Decision time


Hyukjae was a mess. Donghae had fainted while he was being carried to the bed but his wound had stopped bleeding. Hyukjae still couldn't comprehend why Donghae had to attempt suicide. Was he such a monster? Couldn't he see that Hyukjae was treating him better then beforerepenting? Perhaps it was the trust issue. Hyukjae should have trusted Donghae more. Hyukjae couldn't stop crying when he recalled Donghae's words. How could Donghae have thought he hated him?

Brushing Donghae's bangs away from his forehead, Hyukjae gave him a peck on his lips. 
"I'll treat you better. I'll trust you with my life. Just please don't do that again. I'm sorry. I love you. " Hyukjae whispered to the still unconscious Donghae before leaving to clean up the mess in the bathroom. He didn't want Donghae to see the mess and had to prevent himself from gagging at the sight of the blood in the sink. 
Forgetting about the porridge on the stove, Hyukjae decided to sleep on the bed, beside Donghae. Looking at Donghae once more, he wrapped himself around Donghae and fell to a deep slumber, leaving for tomorrow when Donghae woke up to clear the air. 
Donghae woke up the next morning a bit groggy and confused when he saw an arm resting in his chest. Looking at the owner of that arm, he saw a smiling Hyukjae looking at him.  He started to panic. Was Hyukjae going to punish him for not pleasuring him last night? Hurrily getting up, he was stopped by Hyukjae who had placed his hand on his chest. Donghae flinched at the gentle touch. Was Hyukjae going to ask for now?
"Stay in bed. You need to rest and we need to talk. " Hyukjae told Donghae in a surprisingly gentle voice. Donghae was confused and frightened but he listened to Hyukjae. 
"Don't look so frightened. I'm not going to do anything to you. I...I'm sorry. " Hyukjae said. 
"Wh-What? Are you...are you going to leave me? For them? Don't. Please don't. I need you. I lo-" Donghae tried to say but was stopped by  Hyukjae who had placed a kiss on his lips. 
"Who said I'm leaving you? In fact, you should be the one whom I fear leave me. I treated you so horribly and nearly made you attempt suicide yet you still love me. I'm such a failure. Tiffany told me the truth. That you were set up. I'm so so sorry. I should have trusted you. Yet I didn't and made you feel so hurt with my actions. I abused you...I'm a monster." Hyukjae dared not look at Donghae, he was too ashamed. 
"You are so silly. Why would I leave you? I love you. I really do. You're no monster. You did what you did because you thought I betrayed you. " Donghae could not help but give a weak smile. 
"Donghae. You are too forgiving. But I promise to trust you whole-heartedly from now on. I love you. " Hyukjae said and gave Donghae a chaste kiss, to 'wipe away Tiffany's mark'. They stayed in each other's embrace until their stomachs rumbled. Grinning, they tried to get out of bed. But Donghae, whose body was still bruised, gave a cry of pain. Hyukjae couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. If it wasn't for him, Donghae wouldn't be in pain. He decided to carry Donghae bridal-style to the kitchen, much to his protest. 
Quickly preparing food for their starving stomachs, they finished their food in a jiffy. While washing up, the doorbell rang. Seeing Hyukjae still busy with the dishes, Donghae slowly limped his way to the door. Opening the door, he saw Jessica. Hands tightening on the door handle, Donghae gulped. 
"Are you going to let a lady wait outside? Especially when I'm waiting for Hyukjae? He won't like it of he finds me waiting...outside the door." Jessica said to Donghae, condescendingly. 
Taking a step back, Donghae let Jessica in, who seated herself comfortably on the sofa. Feeling uncomfortable, he decided to go into the kitchen where Hyukjae was. 
"What's wrong Hae? Who's at the door?" Hyukjae asked, worried. Donghae mutely pointed towards the living room. Stepping out to see what was the cause of Donghae's discomfort, Hyukjae saw Jessica. Jessica must have sensed his presence for she looked up. 
Seeing Hyukjae, Jessica pounced onto him, giving him a kiss on the lips. Hyukjae realized what she was doing and immediately pushed Jessica away but not before Donghae witnessing it. With tears pooling at his eyes, Donghae coukd only stare at the scene playing out in front of him. Mentally cursing himself, Hyukjae glared annoyingly at Jessica. 
"What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me Hyukjae? Just ignore that . He's just jealous. " Jessica whined, much to the irritation of Hyukjae. 
"Shut the up! You ! What's wrong is that you can be so calm about what you did. If your cousin hadn't told me the truth, I would still be hating Donghae and hurting him even more. Are you even a human being? Do you even have a heart? How can you do this?! You say you love me but is this love? This is just you wanting to possess me! There isn't any love involved! In fact, I hate you! I hate your existence! Of not for you disrupting us, we would have been living a life of bliss together! It's your damn fault that Hae is suffering. I love him and only him!" Hyukjae was fuming mad. 
Taken aback by Hyukjae's outburst, Jessica was rendered speechless. However, she regained her composure and smirked at Hyukjae. 
"Him? What's so good about him? He is nothing but a who is manipulating you to love him when you actually love me. Sure, he is handsome. But a will always be a . A worthless one. You have me but you want him? You must be blind. You should be wanting me! You bastard!" Jessica shrieked as she pulled Donghae towards them. Donghae could only allow himself to be dragged. He didn't  have the energy left to argue. 
"You want him? You want him?! Look at him! He's so weak and worthless. How can you even stand someone like him, much less love him? Tell me!!" By now, Jessica was hysterical while Donghae had tears streaming down his face. Hyukjae felt an ache in his heart at the sight of Donghae's crying face. Just as he wanted to reach out for Donghae, Jessica suddenly whipped out a knife  from her inner jacket and aimed it towards Donghae's right side before applying pressure on it. Donghae whimpered at the slight pain he felt as blood trickled down his side. Hyukjae was unable to do anything. 
"Ha. What a shock eh? Me doing this? I kind of expected this to happen and luckily came prepared. Now choose. Be with me or him? If you choose to be with me, I'll let him go. Or else...he dies. Your choice."
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Chapter 18: errr i think evrything is just too rush, eh? ㅋ
Chapter 4: dayum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Gladly they together :)
Poor hae..he got suffer because of that crazy girl --"
Chapter 5: Hyukjae is stupid jerk...just go hae..poor youu T.T
Chapter 18: wow that girl really sth.. didn't she feel ashamed?? wth she think of herself grrrrrrrrrr i hate that girl (in this story)..
wuah thank u so much author nim u make hae happy after so much suffering and some kind ____ fr his love.. so glad this is happy ending.. so much relieved ^^
Allinit #6
Chapter 18: poor Hae he suffer so much :( but I am glad it end well
Chapter 18: huh relief nothing happen,
nice story
hima_kawaii #8
Chapter 17: ah.... good ending :D altought it's so sad but i enjoyed this fic
thank you author-nim :)
Fighting!!! ^^
jewelsvalencia #9
Chapter 18: Poor Hae but now don't worry, Jessica can't doing anything to you since she is in jail now :3
Chapter 18: Awww it ends with a sweet ending <3 Now they will be together forever :3