

"Hey Donghae! Are you free later? Would you like to go out on a date with me?" Hyukjae asked, silently pleading for Donghae to say yes. He had a surprise planned for Donghae. 

"Umm...sure!" Donghae chirped. 
Hyukjae couldn't help but smile. He hoped Donghae would enjoy the surprise he had planned. 
Hyukjae made Donghae wear a suit and led him to his car. Donghae couldn't hide his anticipation. He was so excited that he couldn't help but ask questions which of course Hyukjae refused to answer. This was the first time Hyukjae had asked him out for a date, normally it would be him who would ask. 
Hyukjae made Donghae blindfold himself before driving off to the destination. Shortly after, they came to a stop. Hyukjae slowly helped Donghae out of the car and led him up the stairs into the restaurant that he had booked. 
"Okay, you can take off the blindfold now. So, how do you like it?" 
Donghae could only stare at the sight in front of him. The whole room was dimmed except for the area around a single table. It was candle lit and and the table was scattered with rose petals. 
"Do you not like it? I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have done this. " Htukjae said with his head hung low. 
"Yes, I don't like it. I LOVE IT! Thank you!" Donghae exclaimed, with tears in his eyes, as he placed a kiss on Hyukjae's lips. 
Hyukjae sighed in relief as he led Donghae to the table. 
As they ate in silence, Hyukjae couldn't help but glance at Donghae every now and then causing Donghae to blush. 
"Is there something on my face?" Donghae asked, shyly. 
"Hahah. No, silly. I'm just admiring my beautiful boyfriend, can't I? I'm really lucky to have you Hae. I love you. " 
Donghae was blushing with happiness. Before he could reply, he heard a piercing shriek behind him. 
"OPPAAA!!!!! " 
Hyukjae looked towards the voice and paled a little. 
"Jessi-Jessica?" Hyukjae stuttered as he glanced to and fro from Donghae to Jessica and back. 
"Hi Hyuk! I saw your car outside and I thought I'll come in to see you. Who is he? A friend?" 
Donghae looked at Hyukjae, confused. 
"I thought you went overseas after our break up? And no, he is my boyfriend, Donghae. " Hyukjae replied. 
" You? A ? I know we broke up because of my fear of long distance relationship but u didn't have to go to this extend to get back at me. I know you still love me. " Jessica whined. 
"I don't love you anymore. That was all in the past. I love him. And don't you insult him. He is the best thing that happened in my life. " Hyukjae said and looked at Donghae in the eyes. He gasped when he saw tears ready to spill from Donghae's eyes. 
Donghae was getting more confused as he looked at Hyukjae and Jessica. Who was Jessica? Why hadn't Hyukjae mentioned her before? Was he being two-timed? 
Unable to take more of this confusing matter and no longer able to hold back his tears, Donghae stood up to leave but felt himself being held back. Hyukjae saw Donghae getting up to leave, and held onto his wrist. 
"Donghae. Don't leave. Let me explain. Why not we just go back and I'll explain on the way? Please. " Hyukjae pleaded. Donghae nodded. 
Getting up to leave, Jessica whined why they had to leave so early and asked Hyukjae to just let Donghae be but was ignored as they left the restaurant. 
"Idiots! How dare they ignore me. Just you wait. You'll regret it soon. "
In the car, there was only silence. Hyukjae glanced uneasily at Donghae, worried on what he was thinking about his and Jessica's relationship was. 
"What are you thinking?"
"What is she to you?" Donghae asked. 
"Jessica is just my ex-girlfriend. We were only together for two months and broke up before I got a job at the law firm. There isn't anymore feelings for her. I love you and only you. " Hyukjae said with so much conviction that Donghae believed him. 
"I'm sorry. I should have believed you. I'm sorry. " Donghae said as he sobbed. 
"It's all right. You didn't know. It's not your fault. I love you. " Hyukjae said as he placed a comforting arm on Donghae's thigh. 

I finally have wi-fi connection in Prague! Tbh, I have 4 other chapters for this story but I can only update 1 fo. Hope you like the chappie ;)



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Chapter 18: errr i think evrything is just too rush, eh? ㅋ
Chapter 4: dayum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Gladly they together :)
Poor hae..he got suffer because of that crazy girl --"
Chapter 5: Hyukjae is stupid jerk...just go hae..poor youu T.T
Chapter 18: wow that girl really sth.. didn't she feel ashamed?? wth she think of herself grrrrrrrrrr i hate that girl (in this story)..
wuah thank u so much author nim u make hae happy after so much suffering and some kind ____ fr his love.. so glad this is happy ending.. so much relieved ^^
Allinit #6
Chapter 18: poor Hae he suffer so much :( but I am glad it end well
Chapter 18: huh relief nothing happen,
nice story
hima_kawaii #8
Chapter 17: ah.... good ending :D altought it's so sad but i enjoyed this fic
thank you author-nim :)
Fighting!!! ^^
jewelsvalencia #9
Chapter 18: Poor Hae but now don't worry, Jessica can't doing anything to you since she is in jail now :3
Chapter 18: Awww it ends with a sweet ending <3 Now they will be together forever :3