Chapter Ten

The Hidden Love

No One's

'Haerin-ah~' Gikwang grinned as he turned around while gazing at Haerin who was walking behind him.

She was busy looking around as she strolled along the street, totally forgot about the existence of Gikwang since she was really hungry and secretly hoping that she could or able to think of something or some place to eat.

Gikwang frowned when she did not answered as he just stood there, totally dumbfounded.


Still, no answer.

'Haerin..?' Gikwang raised up his voice a little as he tapped the ground with one of his feet.

Haerin just remained standing as she tightened both of her hands that wrapped around her bag pack.

'Where should I go?' she silently mumbled as she placed her index finger on her lips while continued looking around.

Gikwang huffed as he sighed to himself or to his own soul, he continued, 'Seriously, Haerin-ah~'

'Japanese cuisine?' 

She thought for a short while.

'Nah..' she shook her head lightly.

'Korean cuisine?'

She looked at the ground, and then shook her head again, 'I am bored of korean cuisine. Maybe not today.'

'What else can I eat?' she frowned.

'Wait.. I thought I am not eating alone..' she muttered as she nodded to herself.

'Right, I am not eating alone..' she continued nodding to herself while Gikwang just eyed her with one of his eyebrows rose.

'Hmm..' she her lips as she tried to place all the puzzle pieces together.

She continued staring at the floor, right at her shoes as they caught her sudden interest. 

'But..' she stoned for a short while.

'I seem to forget about something, or maybe someone..'

She shook her head lightly. 'Aiish, forget it. I will think about it later, just let me fill in the space of this tummy of mine.' she patted her stomach twice or maybe thrice and then continued walking forward without looking at the front.

As she walked, she did not bother looking where she was going and then she spotted a pair of shoes which was quite familiar to her.

She stopped.

When she started to remember who she was supposed to be with, her head shot up all of a sudden as she smiled cheekily at him.

Gikwang frowned a little as he cleared his throat while looking at her. 'So?'

'So?' she followed after him.

'Am I really that invincible to you?' Gikwang pouted as he looked at her closely.

A tint of pink started to form around both of her cheeks as she looked the other way round. 'Ani, Gikwang-shi..'

'I am just thinking what to eat later on..' she continued slowly.

Gikwang then placed both of his hands on her shoulders firmly.

'Look at me.' he said.

'Look at you?' she mumbled as she faced while tilted her head to the side, cutely.

'Yes, look at me..' Gikwang said softly.

'Neh..' she then nodded her head.

'Call me OPPA again..' he emphasized the 'Oppa' loud and clear to her as he gazed at Haerin.

'Ahh?' she ended up staring back at him, but remained quiet since it was too sudden.

'Call me OPPA..' he repeated.

'Wae..' Haerin blushed as she whined.

'It sounds and feels good when I am able to hear someone call me oppa..' he muttered.

She stopped whining, as she looked at him with one of her eyebrows rose, 'I thought you heard it almost every single day?'

'Like how?' he asked, totally feeling confuse.

'You know..' she said softly and then walked ahead from him slowly.

She paused for a short while as she turned around, looking back at him then continued, 'Those fan girls of yours call you that almost every single day, hours, minutes, and seconds. Don't you realize that?'

He scowled at her as he walked towards her.

'They are different. You are different. Totally a different story or maybe a different world.' he placed one of his finger on Haerin's forehead and pushed her head backwards lightly.

Haerin pouted as she rubbed her forehead lightly. 'Wae?'

'Aiish.. Pabo.. Don't you feel honor for becoming the first girl who owns the opportunity to call the almighty Gikwang oppa? Don't you? Huh? Huh?' he nudged Haerin as he bumped his shoulders on hers. 

Haerin kept quiet but grinned as she stuck out her tongue. 'Ani.'

'What?' Gikwang grinned. 'Don't you feel honor? You should feel happy instead. Don't you think so?'

She pretended to puke as she looked back at him. 

'You are too full of yourself, don't you think so, oppa?' Haerin started running away from Gikwang with the count of three, two, one by heart, but, before she started to run in a fast pace, she did not forget to turn back to stuck her tongue out at him once again.

'Aissh, you little punk.' Gikwang puffed his cheeks as he started to ruffle his head roughly.

Gikwang then slung his bag properly and started to chase after her.

'Yah! Haerin! Stop right at this instance!' he raised up his voice that caught others attention especially those girls since they were all currently whispering to one another from the start, drooling or maybe fan-girling on their own.

'Come after me then, OPPA!' she laughed as she hurriedly ran off.

'Don't you regret for saying that!' Gikwang then smirked secretly as he kept up his pace.

'Whatever oppa~' she giggled as she looked around while running.

Of course, while running, she did not forget to check out the restaurants.

'Oooh, that looks good. Maybe we should head there later..' she mumbled to herself when she spotted a Chinese restaurant.

'Ahhh.. That looks even better. Maybe we should just have our lunch there..' she started to drool as she patted her stomach.

'Hold on there, arasso..' she comforted her stomach as she gave several light pats.

Haerin then turned around swiftly.

She stopped all of a sudden and cocked her head to the side, 'Where did he went to?'

She turned her head to the left. 'Not here..'

She then turned her head to the right. 'Not here either.'

'Where is he?' she frowned as she tried searching for him through the crowd.

She then spotted two weird pikachu beanie among the crowd. 'Weird..' she mumbled.

'Forget it.. Where is Gikwang oppa..' she pouted as she tried hard to search for him.

As she was looking, and turning around, someone just stepped right next to her as he snuck closely towards her.

That someone then whispered 'BOO' right next to her left ear before he pulled her towards his chest as he encircled her waist with his hands.

'Caught you!' he whispered.

Haerin was startled. 

You can say that she was dumbfounded.

She just remained her current position, as minutes went by, she then finally came into her senses as she looked up and faced Gikwang who was grinning and then looked at his hands that encircled her waist.

She felt a sudden heat rushed all over her body and she felt both of her cheeks started to heat up.

She cleared as she tried to wriggle off from his grasp.

He noticed it, and he immediately let go of her as he gently rubbed on his neck, secretly hoping he could clear off the awkwardness.

'Ha-ha-ha..' Gikwang laughed quietly.

'Erm..' Haerin looked around awkwardly.

She then continued. 'Where to?'

'Do you want to try some Western cuisine?' Gikwang smiled awkwardly.

'S-sure. W-why not?' Haerin answered shyly as she looked down at the ground, trying hard to cover her already redden cheeks beneath her fringe, hopefully her temporary barrier able to hide those well.

'Let's go then..' Gikwang continued as he leaded the way while Haerin.. well, walked behind him in a super slow pace.

Both of them did not notice that two persons who wore weird pikachu were actually following them all along.

'Don't you think this beanie really does attracts attention?' one of them said, sounded annoy.

'Nah.. I find it cute. I thought you like pikachu the most!' the other one whined at him as he started hitting up lightly.

'Aiish, just shut up, will you?' he then removed the weird pikachu beanie as he ran his hand through his hair.

'Fine..' the other one pouted his lips as he continued staring at Haerin and Gikwang. 


'Palli!' Yoseob nudged me urgently as he walked in a fast speed.

'What the hell?' I replied as I tried to keep my pace with him.

He stopped all of a sudden without giving me a warning as I immediately bumped towards his back. 

'Yah!' he screamed as he turned around and gawked at me.

I straightened my shirt as I stared back at him. 'What?'

He raised his eyebrows.

'W-wh--' I suddenly spoke.

He just remained silent as he pushed me to the side lightly and started to walk to God-knows-where.

I stood there. I was totally dumbfounded.

I turned around, and I ended up staring at his cheeky face with my mouth opened.

'Hyung!! Do you think this looks good on me?' he pointed on the beanie as he stared at me with twinkling eyes.

I walked up to him as I placed my hand underneath my chin and observed.

'Hyung! What do you think?' he started to jump around me and bombarded me several questions.

'Hyung! Hyung! Hyung! Am I cute?' he stood in front of me and raised up his hand as he placede next to his cheeks.

'Buing Buing!!!'

My eyes turned wide as I hurriedly looked down since everyone was starting to whisper to one and another and those girls who were busy checking out on the both of us were shouting and fangirl-ing while screaming our name.

'That oppa is so cute. Did you saw his aegyo?'

'Look at that tall guy, don't you find him cute?'

'Oh God, please kill me now!'

'Seriously Seobbie?' I stood closer to him and whispered next to his ear. 'Do you really have to do that?'

He then looked around and started to smirk all of a sudden as he looked at me.

I raised my eyebrows, giving him a what-are-you-planning-to-do kind of look.

'Pika! Pika!' 

'What the hell?' I gawked at him.

'Pika! Pika!' he them hopped into the store.

I shook my head a little as I silently thought. 'We are definitely losing them..'

I looked down as I stared at him hoping into the store with the pikachu beanie right on top of his head.

I started to walk behind him as I hurriedly closed the door behind me.

I gave the others, especially those fan girls of ours a last glance before I closed the door completely.

'So hyung! What do you think?' Yoseob said excitedly once I turned around while staring down at him.

'What are you planning to do with that?' I raised my eyebrows at him as I pointed at the beanie which was placed right on top that small head of his.

He grinned as he shook his head.

'It's not only me, hyung!'

'What do you mean?'

Yoseob just kept quiet as he just grinned at me.

Believe me, it was not an innocent smile which he usually gives out. It was definitely a sly one. And, I can hundred percent guarantee, what he was currently thinking was not a good sign. Maybe not for all of you, but it was definitely a bad sign for me.

'Please tell me what I am thinking right now is not what you are currently planning..' I sighed.

Yoseob jumped up and down, as he excitedly clapped both of his hands like some retarded seal. 'Yes hyung! You are right! That brain of yours is not useless after all..'

'We are going to wear this pikachu beanie on!' 

'Oh no, Seobbie!' I frowned while shaking my head, hard, as I started to back away from him.

'Hyunggg!!' he whined.

'We need a costume! We need a disguise! A beanie and a glasses will do! Believe me hyung! You don't want to get spotted by the both of them, right?' he contineud.

'Of all things, why this beanie?' I frowned.

'So, you prefer a pikachu costume instead?' he eyed me as he pushed to the other side of the shop and pointed to pikachu costume.

'That?' I mocked at him. 'Seriously?'

He just nodded his head. 'You like pikachu, don't you? I am fulfilling your wish! You said you wanted to try one when we were four!'

'That was when the both of us were four!' I said, totally sounded unhappy.

'I don't care! Beanie or the costume? If you don't choose in ten seconds, I am definitely picking the costume!' He took a glance at his phone as he started to get ready touching on the start button that would immediately start the timer.

'Ten seconds?' I stared down at him.



'W-wait!' I bumped into his shoulder.




'Hey! You are being unfai--'





'Yang Yoseob!'





'Beanie that's it!' he skipped, yes, sadly, he really skipped happily away from me as he asked the store lady to get him two pikachu beanies for him.

Of course, one was him and the other? Yeap, all of you must know it by now. 

At least, I did not need to pay it.

'There you go, hyung! A beanie and sunglasses!' he beamed at me.

'Seriously, who on earth actually count down ten seconds starting from one?' I ran my hand through my hair as I sighed loudly and heavily.

He hurriedly turned around and headed towards the mirror and started to readjust his pikachu beanie and put on the sunglasses.

'I am so cute!' he beamed as he pulled me along with me.

I hesitated as I stared at the beanie and the sunglasses that were both placed on my palms.

'Wear it on, hyung!' he nudged me gently, totally pleading.


I sighed. 'Fine'

I put on the beanie and the sunglasses.

I gave myself a last look through the mirrow and started heading towards the door.

'Wait hyung!' Yoseob stopped me from opening the door.

'What now?' I scowled at him.

'Let us walk through the back door..' he pointed the other exit.

'Good idea..' I replied as I thought of those fan girls and the others who were all crowding outside the store.

I started walking towards the back door and suddenly stopped as something just appeared in my mind.

'You do know we lost the both of them, right?'

'Nah..' he took out his phone and started to touch on his phone screen.

'We can track them..' he stuck out his tongue and he did a peace sign while showing me their current location.

I stared, dumbfounded and pointed at his screen.



He tilted his head to the side and shoved his phone back to trousers pocker. 'I just asked her phone when you were busy during class..'

'Anyway, time is ticking! Go! Go! Go!' Yoseob then ran towards the door, leaving me behind.

'Aiish, this kid!'

'Sigh, kill me now!' I looked down at the ground as I imagined myself got spotted by the both of them with the pikachu beanie on me.

The both of us then started to walk down the streets as we tried hard searching and scanning for two familiar figures as we walked here and there.

We ended up receiving several weird glares from the people around the streets.


'Where did both of them went to?' Yoseob placed his hand on top of his forehead as he scanned through the crowd.

'Please Yoseob.. Do you really need to rise up your voice at this time? Everyone is looking at us weirdly..' I mumbled as I shoved him to the wall.

'Hyung!!' Yoseob whined as he rubbed his back lightly.

'Whatever..' I scowled. 'I thought you said time is precious. Don't waste any time.'

Yoseob ended up chasing up my pace as he blew a bubble. 

'Evil hyung..' he softly muttered.

'What?' I looked at him.

He just ignored and walked even faster than me.


'Hyung! Hyung!' Yoseob screamed in excitement as he jumped up and down like a little bunny.

'What?' I asked him as I raised one of my eyebrows.

'I spotted them! I spotted them! Right the--' he stopped.

He scratched his head as he continued.. 're..'

I stared at him curiously. 'What are you talking about?'

'Hyung..' he whispered.

He then walked behind me and turned my head to the eleven o'clock direction.

My eyes widen as I clenched onto my sweaty palms.

At first, I was a little excited since she was alone, but, by looking at her expression, she seemed like she was currently looking for someone.

Anxiety. Terrified. 

Those two were all written all over her face.

I wanted to approach her so badly, but, part of me prevented me to do so. I ended up remained at my position as I continued stared at her.

She pouted a little as she turned around and started to walk to God-knows-where.

I frowned a little when I spotted Gikwang who was sneaking closely behind her and whispered something right next to her ear and pulled her towards his chest immediately as he encircled her small and petite waist with those hands of his.

She was caught in his embrance. And, I did not like it at all, not even a single bit.

They both just remained their current position. Gikwang was grinning like some douche and believe me, I really wanted to punch him so hard and badly because all of a sudden he seems like a punch bag to me, while Haerin at the hand, and was in dazed.

I saw her blushing, and my chest tightened. I could hardly breathe.

'Is she falling for him already?' I frowned as I thought to myself.

'Is he falling for her already?'

As time went by, Gikwang finally released her and she hurriedly stepped back.

They stood there and talked for a short while before heading to somewhere.

'What are they talking about, hyung?' Yoseob asked.

'How do I know?' I scowled at him.

'Wae..' he started to throw tantrum right on his spot like a kid who lost his teddy.

'Why don't you ask them instead?'

'Hey, look at the both of them! Don't you find those beanies adorable?' one of the girls squealed.

'I know right! How I wish I could run towards them and pinch that cute face of theirs!' the other girl said.

I sighed as I scanned through the crowd.

'Don't you think this beanie really does attract attention?' I said, sounded annoyed.

Yoseob grinned at me.

'Nah.. I find it cute. I thought you like pikachu the most!' the other one whined at him as I hit him unknowingly.

'Aiish, just shut up, will you?' I then removed the weird pikachu beanie as I brushed my hand hand through my hair.

'Fine..' Yoseob pouted his lips as he continued staring at Haerin and Gikwang. 



I stared at her in amazement.

Secretly wondering to myself, how could a small and petite girl like her able to eat all the food she ordered?

I laughed when I saw her gulping down all the food.

A plate of pasta, a plate of caesar salad, and a plate of medium-rare steak. She finished all of them in less than half an hour.

She grinned as she swallowed her last spoon of pasta.

'Done?' I asked as I handed her napkin.

She then accepted it happily while she wiped with it.

'Neh~ Gikwang oppa!' she beamed as she took out her wallet and started to count her money slowly.

'Bill please?' she then waved that napkin cutely.

I spotted some waiters were eying her, as if they were checking her out.

I frowned, looking totally annoyed when one of them walked towards her and handed her the bill.

I spotted a phone number behind that bill.

I did not know why I am feeling that way, but, I then placed my hand on top of hers as I interlaced her hand with mine without even thinking.

She startled once she felt my touch. 'W-wae?'

'Jagiya~' I said sweetly hoping that stupid waited understand my indirectly message which I had sent him, mentally.

'Get lost, you douche!' I mentally yelled at him. I even imagined throwing million of bricks right on that stupid face of his.

'J-ja-g-giya?' she stuttered, looking totally confused.


I then continued. 'Let the man pay the bill, arasso?'

I winked at her. She just nodded as she passed me the bill.

I then took out a few hundred dollars as I handed towards the waiter harshly. 'Get lost and keep the change.'

The waiter nodded and did not forget to look at her again.

'Oppa, what was all that?' she asked timidly.

'Nothing.. I was just preventing you from those jerks. Don't you know they were all checking you out? From head to toe?' I scowled at her.

'Checking me out? Where?' she asked me in return, looking totally innocent while looked around her surroundings.

'Aiish!' I ruffled my hair harshly and then handed her the bill.

She looked totally confused and I hurriedly turned the bill around.

Ten digits were written there, and a sentence that wrote, 'Call me..' were spotted underneath those digits.

'Ooh..' she remained speechless and nodded her head lightly. 'Thank you, oppa..'

'No problem.' I smiled as I ruffled her hair.

'So, care for a movie later? Are you free?' I asked her.

'Sure, why not?' Haerin smiled as she stuck out her tongue.

'Aah!' she turned around, almost immediately.


'I owe you a lunch or maybe dinner!' she grinned.

'Ara~ Ara~ Lets go~' 


No One's

'Hyung~ Ppali! They are heading towards the cinema!' Yoseob shook my arms harshly.

'I know! I know!' 

'Ppali! I will buy the tickets, all you need to do is hide yourself from them. Ara? I will try to get two spots behind their seats..' Yoseob then dashed off towards the ticket booth.



We were all remained sitted at our own seats.

Suprisingly, Yoseob able to get two tickets which were both behind Haerin's and Gikwang's seat.

Instead of focusing on the screen, I was looking at her back as I observed and examined her very moment.

I felt her shifted her seat a little as she whispered something to Gikwang right next to hie ear.

I clenched my already sweaty palms as I felt my chest tighten.

Sweats started to flow down from my forehead towards my chin as I felt a sudden pierce right through my heart.

My heart ached, real bad. I did not know why. Both of them did not do anything wrong. She is currently not my girlfriend, she could hang out with everyone and anyone but part of me had took her as my own property, my girl.

'They are both just friends..' I kept telling myself that, trying to console myself from hurting my inner self even further.

'They are both just friends..'

'They are both just friends..' 

'They are both just friends..' these five words can't stop replaying, rewinding throughout my mind.

I sighed to myself or to my own soul. As I felt I could hardly breathe due to the surrounding or maybe the both of them, I stood up almost immediately, causing Yoseob to move from his seat and those who were currently sitting behind me in the cinema to hiss at me. Some of them even aimed my back as they shot me with their popcorns.

'Annoying much?' I mentally scowled at them.

I shook my head as I lightly pushed down Yoseob who was trying to stand and follow right after me.

I bent down slightly as I reached to his height. 'Just continue watching, I will wait for you outside once the movie ended.'

Without waiting for him to reply, I then walked towards the exit before someone threw their bags or something even worse that several popcorns.

As I started to walk at the corner, along the staircase, I felt a sudden presence behind my back.

That certain someone then whispered quietly. 'Excuse me?'

My eyes widen. 'It is her..'

I remained quiet as I continued to stand there, gulping a mouthful of saliva.

'I need to pass..' she mumbled quietly as she tried to move even further but sadly, I realized I had blocked the entire path.

She closed the gap between us unknowingly as she walked even closer.

Both of my hands eventually found its way towards hers as I grabbed those small hands of hers and pinned her to the soft and thick wall.

I felt her eyes widen as she started to move here and there.

I knew she wanted to scream but at the same time, I knew she did not want to cause any commotion and disturb the others.

Still, I did not care less.

We remained out current position for entire five minutes, with me pinning her onto the wall, gazing at her intently and her trying hard to wriggle from my grasp, as if she was pleading me to her go, indirectly.

I really had no idea what had gone into me, maybe I am feeling anxious, or maybe I am feeling jealous, but either way, I somehow felt attached to her. 

Am I falling for her, hard? I seriously have no idea. All I knew was, this was what I wanted at the moment. With her in my arms, and no one else.

'Let go..' she whispered.

I did not say a single thing. I just remained in silent. Ignoring, you can say.

'I am warning you. I am going to shout..' she said, quite impatiently.

'Grew fiesty, huh?' I don't know what had got into me, but I knew I was smirking inside out.

I raised my eyebrows, totally in amazed, as I smirked slightly, secretly accepted her little dare or maybe challenge.

'Go on then..' I shifted my head right next to her ears as I whispered huskily.

I felt her shivered and I knew in few seconds time, she will definitely fulfill her own challenge or maybe dare and scream as loud as possible.

I tighten my hold as I pushed myself closer to her and crashed my lips against hers before she could even scream for help or maybe protest.

Because, I knew I won't regret for doing so.


I thought I was heading towards the toilet, but I ended up feeling..

Scared. Afraid. Terrified.

Those were what I felt when that certain someone who blocked my way or maybe path towards the exit and pinned me on the thick coated wall all of a sudden with both of his hands clenching onto mind, hard, as if those were his life support.

I felt his gaze, staring deeply at me, but I refused to look back. (Who would anyway?)

I scanned through the crowd, hoping someone could volunteer to stand up and help me out, but, sadly, everyone, I meant those youngs and olds out there were totally engrossed into the movie.

I sighed as I shook my head lightly. 'How nice of these people..'

I pouted and shifted my position a little since it really was awkward and uncomfortable standing inside the stranger's embrace.

Somehow, I knew it felt wrong to think of this way but I really did feel protected and comfortable with his hands intertwined with mine.

'It felt good..' I thought as I looked at our intertwined hands.

This people might be a stranger to me, but somehow, he gave out a familiar aura, a familiar vibe. That made me wanted to know him more instead, but still, I do have some sense you know. This stranger might be a creep. Who would actually pinned someone you don't even know to the wall and intertwined fingers with them all of a sudden and hello!? Do you really need to pin that innocent one on the wall for more than five minutes? Don't you think it is too much?

Still, I continued wriggle off his grasp, indirectly asking him to let go of me this instant, but, I guess, this stranger who might own a peanut size brain did not get or receive my message. So, instead of letting me go, he ended up tighten his grasp on me.

I felt him moving closer towards me as he pulled me along with him. I felt his chest sticking onto mine.

We breathe in sync. I can't help but looked up and gazed at him.

I can't really look through or scanned his face, but his pair of eyes was mesmerizing.

That pair of eyes.

Those pair of eyes felt really familiar.

'Why oh why..' I slightly wondered.

'Does those belong to someone I knew?'

The air was intense. The atmosphere between the both of us was quiet but the gap between us can be considered as close.

Somehow, I still needed to knock some sense of myself. I can't freaking believe that I felt comfortable with him.

'Let go..' I whispered.

That stranger or maybe not just remained silent.

I mentally scowled at him. This stranger is tall, with broad chest and everything since I needed to look up just to stare at his face which till now I could hardly identified.

I sighed harshly, secretly hoping he could understand the definition of letting me go this instant.

I am getting a little annoyed, this guy was just too much.

'I am warning you. I am going to shout..' I continued in an impatient tone as I warned him.

Instead of leaving me alone, I felt him closing our gap between the both of us as he moved his head right next to my ear.

I shuddered a little as I felt him breathing lightly right next to my ear. 

He whispered huskily, (or ily?) as his lips was less than an inch away from my ear. 'Go on then.'

I shivered. Yes, I shivered, because I really could not take it anymore.

Believe me or not, even though I felt protected and comfortable, but throughout this few minutes, I did feel scared for a little while under his embrace.

I looked around as I took a glance at the movie screen. My instinct told me the movie was ending soon, and that moment was probably the right time to scream since the main characters were both kissing, with that guy pinning the girl on the wall as their lips moving with sync.

Wait, that felt familiar.

I looked at the stranger and turned to the screen.

'Cut that. Everything seems the same, except I don't know this stranger who gave a familiar kind of vibe and we are now in the dark where no one is looking..'

'Just scream..' 

I followed my instinct, and when I was about to scream out loud, I felt his hands tighten as one of them moved slightly to my cheek.

He brushed his fingers through my cheek and cupped my chin lightly while pulling me towards him.

I blushed madly under his touch. I knew it felt wrong, but I could not control myself from blushing in a wrong time and for a wrong person.

Without hesitation or without giving me an alert, he just crashed his lips on mine. I mentally shrieked.

I did not move, or you could said I can hardly move.

Both of my cheeks being enveloped in warmth as I felt a swarm of bees pecking here and there right inside that stomach of mine. My stomach being filled with jitters and glitters.

This stranger kissed me. He freaking kissed me and took my first kiss away from me.

I felt guilty, and I felt shame of myself because part of me really did enjoy the moment.

The kiss was rough at first, but as time went by, the kiss then turned gently, but more passionate until that brain of mine that asking me to push him away surrendered to my heart that asked me to continue.

I gave up. I tried to fight the urge to return him the kiss, but, I failed. 

I kissed him back and I felt him smiling throughout the kisses since I felt him wrapping me with his arms around me.

It felt good. Really good. He really is one of a kind, a good kisser and believe me, I melted. My heart melted and my mind had gone elsewhere.

My mind said no, but my heart told otherwise.

After it felt like forever, he then released me. I could hardly breath, and the both of us were lacked of oxygen.

We panted, hard but softly.

I was quite surprise since none of them who were totally engrossed the movie heard or spotted us at the corner making out?

Somehow, I was disappointed when he let go of me, but then, I soon realized that both of my hands were still clenching on the hem of his shirt.

He might be a stranger to me, but he seems familiar. I knew I might be insane if I am saying this, but, I just cannot help it.

I want him, I want some more..

I clenched his shirt tight, tighter than before. My cheeks flushed so badly. My heart beat rapidly against my ribcage. I won't be surprised if a big hole was formed later on.

This time, I thought he somehow got the message.

He then scooted close to me as he cupped both of my cheeks with his hands.

I gulped a mouthful of saliva as I looked at both of his eyes that was currently gazing into mine. My heart then beat in a rapid pace. It went Kathump! Kathump!

His eyes. Too familiar, but my mind was busy at the moment since it was totally blank and I really did not bother to think of anything or everything. Plus, it had flown to elsewhere, perhaps wonderland?

Without a second thought, I made the first move unknowingly and when he leaned into close our gap between us again, he gently pressed his lips on mine. My entire body was erupted with a burning sensation when I felt his touch and his lips on mine.

Before our lips parted, he used his fingers to draw a love symbol on my back and whispered right next to my ear. 'I love you..'

I stood there, in daze, until Gikwang came up to me, with a face full of concern and asked me, 'Haerin-ah, are you alright? What took you so long? I thought you went to the toilet?'

I just remained speechless as I placed my fingers and brushed my lips gently.



'Haerin?' he shook both of my shoulders gently.

'W-what?' both of my eyes widen.

'G-Gikwang o-oppa?' I said in surprised.

'W-what are you doing here?' I asked as I cocked my head to the side.

'Should not I be the one who ask you that? What are you doing here, little missy?' he frowned as he pointed at the ground right on our current spot.

I stared at him, totally dumbfounded. I remained standing there, as I asked myself, 'Why the hell did you stand here earlier ago?'

As I thought hardly, my mind then wandered into the kiss which I had shared earlier on with that stranger.

Both of my cheeks started to heat up instantly.

'N-nothing! I was just standing here to watch the entire movie. Both of my legs were just numb from all the sitting.' I pretended to whine as I massaged both of my legs, secretly hoping Gikwang could just accept that lie which I had made.

'Ara! Ara! Let’s go then~' Gikwang then turned me around and pushed me gently out towards the exit.

'Neh..' I mumbled quietly as I thought of that stranger and his pair of eyes.

I sighed.

'There goes my first and second kiss. To a stranger.'

I puffed my cheeks but part of me was smiling like some retards.



A guy who looked really familiar shouted at the tall guy.

The tall guy just nodded his head as he looked at the short one.

'Aren't they Junhyung hyung and Yoseob hyung?' Gikwang turned to me as he pointed at the two o'clock direction.

I then looked directly at where he pointed at and spotted Yoseob who was following behind Junhyung's back.

I turned back to him and nodded my head.

Not even a minute, Gikwang then held my hand and dashed towards them without even asking or answering. 

'Hyung!' Gikwang said excitedly as he hopped.

Both of their heads immediately turned around in sync and looked at the both of us.

I soon felt Junhyung gazing down. I then followed his eyes and soon realized that Gikwang and I were both still holding hands.

I hurriedly pulled away but Gikwang was too naive to notice it. He just continued talking to Yoseob.

I then faced Junhyung and silently observed his expression as I did not join their conversation. His face was definitely looking pissed, but, why?


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Last updated : 15th of January  2013


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happy chinese new year to all of you :D and chapter eleven is up :))


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OMMO. Really good!!
i love it~~
Update soon
keysaetern #2
Chapter 4: So carious about gikwang past
I really like this story! I just subscribed to it. Really good story! :)