Chapter Seven

The Hidden Love


'Rin-ah~ Appa's baby girl~' a voice which I did not heard and I had missed so badly since I was two kept on ringing at both of my ears as a pair of arms shook me lightly, trying to wake me up from my sleep.


'Neh, Appa?' I said in a slurred voice as I rubbed my eyes lightly, while looking at my father.

'Wake up, my baby girl. We had finally reached to our destination!' my father said as he slowly carried me down from the car, at the backseat.

'Ahh~' I yawned as I dragged out my yellow teddy from the backseat which my dad had bought for me during my previous birthday which fall on December 23 with my left hand while my right? I was holding onto my dad as he lead me to the beach.

'Appa! Where is Omma?' I yawned again as I said in a slurred voice while I tighten my grip.

'Omma is standing over there, under that huge tree. Can't you see she is waving towards us? I can see Omma is excited too. Rin-ah, are you happy?' my father grinned as he kneed to my level, shoving off my fringe which covered half of my face.

'Neh Appa!' I smiled as I played with my father's finger while I placed my yellow teddy next to me.

'It's really rare for the three of us to go for a short trip, since Appa and Omma are both always busy working.' I pouted as I looked at my father's deep and loving eyes.

Tears started to dwell up when I thought of those days when both of my parents will always head home late due to their working scheldures, but, they will always tried making time for me, whenever they are both free.

'Aigoo~ Appa's baby girl~ Don't cry, arasso?' my father said as he used his thumbs to wipe off my tears which stained on both of my cheeks.

'Appa~' I whined as I opened both of my arms wide, wanting my father to give me a piggyback ride while my mother approached to us with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

'Aigoo~ What takes both of you so long? Ah! Why is baby Rin crying? Did Appa just bully you? Tell Omma! Omma will punish your Appa later on!' my mother smiled sheepishly as she looked at the both of us.

'Ani~ Appa and Omma! Let's play!' I whined as I playfully hit my father's shoulder which caused my mother to chuckle while I pointed straight towards the beach, gesturing my parents to bring me there.

'Ppalli! Ppalli!' I beamed as my mother helped to carry my yellow teddy, while my father gave me a piggyback ride as the three of us headed towards the beach.

'Arasso~' both of my parents smile as I stuck out my tongue playfully.

After five minutes walked to the beach, my father then placed me down onto the sand as he walked towards my mother, helping her to arrange the table, chairs, foods and drinks while I played all by myself, with buckets of green, blue and yellow, surrounding me.

As I looked up, the sparkly sea splashes up onto the sandy beach. I then ran towards the sea, as I soaked both of my small legs into the cold, and chilly sea.

'Wahh~ It's so refreshing~'

All of a sudden, my father suddenly grabbed me from behind as my mother laughed at the both of us. As I thought the three of us would spent this moment together, having fun and full of laughter, suddenly my father put me down, while he looked straight at me, dejected look on his face while my mother, on the other hand, furrowed both of her eyebrows.


'Neh Appa...' I whispered.

'Why am I feeling this way?'

'Why am I having a feeling that both of my parents are leaving me... Why?'

'Always remember... Appa will always love his baby girl, forever...' my father said, as he touched my face, lovingly.

'Appa...' tears started to dwell up in my eye as I faced him.

'Remember... Some people make the world special just by being in it...' my father said.

'And... Rin-ah, you and your omma... Both of you... Make my world special just by being in it...' my father then continued as he started to walk backwards, away from me.

'Appa...' I sobbed.

'Where are you going?' I ran towards him, but he stepped back quickly. I tried to reach for him, but he was so far away.

'Remember... Appa will always love you, forever and always~' he said as he vanished into thin air.

'Appa!!!' I yelled as my surroundings, the beach, started to shatter into million of tiny piece of glasses.

'Omma? Where are you going? You can't leave me here, all alone. Omma! Ommmaaa!!!' I yelled as my tears started to flow from my eyelids, all the way down to my cheeks while my mother started to walk away from me, without looking back.

'Ommmmaaaaaa! Please don't go! Ommmaaaa! Ani.. Don't leave me alone.. Omma..' I tried to run towards her, but she just walked further and further away from me. She did not turn her head around, not even a single glance.

'Why!? When everything seems to be perfectly fine, why both of you choose to leave me, all alone? Why do you choose to let me suffer? Why?'

'They say most people walk in and out of your life, but only siblings will leave footprints in your heart... Appa, Omma, please don't walk out from my life... I really need the both of you...'

'I really need your guidance...'



'Appa? Omma?' I quickly woke up as I looked around at my surroundings.

'Ah~ How silly am I... Everything is just a dream...' I sighed as I crawled out from my bed, while I approached to my bedroom's door, something just  caught my eyes.

As I looked through the photo albums that consist memories for the three of us, I can't help but started to cry, all over again.

'I miss you...'

'Appa... Why did you leave me so early?' I gently brushed through my dad's pictures as tears started to dwell up around my eyelids.

'Omma... Why did you change right after Appa leave us?'


I quickly put down my photo albums as I hurriedly headed down to the bathroom to clean up and refresh myself, since I needed to attend school later on.


'So, we will be having our two weeks break starting from next week. Any plans?' Yoseob suddenly jumped up from his seat as he ran towards my place while walking back and forth with his fingers placing on his chin, acting like a baby professor when our history teacher was called out through the class speaker to attend a meeting with our school headmistress.

All of us just sat at our usual seats while we continued to return our attention to our works which were given out by our history teacher right before he left for the meeting as we ignored Yoseob who was busy asking and talking to himself.


He stopped all of a sudden as he looked at the six of us, 'Or Busan?'

We just kept quiet, still ignoring Yoseob who was totally living in his own world. As all of you can see by now, his holiday syndrome had started a week ago since our school holiday is starting less than a week time from now. I sighed a little as I looked up from my work.

'Yoseob Oppa seems like he could not wait for the holiday to start. How cute, but don't you think it is still quite early to plan by now when holiday is starting in six days time?'

'I guess he is one of those people who are excited for holiday like little kids received candy cane from Santa Claus during Christmas festival.'

'So, holiday is his weakness huh?' I beamed a little.

'Holidays seem like it just lured him to his current hyperactive state.'

'Oppa..?' I took a glanced at Yoseob who was pacing back and forth.

'Maybe, just maybe, we should go to the Ski Resort..' he mumbled while he rested his hands on his stomach.

'Oppa..' I whined as I placed down my pen gently on my table while staring at him intently, secretly hoping he will give me a respond.

'Wait.. Japan sounds fun..' he stopped as he retrieved his phone from his right pocket and started to jabbed on his touch screen phone with his fingers. (Maybe continued searching for more places to go?)

'Oppa!!!!' I stood up all of a sudden and that caught several attention from my classmates, especially Gikwang who was sitting next to me and Junhyung who was sitting right behind me.

Yoseob startled a little as he looked at me while he tilted his head to the side cutely, 'Neh?'

I sighed in relief, to myself or to my own soul. I walked slowly towards him while placing both of my hands on his shoulders as I shook him gently, 'Oppa, our holiday is starting next week, not tomorrow or maybe later on. We have six days to plan and there is no reason for us to rush. So, relax. Plus, I thought we already planned to go to Jeju Island this time? And it is currently summer! So, do you think we are able to travel in the Ski Resort during our holiday?'

'Moreover, holiday is meant to be fun and relax. So, instead of getting worry or excited about it, you should sit back and relax. Alright?' I continued while staring at Yoseob.

Yoseob smiled sheepishly as he slowly took in my words.

'Ahh.. Jeju.. That's right! Aigoo, Haerin-ah, you are the best!' Yoseob jumped towards me as he attacked me with bear hugs and that caused Junhyung to fumble from his seats as he hurriedly walked towards us while he separated Yoseob away from me.

'Hyung!! What are you trying to do? Why are you seperating me from my Haerin!' Yoseob threw a tantrum as he kept on hitting Junhyung playfully on his shoulders.

'Your Haerin?' Junhyung answered in a sarcastic way.

'Yes, MY HAERIN!' Yoseob raised his chin proudly as he scooted closer to Junhyung. Sadly, his little gesture earned a whack from Junhyung himself.

I just stood at my spot, totally amused as I watched their interactions right from the start. I started laughing while their fan girls started to shot me several dead glares. Believe me, if looks could kill, I will be bury underneath since the first day I transferred into this school.

I hurriedly cleared my throat as I hurriedly walked towards my seat and continued my work, while I tried hard to avoid those glares which I had received from those bunch of girls.

'What have I got myself into?' I sighed as I flipped through my history text book while I started to jot down notes, keeping myself busy by reading through the paragraphs.

I was totally engrossed into the past till I did not heard someone actually trying to grab my attention by whispering my name several time.




A hand just appeared out of nowhere as he tapped my right shoulder gently.

I stunned a little as I hurriedly looked up from my book while I stared at Gikwang who was busy tapping and waving, just to grab my attention from the my book.


'Erm, Haerin-shi..' Gikwang said shyly.

I chuckled a little as I patted his shoulder gently, 'Call me Haerin starting from now on. You don't need to speak in a formal way since we are friends for more than two months.'

'Alright then. Haerin-ah, are you free later on? I mean right after school..' he then continued without looking at me as he kept himself busy by flipping through pages by pages of one of his reference book.

'I think so, since I have nowhere to go besides heading back home. Why?' I asked as I shifted my seat a little while facing him.

'Nah, just want to grab lunch with you. So, are you alright with it?' Gikwang then asked as he shot me a puppy-eyes look. Who can actually resist his charm when it comes to his aegyo or his some sort of expression?

'Since I am eating alone almost everyday, so, why not?'

'S-sure..' I smiled at him.

'Alright then. I will meet you at the school gate right after school ends. Is that alright with you?' he smiled as he finally had the guts to look up at me.

'Of course it is alright with me. You don't know how lonely it is since I am always eating alone.' I grinned as I started twirling my pen that caught my sudden interest.

He laughed, 'We should do it more often then. Of course, if you allow me to.'

'Why not?' I grinned but I was startled when I heard a huge slam from behind.

Junhyung just stood up all of a sudden as he stormed out from the classroom without looking back.

'He is looking mad. I wonder what had gone wrong?' I stared at the direction which Junhyung had stormed out.

'Hyung!' Yoseob ran out from the classroom, trying hard to catch up his hyung.

'I wonder what is wrong with him..' I whispered to myself, and I guessed Gikwang heard it since he just looked at me as he shrugged his shoulders and mouthed, 'I don't know..'

'Something must gone wrong..'

'I guess it is up to me find out, all by myself..'


‘What the hell is going on with me?’

I sighed as I ruffled my hair in a frustrated manner while I laid against the wall.

I rested both of my eyes while replaying the conversation between Gikwang and Haerin.

Feeling jealous? Anxious? I seriously have no idea. Somehow, I really don’t know why am I mad all of a sudden when Gikwang asked Haerin out. It might be a friendly date but I felt uneasy with those thoughts about both of them hanging out together, alone.

Call me insane or weird. I just don’t care anymore. Even though she had just transferred into our school for two whole months, I can’t help but falling into her personality and her charm day by day. Just by watching her back throughout the class made my day brighter even though all she did was listening to class or jotting down notes, but, thoughts of being in the same room or class with her were more than enough.

Alright, I admit, I was curious about her at the very first place since she was way different than the other girls I had met because she was the first girl who did not act like some fan girl in school when she bumped into me. Plus, she even tried to ignore me by running away to somewhere else right after I passed her belongings to her when we bumped into each other at the school hallway. Who actually willing to lose the chance to talk, touch, or flirt with me when they have a chance? But definitely not Haerin.

It was fun teasing her, I really did enjoy watching her back during classes and I knew she grew a little annoyed since she always puffed both of her cheeks like some cute chipmunks who stuffed their mouth with several nuts when she noticed me staring at her back. The way she smiles never once failed to make me smile.

Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her face features and the way she laughs or maybe talks always appear in mind my mind like a broken cassette player whenever I am eating, listening to music or maybe sleeping. In some way, pictures of her never once leave my mind.

Soon, my curiosity towards her became love.

I admit I was and I am jealous. Very jealous when he asked her out and she said yes. But, I just can’t help it for feeling this way.

‘Haerin-ah, what did you do to me?’ I thought as I rested both of my eyes as I rested my head against the wall.

As I was trying hard to erase those thoughts about Haerin, and only Haerin, I heard a loud thump that was caused by the metal door at the rooftop. I was startled a little as I raised my head a little, staying away from the wall as I took a glance towards the direction of the door.

All I saw was Yoseob standing right in front of me, panting hard as sweats started to fall from his forehead towards his cheeks.

‘Hyung!’ he gasped for air heavily as he looked up from the floor towards me.

‘You looks like some monkey who just finish taking a bath. By the way, why are you here?’ I laughed as I tilted my head a little while gawking at him.

He ignored me for a short while as he walked closer to me while kneed down a little by bending both of his knees at my height since I was sitting.

‘Why are you staring at me that way?’ I raised one of my eyebrows as I mocked at him.

He stared at me intently, and continued, ‘You are jealous, aren’t you?’



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Last updated : 10th of December 2012


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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)