SHINEEXO Horror Oneshots
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Every night since I was a little boy I had the same dream. I seem to be on a date with a beautiful girl about 12 years old named Katie.

We are at a fair and we are hanging out with friends going on rides, eating too much cotton candy and being swindled on the midway. She is smiling at me in a shy way and calling me Rick; that part is strange as my name is Sehun.

Then the dream changes and we seem to be in an isolated forest kissing tentatively. I try to put my arm around her and she gets mad and starts to argue with me. I smack her and she starts to scream. I panic and grab a rock and bash it against her head many, many times until she just lies still.

Then, this is where it gets really strange. I then go where they are planting trees close to the sight of the murder and pick up a shovel and a bucket. I then use the shovel to cut off her head, put it in the bucket and take it away with me.

The last part of my dream is where I am standing at a grave sight trying not to laugh while mourners sob around me. The gravestone is a white marble angel and reads “Go Forth to Heaven Beloved Daughter, Katherine Wheeler 1956-1968” and that is when I wake up. It is a horrible dream and I feel like I am someone older, wiser and evil in it.

One summer I went to visit my grandparents and thought that I would cut though this old graveyard and there was the gravestone from my dreams! Looking older, but still the same. I was reading the inscription when I felt something brush against my leg. I looked down to see the severed head leaning against the stone. Then the angel moved and picked it up so that it was eye level with me. I don’t know why I didn’t run, something kept me in place.

The lips started to move and a ghostly voice said. “If you find me, you will find Rick”.

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Gonna start reading
haha you're welcome about the poster ^^
Chapter 19: This was awsome! My favorite would have to be Suhos owo it was the creepiest one towards me, the tips were so true and funny btw! :D
lucydiggory #5
when i click this page i see the scary background... how can i ever read this story when i'm alone???
Chapter 3: I dont get this chapter, author-nim. Anyone mind explaining please?