Baro oppa, why are you like this?

Tried to walk

''We're finally a couple?'', Eunkyung asked Jinyoung again.

''Babo, this necklace, don't ever remove it... i thought this went well with the ring, and you probably won't lose it when it's around your neck.'', replied Jinyoung.

Eunkyung hugs Jinyoung, she didn't want to let him go.

''Eunkyung-ah, go in... You'll catch a cold like this. I'll call you alright when i reach home?'', Jinyoung tried to convince Eunkyung.

Eunkyung reluctantly presses the door bell, she smiles at Jinyoung and waves a goodbye to him. Jinyoung walks a few step forward but hurriedly turns back and grabs Eunkyung, he grins widely and gave her a kiss on the forehead and ran away. Eunkyung's face turned red and she covered with her hands. 

''Ya! Eunkyung, aren't you going to come in?! I've opened the gate already!'', shouted Eunkyung's mom.

Eunkyung hurriedly rushes in and greets her mom. 

''Oh, Eunkyung-ah, what's that around your neck?'', inquired her mother.

''Omma, this~~~ Jinyoung oppa gave it to me! hehe~~'', announced Eunkyung and she runs into her room.

*Jumps**Rolls**Squeals**Rolls on the floor**Jumps on the bed**Falls flat on the bed* (from the excitement)

Eunkyung lays on the bed, thinking of Jinyoung's face. She had waited so long for this moment to come. 


''OPPA!'', answered Eunkyung excitedly as she picks up Jinyoung's phone call.

''Oh, aegiya~'', replied Jinyoung.

Eunkyung squeals for a moment as she finds the word 'aegiya' too cheesy but at the same time she loved it. Eunkyung and Jinyoung chatted for about an hour talking about everything that they could think off.

''Oppa~ You should rest. I love you too.'', Eunkyung hangs the call up first as she wanted Jinyoung to rest after the ordeal that she had put him through.



''Oh? Shinwoo oppa?, why did he text all of a sudden?'', Eunkyung asked herself.

''Eunkyung-ah, Shinwoo oppa here, what's up with Baro? After you left, he told me that he was going to find you? Did anything happen?'', read the text sent by Shinwoo.

''Baro oppa? Nope. I didn't see him. I was with Jinyoung.. Why? Any way oppa! I have good news to tell you! :D'', Eunkyung excitedly responded.

''Ah...I see... hmmm.. What's the good news? :)'', replied Shinwoo.

'' Me and Jinyoung oppa are dating!!!! :D!!!!''

''OH! REALLY? DAEBAK. I guess all your worries are finally rested now. I guess you don't need me now right? :P'', replied Shinwoo.

''No! Oppa! Thank you so much for always being there for me! Any way i'm really worried about Baro after leaving him like that. I'll try calling him later.'', responded Eunkyung.


Eunkyung hurriedly dials Baro number. 

''Hello..'', a deep sorrowful voice greeted Eunkyung.

''Oppa.. why do you sound so sad?''

''Nah, i'm just tired. Eunkyung-ah...'s nothing. I'll go to sleep first.''

''Oppa, wait... are you alright?''

*Baro hangs up*

As Baro hangs up, he throws the phone aside. His heart ached hearing the voice of the person he loved. Knowing that he was not able to have her, tears flowed down again..Baro reminisce the past of him and Eunkyung. Each day after school, the both of them would always hang out together and joke around. As time passed, Baro realises that Eunkyung was not just a person that he could call a ''chingu'' but a person that he loved and cherished deeply.


On the other hand, Eunkyung was shocked by Baro's actions, he had never ever once hanged up on her. 

''What's wrong with him? OMG, Just because i left him there doesn't mean he can act like this. How insensitive of him! I'm not going to spoil my day just because of this!'', exclaimed Eunkyung.

Eunkyung not realising that Baro loved her, and was hurting to accept the fact that she was now Jinyoung's blantly blames Baro for being too sensitive and shoves his temperament aside so as not to not spoil her day. 

''this is my last conversation with you''-Baro




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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung