Found You.

Tried to walk

Baro's heart thumped as he ran towards the familiar direction. The image of the frantic and distressed Jinyoung kept replaying in his head.

Why was Jinyoung so frenzied? Is Eunkyung in trouble? Why is she not back home yet? Why isn't she with Jinyoung? Where is she? She would be at the quarry right? Suddenly, Baro pictured finding Eunkyung faced down in the water. At that point, tears started filling up his eyes, his heart was filled with regrets. 

'' Andwae..andwae..andwae..'', Baro murmurred those words to himself as he raced towards the place that he had left Eunkyung. 

Baro finally closes in to the place that he had left Eunkyung, it was pitch black and the chirping of the crickets were very vivid. All that Baro could see infront of him was his breath, since the weather was so cold. Baro breathed in deeply, he analysed his surroundings very quickly, there was no one. The lack of light made it difficult for him to move on as he could not see anything, he made sure he was very careful with his steps lest he injures himself. Baro finally picked up the courage to cry out Eunkyung's name.

'' Eunkyung-ah! Lee Eunkyung!'', Baro cried as he clasps both his hands on his mouth. There was no answer, all that greeted him was a chilling breeze.

Baro walks a little bit closer to the place where he left Eunkyung initially. His eyes scanned around for her, his chest felt stuffy from being anxious and worried. This time, Baro shut his eyes tightly and depended on his ears to listen to his surroundings. Baro's ears tingled as he heard her voice, it sounded like she was crying, her voice was muffled.

'' YAH! EUNKYUNG-AH!'', this time Baro yelled even louder. Baro ran towards the sound, his footsteps got faster, his heart skipped a beat.

Baro finally finds Eunkyung. She was lying on the ground, freezing and drenched. There she was hugging herself from the fear of darkness, crying on her own. Baro hugs her tightly and gently covers her with his jacket. Eunkyung sobs even more.

''Eunkyung-ah, mianhae, I'm so sorry, i shouldn't have left you here, i shouldn't....'', Baro cries as he embraced the shaking Eunkyung.

Eunkyung sorrowfully weeps as she tightly grips Baro's hands. Tears fell like there was no tomorrow. She had thought that nobody was ever going to find her, and that she was going to die alone after falling into the river. 

'' No, this isn't good, you're drenched and you're going to catch a cold..'', Baro worded out those words as he rubs Eunkyung's shoulder.

Just like what an elder brother would do, Baro took off the first two layers of his clothes. With his sweaters sleeves, he wiped off Eunkyung's tears and dried her hands. Baro grieved at the sight of Eunkyung shivering, thus he swiftly removed her wet jacket and sweater, and replaced it with his warm clothings. Baro brushes Eunkyung's hair with his hands and rubs her head while trying to smile. After all, she was safe and sound.

'' Let's go now, *sighs*. What a bad oppa i am... Doing this to my beloved Eunkyung.'', Baro broked the silence and got Eunkyung on his back.

With Eunkyung on his back, he could hear her snivelling. His heart ached hearing her cry, having to put her through the fear of being alone, he felt so guilty that he felt like stabbing himself with a knife. How could he be so malicious to come up with words to hurt her, the knife-like words that he had thrown to her just now made him feel even more worst. Baro felt like hitting himself on a brick wall and die.

'' Oppa...'', Eunkyung finally voiced out.

'' Eung... wae?'', Baro replied, he tried his best to not sound like he was going to cry. 

Eunkyung gently rest her head on his shoulder and warm tears flowed down her face as she breathes on Baro's neck. She closed her eyes and tried to speak.

'' I felt like i was going to die when i fell in there. I felt like no one was ever going to find me there. I was so afraid that i felt like i was going to go crazy.. When you walked off... I...'', Eunkyung stops and tried to control her tears as she imaged Baro leaving her.

Baro could feel Eunkyung's pain instantly, her words hit him like a bullet through his heart. He wanted so much to just put her down and give her a warm hug and kiss her but now that she was Jinyoung's, he had to try so hard to stop himself from touching the girl he loved. Hence, he gave a sigh of relief for Eunkyung to hear.

'' Oh.. Oppa was crazy today, I'm like probably having withdrawal symptoms since we're all separating from school and all that. Haha, Eunkyung-ah, don't take my words seriously, you should know that, Cha Baro is a crazy squirrel, and he deserves a ''cha''(kick) to his body'', Baro joked as he tried to calm Eunkyung down.

The cold wind once again passed by them as Baro walked with Eunkyung on his back to her place. This time the exhausted Eunkyung had already passed out on Baro's back. Baro softly turns to look at Eunkyung, she was fast asleep on his shoulders, he couldn't help but smile at the baby-like Eunkyung. Time passed and he finally arrives at Eunkyung's place. Baro swiftly opens the gate since he knew the passcode and entered Eunkyung's courtyard. 

'' Baro-ya! Eunkyung-ah!'', yelled Eunkyung's mother as she quickly approached her baby whom was on Baro's back.

Baro headed towards Eunkyung's bedroom and placed her gently on her bed. Without wasting time, he opened her wardrobe and picked the thickest set of pyjamas that she had. He then turned to Eunkyung's mother.

'' Omoni.. could you please change Eunkyung into this? She might catch a cold if she stays in that soaked undergarments and pants that she's wearing,'' reckoned Baro.

'' Aigoo...this girl.. why is she bringing so much trouble to her friends? First Jinyoung and now Baro, what is she thinking.. Alright, Baro you go make yourself comfortable first. Make yourself a cup of tea and i cooked Kimchi Stew, go help yourself.'', Eunkyung's mother hurriedly rushes Baro out the room so that she could put on some clothes on Eunkyung.


Baro looked around the house, he plunged into the couch and settled his fatigued body on it. He bit his lips as he waited for Eunkyung's mother to open the door so that he could check on her. 

*15 minutes passed*

Baro plops up and placed his hands on his cheeks. He fidgeted with the remote control, switching channels and pointing at the hilarious variety shows. Eunkyung's mother finally unlocked the door and stepped out of the room with Eunkyung's soaked clothes. Baro stands up immediately to help her.

'' Omoni, let me help you!'', Baro energetically grabbed the clothes from her and ran to the laundry room.

Eunkyung's mother couldn't help but laugh at Baro's swift and polite action. In her head, she personally preferred Baro over Jinyoung. Baro was like a light in their lives after Eunkyung's father left. He was also like a pole for her daughter to lean on whenever problems arised, she felt very thankful to Baro for that. She would have liked it if Baro was her son-in-law, life would be filled with colors then, and oh..imagine all the grandchildren that she would have, bright and bubbly.

*sound of washing machine being operated* 

Baro runs out of the laundry room and holds onto Omoni's shoulder. He winked at her and complimented that she was beautiful today. Eunkyung's mother playfully hits Baro and tells him off to go play with Eunkyung. Baro smiled and nodded his head and heads into Eunkyung's room.

'' Just like that day when you ran off after being scolded by your mother, i found you. Again, i found you today. From now on, I promise that wherever you are, i will definitely find you'', Baro spout those words as he swipes his hands on Eunkyung's forehead. 

Shinwoo's words replayed in Baro's head once again, did Eunkyung really like Baro?




(A/N: Today is the 600th day of being with B1A4!! yay!! :) ㅋㅋㅋㅋam so proud of them... for all the things that they had achieved.Well, December has been like a total drama for me, cause there were too many things going on about B1A4. Well, Chapter 11, is going to be like one of the few final chapter, i'll probably write two or three more chapters and end it... Still contemplating with a happy ending or a sad ending ^^ I didn't want Eunkyung to die, because if Eunkyung died, Jinyoung would probably have committed suicide in the story. Plus, Baro would have crazily jumped in the water and freezed himself to death. But definitely to those who have listened and understood the song 'tried to walk' i'll try to include some aspects of that in my story later on, haha. With that have a pleasant day and do leave comments. Will update chapter 12 soon after learning some new malay words. ~^^~. )





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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung