

"Can we meet? There's something that I have to tell you. Urgently. Please. " 

Hyukjae sighed as he put down the call. What did the cousin of Jessica want to talk to him about? 
After arriving at the meeting place, he saw the female who had kissed Donghae. She noticed him too and beckoned or him to come stand outside the café. When he reached, he realized that this was Donghae's café. 
"What do you want? I haven't have a lot of time. Speak quickly. " Hyukjae said, annoyed that he had to see the girl Donghae kiss in front of him. 
Glancing at Hyukjae, Tiffany took a deep breath and said, " What you saw the other day wasn't what you thought it to be. "
"What do you mean by that?! You two kissed! Or were my eyes playing tricks on me?" 
"Yes. We did kiss. BUT. Donghae wasn't willing. It was planned by Jessica so that you would leave Donghae or at least not love him anymore. I know that it was a bad thing to do. I told her that it wasn't a good idea but my cousin LOVES you. She was family. I...That's why I helped her. For that I'm sorry. I thought that by helping my cousin, she would be happy. But what I didn't realise was that Donghae would be hurt so bad. Look at him and tell me that it isn't bad. " Tiffany said in a rush. 
Stunned, Hyukjae could only stare at her. Donghae saw the two of them outside and thought that they were seeing each other as well and was saddened. Was he worth so little to Hyukjae? That he had to be proved worthless by Hyukjae who was dating two female at the same time? 
Just as Donghae walked back into the kitchen, he suddenly felt dizzy and saw the world spinning. The next thing he knew, he had out, the cutlery he was holding crashing onto the floor. 
Hyukjae and Tiffany heard the crash and Hyukjae immediately pulled Tiffany out of the way before rushing into the café. Seeing the waiters crowding at the entrance of the café's kitchen, Hyukjae squeezed himself in. Hyukjae saw Donghae unconscious on the floor and went to him. 
"Donghae! Donghae, wake up! Don't scare me! Dong-Why are you so hot? !" Hyukjae touched Dinfhae's forehead and realized he was burning. He carried Donghae and laid him down on the sofa at the counter area before ordering people to get him a cold, wet cloth before placing it into Donghae's forehead. 
Hyukjae had never felt so guilty. After praying hard for a long time that Donghae would be alright, Donghae started to stir. Hyukjae had never felt that happy to see Donghae awake. 
"Master?" Donghae whispered, eyes showing fear. Hyukjae ignored it even though it hurt and carried Donghae bridal style to his car before proceeding for home. Donghae weakly protested at the treatment but was ignored. When Donghae was laid onto the bed, he tried to get up but was gently pushed back by Hyukjae. Hyukjae was confused and scared. Why would Hyukjae treat him so nicely after torturing him? Was it so that Donghae would be better for more torture? He couldn't take it anymore  and asked, " Why are you treating me so nicely?"
Looking at Donghae's pale face and frightened eyes, Hyukjae coolly replied, " That's because you are sick. " When he saw Donghae's fallen expression, Hyukjae mentally slapped himself. He had meant to reassure Donghae and yet made him feel more down. 
Hyukjae got up to fix a warm meal for Donghae but before he did, he made sure to have Donghae tucked in properly to ensure he would not feel cold. 
The moment Hyukjae left, Donghae slowly and silently got up and headed to the toilet. He hadn't thought through this before but he wanted to escape physically and spiritually from the hell hole. He couldn't take Hyukjae's abuse nor his loveless feelings for him. It seemed that from the start Hyukjae had never loved him, never trusted him. His words were just words with no sincerity. 
Rummaging through his bathing kit, he found what he wanted. A shaving knife. Taking a deep breath, Donghae placed the shaving knife over his wrist where his vein was situated. Pressing the shaving knife deep into his skin, he winced. A trail of blood streamed down his wrist into the sink. Donghae continuously did this till his sink was stained blood-red. Feeling extremely giddy from the blood loss and his fever, he collapsed onto the floor, his wrist still bleeding. Finally, he had peace. 
Hyukjae felt something wasn't right. He was in the kitchen cooking porridge for Donghae when he started getting goosebumps for no reason. Turning the stove off, he went into the bedroom to find Donghae not on the bed. Hyukjae then decided to check the bathroom since the light in there was switched on. What he saw gave him a shock. There was so much blood.
Rushing to Donghae's side, Hyukjae quickly found the wound on his wrist and immediately grabbed a clean towel, placing pressure on it. 
"Why?! Why did you have to do this?" Hyukjae shouted as he wept. What Donghae said next shocked him and wanted to be in his place instead. 
"I'm get...getting rid of mys...myself for you. I...I know I'm a...a pest. A your life. Even don't...believe that i didn't...want to kiss Tiffany, this is the truth. But since that...isn't the case, this...this is the only...way Even though you...hate me, "

The promised chapter that I said I'll update on Sunday although I alr updated some the past week XD  -sigh- I wish I went for SMTown SG but sadly I was overseas...Gah! You guys must have had a lot of fuNever mind. I'll make sure there is nothing planned for the next concert. Heechul should be back by then. Cant wait!

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Chapter 18: errr i think evrything is just too rush, eh? ㅋ
Chapter 4: dayum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Gladly they together :)
Poor hae..he got suffer because of that crazy girl --"
Chapter 5: Hyukjae is stupid jerk...just go hae..poor youu T.T
Chapter 18: wow that girl really sth.. didn't she feel ashamed?? wth she think of herself grrrrrrrrrr i hate that girl (in this story)..
wuah thank u so much author nim u make hae happy after so much suffering and some kind ____ fr his love.. so glad this is happy ending.. so much relieved ^^
Allinit #6
Chapter 18: poor Hae he suffer so much :( but I am glad it end well
Chapter 18: huh relief nothing happen,
nice story
hima_kawaii #8
Chapter 17: ah.... good ending :D altought it's so sad but i enjoyed this fic
thank you author-nim :)
Fighting!!! ^^
jewelsvalencia #9
Chapter 18: Poor Hae but now don't worry, Jessica can't doing anything to you since she is in jail now :3
Chapter 18: Awww it ends with a sweet ending <3 Now they will be together forever :3