
Tried to walk


Why are you so late?!''

'' Sorry, oppa, I was on my way here, but i saw this beautiful necklace, i was distracted''

Jinyoung quickly grabs her hand and they both scuffled to the shop that she mentioned.


Eunkyung shyly nods her head, and Jinyoung smiled widely. In his head, he pictured her wearing the necklace, it was just perfect for her and the ring would fit perfectly in the necklace. All of a sudden he flicked her head.

''Ya, you'll look like an old lady wearing this, any way your mom is going to spent a fortune getting you this..let's go and get ice-cream'', said Jinyoung playfully.

''Hmmph'', although she was mad, she knew that Jinyoung was a man with no sense (she's wrong) and followed him from behind as he head towards the cafe.

Jinyoung thought very hard about how he was going to get her the necklace, it was beautiful but too expensive. He bit his lips as he deeply thought about how he was going to buy the necklace for her. Noticing that she was upset as she wasn't beside him, Jinyoung quickly went up to her and held her shoulders. He knew she would smile instantly, he was right, although she bit her tongue at first to hide the hint of happiness, she couldn't hide it, both of them burst into laughter, attracting the attention of the passerby's.

''Oppa~ stop it, people are looking.''

Time went by very quickly as the both of them enjoyed being with one another.   Jinyoung couldn't help but think of her as he walked back home. He grinned as he glanced at the sneakers that she made for him, although he would rate it at a low point for the drawing, she won his heart. He was sure that he loved her, they grew up together, went through times of happiness and also sorrow together. At 12, her parents filed for a divorce, she was so distraught that she ran away from home, her mother frantically searched for her to no avail, knowing her well, Jinyoung found her at the quarry near their neighborhood. At that point of time he knew that he had to protect her, and promised to only give her happiness.


Jinyoung stopped walking as he patiently read the text from her.

''Oppa, thanks for today, i really appreciate it, see you tomorrow at school! Don't forget it's graduation day tomorrow! :D <3''

For a moment he couldn't breathe as he thought of seeing her tomorrow and how he was going to tell her that he loved her.  

''Ah.... I'm late!'', Jinyoung quickly picked up his pace and finally reached the convenient store his Aunt owned.

''Ahjumma, sorry, i'm late, i'll work hard to tend the store!", Jinyoung sweetly grabbed her by the arms and rushed to change.

His Aunt could only fold her arms, her business had been gaining profits ever since Jinyoung tended the store, girls would flock to buy any thing just to see his face. Even she couldn't believe that she had such a handsome-irresistibly cute nephew, she couldn't refuse him. Although she pitied him, for having to work till late at night, she had no extra means to help him and his family. His father, a kind man was involved in a fraud and the family lost all their savings and are now in debt, thus Jinyoung secretly took up part-time jobs to ease the burden of his family.  

His Aunt passed Jinyoung an energy drink and Ramen for him so that he wouldn't feel tired. Jinyoung smiled as he busily check the stocks that were coming in into the shop. It was finally 2am that his Aunt told Jinyoung to go home and rest as his shift had ended.

''Your pay for this month, $850, I'm giving you extra not because i pity you, but you deserve it. Now go home and sleep, you still have school tomorrow''

Jinyoung clutched the money in his hands and couldn't express his gratitude towards his Aunt. He could only hug her and thank her.  

The night breeze made the night colder than ever, Jinyoung rushes back home and went to sleep.  

''Jinyoung-ah, wake up, it's 6am. You have to get ready. I've already made breakfast and ironed your clothes'', Jinyoung's mother tenderly shook him.

''Araso, omma.'', Jinyoung readily stands up and plops to the floor, causing his mother to laugh.  

''Omma....~~'' Jinyoung sulks as his mother laughed at him instead of helping him up.


He quickly washed up and gobbled up his breakfast. His mother was wondering why in the world her son was rushing so much. Jinyoung had actually forgotten that he had promised to pick Eunkyung up.  

-On the other hand-

''Haiz, why isn't oppa here yet?'', Eunkyung shivered as she waited for Jinyoung to come and pick her up.  

''Ya! Eunkyung-ah!'', Baro shouted from afar.

Eunkyung turns and sees her classmates, Baro, Gongchan, Shinwoo and Sandeul. She runs towards them thinking that Jinyoung might be there.  

''Oh, he's not here?'' she asked.

'' Who? Your Jinyoung?'', Sandeul jokingly replied. Shinwoo reacted rather slowly to Sandeul's joke and laughed.  

Eunkyung pouted and sighed.

''Let's go, we're going to be late. I can be your partner if you want to, I don't think Jinyoung is coming anyway, he was working last night'', Baro suggested.

Eunkyung thinking that Jinyoung was not going to come, was convinced into becoming Baro's partner at school.  

Eunkyung kept turning back just to check that Jinyoung is coming, Gongchan was busily making sure that he looked neat and smart, Shinwoo as per usual reading the comics that he liked, Sandeul who is going on and on about what he did yesterday, Baro who is just laughing at everything.

Eunkyung was disappointed, she had definitely sent Jinyoung the text.........







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polarla #1
Chapter 14: I will read the sequel well. ^^ Thank you!
Chapter 14: SEQUEL!!!!! :D
Baro!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 13: T^T I fell off my bed while reading this, it's so sad 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
hunneys #7
Chapter 13: poor jinyoung :(
love this story
can't believe it is the final one i hope there is more but can't it is already the final
Chapter 13: :o
T^T Poor Jinyoung