Chapter 19 - plan

Gang Life



Finished cooking breakfast so I  see Jay just laying on the couch lazily reading some comics.


"NAE~ I'LL GET GOING!" --Jay lazily leaves the house to go to the park and look for KRystal. 

But it wasn't long until I heard a slam of the door and see Jay passed by angrily.

"JAy? What happened? Where's KRystal?" 

she turned back to look at me. Clearly she is pissed off because of something. "DO NOT... MENTION HER NAME.... EVER!" She said.

"Arra arra. Come, let's have breakfast together. I'll call the others." I said. Jay just sat at the table waiting for food to be serve while I went to call others out.

After everyone gathers, I serves the food. Then realised Minho of the Insiders is not around.

"Erm. Where's Minho-sshi?" I asked and then realised the look on JAy's face. She gritting her teeth.

"Ah.. He went for a jog. He'll be back anytime soon." SHindong said.

(Jogging? Krystal also went jogging. SO just now Jay saw something? --Soyeon thought)






Walks home together with Minho happily chatting. The atmosphere was a little bit weird but I just shrugs it off.

"Wah~ Waffles~ Soyoen-unni daebak!" I cheered.

Shindong: Oh. Minho you're with Krystal?

Minho: Yeah. I ran into her while I was jogging.

Soyeon: Jah, enough with the talk.Finish the breakfast before it gets cold.

Krystal was about to get a slice until..

Jay: *coldly* Aren't you full enough?

Krystal: *confused* What? o.O

Jay: A cupcake and a cheesecake. Still not full?

Krystal looking at Jay in disbelief. Everyone looking at Jay wondering what's wrong with her today.

"I'm full." Jay said and left.

"Wait, Jay!" I called. She stopped on her track and looked at me. I see fire in her eyes. 

"Do not.... Talk to me.." 






Went back to her room, laid on the bed angrily. Flashback of what she sees keep coming back to her. She doens't want to make it big but she can't help it but to feel angry whenever she remembers what she sees.


Soyeon: Go get Krystal

Jay: Nae~ 

Jay goes to the nearest park, she saw Krystal and was about to call her but when she make a step ahead she sees Minho talking to her. Both looks quite happy*

She followed them as they entered a cafe. They talked alot and didn't notice her existance. They talked and laughed together. Can't bare to watch any longer, Jay left and comes home.

"WHat the heck is wrong with me?" (mumbling by herself)
"Isn't it quite clear already?"
"S-Soyeon unni." -Jay
Soyeon closes the door and sit beside Jay
"It's called jealousy." --Soyeon
"J-Jealousy? How is that possible?" --Jay
"You liked Minho. When you see Krystal and him like close together, you cant help but to feel anger. That's why you were cold to Krystal and your behaviour towards Krystal changed rapidly after what you see." --Soyeon
Jay: *silence* 
Soyeon: *notice the sudden silence* Jay, do you still remember what others called you and Krystal pairing?
Jay: o.O The Icy Warriors. Why bring that up again?
Soyeon: *smiles and thinks back to the past* Yeah. And do you know why? (saw Jay shake her head) Because you both are icy on the outside. Your personality is so alike that some people thinks you're real sisters. But then again, you two rarely smile to someone you don't know. 
Jay: Probably because our personality is much a like, she might like Minho as much as I do.
Soyeon: Trust me. Some things happens for a reason. And what you see or heard could be part of a plan.
Eunjung and Jiyeon say Krystal and Minho came into the cafe when they are dating in the same cafe. They heard everything that Krystal planned.
Minho: Yah.. Are you crazy? Taht's not gonna work.
Krystal: Hello.. I'm trying to help you two here. Clearly you liked her and she liked you. Just none of you dares to make  a move.
Minho: I belive now Risa is our priority. We can make a move later.
Krystal: LAter as in when? Risa's case is a tough one. Is a life or death gamble. What if both of you didn't make it? It'll be the biggest regrets for both of you.
Minho: *silence* Fine. But where am I suppose to find a fake girlfriend?
Krystal: *points to herself* Me. *smiles*
Minho: Nah. She won't buy it. This is a fail plan.
Krystal: Yah, you don't trust me? This plan will work. I know JAy for a long time. She will be the first to confess to you. *something hits her head* Ouch! Who the... *saw the person* 
???: Yah! How can you plan this kind of thing? If like this, The Icy Warriors will be disband. 
Krystal: But Jiyeon-unni.....
Eunjung: You seen how Jay reacted the other day? Are you trying to kill yourself?
Krystal: Jay will not kill me. These two have to confess before confronting Beast or else.....
When they got home, they made the announcement "Krystal and Minho is couple!" They also told Soyeon about the plan they overheard.
Soyeon: Seriously? Krystal gone that far to help Jay and Minho?
After few days, The Icy Warriors were still in cold war. Well, more precise is Jay still treating Krystal coldly after what happened while Krystal and Minho grew closer day by day.
Today is just like any other day. When they goes out, they often gets ambushed by their enemies. On normal times, Krystal and Jay will team up together and fight the enemy but after that day, Jay fights on her own.
Once again being ambushed, this time, Krystal was too weak to strike back.
 The enemy was about to kill her with their sword, the enemy already hammering it's sword targeting on Krystal's heart for the deadly blow.
(Jay thought: Kill her.. Then I can be with Minho.) But Jay's body reacted on it's own.
Krystal had her eyes closed.
Krystal: *looks up the sky and sees some shadows* looks like we're being ambushed again.
Jay: *coldly* Look at the number. So many.
Krystal: (smiling at Jay) Shall we team up like always?
Jay: *coldly* Le't be independent. *charged towards the enemy and started to fight*
Jay fighting her rival, I fight mine. Suddenly I feel weak. Probably because I skipped breakfast. I was down, the enemy hammers his sword. I closed my eyes ready for the impact. Suddenly I heard the sound of two metal colliding. A shadow infront of me. I slowly opened my eyes and sees Jay blocking the enemy's attack that was meant for me.  With just a few slash, the enemy's blood gushes out like fountain and fell on the ground.
Jay:*panting* You.. Skipped.. breakfast.. didn't you? If you die, Minho won't be smiling anymore. *toss a bread to her* Eat it before class. * walks away*
Krystal: YOU LOVE HIM, RIGHT? *just to confirm*
Jay: *stopped on her track* It doesn't matter anymore. He is with you now. *walks off without looking back*
Krystal was smiling all to herself because she got the answer she wanted. "That's all I want to know."
"Ah, good thing you all are back. Now choose your phone." --Soyeon
"Our phone?" --Wooram
"Yeap. Easier to contact each other. Besides we'll be here for a while. Once you chose your phone, here is the list of our numbers. Call it one by one and save the numbers accordingly." --Soyeon ordered
So they each take turns and sae everybody's number for easy contact.
"Jiyeon-a, I want to exchange with you." --Eunjung
"Why? You liked that phone." --Jiyeon
"I want to change the number. You got my birthday. See *shows the caller number* 010-XXX-1212" --Eunjung
"Fine." --Jiyeon opens her back of the phone to take out the sim card and then they change sim card.
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Asuna785 #1
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: update pls!!
Adam97 #2
Chapter 33: Yay they found the box and they're free now yay update soon
Adam97 #3
Chapter 32: Wow this chapter is dead good and risa must still be grieving and upsetabout jay and renia hope they get free
Adam97 #4
Chapter 31: Good chapter I enjoyed the flashback it was interesting and I hope you update soon
Adam97 #5
Chapter 30: What why does she need to be saved from her self and lol the flashback was good with the birthday party update soon
Adam97 #6
Chapter 29: Yay risa has woken up and is allowed out hospital but because Reina had her heart broken jay and Reina have been kidnapped I wonder if they will be able to find the artifact in time
Adam97 #7
Chapter 28: Ah no mami battered risa I guess she is going to want revenge on mami for that and it was cruel to make Bom and Reina watch on helplessly. Update soon
Adam97 #8
Chapter 27: Ah the threat letter that wasn't good and lol the flashback with girl in the box was lucky tht she got her out in time
Adam97 #9
Chapter 26: Ah so there's a new gang lol I wonder if they are going to be a trouble for the newly formed boltz lol we will have to wait an found out
Adam97 #10
Chapter 25: Ah at least they now she is safe now lol and risa needs to stop killing everybody lol