Chapter Nine

The Hidden Love


‘Haerin-ah, I am heading out now.’ Gikwang said as he zipped up his bag pack while he stared at me with those pair of cute eyes of his.

I then looked up from my work, as I nodded my head, ‘Neh, Gikwang-shi.. But, I thought the both of us are h-havin—‘

I stared him confusedly as I fumbled my fingers nervously, but he ended up chuckled to himself and that made me even more confused than before.

‘So?’ I cocked my head to the side as I started to play and twirled around with my pen.

‘Oh, so I am all by myself?’ I sighed as I continued to scribble a few words on my notebook before I shoved those books of mine into my bag pack.

Alright, I admitted that I am looking a little forward to have lunch with Gikwang because I am always eating alone at home since my mother could not spend her time with me. You can say I was a little disappointed when he totally forgot about the friendly lunch date. Still, I can’t help but feeling a little.. gloomy?

‘So, where are you heading to?’ I asked timidly as I clenched my bag pack close to me while I looked down at the ground, looking totally disappointed.

I waited for his responds, but I heard nothing, except for his chortles.  

I raised my head a little and Gikwang was just standing there laughing his heart out.

‘Why is he laughing?’ I scratched my head as I looked to my left and to my right.

‘What is so funny about?’ I eyed him, looking totally puzzled.

Junhyung and Yoseob were both doing their own business as for Doojoon and Hyunseung, they were both arguing over a.. chicken drumstick? I smiled at the both of them, silently wondering where did they got that chicken drumstick from, since class just ended a minute or two ago.

‘Did they hid that chicken drumstick inside one of their drawer? Or maybe one of them owns ninja ability to sneak into the cafeteria? Oh gosh.. Aissh, forget about it, what is Gikwang-shi laughing about? I turned my head towards Gikwang and sulked.

Still, I frowned a little when I heard Gikwang still laughing, I then scooted closer to him as I started to bombard him with questions, ‘What are you laughing at?’

‘Is there anything to laugh about?’ I asked as I looked closely at him.

‘Why are you laughing?’

‘Mind sharing?’

He stopped laughing all of a sudden and just bit his lips as I saw a blush started to form around both of his cheeks. I then heard someone cleared their throat and I soon realized that our face were just few inches apart from each other.

‘Oh gosh, I am creating awkwardness..’

I started to laugh awkwardly as I started to step back and I felt the tension and pressure since the girls from our class were shooting me their dead glares with their laser beam eyes. If those eyes could kill, I probably died on the spot or maybe joined my father as one of the guardian angels to protect my mother from harm. From time to time, I can’t help but to wonder to myself how many glares I had received from their fan girls ever since I started to study in this school.

Sometimes, I started to speculate to myself, being a kingka is not an easy job but becoming their friends is not really a pleasant job either since all I had received were just dirty and dead glares, and rude sentences that spat from their filthy mouth of theirs. Not only that, I ended up having those boys as my only friends instead.

‘I bet they hope they could kill me on the spot, like right now..’

I shook my head a little as I tried to get rid of those horrible thoughts of mine, ‘Now, it is not time to get scare off. Plus, you did not do anything wrong, and those guys are your only friends in school.’

Ever since I started to enroll into this school and knew those guys, my popularity increased slightly, but none of the girls willing to be friend with me since I knew all the while they were all cursing me so badly. They accused me for stealing their so called boyfriends even though I knew those were all lies, but, really, whenever I met some troubles that were caused by those fan girls of theirs, those boys were always there and be on time to save me, especially Junhyung.

Talking about Junhyung, I am still wondering why he stormed off earlier ago.

Anyway, back to the story before I started to wonder and digging more questions and thoughts.

I avoided those glares as I felt another stare from behind, I turned my head around as I saw both of Junhyung’s eyes harden and darken. Those eyes of his showed anger, hatred and several emotions that I could hardly described. I gulped mouthful of saliva as I stared back at him as I felt a sudden chill and guilt crept into me.

‘Why am I feeling this way?’

‘Why am I feeling guilty when I did not do any mistake?’

I ended up staring back at him, still looking a little uncomfortable and terrified. I am not scared about him, but I am definitely confused about my own thoughts. I felt lost whenever Junhyung is around. I can’t help but to stare at him from a far whenever I spot him.

My cheeks instantly heated up as I still felt his intent stare, even though both of his eyes were darkened and cold.

I felt a sudden relieve when Yosoeb suddenly elbowed Junhyung and Junhyung himself then focused on his best friends instead. Soon, they were both started to laughing and smiling over something, but somehow I could still sense something not right when I gazed intently at Junhyung’s eyes.

I jerked up a little when I heard Gikwang called out my name.


‘Haerin-ah?’ he shook my lightly as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I then switched my attention towards Gikwang.

I scooted far away as I felt his sudden touch, and I guess he felt the awkwardness as he retrieved his hand away from me and placed both of his hands behind his back immediately.


‘Don’t you remember we are having our lunch together after school?’ he asked curiously as he leaned against the table behind his back.

‘L-lunch?’ I startled.

‘So, he remembers!’ I beamed.

‘Neh, lunch, the both of us..’ he did a hand gesture, indicating the both of us.

My heart beamed with joy, ‘I am not eating alone for today!’

I hit my lightly as I started to blush, ‘I thought you forgot about it. I was thinking to head to lunch alone..’

He just looked back at me and laughed with one of his hand closing his mouth and the other wiping the tears away from his eyes.

I scowled.

‘I know, that was mainly the reason why I was laughing so hard since I knew you thought I totally forgot about it. Anyway, I will wait for you outside the school gate, alright?’ he chuckled.

‘Neh, give me five minutes. Five minutes will do.’ I smiled shyly as I placed my hand on my neck and gently rubbed on it.

‘Take your time.’ he then extended his hand as he started to ruffle my hair and gave me a wink. He then walked out the classroom as he slung his bag pack coolly that made all those girls who were surrounding him outside the classroom and along the school hallway to squeal or scream. As he gave me a wink, those girls who were still remained in class were sending me envy and dead glares. I shrugged off and ignored their glares as I continued packing my remaining things that placed messily on my table as I continued looking outside the classroom while secretly laughing at Gikwang who was busy getting rid of those girls who were clingy onto him.

‘Poor thing..’ I shook my head as I smiled.

When Gikwang vanished from my sight, I then dropped onto my seat as I rested my head on the table. ‘Those girls are scary..’ I gulped mouthful saliva as I thought of those glares which I had received.

I heard whispers and noises from the back all of a sudden, I then turned my head to the back as I cocked it to the sideway out of curiosity.

‘Asdfghjklasdfghjkl?’ Yoseob whispered something to Junhyung as Junhyung lightly knocked his head with his fist.

‘Very funny..’ he then continued.

‘But hyung!’ Yoseob grunted at him as he scoffed.

‘Lower down your voice!’ Junhyung softly snickered.

‘Arasso..’ Yoseob then slumped on the chair, as he pouted, looking a little unhappy.

Junhyung just said nothing and shot him a glare while he made a hand gesture by placing his index finger right in front of his mouth to shut him up.

I raised one of my eyebrows as I continued anticipating and staring at their interactions. Plus, it was fun looking at their expressions and they did not caught me staring at them, so I just stared at them will full of amusement.

‘What are you both doing?’ I asked out of the blue.

Both of them then sat up straight right away once they heard my voice. They just stared at me innocently.

‘N-nothing!’ Yoseob with his eyes wide, used his hands to do a hand gesture by waving both of his hand with an awkward smile of his.

I then switched my attention towards Junhyung.

As usual, Junhyung just kept his typical poker face on as he shrugged both of his shoulders.

‘Haerin-ah, I thought Gikwang is waiting for you? Don’t make him wait, right hyung?’ Yoseob then bumped Junhyung’s shoulder as he eyed him to say something.

Junhyung glared at him and mouthed something at him then continued while facing me, ‘Right.. Don’t make him wait..’

When he said that, my heart twitched as I caught his eyes turned gloomy, dark and cold.

I hurriedly pushed off those silly thoughts of mine, ‘Maybe I think too much, I guess he is feeling alright after all, since Yoseob Oppa is always stay by his side..’

I sighed at my thoughts as I avoided looking at Junhyung.

I stood up as I patted my skirt neatly, and continued, ‘I am going now then.’

I hesitated a little as I bowed a little at them, ‘Goodbye Yoseob Oppa, and goodbye to you too, Junhyung-shi..’

‘Annyeong~’ Yoseob waved at me with his sing-song voice, as for Junhyung, he just nodded his head, still looking gloomy as ever.

‘What about the both of us?’ Doojoon and Hyunseung suddenly whined as they appeared out of nowhere, and this time without their one and only chicken drumstick with them.

I chuckled so hard as I gently rubbed off my imagination tears with my bare hands, ‘Ahh, goodbye Doojoon oppa and Hyunseung oppa!’

‘Good!’ They both beamed as they said in unison while Doojoon patted my hair.

Hyunseung suddenly screamed as he pulled Doojoon along with him, ‘Oh gossh, did Haerin just called us Oppa?’

Doojoon placed his poker face on as he scowled at him, ‘No, she just called us as her unnie!’

Hyunseung then pouted as he stared back at him, ‘Hyung, can’t you just play along with me? You are mean..’

‘Anyway, Haerin-ah, ppali! Don’t make Gikwang waits, arasso?’ Hyunseung then pushed out from the classroom as he waved at me.


‘Neh!’ I grinned widely as I waved back, ignoring those dead glares which I had received.


Even though Yoseob was busy telling me his plan for the stalking mission later on, but part of me had wandered into never-never land since I was busy admiring her beautiful features while at the other hand, trying hard to listen to Yoseob as I clasped on the hem of my school uniform.

My heart felt a little uneasy when all of a sudden, she started to move closer to him as her face full of confusion and in daze.

I just remained in my place as I felt my blood started to boil when a blush started to crept on both Gikwang’s cheeks, as if those were painted by a tint of baby pink.

My heart started to pound hard, against my ribcages, inside my broad chest. I glowered at the both of them, mostly on Gikwang since he was busy flirting unknowingly at my girl, wait, scratch that, let me just rephrase a little, soon to be my girl to be exact. Sadly, being friends with Gikwang and knowing him for so long, I knew he is stubborn since he stepped into this world. He is not stubborn towards studies but he is senseless. So, basically, it was actually normal when he can’t sense my dead glares that were both busy burning holes on him.

‘Mind sharing?’ I saw her scooting closer to him as she tilted her head to the side, eyes full of curiosity.

I tighten my grips on the hem of my shirt as I continued staring at both of their interactions.

Jealousy and anger started to crept into me as she started to move even closer to him than before and without realization, I cleared my throat unknowingly and that earned a look from Yoseob himself as he paused for a short while as he turned his attention to the both of them as well.

Haerin laughed awkwardly as she backed away a little while she started to rubbed her neck lightly. That gesture of hers is a sign whenever she is getting nervous or maybe facing awkwardness.

I was still staring, watching, gazing, glaring, looking, you name it, and I felt my pulse stopped when she turned her attention towards me. Her eyes looked terrified and she stiffly stood there while she looked straight at me.

The time seemed to stop and the world appeared to take a short break from all the turning and spinning. The both of us seemed to own the world at the moment as none of us dare or wanted (maybe it was only me) to break the gazes.

My hands started to get damp and clammy wet as I rubbed both of my palms together due to nervosity.

Even though the inner me had melted under her gaze, but part of me still feeling mad at the both of them, mostly at Gikwang though.

Our gazes broke when Yoseob elbowed me all of a sudden, trying to grab my attention as I looked at him, looking a little piss at him for being a -blocker.

‘Hyung, what are you looking? At her?’ Yoseob grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I just kept quiet.

Yoseob then went on.

‘Jealous?’ he then turned his head towards Gikwang and looked back at me.

‘You seems like you can’t wait to run towards him and rip of his head at this instant.’ He continued.

‘Am I that obvious?’ I tilted my head to the side as I scratched my head awkwardly.

‘You are, hyung..’ Yoseob scowled at me as he folded both of his arms.


‘You know what, hyung?’ Yoseob looked at me as he puffed his cheeks.

‘What?’ I answered.

‘I saw several holes on Gikwang’s face!’ Yoseob scooted closer to me as he whispered right next to my ear.

I backed away as I stared back at him, looking totally clueless.

‘What do you mean?’

Yoseob ended up laughing as he continued, ‘You were busy glaring at Gikwang, and I saw a hole this big!’

Yoseob then brought out both of his hands as he started doing a hand gesture, showing me how large the hole was.

‘This bigggggg!’ Yoseob said excitedly.

I ended up laughing by looking at his reaction.

‘This guy never once failed to make me laugh, not once..' 'I smiled at my thoughts.

We then continued talking and laughing when Yoseob suddenly pulled out several pieces of white blank paper and numerous colors of pen as he started to draw out graphs and pictures for the stalking mission later on.

I tried to muffle from laughing loudly as I suppressed myself while I pinched my left arms hardly.

He started to draw random stuffs and then several characters started to appear on those pieces of paper.

Characters such as an emotional cat, a cute angry bird, a pretty angel and a piglet were all doodled and Yoseob placed down his pen while he pointed those characters one by one.

‘This would be you..’ he pointed at the emotional cat.

I gawked at him. ‘Seriously, Seobbie?’

'Of all kind of animals, you have to pick a cat? And an emotional one?'

He ignored me and continued to introduce me the next few characters.

‘This is me.’ He pointed at the cute angry bird.

‘And this is Haerin..’ he continued with the pretty angel.

His hand moved in sync towards the piglet, he looked up as he grinned, ‘As for the pig, this is Gikwang!!!’

I gawked at him. ‘And..?’

‘And..?’ he stared back at me.

‘What are you trying to tell me?’ I asked him.

‘You don’t get it?’ He showed me his drawing which showed the emotional cat and angry bird were both hiding behind the pillar as they both secretly following and observing the piglet’s and angel’s every moves.

I shook my head as I eyed at him. ‘Care to explain?’

Yoseob pouted as he turned his drawing over and observed quietly. ‘I thought I drew it clear enough to understand?’

‘Whatever. Just make it quick and explain before I kiss you with my fist and accessorize your head with several pretty bumps as beautiful ribbons.’ I rolled my eyes at him and said without mercy.

He groaned as he shoved those papers into his bag while glaring at me. ‘What I meant was..’

He hesitated a little and continued, ‘We should just dress up ourselves and follow them everywhere since we both plan to stalk them all the way and watch their every moves? Get it?’ he chuckled as he elbowed me at my chest.

I lightly knocked his head with my fist.

‘Very funny..’ I then continued.

‘But hyung!’ Yoseob grumbled as he scoffed.

‘Lower down your voice!’ I snickered softly as I kicked one of his leg under the desk.

Yoseob, looking totally displeased as he slumped on the chair and pouted.

He looked a little totally unhappy.

I said nothing, and he ended up receiving a glare from me as I made a hand gesture by placing my index finger right in front of my mouth, asking him to shut his mouth up.

Since the both of us were busy talking, and arguing, so, we did not actually knew someone was actually staring intently at the both of us.  

‘What are you both doing?’ a voice which was familiar to me asked out of the blue.

We both then sat up straight right away once we heard her voice.

‘She did not hear a single thing, right?’

‘God, please tell me she did not just hear those..’ I mentally prayed to myself and to God on heaven above.

We just stared at her innocently as Yoseob continued with both of his eyes wide as he used his hands to do a hand gesture by waving both of his hands with an awkward smile of his, ‘N-nothing!’

She remained expressionless, as if she did not take Yoseob’s excuse and then immediately switched her attention towards me instead.

She raised up her eyebrows and curiosity was written all over her face.

As usual, I just kept my typical poker face on as I shrugged both of my shoulders.

‘I am just going to act dumb..’

‘Haerin-ah, I thought Gikwang is waiting for you? Don’t make him wait, right hyung?’ Yoseob then bumped onto my shoulder as he nudged me to continue.

I glared at him and mouthed something at him, 'What the hell?'

I then continued while facing her, ‘Right.. Don’t make him wait..’

I can’t help but to continue by saying that sentence. I felt a stab from behind, slashing through my heart as blood started to rush all over my body as I felt a sudden self-betrayed.

‘Don’t make him wait..’

‘Don’t make him wait..’

‘Don’t make him wait..’ I kept on repeating to myself, only to myself.

I did not feel good when I said that.

Pain, hatred, anger started to appear slowly and one by one as I tried hard to suppress myself from standing up and rush out from the classroom to the rooftop, since I always feel better whenever I am there especially when I am feeling down or getting mad over something.

I guess my eyes turned gloomy, dark, hard and cold as I caught both of them staring at me.

I shook my head a little as I just smirked, hoping they would not felt something different.

She sighed as she looked away from me.

‘It hurts..’

‘It really hurts..’

'Haerin-ah, what kind of spell did you put on me..'

'It really hurts to see you with any other guys..'

She stood up all of a sudden as she patted her uniform skirt neatly, and continued, ‘I am going now then.’

Haerin hesitated a little as she bowed a little at the both of us, ‘Goodbye Yoseob Oppa, and goodbye to you too, Junhyung--‘

My hand somehow found its way to my stomach, as I clutched on that thin piece of cloth of my uniform as my only support.


My heart felt like it paused for a short (or maybe long, but who actually cares?) when she said Junhyung-shi instead of Junhyung oppa.

‘I am still a stranger to her..’

‘It is one sided after all..’

How I wish she could just look at me with that pair of beautiful eyes of hers and call me Junhyung oppa with that sweet voice of hers.

Ever since I had that conversation with Yoseob, and thought for some time, I am actually sure that I had fallen in love to the angel who was standing right in front of me.

Both of my legs always turns jelly and my heart always skips a beat whenever her head turns around to look or smile at me.

She is partly the reason why I am always feeling energized during school hours. By sitting at my current class seat and able to stare at her back in a short distance is definitely a heaven-like gift to me. You can actually say it is more than enough.

‘Annyeong~’ Yoseob waved at her with his sing-song voice, as for I just nodded his head, still looking gloomy as ever.

‘What about the both of us?’ Doojoon and Hyunseung suddenly whined as they appeared out of nowhere.

‘What the heck?’

‘They scare the daylight out of me..’

Haerin chuckled so hard as she gently rubbed off my imagination tears with her bare hands, ‘Ahh, goodbye Doojoon oppa and Hyunseung oppa!’

‘Good!’ They both beamed as they said in unison while Doojoon patted my hair.

‘Doojoon oppa and Hyunseung oppa..’ I glowered slightly.

‘What about me?’

‘Am I nothing to you?’

‘Am I a stranger to you?’

‘Am I not worth it to make you call me as your oppa like the others?’

I guess Yoseob noticed it as he suddenly gave me a light pat on my shoulder, encouraging me to smile and not to think too much.

Hyunseung suddenly screamed as he pulled Doojoon along with him, ‘Oh gossh, did Haerin just called us Oppa?’

I frowned again, looking totally displeased.

‘Only me..’

‘I am the only one who haven’t gain the title yet..’

Doojoon placed his poker face on as he scowled at him, ‘No, she just called us as her unnie!’

Hyunseung then pouted as he stared back at him, ‘Hyung, can’t you just play along with me? You are mean..’

‘Anyway, Haerin-ah, ppali! Don’t make Gikwang waits, arasso?’ Hyunseung then pushed out from the classroom as he waved at me.

I just kept quiet as I stared at Hyunseung who was busy pushing Haerin lightly out from the classroom as he waved at her like some retard.

‘Ppalli!!!’ he shouted with a wide grin plastered all over his face.

‘Neh!’ I saw Haerin beamed widely as she waved back in return.


‘Junhyung hyung must be feeling hurt and wounded right now..’

‘Both of them are just blind to understand each other feeling..’

‘As for Gikwang..’ I sighed.

‘Hopefully a love triangle won’t be form..’


No One’s

Haerin hurriedly ran towards the school gate as she spotted Gikwang standing not far away as he lay against the school gate casually as he ignored some of his fan girls who were busy asking for his numbers and shoving him several love letters or presents.

Gikwang was busy taking glances at his watch, secretly wondering where on earth did Haerin went as on the other hand, Haerin sneakily walked next to Gikwang, earning a few weird glances from those fan girls of his.

She ignored as she tip-toed towards him.

Gikwang was sighing to himself or maybe to his soul.

‘Stop sighing, you might lose some of your spirit or soul for doing that.’ Haerin chuckled as she whispered right next to his ear.

Gikwang jumped as he shot her several glares. ‘You scared the daylight out of me!’ he huffed as he started to tickle Haerin which caused her to step back and laugh.

His fan girls sighed as they started to leave one by one since they knew Gikwang won’t look at them since he was busy having fun with the new girl, Haerin, but before they leave, they never forgot to shot her dead glares.

Unfortunately, she was too busy to notice.

‘Ha-ha-ha-ha--‘ Haerin kept on laughing.

‘Stop it! Ha-ha-ha--‘ Haerin wiped off her tears that started to form at the corner of her eyes.

‘Not till you apologize!’ Gikwang snickered as he stuck out his tongue playfully.

‘Noh!’ Haerin laughed still trying hard to run away from Gikwang.

‘Try me then!’ Gikwang took up the challenge as he tickled even more.

Haerin could not take it anymore as she rose up both of her hands, showing in defeat, ‘I gave up, I gave up! I am sorry!’

She cackled as Gikwang stopped.

‘Good!’ Gikwang smiled as he slung his bag once again.

‘Let’s go then!’ he smiled as he leaded the way.

‘Neh!’ Haerin chuckled.

‘Don’t ever do that again..’ she huffed.

‘Then be a good girl instead of a naughty one~’ Gikwang said in a sing-song voice as he turned back and laughed at her.

‘Stop laughing!’ she hit him lightly.

‘Haerin-ah~’ he continued.

‘Neh?’ Haerin tilted her head.

‘Call me oppa from now on, arasso?’ he smiled as he suddenly stopped walking.

‘Ahh..’ Haerin smiled.


‘Neh, oppa..’ Haerin then smiled shyly as she nodded her head lightly.

Both of them did not know that two pair of eyes was watching from a far.

One pair of eyes was full of wonder, while the other one? Full of anger.



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Hello :)

Sorry for taking a week or so to update.

I am currently working part time in my dad's place, so, my time is quite pack.

Still, I will try my very best since I am always typing all my ideas through my phone.

Anyway, please leave some comments or click on the subscribe to subscribe to my stories.

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I know it is already ended, still, Merry X'mas.

I love you, hehe :D

Jingle bell, Jingle bell~


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Last updated : 26th of December 2012


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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)