Chapter 6 - Trying to ignore the pain

Gang Life

Risa walked the streets of Seoul alone her hands inside her jacket pockets angry at herself.The entire day she had felt eyes following her every where she went.She knew whos eyes where following her she knew who practically stalked her all day it was none other than Park Bom.But that wasnt why she was angry she was angry because she lost it the other day ended up almost killing one member of Saberfangs and badly broken the arm of another.This only happaned to make her get a telling off from Minho a lecture from Shindong and a beating from everyone in gang after school and she wasnt aloud to fight back.Risa pushed past people throwing them into walls and even passing cars luckly no one actually got hit by them.Her head hurt and her legs felt like they would vanish from underneath her.Unfortunately for her she bumped into the one person who wanted to kill her the most out of everyone in the world Saberfang member Eunjung.

"Oh great just what I needed." Risa mumbled under her breath.All of a sudden she could feel herself being lifted from the ground and Eunjung's breath on her face."How dare you touch my Jiyeon!" Eunjung said crushing Risa's shirt collar.Risa rolled her eyes gripping Eunjungs hand ripping it off of herself and making her feet land firmly on the ground."Look you wanna fight follow me I will fight you just not here." Risa pleaded although not in the mood to fight.

Risa led Eunjung into a dark ally that people woudnt know was there unless that actually searched for it and pulled her jacket of revealing bruises and scars that had recently been added to her skin."Come on you wanna fight then you throw the first hit." Risa ordered a plan unravling in her crazy mind.Eunjung didnt need to be asked twice she ran foward jumping up into the air then her fist flew down towards Risa's face."Please you guys need to fight." Risa said simply stepping to the left avoiding Eunjung's hit.She span around quickly crouching to the ground sweeping Eunjung's leg from under her crawling ontop of her landing hit after powerfull hit into her face."I dont have time for you people ive got bigger problems your lucky I havnt lost it now and im barley trying now leave!" Shouted Risa climbing from ontop of Eunjung picking her jacket of the ground leaving the beaten girl in the ally.

Risa checked her watch to see it 6pm she had only left the others for an hour and already she had been in a fight.She let out a frustrated sigh punching a stranger in the face to vent her anger.Tears streamed down her face her brown eyes darker than they have ever been.She picked her pace in walking and quickly went to her special place sitting underneath a oak tree showing her weak side to nature she let everything she had kept bottled up out more and more tears of sadness anger pain and screams of frustration and confusion."AHHHHHH!" She bellowed getting to her feet hitting the tree repeatedly causing her knuckles to bleed."Oh great its you." Risa ignored who ever it was even if she was wondering how the person found this place and why they were here since she was only the one that was ever there."Dont ignore people its not nice and im not going to fight you even if you have hurt two of my gang members badly I might add."Then it clicked it was Bom that was speaking that was there with her."Leave I dont want to fight for the second time today." Risa demanded even if she felt like she needed someone with her in that moment of time.

"I dont want to leave this place is pretty peacefull dont you think?" - Bom

"Whatever stay if you want then just leave me alone." - Risa

"And if I dont want to do that either?" - Bom

"Then you can atleast stay quiet for a little bit." - Risa

"Nah im interested in why you were crying." - Bom

"Why should I tell you that you hate me and well I dont hate I have no reason to by the way im sorry about what happaned yesterday and today." - Risa

"Apology accepted but it doesnt change a thing and what do you mean today?" - Bom

"Your member Eunjung challaged me to a fight she is in the ally by cafe Kara she isnt beaten bably or atleast I dont think so I went easy on her and before you say anything she asked me for the fight." - Risa

"So now you have hurt three of my members and I have that meeting the crossbow guild wanted us for-" - Bom

"Actually I set that up they think you called for the meeting consider that me saying sorry fully by telling you." - Risa

"You set everything up argh and here I thought you where suppsose to be the coldest member of the Insiders." - Bom

Bom pulled her phone out texting the members of her gang to go fish Eunjung from the ally.Noticing Risa didnt answer she looked over to the younger girl only to find her laying across the floor staring at the sky."What are you doing?" She asked laying down next to her making her own heart speed up and her face turn slightly red because of there closeness."Looking at the clouds there peacefull they act freely and take whatever shape or form they wish without being judged or feared by others thats why I love them." Risa explained openly telling Bom not caring who the girl was at the moment they where eneimes yes but right now she needed someone to talk to."Sounds deep ahahaha that cloud there looks like corn!" Bom screamed happily like a child making Risa giggle and Bom feel like she had just heard the most magical thing in the world."No it doesnt it looks like a sheep." Risa argued "No way its corn!"

"Its a sheep!"





Suddenly Bom was ontop of Risa tickling her saying "Its corn admit it!" Risa's laugh filled the comfortable air as the two argued wheather the cloud was the shape of corn or a sheep.After 2 minutes Risa finally admited it."Okay ... f...f...fine its ... corn." Risa said out of breath while Bom torn herself away from Risa."Good im glad we are on the same page now." Bom said chuckling laying down by Risa once again.Bom then done something she never thought she would do in a million years she placed her head onto Risa's shoulder and interwined their hands.This action caught Risa off guard but she didnt reject instead she leaned her own head ontop of Bom's closing her eyes content with the moment that felt so right but weird.Bom smiled seeing that the younger girl didnt object her action instead she relaxed."Risa are you going to say why you were crying?" Bom inquired after not getting an answer she tilted her head up a little so she didnt move fully from the pairs postion to see Risa was sleeping peacfully her cheeks red and teared stained with a smile attached to her face and soft snores made its way into the air.Bom laughed quietly snuggling into the cruck of Risa's neck until she followed Risa into dream world.

Meanwhile with Minho

Minho hated himself for making everyone including himself beat Risa she was his younger sister even if they werent blood related he had to look after her he promised Yoesob he would he promised himself and most importantly he promised Risa but the only way to get through to her was vionlence.He sighed walking into cafe Sistar still dressed in his school uniform and nerdy disgues.He quickly went to the back of the cafe changing into his work uniform and quickly began taking peoples orders.He noticed Jay sitting alone at the back table of the cafe so as charming as he could he fixed his geeky glasses and glided across the cafe towards her."May I take your order Jay?" proposed Minho smiling at her.Jay looked up from her homework to see the one she had been crushing on dressed in a waiter uniform his hair messy and his glasess placed perfectly on his face."Can I take your order Jay?" Minho repeated only to get a nod."Ahaha your cute you know that?" Jays face burned bright red she coudnt believe she just got a compliment from Minho her nerdy crush."Erm .... t..thanks can I... I have erm a coke please and a erm ... sandwhich an y...your c..cute too."Jay finally answered catching eyes with Minho.The pair was lost in there own world for quiet sometime until Bora Minho's boss slapped him across the head playfully saying "Get back to work or Hyorin will kill me and you."

Minho snapped out of his and Jays little world with a goofy smile strecthed across his handsome face."Yes boss and one coke and a sandwhich coming up for you now Jay." He replied turning around to get Jay her coke and food.Jay's eyes chased Minho every place he went forgeting about her homework that was due in the next day.Her phone then vibrated on the table telling her she had a text she reluctently pulled her eyes from Minho to read the text.

To : Jay

From : Bom

Subject : Eunjung

Apparently Eunjung was in a fight with The Insiders Risa

Dont ask how I know I just do she is in a ally by cafe Kara

go get her and make sure she is okay



Jay's eyes widened at the text she quicky gathered all her stuff together and ran out of the cafe to get Eunjung."Wait Jay you left your homework!" Minho shriked "Argh looks like I will do it for her just need to copy her hand writing will be a piece of cake." Minho says putting the homework in his pocket.

TBC ....

Thanks for reading hope you liked it

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Asuna785 #1
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: update pls!!
Adam97 #2
Chapter 33: Yay they found the box and they're free now yay update soon
Adam97 #3
Chapter 32: Wow this chapter is dead good and risa must still be grieving and upsetabout jay and renia hope they get free
Adam97 #4
Chapter 31: Good chapter I enjoyed the flashback it was interesting and I hope you update soon
Adam97 #5
Chapter 30: What why does she need to be saved from her self and lol the flashback was good with the birthday party update soon
Adam97 #6
Chapter 29: Yay risa has woken up and is allowed out hospital but because Reina had her heart broken jay and Reina have been kidnapped I wonder if they will be able to find the artifact in time
Adam97 #7
Chapter 28: Ah no mami battered risa I guess she is going to want revenge on mami for that and it was cruel to make Bom and Reina watch on helplessly. Update soon
Adam97 #8
Chapter 27: Ah the threat letter that wasn't good and lol the flashback with girl in the box was lucky tht she got her out in time
Adam97 #9
Chapter 26: Ah so there's a new gang lol I wonder if they are going to be a trouble for the newly formed boltz lol we will have to wait an found out
Adam97 #10
Chapter 25: Ah at least they now she is safe now lol and risa needs to stop killing everybody lol