Chapter Three

The Hidden Love

No One's

‘Darn!’ Junhyung who sat behind of the class started to yawn as he stretched out both of him arms wide and continued lying against the chair lazily.

‘Another boring day~’ he mumbled to himself as he received a whack from his desk partner, which was Yoseob.

‘Please low down your voice, hyung! You are distracting the others, especially me!’ Yoseob puffed up his cheeks and kept on jotting down his notes while looking to the front.

‘Yah! What’s that for?’ frustrated, he shot up from his seat immediately, which caused their class teacher, Miss Park to stop at what she was doing earlier ago and stared at the both of them, feeling totally annoyed since she was still half-way doodle down the maths formulae on the white board.

Everyone kept quiet all of a sudden as they looked intently at the little drama between Junhyung, Yoseob and Miss Park. Some of the girls who were sitting in the middle of the class were busy admiring Junhyung's features as they started to gossip to each other like some maniacs.

Miss Park glared at those girls sharply as she scowled at them. Those girls immediately stop and looked to the front as they tried to avoid their teacher's glare.

A while later, Miss Park then walked towards Junhyung's table, looking annoyed.

‘Mr Yong and Mr Yang!’ she gazed at them intently because she really hates it when students distracted her whenever she is half way teaching in the middle of the class and bawled at them at the same time.

‘Wae?’ they asked, trying to act all innocent while Gikwang who sat in front of Yoseob, alone started to chuckle as he examined their class teacher's expressions and reactions quietly.

As usual, Junhyung just remained his poker face as he looked out from the window, totally ignoring his teacher's existence.

Doojoon and Hyunseung at the other hand were both enjoying the scenes as they started to burst out laughing which ended up earning a dead glare from their class teacher as well.

Miss Park took a deep breath as she patted herself lightly, trying hard to suppress her anger and not to yell at the both of them.

‘Detention for the both of you! and YOU, YOU!’ she scowled at Junhyung, Yoseob as well as she pointed at Doojoon, and Hyunseung. 

Yoseob slumped both of his shoulders down as he pouted, looking really sad as he stared at Miss Park's back, secretly hoping she will turned her head a little, giving them a smile while waving her hand to them, telling him detention was just a small joke. Unfortunately, Miss Park just walked to the front of the class and continued scribble down the maths formulae on the white board.

Doojoon and Hyunseung both frowned, while Gikwang looked at them, beaming widely.

‘Not again? Yah! I really can't stand this woman! Tssk, I don’t give a damn!’ Junhyung silently cursed while he dropped into his chair and sighed loudly which spoilt the serenity of the class.

‘Aiish!’ Junhyung ruffled his hair harshly as he showed his deathful glare at Yoseob who tried to look away with those enticing eyes of him.

‘Thank you Yoseob-bie~’ Junhyung acted sarcastically while he gave Yoseob a headlock, who tried all his might to fight back but, sadly, his strength can’t be compare towards Junhyung.

‘Wae?’ Yoseob pouted as he tried to wriggle off Junhyung’s grasp. 'You can't really put the blame on me...'

'Plus..' Yoseob then looked at Junhyung.

Junhyung then eyed Yoseob as he raised one of his eyebrow while anticipating for his next sentence.

'No one asked to you to be THAT mad~' Yoseob cooed, still trying to wriggle off Junhyung's pair of arms away from him.

‘But... I just earned a detention--’ Junhyung scoffed at Yoseob and rolled his eyes.

He paused all of the sudden which gave Yoseob an oppurtunity to push off his grasp as Junhyung stared at a female student who came into the classroom a moment ago.

‘—because of you…’ he whispered.

‘…Wasn’t she the girl who bumped into me earlier ago?’ he thought to himself while Yoseob at the other hand was trying hard to shake him away from his thoughts.

‘Hyung?’ Yoseob whined but Junhyung just ignored him.

As Yoseob twirled his pencil while silently cursing at Junhyung who ignored him a moment ago, he then took a slight glanced towards Junhyung.

'What is hyung looking at?' curiosity crept up to him all of a sudden and he quickly looked to the front as an unknown female student started to approach towards their class teacher.

'Who is she?' Yoseob tilted his head to the side cutely as he stared at the unknown female student who gained Junhyung's attention and that slight movement of his caused those fan girls who sat next to them a tiny heart attack. 

'New student?' Miss Park asked cooly, without plastering a smile like she used to whenever she meet a new student. Special thanks to the boys, excluding Gikwang... and Dongwoon, who was placed in another class since he is a year below the five of them.

'Erm... You're right. I---' that new student stuttered.

‘Ha, this going to be fun!’ Junhyung silently pumped his fist to the air and smirked while Yoseob was still confused at his hyung's action.


'Thank you so much for guiding  me all the way here.' I bowed at the teacher who volunteered himself to lend me a hand when he spotted me wandering around the school compound, searching for my classroom like a lost child.

I stood outside the classroom as I watched at his back while he started to walk back to the school hall. Slowly, his shadow started to dissapear from my eye sight as he made a turn into the hallway, all the way to the right.

I stood there dumbfounded, in front of the classroom, totally lost in thoughts.

'Here goes nothing~' I sighed deeply in my spirit or to myself while trying to stop myself from shaking due to all the nervousity as I fumble my fingers.

I breath in hard, trying to sooth myself a little.

'Haerin-ah, hwaiting!' I absent mindedly murmured to myself.

I clenched my sweaty and shaken palms as I stepped into the classroom which caused those students in the class to stop jotting down their notes and looked up at my direction.

I felt both of my cheeks started to heat up when I'm on my way, approaching to the teacher who was still busy scribble down some maths formulae on the white board. I took a quick glance at the teacher's name tag.

'So... Miss Park huh?'

'There goes nothing!' I smiled as I walked towards her in a slow pace.

I guess the teacher could felt my existence as I walked up closed to her, she then put down her books while she stared at me up and down. I took a glance at my watch.

'Crap! I'm thirty minutes late! Omo, what should I do? Ottoke? I'm really going to give a bad impression to this-s teacher--- GAH! I mean Miss Park, on my first day of school! I'm such a failure.'  I frowned at my carelessness and both of my hands were shaking, super badly.

'New student?' she asked cooly, without plastering a smile and THAT frightened me. My heart was pounding so hard as  my sweat began to roll down from my forehead, down to my collar bone.

'Erm... You're right. I---' I stuttered.

I hesitated a little and continued. '--I'm. And, I'm really sorry for entering the class this late on my first day of school. But... I could guarantee there will not be next time. Plus, I was late because I could not search for this class since it's my first time to be here. I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me, Miss Park.' I bowed at Miss Park, hoping she could accept my apology.

'Alright.' she then headed to her seat, at the corner, at the front of the class.

'So, can you please introduce yourself in front of your classmate? Right here and now?' Miss Park asked without looking at me as she flipped through her notes.

'So, can you please introduce yourself in front of your classmate? Right here and now?' I silently repeated the sentence through my thoughts and all of a sudden, something just clicked into my mind.

I gasped as I heard that.


'Introduce myself? What the heck?'

'Do I really have to?'

'Curse that idiot who actually set such rules!' I blew a raspberry as I silently cursed.

I took a deep breath as I tidied my fringe.

'Introduce myself? Right here? In front of them?' I hurriedly spunned around towards my classmates and smiled a little.

'You got to be kidding me! Omo! What should I do?' I stood in front of the class, speechless.

My eyes flickered as I scanned through the classroom. I was taken aback when I spotted the guy who I had bumped into earlier ago at the hallway. He sat there, all the way back, behind the classroom, looking straight towards me as I felt someone staring at me ever since I entered the classroom, as if trying to burn a hole on my face while he studied the features of my face. 

I just stoned there and as I looked to my right, I realized Miss Park was staring at me, looking totally annoyed.

'That guy... he will be my classmate throughout the year? Omo, that will be so awkward.. I hope he is not mad about the previous incident that I had caused earlier.'

I quickly turned away and started to introduce myself.

I tried to ignore and avoided the stare from the guy who I had bumped into.

'This is so awkward! Oh my~'

I wanted to walk out from the classroom and scream out-loud, so badly, but, sadly, I don't have the guts to do so.

'Haerin-ah. quickly get on with the introduction! You will then be free after that!' I screamed in my thoughts.

'Erm...' I stuttered.

'Hello, I'm Lee Haerin. All of you can name me as Haerin and nice meeting all of you.' I took a 90-degree bow as I waved to them trying to gain good impressions from the students and teacher since I just screwed up a while ago due to entering to the class late, for thirty minutes.

I pouted when I thought about that.

'Alright! Everyone, please low down your voice!' Miss Park yelled.

'Let us welcome Miss Haerin since she will be your classmate throughout the year. So, Haerin...' she paused for a little while as she scanned through the classroom, looking for an empty seat, I guessed.

'Yes, Miss Park?' I responded with a smile.

'You will be sitting next to... Ah, Gikwang!'

'Gikwang? Please raise up your hand, so our new friend here will be able to find her way to her seat. Hurry up, make it quick. We would not want to delay our break time, don't we?' Miss Park flashing all of us her sly smile as I tried to shove off the scary feeling out of me.

'Haerin-shi?' a guy who owns a handsome features with a muscular upper body suddenly stood up and waved at me.

'Huh?' I stared towards his direction.

He looked at me as he beamed. 'Your seat... right here.' he pointed to an empty seat, next to his while rubbing his neck awkwardly.

'Oh... Thanks.' I chuckle awkwardly as I walked up to him shyly.

As I walked towards the empty seat, something striked into me, I soon realized that the guy who stared at me earlier ago, since the moment I stepped into the class and the guy who I bumped into at the hallway, was sitting right behind me.

'Okay...' I gulped down another nervous mouthful of my own salive as I placed down my bag at the side of my desk and dropped on to my seat. I tried to ignore his presence.

'So... Gikwang, right?' I looked at the guy who sat next to me and gave him my brightest smile.

'Neh. Nice to meet you, Haerin-shi.' he smiled as he handed me a pile of papers.

'This...?' I asked, in a confusing state.

'Oh. This? I had gathered all the notes for the past few months. You can copy it if you want.' he gave me an eye-smile.

'He is nice... and so cute at the same time. How lucky am I..' I silently thought as I hit my head lightly, trying to shake off all those bizzare thoughts of mine.

'Ahh~ Thanks a lot, Gikwang-shi' I gladly accepted his notes while puffing my cheeks as I looked through his notes.

'Lots of them...' I frowned.

All of a sudden, Gikwang ruffled my hair a little and I was seriously stunned at his gesture.

'Sorry about that, but, you're really cute.' he complimented shyly.

My cheeks started to heaten up as I quickly looked away, secretly hoping no one actually saw my blushing cheeks.

'Aigoo~ Why is it so hot here?' I hurriedly fan myself hoping to reduce the tint of pink which slightly appeared on my cheeks.

As I was concentrating and jotting down all the notes during Miss Park's class, suddenly I could felt someone staring at the back of me, I tried to ease those tingling feeling that started to arose in my heart.

'Gossh. What is he trying to do? Is he planning to burn a hole at my back by staring at me throughout the class session. Seriously, what is he up to? He really is creeping me out.' I frowned while fighting back those thoughts as I took a slight glance at him over my shoulder.

He spotted me glancing at him and he smirked at me, again and that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

I shook my head lightly as I tried to get rid thoughts of him.

'What a day..'


'So, Haerin is your name huh?' I smirked as I stared at her. She caught me staring at her before she started to introduce herself in front the class.

While she introduced herself, I can see she was trying hard to avoid looking into my eyes.

'This year is going to be fun!' I chuckled softly.

'Hyung? What are you laughing at?' Yoseob and Gikwang asked, looking at me, cluelessly.

'Nothing much.' I mouthed at them.

'Gikwang!' Yoseob whispered while patting at Gikwang who sat in front of him.

'Eh?' Gikwang tilted his head a little as he stared at Yoseob weirdly.

'Not calling me hyung anymore?' Gikwang grinned at Yoseob.

Yoseob frowned. 'Gikwang!' he raised up his voice a little, Gikwang just smiled.

'Neh hyung?' Gikwang faced Yoseob as he flipped through his science notes, trying to prepare for the next lesson, which will be held right after school break.

'Don't you think that guy over there--' he pointed at my direction.

'--had gone mad?' he continued while I suddenly snapped at him.

'Yah! Shut up Yoseob!' I gave both of them a don't-talk-bad-about-me-behind-my-back-kind of look.

'Mian, hyung.' Gikwang quickly faced to the front, since he did not want to face an angry Junhyung, who knows what Junhyung will do. He continued flipping and rearranged his science notes while Yoseob just continued sitting there pouting.

'Yah!' I glared at Yoseob.

'Alright! Everyone, please low down your voice!' Miss Park yelled.

'Tssk... Look who is talking? She really need to low down her voice. Doesn't she know that she is currently ruining the serenity of the class.' I yawned as I patted my belly lightly.

'I'm hungry.'

'Let us welcome Miss Haerin since she will be your classmate throughout the year. So, Haerin...' she paused for a little while as she scanned through the classroom. I saw her spotted the empty seat next to Gikwang.

'Oh no! Please tell me she's not going to arrange that girl next to Gikwang!' I secretly thought.

'W--w--wa--it! What am I thinking? And why am I getting mad about this? No, no, no, this is not happening to me. I'm not jealous, aren't I? Plus, I just met her at the hallway and that's all. I don't believe in love at first sight! That is not possible!' I twirled my pen, trying to distract my thoughts as I listened to Miss Park carefully.

'Yes, Miss Park?' that new girl who introduced herself as Haerin responded with a smile.

'Her smile...' I was drooled to her unknowingly until...

'You will be sitting next to... Ah, Gikwang!'

'Gikwang? Please raise up your hand, so our new friend here able to find her way to her seat. Hurry up, make it quick. We would not want to delay our break time, don't we?' Miss Park flashing all of us her sly smile as she looked at Haerin.

'What the heck? No-no-no-no! This cannot be it! She cannot sit next to Gikwang, what if-- what if she suddenly fall for him? Yah!' I mouthing some words no one could decipher.

'Damn! Why am I feeling this way?' I sighed as I chugging down a bottle of water, unhappyly.

'What is going on? Why am I feeling a tingling feeling that started to arose in my heart? Darn, what is wrong with me?'

'But... Hold on a minute... If she's sitting next to Gikwang...'

'Which means she will be sitting in front of me? Ha!' I chuckled at the thought of it.

'Haerin-shi?' Gikwang suddenly stood up and waved at Haerin.

'Huh?' Haerin then stared towards Gikwang's direction.

'How I wish she is staring at me that way.' I hesitated a little.

'Your seat... right here.' Gikwang pointed to an empty seat, next to his as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

'Oh... Thanks.' Haerin walked up to him shyly.

As she walked towards the empty seat, she stared at me for a while as she placed her bag at the side of her desk while facing her back to me.

'So... Gikwang, right?' she looked at Gikwang who sat next to her and gave him her brightest smile.

'Neh. Nice to meet you, Haerin-shi.' Gikwang smile back at her as he handed her a pile of papers.


'I had gathered all the notes for the past few months. You can copy it if you want.' he gave Haerin his popular eye-smile which always causes those fan girls of his to drool all over him.

'Please tell me he is not flirting with her!' I prayed lightly.

'Ahh~ Thanks a lot, Gikwang-shi' Haerin accepted his notes while puffing her cheeks as she flipped through his notes.

'Omo, she is so cute when she puffed her cheeks--'

'Yah Junhyung! You pabo. Stop all these ! What's wrong with you?' I silently cursed at myself.

All of a sudden, I saw Gikwang ruffled her hair a little. Somehow, I was mad at his small gesture towards her.

'Sorry about that, but, you're really cute.' he complimented shyly.

Haerin's cheeks started to heaten up as she quickly looked away.

'Is she blushing? ...due to Gikwang's touch? Damn, what is all that?' I rolled my eyes, feeling pissed as I clenched my fist tight.

I continue staring at her throughout the class. I smirked when I caught her looking at me over her shoulder, and this time, I spotted her cheeks started to redden a little.

'Blushing for me?' I smirked as I yawned.


 'Erm...' that new girl stuttered.

Ah, that is girl who bumped into hyung earlier ago!'

'She really does look familiar to me, but... why can't I remember?' I thought as I stared at Miss Park and that new girl while I tried to rethink my past, still, no luck.

'Hello, I'm Lee Haerin. All of you can name me as Haerin and nice meeting all of you.' that new girl took a bow as she waved to all of us.

'Haerin... Lee Haerin...'

'Her name...'

'Where and when did I hear it before? Gossh, why can't I remember?'

'I'm not aging, aren't I?'

'Alright! Everyone, please low down your voice!' Miss Park yelled as she disrupted my thoughts.

'Ahh~' I sighed.

'I gave up, will ask mum and dad about it later~ Maybe they might know something about her, which I can’t remember.' I thought while I continue flipping through my science notes, preparing for the next class, which will be right after school break.

'Let us welcome Miss Haerin since she will be your classmate throughout the year. So, Haerin...' Miss Park paused for a little while as she scanned through the classroom.

'Yes, Miss Park?' Haerin responded.

'You will be sitting next to... Ah, Gikwang!'

'Gikwang...? Did I just heard someone calling out my name?' I stirred up as I looked at my left and right, trying to search for the voice which called out my name a moment ago.

'Gikwang? Please raise up your hand, so our new friend here will be able to find her way to her seat. Hurry up, make it quick. We would not want to delay our break time, don't we?' Miss Park said while flashing all of us her sly smile.

I turned to look at Haerin who was standing in front of the class, lost in her thoughts, looking like a lost puppy.

'Haerin-shi?' I then stood up, and waved at her, trying to help her a little.

'Huh?' she stared with her eyes wide.

'Your seat... right here.' I beamed at her as I pointed to an empty seat, next to mine, as I rubbed my neck nervously.

'Oh... Thanks.' she chuckle awkwardly, still feeling lost as she walked up to her seat.

'So... Gikwang, right?' she looked at me while giving me her brightest smile after she placed her bag and sat on her seat, next to mine.

'Neh. Nice to meet you, Haerin-shi.' I smiled as I handed her a pile of papers.

'This...?' she asked, in a confusing state.

'Oh. This? I had gathered all the notes for the past few months. You can copy it if you want to.' I flashed her an eye-smile.

I chuckled a little when I spotted her hitting her head lightly.

'Kyeopta.' I silently thought.

'Ahh~ Thanks a lot, Gikwang-shi' she gladly accepted my notes which I handed to her while she puffed her cheeks as she looked through my notes.

All of a sudden, I can't help but ruffled her hair, because she really looks cute.

'And her presence... really looks familiar...'

'For some sort of reason, I really do enjoy this moment with her, even though I just met her not long ago.'

'Sorry about that, but, you're really cute.' I complimented shyly.

She quickly looked away as her cheeks started to heaten up.


'...Who are you?'

'...And what are you to me?'

'Your name and your presence--.'

'--really looks and sound familiar to me...' I thought while I took a glance of her when all of us were busy jotting down the notes.


Comments are love? :)

Thanks for reading and im really sorry if it's boring.

I will try my best to improve my writing skills.

So, please give me some comments or subscribe to my story, or both?

Thanks thanks thanks :)


Please visit Choco's Authored Stories for more updates, thank you :)

Last updated : 15th November 2012


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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)