An end


Donghae's brain was in a blank. Either way that Hyukjae chose, he would never get him. This was just a trick for Hyukjae to choose Jessica. He would rather Hyukjae choose him an he dies then watch him choose Jessica. He wouldn't be able to live with that. 

Hyukjae was at a loss. Why was Jessica doing this to him? What had he done to deserve this? All he wanted was to be able to live happily with Donghae and yet there are so many obstacles. He really wanted to choose Donghae but if he did, Donghae would die. He would never be able to live without Donghae. Donghae was his life. It was, to be put bluntly, a choice between sacrificing one hand or the other hand, a choice he could never be able to choose. 
"Jessica. Don't do this. You are not that kind of person. I know you. You won't do this. So please, drop the knife. Now. " Hyukjae pleaded with Jessica who only tightened her hold on it, pressing the knife deeper into Donghae. Donghae gave a yelp of pain and closed his eyes, trying to minimize the pain felt. 
" YOU THINK I WON'T?! You're wrong. You don't know me. You never tried to. It was always 'Donghae this, Donghae that'. I'm sick and tired of hearing it already. I absolutely hate this! I love you! Can't you see that?! I really do! Yet you have to go for this kind of monster! What's so good about him? I'm prettier and better than him in everything. Why choose him?! I will do this. Now choose before I lose my patience. " Jessica said menacingly. Her eyes were no longer the sultry kind but wild and unable to focus. She was like a mad woman. 
Hyukjae glanced between the two.  Unable to make his decision. Looking at Donghae who had reopened his eyes, he tried to reassure him that everything would be alright. Donghae looked on helplessly before mumbling,  "Choose me. " Hyukjae widened his eyes. Did Donghae have a death wish? Did he want to die? No, Hyukjae couldn't allow that. He'll find a way. 
Jessica seemed to get impatient and this time, placed the knife at Donghae's throat. "Hurry the up and choose. Time is of the essence. For this ."
"Just as Hyukjae opened his mouth to say something, someone interceded. 
"Stop this now Jessica. "
The trio turned to look at the owner of the voice and saw Tiffany who was accompanied by police officers. 
" It's a good thing I followed you here and called the police. I never knew you were that vicious. Put that knife down and we can all talk it out. You don't want them to shoot you write? So please put that knife down. " Tiffany tried to convince Jessica. 
"So you betrayed your cousin eh? I trusted you! How could you do this to me? Don't come any closer! I warn you!" Jessica shouted. 
The police officers entered the living room and surrounded Jessica who still had the knife at Donghae's throat. They were negotiating with her to put the knife down which Jessica refused. 
"So this is how it all ends huh? I love you yet you love him and I get betrayed by my own cousin. If I get arrested, wouldn't that mean I would have nothing left? No. It's going to end on my terms. NO!" Jessica raised her arm to stab Donghae, who had braced himself for the pain and death, in the chest when a gun shot rang out.
Donghae fell along with Jessica. He opened his eyes to find himself staring at Hyukjae who was trying to get him away from Jessica. Donghae looked down at himself and saw no gun shot wound nor felt any pain. The police officers were calling an ambulance and sounds of handcuffs could be heard. Tiffany was weeping by the side. Trying to turn to look at Jessica, he felt himself being unable to. Hyukjae was making him look at his face, with his fingers holding onto Donghae's face. 
"Don't look. She's not dead but it looks bad. Just...don't look. " Hyukjae said to Donghae before crashing him to a bone-crushing hug. It was then Donghae winced in pain. Hyukjae heard the discomfort and remembered the wound Donghae had on his side. Seeing blood trickling down Donghae's side, Hyukjae led him to the bedroom, away from the chaos and found the first aid kit. Gently washing Donghae's wound, he cleaned away the blood and wrapped a bandage around him. Hyukjae was being extremely gentle which Donghae rarely saw. 
"We need to get you to a doctor. To make sure it's not infected. Let's leave once the police and everybody leave. I'll help pack. We'll need -" Hyukjae was prevented from speaking when Donghae placed a finger on his lips. 
"I'm fine. Really. We don't need a doctor. We don't need to go anywhere. I just need you. Here. With me. That's all. " Donghae explained. 
Hyukjae didn't know how to respond. He was nearly killed because of Jessica who had attempted the act for him. How could Donghae just forget that? Sitting himself on the bed, Hyukjae took Donghae's hand in his and squeezed it. They were silent for a moment as they absorbed the events. 
Finally Hyukjae broke the silence. 
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Everything. "
"It's not your fault. "
"You love me right? You believe me right?"
"Of course. No doubt about it."
"Then trust me. This- Everything isn't your fault. This never was. "

I updated XD. This chapter was a bit hard to write but I did it anyway~ hope you like it and remember to coment and subscribe!!!!!😊✌💋 the fic is ending soon ~ oh and before I forget, I realized that there was this upvote thing so pls help and up vote the story as well! Love you ppl!!!

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Chapter 18: errr i think evrything is just too rush, eh? ㅋ
Chapter 4: dayum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Gladly they together :)
Poor hae..he got suffer because of that crazy girl --"
Chapter 5: Hyukjae is stupid jerk...just go hae..poor youu T.T
Chapter 18: wow that girl really sth.. didn't she feel ashamed?? wth she think of herself grrrrrrrrrr i hate that girl (in this story)..
wuah thank u so much author nim u make hae happy after so much suffering and some kind ____ fr his love.. so glad this is happy ending.. so much relieved ^^
Allinit #6
Chapter 18: poor Hae he suffer so much :( but I am glad it end well
Chapter 18: huh relief nothing happen,
nice story
hima_kawaii #8
Chapter 17: ah.... good ending :D altought it's so sad but i enjoyed this fic
thank you author-nim :)
Fighting!!! ^^
jewelsvalencia #9
Chapter 18: Poor Hae but now don't worry, Jessica can't doing anything to you since she is in jail now :3
Chapter 18: Awww it ends with a sweet ending <3 Now they will be together forever :3