Last day of school.

Tried to walk

*Alarm clock rings*

Eunkyung struggles to find her alarm clock and accidentally knocks it off the table. 

''Ah.... why must i be clumsy from early in the morning...'', Eunkyung clumsily climbs out of bed and heads to the bathroom.

Eunkyung smiled at herself as she sees the necklace and ring dangling on her neck.  She couldn't help but think of Jinyoung. Eunkyung prepares herself for the last day of school. She made sure her hair was out of her face and applied moisturer to her face, since the weather was so cold.

''Omma! I'm going off first!'', announce Eunkyung.

As Eunkyung was opening the gate, she felt like she hit something. Eunkyung stood frozen thinking that she might have flung or hit a stray dog/cat. Eunkyung took in a few deep breaths and peeked to only see Jinyoung sitting by the gate waiting for her.

''Oppa! It's so cold, how long have you been here??'', Eunkyung exclaimed as she grabs Jinyoung's hands and tried to warm it up. 

Jinyoung smiled weakly and grabs Eunkyung's hand. Jinyoung looked into Eunkyung's eyes, instantly Jinyoung knew that Eunkyung was still clueless. 

''Oppa, what's wrong?'', sighed Eunkyung.

Jinyoung remained silent all the way till they reached school. Eunkyung desperately wanted to know what Jinyoung was thinking about that made him so troubled. As the both of them made their way to the classroom, they both bumped into Baro. 

''Baro oppa...'', Eunkyung called out to Baro.

Jinyoung looked at the innocent Eunkyung. Baro tried to compose himself and looked towards Eunkyung and Jinyoung. Baro who saw Eunkyung's bright face, knew that Eunkyung happiness lied within Jinyoung and he didn't want to spoil it for her and as it was the last day for them. Baro wanted to at least bless Eunkyung. Baro slowly walked towards Eunkyung and flashed a weak smile.

''Oh, Eunkyung-ah... I heard from Shinwoo.. You two.. ha...8 years of friendship..., ohh SANDEUL-AH!'', before Baro finished his sentence, he purposely runs towards Sandeul to hide the pain in his voice as he uttered those words. 

Eunkyung heaved a sigh of relief as she saw that Baro was alright after the incident last night. All of them entered the classroom and prepared for the final day in the class. Eunkyung calmly sat beside Sandeul. Jinyoung and Baro awkwardly sat beside each other. Both of their tables were directly behind Eunkyung's and Sandeul's. Gongchan and Cnu sat at the row beside Eunkyung and Sandeul.

''Eunkyung-ah, i don't think i should be sitting here. You already have a boyfriend, he's probably going to beat me up if i talk to you.'', sulked Sandeul.

Eunkyung laughed seeing Sandeul's antics and pinches him on the cheek.

''You know what? You're the cutest class partner ever. I'm going to miss you. Will you miss me?'', asked Eunkyung.

''Mmmm... Why would i miss you?'', replied Sandeul jokingly.


''Eunkyung-ah! He's going to miss you. Haha, you probably didn't know that he used to have a crush on you two years back!'', announced playful Gongchan.

Eunkyung laughed hysterically and hits Sandeul on the shoulder. Sandeul stares at Gongchan for a moment, but seeing Eunkyung laugh made him happy as Sandeul always thought that his mission in life was to make people laugh, but ultimately pretty-boy Gongchan beat him to that. Shinwoo beamed looking at Eunkyung laugh and continued to read his comic.

Jinyoung and Baro both gazed at the laughing Eunkyung. Both of them couldn't help but give off a slight smile. Jinyoung couldn't help but think of last night.

-Last night-

Jinyoung accidentally bumps into Baro at the junction near both of their houses. Baro looked weary and his eyes were teary. Jinyoung sees Baro holding a ring in his hands. As Baro closes his eyes, he unknowingly calls out for Eunkyung painfully. 

''EUNKYUNG-AH! WAE?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! I loved you first! I was the most loyal one. Didn't you remember?! How he ignored you after chasing after Hana?!'', bawled Baro by the junction.

Jinyoung who was standing behing Baro heard everything.

Jinyoung out of shock, steps a few steps backwards. He stumbled along the way, and walked a different path from Baro. Jinyoung honestly didn't know that Baro had feelings for Eunkyung. Jinyoung shook his head in denial. Why was fate so cruel? He couldn't bear to see his childhood friend Baro agonize over Eunkyung. Jinyoung knew that Baro bore hatred over him after hearing his words. How was he going to face Baro tomorrow?


''Oppa!'', Eunkyung waves at Jinyoung who was day-dreaming.

''Oh, Wae?'', Jinyoung responded.

''Oppa, saranghae.. haha'', Eunkyung runs away after saying the words that she wanted to say and joined Sandeul and the gang for lunch.

Baro and Jinyoung awkwardly sat beside one another.

''You love her right?'', Baro asked Jinyoung.

''Ummm..'', Jinyoung could not find the words to express his guilt.

''Alright, take care of her.'', Baro let out a sigh of relief and he started to feel pain in his chest as he uttered those words.

''Baro-ya, what do you mean by this? You're her best-friend right? You're like an oppa to her. Doesn't mean that our relationship will affect your friendship...'', Jinyoung tried to explain to Baro as he understood what Baro was trying to say.

Baro fumed at Jinyoung's words. He pushed his table towards the front and glared at Jinyoung.

''What? You don't know nothing! Cham.. I've never mentioned this, but you don't know how much hurt you've caused to Eunkyung! Ha.. After all these while... if it hadn't been me who had always had to clear up your name, she wouldn't have loved you! I, Cha Baro loved Lee Eunkyung for 8 years!'', bellowed Baro as he his lips.

Eunkyung drops the bottle of orange juice that she had bought for Jinyoung, it broke into a million pieces. Sandeul stood there frozen after hearing Baro's outburst. Eunkyung runs away from the classroom. Shinwoo and Gongchan chases after her.

Baro realising the damage that he had done, stood paralysed.

Jinyoung could only hurt thinking about Eunkyung's reaction towards Baro's confession and how he was going to lose either of them.

''Baro oppa, i really didn't know...I'm so sorry''.

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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung