Chapter Two

The Hidden Love


Looking at my reflected image through the mirror while fixing my new school uniform and tied my hair into a high ponytail, I took a slight glanced at my door, hoping my mum would suddenly surprise me by giving me an early morning greetings at this hour before she heads for work. Instead of waiting for her to appear at my door step, a small note that was slipped underneath my room's door suddenly caught my eyes. I then left behind what I was doing a moment ago and quickly headed towards the door, bended my legs a little to pick up that small note. I moved swiftly and sat at the corner as my back laid on the surface of my hard wooden wardrobe while I started to read silently, secretly hoping it is not a note written by my mum, because...

Dear Haerin,

Haerin-ah, I'm not able to company you on your first day of school because I need to meet one of my clients in a cafe shop near my office building. Furthermore, I will not be home for this few months due to those meetings which will be held in the overseas and I have to meet some of the international clients which my boss had assigned me not long ago. Please take great care of yourself when I'm away. Good luck and study hard especially when you are now going to spend a few years in a new school environment. I'm really sorry that I'm not able to company you. Besides, I had left a brown envelope that contains your pocket money on the coffee table at the living hall. Just to let you know, the amount which the brown envelope comprised will be more than enough for you, maybe it will last around a year or so. Goodbye. Will see you for the next few months, and if I’m not mistaken, the shortest will be three months ahead from now.

From : Mum will be a note telling me I'm going to be spending time alone for the next few weeks or maybe months and she will not be home due to her

I sighed a little as I crunched the paper into the size of my fist and aimed towards the trash can.

'As usual..' I took a deep breath and thought while heading down to the kitchen for breakfast.

While playing that plate of scramble eggs with my fork, I looked up and stared at the opposite chair for a little while.

'When was the last time seeing her having breakfast with me?'

...I sighed a little.

'A week? Or maybe months?'

I tried to shake away my thoughts and started to mumble to myself.

'Instead of writing a goodbye, how I wish you could just write those three meaningful words ...which I always yearn for.’ I pouted.

‘Ha, but dream on... or maybe ...not'

'Just once ...will do.' I secretly hoped.

Staring at my plate of half-eaten scramble eggs, and twirled my fork, I soon realized I am late for school. I then rushed towards my bag and hurriedly ran out from my house, leaving that brown envelope behind, all alone, at home.


'Gossh, I can't believe I'm going to leave a bad impression to the teachers on my first day of school! What a joke.' I hurriedly ran towards the direction of my new school as I panted hardly and at the same time giving myself a fan using both of my bare hand.

I hurriedly dashed towards the school information counter to collect my class schedule, school text books, locker keys and most importantly, the school map before heading to class. As I marched along the hallway and scanned through the school map since I'm not familiar with the school environment and did not know where my class is, screams, squeals and giggles can be heard all over the place, but I did not bother to look up to understand the situation.

‘Omo! The boys are here!’ a group of girls started to squeal.

'Kyaa, Junhyung Oppa! Gikwang Oppa and the other four members! They are so handsome, no wonder they are known as the kingkas in our school!'

'Gossh, how I wish I could be their girl!'

'Oh my, it's Junhyung Oppa!!!' one of the  girl screamed out loud while pulling her friends along with her and at the mean time, half of the students started to join the crowd, causing the hallway to flood with noises and soon, I believed those noises will definitely create chaos and wars.

Some girls approached towards them and handed them love letters, and chocolates, hoping they could accept and acknowledge their feelings towards them, but, sadly, all of them were rejected one by one, in a nice way by plastering a smile on their faces.

Still I ignored as I pushed away all my curiosity towards those guys and chose not to bother about it because I'm currently facing another major problem --- where and how can I get to my class? But, I could not asked anyone who surrounded around me for help since most of them were all drooled at what they were currently looking at.

'All of them are hopeless.' I sulked and shudder to think.

'Class is about to start, and I'm still here searching for class? Oh my, why am I such a clumsy person?' I started to pout and quickly flipped through the school maps, hoping I could sort out the directions while walking further along the hallway without looking up at my whereabouts.


And there I went, bumped straight right towards that person's chest and gasped can be heard all around me and at the same time, all my books including the school maps which I had clutched into my arms from the school information counter started to slip straight towards the floor, one by one. I was stunned and didn't know what is going on, until...

'Quick, look at her!'

'Who is that new girl?'

'Who do you think she is?'

'Look at that ! What do you think she is up to? Bumping straight, towards Junhyung Oppa’s chest!'

I was still dumbfounded, I quickly apologized to the person whom I had bumped into and started to pick up my pile of books and maps. Suddenly, a hand started to reach out for me, lending me a hand by helping me to pick up my belongings. I looked straight towards his face and he smirked at me.

All of a sudden, something strikes into me and I suddenly wondered, 'No wonder all those girls are drooled to him, he really is good looking.'

I was taken aback a little due to my silly and bizarre thoughts.

I was nervous as I felt a lump grew in my throat while I hung my head as I looked down, trying to create a curtain of barrier with my fringe on each side.

'Gossh! What are you thinking! Get back to reality, you pabo!' I quickly shook away those thoughts and I could felt my face started to heat up slowly since everyone was looking at the both of us.

It was really awkward for the both of us. I closed both of eyes for a while to calm myself a little.

'Erm, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you. I'm really really sorry.' I clasped both of my hands and apologized to him with both of my eyes closing, because I'm terrified at the current situation I'm facing at, trying so hard not to think about the circumstances I might face later on since half of the students started to bicker and back stabbed me behind my back.

But... instead of receiving a respond from him, he started to chuckle a little and handed me all of my belongings which he had helped me a minute ago.

'It's okay' he mouthed and smirked at me, again, which caused butterfly appearing in my stomach.

'So...' he started to say something. '--wh--'

'Ahh! I'm sorry, but I really need to go now. I'm really really sorry for bumping into you and--' I thought for awhile and continued '--thanks for helping me to pick up my books, I really appreciate it. Thank you!' I gave him an apologetic smile and hurriedly ran passed him and his friends to carry on searching for my class without looking back.

'Oh my. I'm really late now, what am I going to do? First, mum is not going to be home for months! Then, I bumped into a good looking guy and embarrassed myself in public? And now! I could not find my way to class and I'm late for it? Sigh, what an unlucky day.' I pulled down my hair bands, ruffled my hair a little and retied it into a high ponytail again while tears started to form in my eyes, still, I tried my best to hold back my tears to prevent it from falling.

'It's not time for you to cry. You are strong! You can do it! Haerin-ah, hwaiting!' I soothed myself a little as I looked through the school map once again.

Finally, I found my class by asking a teacher to lead me the way because I gave up searching it by myself.

'What a day~' I whined while I'm on the way to class, tagging along behind that teacher who willing to lend me a hand.

‘God, what can I do to make you light up my day instead of bumping something bad?’


'Oppa, I really hope you could accept this letter and my feeling towards you. I had fall for you ever since I met you the other day. The way you looked at me, really do attract me. Please Oppa, will you accept me as your girlfriend? Please?' the girl bowed a little while handling a pink envelope to me with a shape of a heart attached to it.

I stood there speechless, and took a slight glanced at Gikwang and the others over my shoulder, trying to seek for help, but, sadly, the five of them seems to be having the exact same trouble since the six of us were all facing the same situation.

'Way you go Junhyung! You are now on your own!' I sighed, and at the same time facing that girl who had just confessed to me a minute ago. I stood there speechless and it was awkward for the both of us, especially ME, myself. Slowly, I looked at her and hesitated a little.

'I--' I felt my tongue twisted a little.

That girl looked up immediately with a light up expression, waiting for my respond, hoping I will accept her confession.


'I'm sorry…’ I hesitated as I saw her smile turned into an ugly frown.

‘…I could not and not able to accept your feelings because...' I tried to search for a reason that could easily explain to her without hurting her feelings.

‘Come on Junhyung! Try to think of something!’

A second had passed by, I am still standing there speechless. Nothing, nothing comes into my mind.

'But... Oppa, I could wait, I really could. Please, just give me, you... and us a cha--'

'No, I'm sorry! Just leave me alone, will you?' I requested, slightly annoyed.

'--nce' she whined.

'Who knows... we might destine to be one...' she whispered and looked straight towards me. As I looked straight towards her, I could see sadness and pain plastering all over her face, and that, it makes me feel bad.

I ruffled my hair, frustrated, as I tried to cool down my emotion, I smirked a little which made most of the girls awed since something suddenly caught into my mind. 'Since you said so... If we really are destining to be together as one--' I clasped both of my hands and continued '--wait till then.' I bid her goodbye and walked pass her without looking back.

I could hear her crying from a far, I felt bad at the same time, but what could I do? I know I'm mean by walking off that way but I'm not those kind of person who willing to sacrifice my love to someone who I don't fall for due to sympathy because I think it's pathetic. I prefer to get what I want by proving through my ability instead of forced.

‘Way you go Junhyung! You just made a girl cried due to your rejection!’

I sighed while waiting for Gikwang, Yoseob and the others to settle down their mess and troubles. I really hate it when it comes to rejecting those girls' confession because whenever they start to confess about their feelings and handed me those letters, chocolates, it makes me feel bad whenever I turn down on them. Staring at their faces full of tears, sadness and pain which I could not describe, it always gives me burden.

I was still in my thoughts until I felt something light bumped into my chest.

'Alright! Now what?' I stared at the person who just bumped into me. By looking at the person's figure, I could easily guessed it's a girl but I could not look at her features since she was facing down, busy picking up her books that fell down one by one which she had clutched it before bumping into me. She quickly apologized to me as she reached out for her books and school maps?

'So, a new student?'

In a flash, I then bended down to reach out for her belongings and started to help her picking those up. I saw her stumble a little as she looked up, straight towards me as I gave her one of my popular smirk.

When both of our eyes met, I felt something different. A feeling started to tingle into me, it's a feeling which I had never experience before, not even once throughout my past seventeen years. The way she looked at me, the way her cheeks started to blush due to embarrassment and the way she apologized to me, I felt my heart started to beat rapidly.

'She is beautiful.' I was stunned when I realized what I was thinking a second ago.

'Gossh Junhyung, are you out of your mind? Wake up, you moron!' I cursed at myself.

I could felt the awkwardness between the both of us as we looked at each other in our current position.

'Awkward~' I silently thought.

'Erm, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you. I'm really really sorry.' she clasped both of her hands and started to apologize to me with both of her eyes closing. I could felt that she was terrified.


I was looking at her terrified expression since I thought it was funny and all of a sudden, something strikes me.

'Did I just describe her as... cute?'

I shoved off my thoughts and I can't help but chuckle a little while handle her all her belongings.

'It's okay' I mouthed and smirked at her at the same time.

She did not said anything this time, but I can tell her cheeks started to heat up slowly because a tint of pink started to appear on both of her cheeks.

'So...' I started to say something since I'm really curious about her and would like to know about her name because she seems different from the other girls when our eyes first met. '--wh--'

When I was halfway asking her about her name and class, she suddenly cut off my sentence as she stood up hurriedly. 'Ahh! I'm sorry, but I really need to go now. I'm really really sorry for bumping into you and--' she paused for awhile while fixing her uniform a little and continued '--thanks for helping me to pick up my books, I really appreciate it. Thank you!' she gave me an apologetic smile and hurriedly ran passed the six of us to somewhere else.

I stood there speechless.

'Did she just ignored me and cut through my question by walking pass the six of us without looking back?' I was stunned by her actions, totally amazed.


'She really is interesting...' I absent mindedly murmured to myself while Yoseob at the other hand, tried to wake me up from my thoughts by pushing me lightly which caused me to fall back a little.

'Interesting? Hyung, what are you refering to?' Yoseob asked while he chugging down a bottle of water.

'Tell me! Tell me!' he whined.

I shudder my shoulder a little, ignored his question, tried to act as if I did not said anything and continued walking, leaving him and the others behind.

'Yah! Hyung! Acting cool again!' Yoseob stuck out his tongue while he looked at me, pouting.

No one's

'Hyung~! How can you leave me behind! Wait for me~!' Yoseob shouted as he pulled Gikwang who was still busy wandering in his thoughts.

'Gikwang hyung, why can't you stop daydreaming?' Yoseob pouted while he used half of his strength to pull Gikwang along with him, trying to catch up with Junhyung.

'W-wh-aat?' Gikwang muttered, slightly annoyed. 'Yah! Yoseob! Did you just name me as your hyung!?'

'We are going to late for class if you continue standing here day-dreaming.' Hyunseung suddenly pop out from nowhere which scared the living daylight out of Gikwang.

'Hyung! Hurry up, we really going to be late for class.' Dongwoon at the other hand started to whine as he quickly followed Junhyung's pace.


'She looks familiar... but who is she?'I looked at the girl which she apologized to Junhyung and hurriedly walked pass us.

I was trying to refresh my past because she really does look familiar to me, until...

'Gikwang hyung, why can't you stop daydreaming?' Yoseob pouted while he used half of his strength to pull Gikwang along with him, trying to catch up with Junhyung.

'W-wh-aat?' I muttered, slightly annoyed towards Yoseob as I tried to push him away from me.

'Yah! Yoseob! Did you just name me as your hyung!?'

'We are going to be late for class if you continue standing here day-dreaming.' Hyunseung suddenly pop out from nowhere which scared the living daylight out of me. I frowned a little.

'Hyung! Hurry up, we really going to be late for class.' our maknae started to whine as he quickly followed Junhyung's pace.


Comments are love? :)

Thanks for reading and im really sorry if it's boring.

I will try my best to improve my writing skills.

So, please give me some comments or subscribe to my story, or both?

Thanks thanks thanks :)


Please visit Choco's Authored Stories for more updates, thank you :)

Last updated : 11th November 2012

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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)