Chapter Eleven

The Hidden Love


"The phone number which you are currently dialing is currently not available. Please call it back later."

I continued playing with the hem of my shirts while continued to wait. As I was hoping for the voice of my mother to appear through the phone, but to my dismay, instead of hearing my mother's voice, I ended up listening to the voice of the operator.

Feeling blue, I sighed as I closed my eyes, mentally imitated those sentences which the voice operator always says through the phone whenever the call directs to the voice mail.

"...Your call will direct into the phone number's voice mail shortly right after the beep.."


"Omma.." I silently whispered to myself as I held my phone tightly.

I continued talking through the phone as I looked at myself through the mirror. "How are you? And why didn't you return me a call throughout your stay in there? Anyway, call back soon, please.." 

I then backed away from my phone and gently touched on the 'end call' button as I took a deep glanced at the date on my phone screen that located at the right corner.

I blew a raspberry as I tossed my phone on my bed before I jumped and slumped immediately on the soft and fluffy surface.

A soft tugged was heard.

"Time flies.. It is already more than two months.." I stared at my ceiling wall while I reached out my hand as I slightly traced on those glowing stars which I had recently pasted on it a week ago. Of course, with the help of the almighty staircase since my height is consider an average height for a teenager like myself and tell you what, my height is not something I could be proud of and boast about it to everyone or anyone. Sad.

"Where did omma went to.." I mumbled.

No phone call. No missed call. Not even a single text can be seen from her.

I sighed to myself or to my own poor soul as I scrolled through my phone messages.

"Where have you been?" I turned around while facing to the left and pulled out the drawer right beside my bed as I took out a photo frame from it.

I sadly smiled as I gently on every faces, every smiles that were displayed through the photo frame.



It was a picture that we once took when I was four.

I smiled sadly as memories started to return one by one.

Tears started to dwell up around my eyelids as I allowed them to flow down freely.

My heart ached as badly as I clenched my fist tight, but the pain was undeniable.


"Rin-ah! Stop running.. You might trip later on." my father shouted from behind as my mother was beaming while enjoying trolling around the park with her arms interlaced with my father's arm.

I ignored my father's warning as I continued jumping, running and skipping around the park as if I just got a candy that was given by Santa himself.


Just when I was about to head towards the playground at the center of the park, I accidentally tripped on the stones since I was not looking what I am stepping onto because I was busy squealing mentally to myself, "Weeeeeeee, playground here I come!"

When both of them heard a soft thump not far away from them, they got panicked as they hurriedly ran around in search of me and that very moment when they spotted me lying flat on the ground, they immediately rushed towards me without waiting for each other.

"Rin! Are you alright?" my mother placed her soft hands on me.

I did not answer her questions as I was trying hard to prevent myself from tearing up due to the huge impact

"Rin! Did you get hurt? Come, let omma checks your wound.." my mother said urgently as both of her eyes started b with tears while she shook me gently.

"Rin, please answer appa and omma. Don't frighten the both of us..' my father silently whispered.

Horrified. Terrified. Hurt. Loving. Care. Sad.

Those were words that able to describe the situation at that very moment and those were all written on their faces.

I gulped mouthful of saliva as I lightly bit my lips. I then placed both of my small palms at each side on the ground as I pushed some strength out of me so I could sit up properly without needing any help and faced to the front.

My mother then placed both of her hands that sent a sweet, warm, cozy and loving feeling through my spine, towards my heart as she gave me some support while my dad at the other hand was standing there staring worriedly at the both of us.

I sat up slowly and started playing with the hem of my baby blue dress. Both of my eyes were b with tears as I was biting my lips lightly. Trying hard to prevent those tears from crawling down towards my already redden cheeks.

I made a promise to myself never ever cry in front of them anymore, because I am not a little girl and a big girl was not supposed to shed tears. I kept telling myself that I am tough and I am brave.

"Don't cry.."

"Don't shed tears in front of them.."

"Smile at them, ara?"

"Hurry up.." I mentally nudged myself.

I bit my lips again, one of my bad habits as I looked up from the hem of my dress while staring at both of my parents.

As I was scanning through their faces, I then reached out my right hand as I lightly on my mother's beautiful bare face while I used my small thumb to brush off those tears that lingered around her eyelids. I then retrieved my lemon yellow hankerchief as I rubbed on her tear stains that plastered around her cheeks area.

"Omma, why are you crying?" I silently whispered at her. "Don't cry, ara? Rin is a bad girl. Rin should not make omma cry."

My mother blinked her eyes several times as she used the back of her hand to at on her eyes a few times.

"Ani.. Omma is not crying. Rin-ah, are you alright? Did you somehow hurt yourself?" she asked worriedly.

"Neh!" I beamed at the both of them as I tried to assure them I am really alright.

I am strong. I am tough. I am the almighty little Haerin and most of all, I am my parents' little Rin.

"Did our princess hurts herself, anywhere?" my father then bent down in one knee as he reached to my eye level and scanned through the surface of my arms and legs, trying to search for any visible wounds.

"Ani!" I answered almost immediately as I stood up, secretly hoping the length of my dress could hide those wounds from them.

I then stood up immediately as I twirled, and spun around. "Ouch.."

"But, I thought I saw a few woun--" my mother stared at me watery eyes as she reached out her hand to raise up my dress.

I immediately stopped her from pulling my dress up to prevent my visible wounds to expose.

"Ani! I am fine and alright~" I said in a sing-song voice as I grinned widely at them.

They just shook their head and smiled at me, finally taking in and accepting my lies.

"Aigoo, yebbo, look at our little Rin! She looks like a dirty little princess already.." my mother said lovingly as she took out a pretty sweet lemon yellow silk handkerchief while she gently wiped away those dirt away from my face, and both of my hands.

My father chuckled lightly as he ruffled my hair messily. "But our princess is still pretty as always."

"Appa!" I playfully whined as I brushed my hair with both of my small hands.

"Our Rin is so tough. Appa and omma are both so proud of you.." my father praised me as he held both of my hands tightly while my mother at the other hand was brushing my hair gently.

"Appa.." I gazed at my father and then back to my mother. "Omma.."

"Neh?" they both sat down almost immediately as they sat cross-legged on the ground so that the three of us were at the same eye level.

"Saranghaeyo!" I said as I stretched both of my arms wide and formed a small heart shape that represented my love towards them both.

Both of them were in daze for a short while and they immediately smiled lovingly at me as they gave me a peck on both of my cheeks.

I ended up smiling to myself like some maniac.

"This is definitely worth all the pain." I secretly thought to myself.

"Anyway, let us take a picture together, neh?" my father suggested as he reached out for his camera from his bag pack and retrieved his camera stand. He then placed his DSLR camera on it.

"Neh!" I said excitedly as I jumped up and down like a little bunny, totally forgot about the fall and the pain that caused by those wounds earlier ago.

"Rin-ah, come closer to omma~" my mother called me from far as she spread her arms wide.

"Ani, Rin-ah, come to appa~" my father did the same too, imitating my mother.

I stood several steps away from them, right in front of the camera as I chuckled to myself while looking and enjoying the chemistry between the both of them. "Omma, appa, come to Rin~ The camera is capturing a picture of us soon. Rin would not want to stand alone."

I pouted.

Several seconds later, my father then gave me a piggyback on his back while my mother hugged the both of us from behind. On the count of three, two one, we then smiled lovingly and happily at the camera.

"On the count of three, two, one let’s say cheeseeee~" my father sang mischievously.


-End of flashback-

I plopped onto my bed right away as I put away the photo frame.

I missed my mother, that mother who always sing me to bed every single night, that mother who loves me no matter what, that mother who always encourage me to move forward and that mother who always stays by my side, giving me support and help.

"Omma.. Where are you?"


"Good morning~ Good morning~ Good morn--"

My phone alarm started to ring as I reached out my hand that stayed restless under my blanket while blindly searching for my phone that was placed on my bedside table.

I immediately touched on the snooze button as I continued snuggled closer towards my pillow and pulled my blanket over my head while I continued heading towards my dreamland.

Several minutes later, my phone's alarm started to activate as it rang continuously that caused me to cover up both of my ears with my hands as I turned around nontheless.

"Good morning~ Good morning~ Good morn--"

After several minutes of struggles and turning, I then surrendered to my lazy self by forcing myself to be up from my bed and sat up grumpily, while mentally glaring and cursing at my innocent phone as I looked myself through the dressing mirror.

My bed hair was obvious, my natural curls were all tangled and baby hairs were flying in every direction. I pouted at the reflection of myself while I stood up lazily as I stepped both of my feet into my pair of Pikachu slippers. "Did I went for an army adventure last night?"

I shook my head a little as I continued staring at my features and everything. My eyes, my nose and my mouth, those resembled my father who had passed away. 

I slightly touched my rosy cheeks as pictures of my father started to appear inside my mind, as his voice which only full of love started replaying next to my ear like a soothing lullaby. I yawned softly as I gently used the back of my palm to brush against my eyelids as tears started to brim and wandered around my eyes.

"Better get ready for school before the bell rings.." I gently massaged my temple as pulled out my uniforms from the closet while trying to push away those thoughts that could cause me to tear up any moment, for now.

After taking a quick shower, I hurriedly put on my school uniform and hurriedly brushed through my hair. I pulled out a baby blue ribbon from a wooden box that placed neatly at the corner inside of my closet and tied my hair into a side ponytail that showed my auburn curls that flowed naturally.

Feeling satisfied of my appearance, I then dashed out from my house as I pulled out my bag pack along with me.

I then stood outside of my house for several seconds till I am able to hear the soft beep that indicated that my house entrance was locked, I then skipped towards my school, secrety enjoying the sun light that shone towards my face and the wind breeze that blew through me. 

I smiled to myself while I curled one of my hands into fists as I clenched towards my chest. "Please be good to me for today.."


"Have you heard that the school queenka is back?"

"Yeap, someone saw her heading towards Junhyung oppa's classroom." a girl who wore a thick black frame glasses muttered with an ugly frown plastered on her face.

I tilted my head slightly, a little closer towards the crowd, trying hard to listen to their conversation from a distance.

A chubby looking girl sighed as she knocked her head lightly against the locker. "I am so jealous of her, she has the beauty and everything that could attract every guys on earth. As for people like me? Like us? Junhyung oppa won't even bother to take a slight glance at us."

My eyes twitched a little.

"..but you do know that she doesn't has the brain, right?" another girl said slowly.

"Who cares about brain nowadays? If you have the appearance, the world is under your control. Plus, Junhyung oppa is smart, rich, handsome and everything. If she is his girlfriend, or maybe his future partner, she doesn't need to worry about anything or everything." a girl who looked a little y pointed out in a high pitch tone.

"So, is she and Junhyung oppa a thing?"

"I don't know. Yes, no, maybe?"

"If so, I am so freaking jealous of her!"

I stood right in front of my locker as I silently listened to their gossips.

"School queenka?"

"I wonder who she is.."

I swiftly turned my head around as I scanned through the hallway. Several bunch of students started to gather around together whispering and gossiping about the unknown school queenka.

"Hyorin is back!"

"She is back?"

"Starting from now, our life is turning into trash which is down to earth." those nerd-looking students sighed as their back slumped against their lockers or looked down the floor.

"Of all time, why must she come back at this time?"

"I thought she left here for good.."

I turned back, staring blankly at my locker as my mind was full of wonders and curiosity. I then punched in my locker password as I yanked open my locker to retrieve my books.

"She must be popular, but I think she builds a bad reputation for herself." I noted to myself.

"But, she and Junhyung-shi?" my head tilted to the side as I reached out my right hand into my locker to retrieve my books and stationary for class later on.

My eyes twitched uncomfortably as I slammed shut my locker door, hard. "Is that true?"

I sighed as I faced my back towards the locker as I laid against it. I frowned all of a sudden for no reason.

For some reason, when I heard those students talking about that mysterious yet unknown school queenka and Junhyung himself, jealousy and anger boiled through me, as I felt a sudden explosion that made my stomach flipped in an uncomfortable way, but, at the same time, I felt throbbed pain through my heart.

I then closed my eyes for a short while as I clutched onto my books and stationary as if my life depended on those for support, while I tried to get rid of those silly thoughts and feelings of mine by taking a deep breathe.

Jealousy. Anger. Sad.

"Am I falling for him already?"

I sighed to myself. Mixture feelings started to crawl into me bits to bits.


The class bell rang, signifying students to head back into class immediately since class was starting in about ten minutes time.

Yet, I was still standing right on my current spot with both of my eyes closed. When the coast was cleared, where noises and footsteps that caused by the other students were not heard, I then opened both of my eyes as I pushed myself away from the locker.

"Annyeong!" Yoseob smiled widely at me.

Both of my eyes widen when I realized how close he was standing, the distance between our faces was just an inches away from me.

"Oppa!" I hit him lightly on his shoulders with my books as I started to whine. "Don't you dare to frighten me like that anymore!"

Yoseob chuckled as he used both of his hands to hold onto mine, preventing me to hit him further on.

"Mian~ Mian~" he gave his infamous smile as he apologized.

I ended up pouting, who could actually be mad at him whenever it comes to that adorable and handsome face of his?

"Anyway, oppa, why are you here?"

"Should not you be in class at this time?"

"..and why didn't I heard your footsteps earlier ago?"

"Are you perhaps a ninja?" I started to bombard him with questions as I gave him a surprised face that caused him to stare at me weirdly.

Instead of answering my questions, he just stood there laughing out loud as he clutched onto his stomach.

"What is so funny about?" I frowned as I waited for him to stop what he was currently doing.

"Mmmphh!!" he took a deep breath, as he finally able to breathe in a normal pace from all the laughter earlier ago since he stopped himself from laughing. "You are just too adorable!'

He squealed, then reached out his hands to pinch onto my cheeks and that caused me to stick up my tongue at him. I failed to seek for revenge by return him his 'good deed' since my hands was loaded with my books and stationaries.

"I was heading back to class since the class bell rang, but I spotted you standing here meditating. So, you should know the rest~" he sang as eh grinned widely at me. Not forgot about poking my forehead gently.

I nodded my head as I listened to his quick and fast explanation while Yoseob at the other hand just walked behind me as he placed both of his hands on my back and pushed me lightly, along the school hallway towards our class. "Let us head to the class before our lecturer run out from the classroom to report us due to missing in action."

"Arasso.." I swiftly replied.

We then headed back to class as we walked side by side together.

The walk was silent till I unknowingly slipped out a question that kept on bugging inside my mind.

"Oppa, who is that school queenka that the whole campus is currently talking about?"

"Do you mean Hyorin?" he frowned.

I then stared at him as I nodded my head, signifying him to go on talking.

"Why?" he then tilted his head cutely as he pouted.

"Ani.." I mumbled slowly as I continued staring at the ground.

"I am just curious about her, and some of them even said that she and Junhyung-shi are both an item.." I mumbled softly but Yoseob was able to hear it since he scooted even closer to me.

He scrunched his nose as he made a face. "They are both an item? Puh-l-ease!" he snorted with an ugly frown.

"Oppa! What is with that ugly frown of yours?" I asked curiously.

"Hyorin is a bugging .." he muttered in a disgusted tone.

"Ahh?" I gave him a look since I could hardly understand.

"Is she that bad?"

He ruffled his hair roughly. "Aiish, you will know what I am talking about once you meet her, probably later on since she must be searching for her Junhyung oppa.." he then pretended to puke as he emphasized the 'Junhyung oppa' clear and loud.

"Mmhmm.." U nodded my head, secretly anticipating meeting that mysterious yet unknown school queenka.

"Why do you care if they both really an item?" 

I was stunned, as I just looked the other way round, while thought of something to change the topic of our conversation.

I bit my lips lightly. "Ani.. But.. Everyone in the campus was talking about them.."

Yoseob raised his eyebrows as he stared at me closely. "And? What are you trying to ask?"

I rubbed the nib of my neck lightly as I asked timidly. "Do you think Junhyung-shi will fall for her? I mean.." I hesitated a little as I continued, "Everyone said she is a beauty and everything. Wait, excluding her brain though.. Is she really that stubborn?"

Yoseob just stared at the space right in front of him for a short while.

"Oppa?" I shook him a little with my one and only available hand as I placed all my books and stationary in one hand for support.

Still, not even a single reaction from him. So, I was basically talking to a statue that looked like my Yoseob oppa.

"Oppa!" I yelled at his left ear while I shook him extremely causing him to jump from his thoughts.

"What?" he tilted his head cutely while flashing me a cute smile.

"Never mind.. Let us head back to class.." I mumbled as I fasten my pace towards our classroom that was a few steps ahead from where the both of us were standing.



"Why is she asking questions about hyung all of a sudden?" I asked to myself as I continued listening to her questions carefully.

"And? What are you trying to ask?" I asked her curiously.

"Unless, she--"

I saw her rubbed her neck lightly as she asked quietly. Her eyes were both full of sadness, as she continued, "Do you think Junhyung-shi will fall for her? I mean.." 

She then hesitated a little as she continued softly, "Everyone said she is a beauty and everything. Wait, excluding her brain.."

"Bingo!" Something suddenly clicked into my mind all of a sudden.

I then stared into the space for a short while. Of course, I still kept on my walking pace towards our classroom.


"Oppa!" she yelled as she shook me eagerly.

I just flashed her smile to avoid any questions regarding to my space out a moment ago as I thought to myself, "Haerin-ah, you are feeling the same way too. Don't you?"

I shook my head gently as I ruffled a sigh.

"Two stubborn people sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g~" I sang in my mind as I I beamed.

I shook my head lightly. "Two stubborn people. I guess it is up to me to patch this two together.."



"Stop bugging me, will you?" I pushed away her filthy hands away from mine as I yelled at her, totally ignoring those stares from everyone.

"Oppa!!!" she whined cutely, wait, cut that, disgustingly at me as if she was putting up a show with that fake and plastic mask of hers.

"What the do you want? Lee Hyorin-shi?" I spat at her as I looked away from her, looking totally annoyed.

She ended up stood even closer to me while her hands clung onto mine.

"Oppa, you don't really need to be formal to me, especially in front of the others, you know? You can call me baby, aegi or jagiya~ I would not mine, and I know you want it too. Just don't act too harsh on me, will you? You can put up any show you want, but please be gentle~" she batter her eyelashes as she started to cling on me with her s rubbing on my arms.

I looked down at her disgustingly. "Do you really need to do that? .."

Like any other guy and as a normal male on earth, I do have hormones, but whenever it comes to ty girls, especially girls like her that could not stop bugging me? Let me tell you what, it will always, let me emphasized that a little, ALWAYS, be a total turn off. Sometimes, I can't help but to think to myself, what on earth do guys see on them? I mean with those heavy make ups and everything, don't you think those are too much? Can you actually imagine yourself getting married to a female that always wears tight clothing that exposed her skins, always puts on thick make ups and always acts like a ty ? Can you? ..because I seriously can't.

Chuckles can be heard at the corner since my so called best friends were all secretly laughing. "Where the hell is Seobbie when I need him now?"

I sighed heavily while I took a deep breath. "Can't you just ing leave me alone?" I shot daggers to her, but sadlyshe seemed as if she could not receive the message. That pea-size brain of hers.

"Oppa~ Don't raise your voice like that~ I am scare~" she whined again as she hugged me from the front and hid her face on my chest.

"What the ?" I cursed under my breath as I stared at Doojoon, Hyunseung and Gikwang who were standing a few feet away from the both of us. I gave up, I pleaded help from them since I had no other choice.

"Help me to get rid of this here!" I mouthed at them but they ended up looking the opposite direction immediately.

"Idiots!" I mouthed at them again once they faced me. They just stood there laughing their off. Who told you friends are always there to help you and to lend you a hand whenever you need help? Because, that was not what I am experiencing when I needed their help so badly.

I sighed. "My poor soul.."

I would not be surprised if my previous life did something bad like being a bugging dude that clung onto some pretty lady since that was what I am going through.

I can't help it. We can't help it. We just hate her to the maximum, especially Yoseob and I because who one earth could actually stand for her fake attitudes? ..except for those jerks who enjoyed searching for one night stand, believe me, she is 24/7 available. Want her? Call me.

"Oppa~ Should we go on a date after class?" She looked up, staring at me right into my eyes, still hugging on my waist tightly like some sort of glue, perhaps elephant glue?

"I am busy, and I will always be.." I spat at her without even glancing her back in return.

"Oppa~ Wae? Please~"

"How many times do you nee--" I paused from talking once I heard our class door yanked open, and Yoseob, along with Haerin were both appeared at the entrance of the classroom.

She was busy talking to Yoseob, laughing and teasing at each other, but once she noticed the silent of the classroom, she then stopped herself from talking as she turned around to look at the surroundings, she glanced at Hyorin and I up and down, the posture we were both standing, her angelic face which I loved and love then turned into an ugly frown.

She then placed down her books on some students' table as she gently tugged on Yoseob's uniform sleeve.

Yoseob then whispered to her ear and he ended up receiving a look from her.

She just shook her head as she headed back to her seat, while she brought those books along with her.

"Oppa? So I will meet you later, right?"

"Don't you have classes which you need to attend now?"

"Yeap, but I am heading back to class late, just for you~ Plus, I don't think the lecturer would start the class without me, you know? He did get something from me once in a while before~" Hyorin winked at me as she clung on my arms, again"What the ? A one night stand with some old ? Gross.."

"Get away from me, will--" I saw Haerin looking at the both of us with sudden cold eyes as she walked towards her seat, directly in front of me and Yoseob at the other hand just stood next to her, at Gikwang's seat.

She stood there awkwardly as she tried avoiding locking eyes with me while Yoseob at the other hand was smirking at me, indirectly wishing me luck when it comes to Hyorin herself.

"So oppa, where should we go later on? Hongdae?" Hyorin started to rub onto my crotch area that caused me to jump a little. I flinched as I pushed her away harshly.

"What the ?" I raised my voice at her. If she wasn't a girl, she probably got hit by now with my pretty fist.

"Oppa~" Hyorin whined as she stomped both of her feet onto the ground. "Don't you like it? I mean, you can come to my place or maybe I could go to yours?" she then made circles on my chest with her fingers while she raised one of her legs, which exposed her that caused those guys to cheer among themselves.

I just ignored her as I was busy staring at Yoseob and Haerin who happened to be watching everything since they standing side by side, one of them was looking bored, while the other one was looking awkward, along  with a displeased frown plastered on her angelic face.

Both of my ears automatically perked up when Haerin muttered next to Yoseob's ear. "Oppa, what are we doing here?"

"Nothing much, Just watching how the almighty hyung handles his current situation." he smirked slyly, not noticed I was secretly listening and staring at them.

"Ooooh.." she nodded her head with a frown as she turned and locked eyes with me.

Her face turned gloomy, as her chocolate kiss eyes that never once failed to make my heart flatters just by looking at it turned into cold and dark when she stared down at my arms where Hyorin sneakily tucked her hands onto it when I am not noticed and she started to cling on me once again while batting her fake long lashes. "Oppa~"

I smirked a little when I saw some sort of emotions on Haerin's face. At lease she did give out some reaction. I could freaking dance to myself and cheered to myself all day long, alone, at my place.

I stared back at Yoseob and spotted him mouthing at me secretly. "Try making her jealous. I don't know whether it works, but she might unknowingly fall for you! It is your chance, hyung!"

"Jealous? Haerin?" I mouthed back and Yoseob just remained quiet as he nodded slightly.

My heart was jumping in joy but Yoseob was not sure about her feelings towards me. I sighed, making Haerin jealous by playing along with Hyorin? I massaged my temple a little while I used my other hand to capture on one of Hyorin's hands, ended up receiving a high pitch squealing from her. "! That voice of hers.." my head jerked away from her quickly.

I mentally slapped myself as I cursed at Yoseob for his stupid idea.

Both of Hyorin's eyes lighted up with joy as excitement filled into her pit of stomach as she placed her hands on me, I felt a sudden weight in my heart while both of my eyes twitched in disgust but I still remained in my poker face as I wrapped my hands around her. Hyorin was smiling so wide as she then let go of her hands and wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer towards her while rubbed her face against my chest, on my thin piece of uniform.

Since she was not looking, I quickly used the chance to take a glance at Haerin's expression.

Yoseob's experiment might work since Haerin's face did turn gloomy since her eyes were both darken. I spotted one of her hands clenched into a baby fist as she tried avoiding staring at our way.

I then looked back at the mischievous Yoseob as he observed her silently at the side of his eyes and smirked to his self. "That guy probably worshipping himself already.."

When the bell rang the second time, signifying class started and indirectly asking the students to get their asses off from wandering around the campus and get into a ready position so once the teacher headed into the classroom, class could be proceeded immediately. 

"Get back to class. We will talk about it when I am free, it will not be today or tomorrow, just leave me alone for now." I said without looking at Hyorin. She did not looked satisfied when I told her that but she spotted my class teacher was going to enter the classroom, it was just several steps ahead. She does knew the consequences when teachers spotted students from other classroom to wander around the campus since she did that several times and ended up receiving punishment such as not able to back to school for several months? When the school principal announced that, Hands were seen throwing confetti with pleasure everywhere inside the campus. Yoseob and I even opened a party to celebrate her punishment at his place to show our gratitude towards our school principal.

I then pushed Hyorin away from me as I headed back to my seat while Haerin just turned around and sat down without even glancing our way. Her shoulders slumped forward as she rested her head on her folded arms that placed comfortably on her table.

I then turned at Yoseob as I gave him a look but Yoseob just shrugged off as he continued scribbing some words on his book.

I sighed. "This guy must know something which I don't even know.."


Hello :)

I know it is been a while.

I am sorry, it is just chinese new year is here and my working place is a chaos.

So, whenever I have time, all I want to do is sleep, sleep, and sleep, but I do think of my story ideas and type everything into my phone.

Anyway, I would like to ask all of you a question : Is this story really that bad? If so, should I continue or just stop it for good?


Happy Chinese New Year, people :D

May gifts of happy, wealth, health, warmth are all yours throughout the year. Love you~


Please leave some comments below and subscribe if you enjoy :)


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And please subscribe. Thanks :)

Last updated : 17th of February  2013

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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)