. You spent the whole night doing homework that you didn’t notice it was 11:00pm and your mum was shouting at you for not being able to go to sleep without being told off.


You couldn’t fall asleep. Something kept bugging you. Why JongUp didn’t tell you he was in a band and how you didn’t know. 

Days had gone faster than expected. It was already Friday.

 Another day at school, another question need to be answered. Your mum did not budge to wake up so you had to get you and your sister’s lunch ready. You arrive to school just before the bell. You relax yourself. You see your best friend KyungMi. The teacher steps in right behind you.


“ Good morning class.”

“ Morning!” The class says with joy. Your class wasn’t an ordinary class. Your class was one of the craziest class ever. You guys were loud, weird and other stuff. “ Now for roll call.”

“ KwangSun”

“ Here.”


“ Here.” etc.

“ Good everyone is here. Now off to your first period and have a good day.” Everyone takes their time as our class is very slow and lazy. The class take longer when it’s a class they dislike, but you and Kyungmi don’t take our time. We get to class a.s.a.p. We had science first, our science class was our homeroom class. After that boring long lecture about stuff people don’t like hearing, we had maths. Your homeroom are separated and put in random classes, which is what people think, when really they even the classes up.


In maths, you sat with some other friends. Daehyun was in your class. You kept looking at him, but kept getting hit by my friend Hiromi, becuase you don't pay much attention. You went to go search up more about B.A.P on your laptop, when you found Daehyun in B.A.P. He wore a mouth mask and looked cute to you. You then look back at Daehyun. He was an average guy who enjoyed singing. He would always sang in the talent quest. Your friend hit your head again.

“ Ya!” You shouted.

The class stared at you. “ Ops! Sorry Miss.” You got all embarrsed, but after like 10 seconds you got louder again. 

“ Oi, Hiromi”

“ What?”

“ Do you know B.A.P?” Daehyun overhears you and looks at you. You saw Daehyun’s head turn and you wave at him as if nothing had happened. 

“ Hyuna! Hyuna!”

“ Huh?”

“ Are you crazy or something, you keep get distracted by stuff.”

“ Sorry.”

“ I have heard of B.A.P. They’re okay.”

 You google B.A.P Daehyun and see lots of photos. *Oh My Gosh! He looked so kawaii and hot!*


 It was time to leave class. You walked ahead of everyone like you always do. Daehyun follows you. He catches  up to you. You looked at him and try to stay cool. He said to you, “ HyunJae, do you listen to B.A.P much?”

“ Well, I just knew about them yesterday because of-” You weren’t able to finish your sentence, because as soon as you opened the door you saw a crowd of girls. You wondered why. You don’t remember seeing any big crowds in the school before. You took Daehyun with you. You don't know why, but you just did. You grabbed him by the arm and walk off the other way. You finally got to take a breath, when more girls came. You get caught in the crowd and tried to get out. You were able to, but not with Daehyun. You couldn’t see him anywhere. You walked off back to homeroom pouting.


Classes had gone quick today, because of your dreamy daydreams. You went to try find Daehyun, hopping no crazy crowds would suddenly appear. You were standing at the steps at the front of the school as usual, when a group of stand out guys walked past with crazy girls behind. In the corner of you eye, you saw Daehyun. Behind was JungUp. They walked right passed. You knew it would be hard to try to talk to them. Daehyun saw you, you waved happily and he smiled back. He then just stood there. The girls behind over crowd him and he was left behind. He came up to you. You tried to act normal. He asked, “ Um HyunJae, are you going home? Can I walk you?”

“ Haha, I’m not going home. I’m going to my parent’s bakery, for once.”

“ Can I take you there?”

“ Sure, why not?”

He takes out a cap and puts it over his head.

“ Ermm, why are you wearing that?”

“ Oh! It’s just so people won’t recognize me. You know, with the blond hair.” He had dyed his hair just a few days ago, but you thought he looked better with brown hair.

 You went behind Daehyun and leaned on his backpack. “ I’m so tired.”

“ Same, but sadly can't rest for long. I have a performance in a few hours.”

“ What! You should have told me that earlier. You need to get there a.s.a.p!”

“ Don’t worry, our group is last to perform.”

“ Are you sure?”

“ Yes,” 

 You needed to get to the bakery quick, because you didn’t want Daehyun to be late for his performance.

“ So um HyunJae, so who do you like from B.A.P?” 

 You went red and answered, “ Umm, I don’t know yet. I only know two members, you and JongUp.”

“ So you like JongUp?”

“ I never said that.”

“ So you don’t have a bias yet? How do you know JongUp? Is he the first person you search up or something?”

“ Oh no, I met him before I knew you guys were a band. He’s really quiet at first.”

" Haha, quiet?"


You and Daehyun arrive at the bakery. Daehyun looks around at the food. You give him a bun, “ Daehyunnie-” You quickly put your hand over your mouth.“ Yea?” He answers, without noticing you calling him Daehyunnie.

“ Oh! Thanks HyunJae.” He smiles.

You blush.

“ Mum! I’m gonna go home now and I might stop by somewhere okay?”

“ Okay.”

“ HyunJae, I gonna walk you home right?”

“ But-” He puts a finger over your mouth.”

“ Okay then.” You sigh.

“ Hey! Don’t be sad, I’ll get there in time and I also need to stop by my own home too.”

“ Okay, but I need to take a bus.”

“ Oh, same here.”

“ I take bus 813.”

" Same."

" Really?"

“You walk with Daehyun to the bus stop. It wasn't that far. You reach the bus stop. Someone stands next to you. You look up.

“ JongUp!”

“ Hey.” JongUp responds.

“ Hey, JongUp!” Daehyun says.

“ Oh yeah, you guys know each other right? Oh right! Your both in B.A.P!”

JongUp looks at you with an eyebrow up.

“ HyunJae, how do you know about B.A.P?”

“ Oh! I search B.A.P up.”

“ It doesn’t matter JongUp, your probably her bias, okay.” Daehyun says.

“ Wha-” You try to say.

“ Look, the bus is here now."

You this time take both arms and drag them quickly. A group of girls are in the bus and sit with JongUp and Daehyun, leaving you on the other side,“ Daehyun oppa, your my bias.” One said. You tried to ignore them, by reading FanFics. You got a text message by someone. The bus had stopped. You ran out of the bus. JongUp gets off to chase you. Daehyun followed. The girls just sat there, as they wondering what had just happened. JongUp catches up to you, but Daehyun is not as fast. He is trying to catch up. You stop. JungUp stands in front of you, while Daehyun is behind trying to catch his breath.

“ Ha~ HyunJae.”

You look him into his eyes and say, “ JongUp" You started bursting with tears.


There, my very first chapter on my very first FanFic. There will be surpirises now and then :) Stay tuned. Chapter 2 will come out A.S.A.P

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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 14: Wow,this fanfic is great! I love it so much! Please update soon, I can't wait!
Love,ShiningCherry ^-^
Chapter 13: Wow, is this really your first? This is great^^
I'll keep read it^^
yankee17zelo #3
Chapter 10: it's okay!!
Mindstring #4
Chapter 6: this is great
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 7: same as last last time. ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #6
Chapter 6: same as i said last time keep it up ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #7
Chapter 5: Update soon but don't stress yourself if you need a break go ahead you deserve one. ~{^.^}~
yankee17zelo #8
Chapter 1: i like this!! :D
i like this :)