Graduation Day

Tried to walk

''Why isn't Jinyoung oppa coming? Doesn't he know that today is an important day?'' Eunkyung complained.

'' Haha, You don't know Jinyoung? He's always like that, missing important days like these~ sheesh.'' replied Sandeul sarcastically.

''What do you mean i don't know him well? Any way, he must have his reason for not coming right?'' Eunkyung wittingly replied.

''Ya, guys i think we better enter the school compound first,  we don't want to be late for school right?'' Shinwoo added in.

''Ah...this nerd, fine let's go. Hopefully Jinyoung comes...'' Gongchan skips into the school compound, greeting the discipline master.

''YA! GONG CHAN SHIK, you finally attend school in an appropriate attire, any way good luck!'', Mrs Lee shouted to Gongchan.


Eunkyung enters the school compound still thinking of Jinyoung. Baro quickly grabs her by the shoulder and pushed her along towards the compound.

''Eunkyung-ah, you look pretty today'', Baro looked at her and flashed a smile.

''Oh...Cha Baro, you're cheesy today...'' Eunkyung laughed and hit Baro on the back.

In the back of Baro's mind, Eunkyung look exceptionally beautiful today, inwardly he thanked Jinyoung for not coming as he was able to partner up with Eunkyung during Graduation Day. Baro smiled awkwardly as he looks at EunKyung.


''Eunkyung-ah! Where are you?'', Jinyoung ran while looking for Eunkyung.

''Oh, Jinyoungie? Eunkyung has gone to school with her other friends..'' replied Eunkyung's mother who was coincidentally watering the plants outside the house.

''Ah, really? I'm late then... Thank you Eunkyung-omoni'' Jinyoung replied as he sped up and rushed to school.

''Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong~dong~dong~''

*Discipline mistress closes the gate*

''WAIT!!!!'', Jinyoung exclaimed.

''YA! JUNG JIN YOUNG, YOU'RE LATE... AH CHAM... YOU'RE REALLY. How irresponsible can you get? LATE ON YOUR GRADUATION DAY.'', Mrs Lee replied coldly.

Jinyoung looks ahead in the school compound, there he sees Eunkyung lining up with the class, with a rather sad face, he knew that she was very upset that he wasn't able to fetch her. Jinyoung eyes catch an unusual sight, Baro stood very close to Eunkyung and was talking to her affectionately, and Eunkyung smiled. Jinyoung felt his heart ache as he sees Eunkyung and Baro wearing the same banner, they were partners. 

''Ya, quick, go in... today's the last day. You're the only one late, Run before the school anthem starts'', Mrs Lee said.

As the school gate opens, Jinyoung gingerly walks in, the screeching sound of the gate made everyone turn to look at him. He embarrassingly pick up his pace and stands directly at the back of the line of his class. 


''Oppa...'', Eunkyung wanted so badly to partner up with him, but she did not want to hurt Baro by throwing him aside.

''Eunkyung-ah..., you're partnering with Baro right? Can i partner with Jinyoung? Sandeul doesn't want to partner with me'' asked Hana.

''Oh. Sure...'' Eunkyung replies regretfully.


Hana slowly approaches Jinyoung. 

''Jinyoung, can you be my partner for today?'' Hana asked shyly and bit her lips out of embarrassment, her face reddened as Jinyoung looked at her.

''Oh. Ok. I guess....'', he replied. 

Hana quickly passes him the banner and ties it around his hands and put her hands around his arm. 


Eunkyung amidst the chaos sees Hana holding Jinyoung and Jinyoung was not resisting it. In return, Eunkyung hastily held Baro's hands.

''Eunkyung-ah.... you're holding my hand... ummm..''

Before Baro could even finish his sentence..

''I'm cold so i'm holding your hands, see Shinwoo is also holding Kyung Mi's hands... a person he doesn't know..'', replied Eunkyung.

Baro smiled widely and blushed for a moment. He was enjoying the fact that he was holding his crush hands. To hide the awkwardness, he quickly made a comical face to make Eunkyung laugh.

''Eunkyung-ah, you like me right? I'm cute right?'' Baro jokingly cracked up.

Eunkyung's face reddens as she burst out laughing.


Jinyoung, upon seeing Eunkyung's and Baro's jokes stares blankly at their direction.

All of the classes gather in the hall and sat down listening to the speeches given by the teachers and students. Jinyoung secretly chose to sit behind Eunkyung as either ways he was not able to sit beside her. 

''Jinyoung, i want to sit near my friends...'', pleaded Hana.

''Hana.. i can't really see so i have to sit here.. Any way it's just you and me.. Right?'', Jinyoung blankly replied just to please Hana.

Hana instantly blushed and gave in to Jinyoung's sweet reply.


Unexpectedly, Eunkyung had overheard what Jinyoung had said, her jealousy grew, and she Eunkyung finally outbursts by grabbing Baro's arm. Baro happily tucked Eunkyung hands in between his arms. Jinyoung felt like he should do something about it, thus he called out Eunkyung's name.


Eunkyung tries to ignore Jinyoung by pretending to be oblivious. The naive Baro taps Eunkyung by the shoulder and points at Jinyoung. Eunkyung shrugged her shoulder, which meant ''what do you want?''.

Jinyoung, shocked at Eunkyung's body gesture, carefully glance at her and murmurred the word ''sorry''.

Eunkyung then just nods her head and ignores Jinyoung totally during the ceremony.


''Ya, Jinyoung. What's up with you? Can't believe you let Eunkyung stand in the cold alone. She wouldn't have budge if it wasn't for us..'' Sandeul conveyed his feelings to Jinyoung as he was lining up to the buffet.

''Is Eunkyung angry?'', asked Jinyoung curiously.

'' Ha.... she's mad. She even't rebutted Sandeul in the morning...Never seen her act so cold towards you..'' added Shinwoo.

''Plus, she's been acting really close with Baro. Don't you guys think she likes him??'', Gongchan exaggerates.

''Ya~~ Gongchan-ah, you really can become a director... doesn't mean they're close, means she likes him. So you're telling me, Eunkyung likes me because she lends me a pen in class and talks to me all day?'', added Sandeul.

''YA! Don't talk about Eunkyung like that... You guys know nothing about her ok...'', replied Shinwoo aggressively as he walks off.

''Eh... What's wrong with everybody??? Why so serious??'', Sandeul reacts emotionally pointing to Shinwoo.

''You know Shinwoo, he's like that...'', Gongchan shrugged it off.

''Hmmm, the school finally catered something fit for us to eat... haha'', Jinyoung cautiously tries to fix the mood up.

All of a sudden, Sandeul hypes up and fills his plate with all the food. Jinyoung and Gongchan couldn't help but laugh at Sandeul's greediness.

As Jinyoung chooses his favourite food, he sees Eunkyung sitting alone at the corner, pouting her lips. Jinyoung scans to see if there was Eunkyung's favourite food, EUREKA! Brownies!

''OH! Jinyoung! Why were you late today? Eunkyung was worried about you, i thought you weren't coming... woo~~ brownies, i'm sure Eunkyung will like this.'', Baro hurriedly rushes to take the brownies for Eunkyung.

Jinyoung couldn't even react and was flabbergasted by Baro's actions. 

''Oppa, let's sit there and eat.'', asked Hana.

''Umm... you can go eat with your friends, i have something to say to Eunkyung. You can have your banner back'', Jinyoung shoved the banner into Hana's hands and headed towards Eunkyung.

Jinyoung stood infront of Eunkyung, who was busily eating the brownies, with filled with the chocolatey cake, she looks up and chokes on the brownies to see Jinyoung looking at her. Baro quickly grabs the cup of water for Eunkyung and taps her back to calm her down.

''Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you....'', Jinyoung said while he sat at the empty seat next to Eunkyung.

Eunkyung kept a straightface and didn't respond to Jinyoung's words. Instead, she stood up and said ''Baro oppa, thank you for today, but i think i have to go home first. Since the ceremony is over and all.''

''Oh..really? Can't you stay a little while longer?'', asked Baro.

''I really want to, but i don't really feel like it.'', said Eunkyung, as she grabs her school coat and bag.

Jinyoung stared blankly at the ground, Eunkyung heads towards the exit. Baro stood rooted to the ground wondering what was going on between Jinyoung and Eunkyung.

As soon as Eunkyung steps out of the school, Jinyoung chases after her.

''YA! LEE EUNKYUNG. STOP THERE!'', Jinyoung exclaims as he couldn't stand his anger. Eunkyung was not a fast runner so he easily caught up to her and grabs her arm. Eunkyung turns and struggles to free her arm from Jinyoung, she didn't want to look at him. Her eyes felt hot as she teared up.

''Let me go...'', Eunkyung softly spoke, with a tinge of hurt in her voice. She was about to cry.

''Eunkyung-ah...don't cry. I'm so sorry.'', Jinyoung held her hands.

Eunkyung didn't like Jinyoung to say sorry, she hated to blame him. 

''What's there to be sorry about, it's just me. I'm just too easily...'', Eunkyung bursts into tears. 

Jinyoung embraced Eunkyung in his arms, he knew how disappointed she was that she was not able to partner up with him, and for the fact that he made her jealous. .....He couldn't forgive himself for making her cry...



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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung