Sister reunion?

Gang Life

"Hey peeps~ We're back!!!" CL cheered as soon as she stepped into the house with big and small bags in her hands along with Minzy. They were on a Mother-daughter vacation in London for the past few weeks and just came back to surprise everyone.

"CL!!!" Bom cried and hugged CL shocking both the mother and daughter.

"W-What's wrong, Bommie?"

"Well, we need to find the box to trade for Jay or else they'll be cut into pieces and scattered all over the world." Krystal said coldly but her heart pains.

"WHAT?!" -- Minzy and CL

"And worst of all, Risa couldnt remember a thing about that mysterious box so we got absolutely no clue about where to find it.

''well, looks like it's our job, Minzy'' CL  said and looked at her daughter, received a nod.

They sat in a circle, minzy and CL began telling stories starting from their childhood. Risa closed her eyes, and emptied her mind. Everyone is in complete silent. while CL and Minzy leads Risa to the past with their voice.


[In Risa's Memory led by Minzy and CL]

In what seems to be a forest. A small girl and an adult is fighting martial art. The adult holding up her palm while the small girl punches it.

"Hiyah! Hiyah!"

"Come on,Risa. You gotta punch harder than that."

"But what if I hurt you?"

"No worries. I'm already a master. I won't get hurt."


"Really really. now show me all you've got"

The girl took a deep breath and launched a strong punch. Shocked, the adult manage to avoid it resulting the punch to land on the tree behind. In a split second, a hole is right in the middle of the fat tree trunk.

"That's a bout it for today. You did well." the adult pats the girl's head.

"Thank you, CL sensei."

The image started to blur out.

"AHA! I know where it is!!" Risa snapped her fingers.




After a good old 2 hours of 'travelling', Risa suddenly bolts out from her seat and ran all the way to her room. She literally trashed her room.

"Where the hell is that thing? It should be here somewhere!" Risa mumbles as she digs her closet, randomlypulling whatever her hand caught and threw over her shoulders,

"Risa, what on earth are you doing? Do you know how much time I used to clean this up?" Bom nagged.

"AHA! Found it!" Risa cheered happily as she pull something out from under her bed.

"Cookie jar?" Krystal questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. Cookie jar with a 'MUST BRING' sign." Lee Joon chuckled at his own remark

Risa opened the jar, sticks her hand into it and pulled a small box out of it. "THIS is what we were looking for."

"ASSA!! Now we can save Jay!!" Krystal cheered as she held the box.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's Go!" Minho urged.. All of them quickly make their way to the place that Risa previously fought with one of the D.A member.

Risa led them to the open field and she called out Jay and Reina's name. She also asked the rest to shout together for god knows where is the hideout entrance.

"JAY!!!! REINA!!!"



A gust of wind suddenly blew and out of no where a troop of people appears before them.

"REINA!!" Risa shouted

"JAY!!" Minho shouted.


'You're not my mum so stop ordering me around. You give me the box, I give you these two." Mami said and pulled Reina and Jay infront of her and forced them to kneel down.


"Fine. I'll give you!" RIsa said and threw the box to Mami. Mami fetched the box and ordered her mens to cut the rope that tied both of them. Jay and Reina go towards Boltz.

Mami suddenly turned from fierce to sad.

"I thought during the quest to find the box, You'll remember me. Looks like I was wrong." Mami said, tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Not true....I remembered. Especially what I shouldn't. That's why I don't understand why you need the box." --Risa

"To save you from yourself. That thing inside of you is feasting on your soul every single day. At the end of it, that thing will take over your body and turn you into a snake monster! I have to take it out of you before that happens!" Mami shouted in between cries, shocking both parties that is there.

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Asuna785 #1
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: update pls!!
Adam97 #2
Chapter 33: Yay they found the box and they're free now yay update soon
Adam97 #3
Chapter 32: Wow this chapter is dead good and risa must still be grieving and upsetabout jay and renia hope they get free
Adam97 #4
Chapter 31: Good chapter I enjoyed the flashback it was interesting and I hope you update soon
Adam97 #5
Chapter 30: What why does she need to be saved from her self and lol the flashback was good with the birthday party update soon
Adam97 #6
Chapter 29: Yay risa has woken up and is allowed out hospital but because Reina had her heart broken jay and Reina have been kidnapped I wonder if they will be able to find the artifact in time
Adam97 #7
Chapter 28: Ah no mami battered risa I guess she is going to want revenge on mami for that and it was cruel to make Bom and Reina watch on helplessly. Update soon
Adam97 #8
Chapter 27: Ah the threat letter that wasn't good and lol the flashback with girl in the box was lucky tht she got her out in time
Adam97 #9
Chapter 26: Ah so there's a new gang lol I wonder if they are going to be a trouble for the newly formed boltz lol we will have to wait an found out
Adam97 #10
Chapter 25: Ah at least they now she is safe now lol and risa needs to stop killing everybody lol