Chapter 3 - Not - So - Well - Sunny - Day

Strawberry Ice Cream [Hiatus]


It’s been a week now, since you got that text. Everything is different to what it used to be, but you’re getting used to the fact, you’re not wanted. 


You start the day with English, the subject you hate the most. You get to class on time and glad you’re not late. You sit by yourself at the back of the room. You are told to write a three thousand word essay. You hated essays, especially long ones. 


You start off writing about some horror scene which did not make any sense at all. You start to get all bored writing and secretly take out your phone and start reading fanfics. A student catches you looking at your phone, which made the teacher very suspicious, when she saw her. The teacher walks up to you. You quickly try to shove your phone into your pocket. Instead, you accidentally drop your phone onto the carpet. You are caught. You hand in your phone and get a pink slip, which will remind yourself that you have detention on Monday after school. This was your first detention you ever got. You now had nothing to do, except writing a boring piece of horror. 


You finally got out of that class. You weren’t that happy since that essay you didn’t even try to write was homework. 


You went to your locker and got your snack. You went to find JaeKwang. You found him right at the door of your class. “ Hey JaeKwang!”

“ Hey.”

“ JaeKwang, are you okay?”

“ Yeah, I’m okay. Why do you ask?”

“ You look abit down today.”

“ Haha silly. I’m not sad at all, I’m really joyous today. Come, I’ll buy some ice-cream.”

“ Strawberry flavor please.”

He goes up to the canteen and lines up right at the back of the long line. You turn around for a moment. You then turned back. He was already at the counter. That was fast. He came up to you with a double cone of strawberry ice-cream.

“ Where’s mine?”

“ This is yours.”

“ Then where’s yours?”

“ It’s mine too.”

“ How are we going to eat it?”

“ We share.”

“ I’ll eat half while you eat the other.”

“ No, we eat together, not half it.”

“ I can’t.”

“ What will you do then?”

The ice-cream melts abit onto JaeKwang’s hand. He it and starts eating the ice-cream.

“ JaeKwang, it’s hot. Give me some! Don’t eat it all! Don’t my side!”

“ What will you do?”

“ Anything, but can’t have money is involved because I’m poor right now.”

“ Okay then, go up to Daehyun and tell him you like him.”

“ What! No way.”

“ Come on, you know you like him.”

“ Do not!”

“ Do too.”

“ No! I won’t do it. I won’t eat the ice-cream then.”

“ Okay, suit yourself.”

“ Come on! Just abit.”

“ No.”

You both walk around the school. You watch him eat the ice-cream while you are under the hot blazing sun. He takes you to his friends. “ Hey JaeKwang. Why are you eating that? I thought you hate strawberry flavor, don’t you?”

“ Well, hate is a strong word.”

“ Oi! JaeKwang, were you just doing this to make me jealous?”

“ Maybe.”

“ Give me some then!”

“ Why should I? You didn’t confess.”

“ I’m really hot right now and confessing is bigger than ice-cream!”

JaeKwang quickly gobbles up the rest and you look like steam was coming out of your ears. The friend just stands there, watching you chasing JaeKwang. You soon give up.


You wanted school to end already. Your day was really bad. How could it get worse?


You wanted to catch up and study to be a better student. You went up to the library. All the tables were full. You saw an empty seat. You asked the people sitting on the table it you could sit there. They answered,“ That seat is already taken,” in a mean way. You couldn’t work in the library, so you went outside to find another place to sit. You sat on the oval. You sat under a tree relaxed. You started reading over your past work. Boring isn’t it, but studying equals good grades. *Sigh*


“ Oh, hey HyunJae.”

You look up. It’s Daehyun. “Oh, hey there.”

“ What are you doing?”

“ Studying.”

He sits next to you. He leans his head on your shoulders and sighs. “HyunJae, why did you ask me who I liked so sudden?”

“ No reason.”

“ Okay.” Daehyun closes his eyes and smiles.

“ Why are you smiling?”

“ Nothing.”

“ Tell me.”

“ It’s personal.”

“ Aw, okay.”



Oh ops! Sorry, forgot to edit. Sorry cos I knew I was late for my next chapter >.< Because right now, I'm fully addicted to this FanFic. O.O It's so interesting, I dreamt of it. Well hope you liked it. 

Shy_Rabbit :)

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Pabo-sshi #1
Chapter 14: Wow,this fanfic is great! I love it so much! Please update soon, I can't wait!
Love,ShiningCherry ^-^
Chapter 13: Wow, is this really your first? This is great^^
I'll keep read it^^
yankee17zelo #3
Chapter 10: it's okay!!
Mindstring #4
Chapter 6: this is great
Moonxkiwixfox #5
Chapter 7: same as last last time. ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #6
Chapter 6: same as i said last time keep it up ~{^.^}~
Moonxkiwixfox #7
Chapter 5: Update soon but don't stress yourself if you need a break go ahead you deserve one. ~{^.^}~
yankee17zelo #8
Chapter 1: i like this!! :D
i like this :)