The truth.

Tried to walk

Baro intently gazed on Eunkyung whom was sleeping very soundly. He smiled while looking at her red nose, whenever it was cold her face would automatically turn red like a peach. Her pouty lips would become very red that every time he saw her, he would try to touch those lips. Baro sat on the edge of the bed and tried to reach out his hands to touch her face.

* Eunkyung twist and turns on the bed *

Baro sat next to her on the bed. As Baro was about to lean against the bedrest he felt a rustle on his feet as though he had stepped on something. He peeked over to see what it was, it was a picture of him and Eunkyung. Eunkyung's mother had accidentally dropped the picture while she was holding her daughter's soaked clothes. Calmly, Baro carefully picked up the picture with both hands.

'' Lee Eunkyung, how time flew.. look at you, smiling so brightly.'', Baro uttered those words while biting his lips as he tenderly touched both of their faces in the picture.

Baro flips the picture to look at the date that it was taken. Baro's eyes welled with tears and his lips formed a smile. His eyes made sure that he did not miss a single word that Eunkyung had written at the back of the photo.

- Baro oppa, i'm so glad that you came back. Do you know how much i missed you this past two years? I'm so glad that omma printed this photo for me. Each day, looking at this photo makes me feel thankful for meeting such a great person like you. I hope that in the years to come you'll still be my best friend and that one day i'll try to tell you that i liked you. I'm not sure about this feeling, but my heart flutters every time i see you. Even today when you put that clip on my hair just to cheer me up, i felt confused. Cha Baro.. Saranghae.. Probably you won't know because i'm really good at hiding my feelings.. from now on, i'll just look at you from afar and won't dare to love you.- Lee Eunkyung. 

Baro turns to look at the sleeping Eunkyung and lamented, '' Babo.... i can't believe you're that stupid.. I knew you were silly from the first day that i met you. Is this something that you're keeping me from me all this years? You hid your feelings so well... all the while that you had liked me, how did you hide it? If you had told me earlier.. things would probably be different.''.

Baro regretfully stood up and tucked Eunkyung in. He gingerly walked in to the living room and approached Eunkyung's mother.

'' Omoni~ I have good news!'', Baro flashed a smile at her while holding her tightly.

'' Ah, wae... You're so weird. What is it? You want to stay here for tonight?'', Omoni replied Baro with a slightly annoyed tone.

'' Oh?! How did you know? Omg! Omoni! Where did you learn to read someone's mind?!'', Baro overreacted to omoni's reply with his hand gestures.

'' Did you lose a screw? Of course, you can stay! Why did you think i made that room for? I was wondering about Eunkyung, how did she get all soaked? Did something happen? Did she fight with Jinyoung? There were fine just now... isanghae...'', Omoni asked Baro curiously with wide eyes.

''.....Ummm.. Ah! I, accidentally, hit Eunkyung and.. she fell into the water. Ahahaha.. Omoni, then.. i'll go to sleep first! My clothes are still in the wardrobe right? Good night!'', Baro hesitated when he tried to answer Eunkyung's mother. It would probably be better that he kept mum about it since it she would probably flipped if she found out the truth.

Baro hurriedly ran into his room and locked the door. As soon as he locked the door, he leaned against the door and all the feelings that he had suppressed for so long felt like it was going to burst out any moment soon.

 A single drop of grief welled up from the corner of his eye and suddenly, the dam broke. Hot torrents of grief coursed down his face, mingling with the rain, his racking sobs lost in the high winds that tore at his hair and clothes. This time no words could come out of Baro's mouth. The only way he could express his grief was by crying all the pain that he was feeling. 

'' Cha Baro... Grab a hold of yourself.. You can't be like this, stay strong!'', Baro whispered those lies to himself. He wiped away the tears from his eyes. He slowly closed his eyes, breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. He then heavily stood up and proceeded to change into the extra clothes that he had kept in the wardrobe.

* Baro changes into new clothes and cleaned away the dust in his (guest) room*

While cleaning, Baro's phone rang. 

* Baro answers the call*

'' Hello? Oh? Lee Sandeul? Wae?'', Baro answers softly as he heard Sandeul's solemn's voice.

'' You fool! Where were you?! Do you know how worried i was?! Eunkyung? Did you find her?', replied Sandeul furiously.

'' *sighs* Eunkyung is fine. She's at home. I'll tell you the story tomorrow, long story.'', Baro responded to Sandeul disappointingly.

'' By the way, Jinyoung is hospitalised. He almost died! I think you should tell Eunkyung that. He broked a rib, i mean how in the world did he broke a rib? Don't you think he's in some kind of trouble? Don't tell me he got himself into trouble when he found out that you liked Eunkyung?! Yah! Any way, you never told me you liked her! Am i a doll to you?? Why is Shinwoo always getting to know all the juicy news and secrets?? Am i nothing in your eyes? Cha Baro, you... aigoo-ya.. my head. Any way! Thank god she's okay... I'm still disappointed with you! I'm done, i'll hang up!'', Sandeul answered exaggeratedly to Baro and hangs up the call leaving him in a daze.

Baro was dumbfounded by Sandeul's words and stared at the phone. Baro sarcastically laughed and was amazed by how emotionally funny Sandeul was.  However, he was grateful to Sandeul for being the first one to phone and update him about the situation. Baro laid on the bed and worried for Jinyoung. In his head, he remembered the image of Jinyoung kneeling and pleading about the whereabouts of Eunkyung. His bashed up face and his red eyes. Baro knew the first thing he would do tomorrow was to bring Eunkyung to Jinyoung.

'' At least, you're happy being with him. If you're happy. I'm happy too.'', Baro uttered those words and thought of the fond memories that he had with Eunkyung.

The first time he had met her after two years and he placed a clip on her hair. The time when he had fought with Eunkyung over something trivial and dramatically made up in the rain. During the holidays when the both of them got bored and met at their neighbourhood playground and played on the swing while sharing stories. Having fun in school while eating popsicles in the summer. 

*Baro falls asleep.*

''Even though it hurts, I'm relieved. Even this feeling is too burdensome to me.''- Cha Baro





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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung