Chapter 11 - Kidnapping

Gang Life

A/N : Hey ppl Mizuki_SONE is gonna be on hiatus and asked me to write this chap for her hope you guys enjoy =) Oh also happy birthday adam =)


Minzy stormed into Saberfangs hide out anger shown on her face "She didnt come she said she woudnt and she didnt why what the hell when did she start breaking promises!" She screamed running straight to her room that Bom had made for Minzy and CL.Jay who was laying across the floor got to her feet and headed to Minzys room to comfort her.She knocked on the door only to get a sniffle in reply so she entered the room to find Minzy tucked into a ball on her bed crying."Hey what happaned?" Questioned Jay while she sat down on the bed and took Minzy into a hug."She ... s..she didnt come she said she would but she didnt she lied just like she use to she didnt come then and she didnt come now I hate her!" Minzy shouted into Jays shoulder hitting Jay with all the strength her body could muster up."I hate her." She whispered then her emotions got the better of her and tears ran down her face.Jay made soothing sounds into Minzys ear successfully calming the younger girl down."Mabye we should go out tommorow its late now its 9pm wait how long did you wait Minzy?" Asked Jay a little suprised with the time it was."I waited until half past 8 and she didnt come just like last time."

"What do you mean like last time?"

"Dont ask and yer lets go out tommorow lets say 9am I mean its the weekend tommorow right so lets go early that way she isnt on my mind."

"Okay now go to sleep."

"Unnie dont go Umma isnt here she is in hospital still so can you stay?"

"Yer okay now sleep."

Minzy layed down on the bed dragging Jay down with her snuggling into the latter closing her eyes and finally letting the darkness take her and soon enough Jay followed.

Next day 9am mall

Jay and Minzy walked into the mall to be welcomed with the smell of freshly made food coming from the food courts instantly making their stomachs rummble with hunger and greed for the food."I gusse our first stop will be breakfast huh?" Jay joked successfully making Minzy laugh.The pair headed to the food court and being stuck for choice they chose all ordering all sorts of food from all the different stands.They sat down food overflowing on the table and peoples eyes practically stuck on them since they coudnt believe to girls could eat so much."Are you feeling better now?" Inquired Jay as she stuffed with noodles.Minzy chuckled and then replied "I suppose I mean she has a reason why she didnt come I just wanna know why and I hope its not because she didnt want to." Jay clenched her fist "Risa is full of crap she hurts people all the time just for fun why are you being so understanding and forgiving when just last night you said you hated her?!" Asked Jay with a slightly raised voice.Minzy sighed then expalined herself.

"Because I still sort of have feelings for her and I can still see the old Risa in her."

"Your kidding me right?"

"Nope im not."

"Fine whatever wait isnt that her there?" Jays asked pointing behind Minzy.Minzy turned around on her chair to see Risa laughing with a girl she had never seen her eyes darking at the sight.Minzys blood boiled with jelously she stood up and marched over to Risa and Jay quickly followed.Minzys and Risa's eyes made contact and Risas face went from a smile to a frown."Why didnt you come huh?" probed Minzy anger adament in her voice.Risa didnt answer her instead she ignored her then broke their eye contact focusing on Janey and Janey alone."Hey she asked you something answer." Ordered Jay who was now standing firmly by Minzys side blocking Janey from Risa's sight."Move." Demanded Risa with force in her tone.

"Make me." - Jay

"Forget it im not here to fight im here with someone and im leaving with her im not getting into a pointless fight just because you have nothing better to do as for our meeting it was because I had more important things to do okay now if you excuse me Janey lets go!" Risa explained shouting the last part getting Janey's attention and the younger girl skipped over to her."Do we have to leave now ...... I dont wanna can we got to the arcade please.......!" Janeys beggged in aegyo mode.Risa giggled and nodded her head patting Janeys.Janey interwinded their hands and the pair left the mall.

"What the hell was that she has never liked aegyo not even mine who is that girl ahh." Moaned Minzy stamping away from Jay an out of the mall.Jay just shook her head but before she went after Minzy she noticed her nerdy crush Minho with his work mates.She caught his eyes and the two stood in their spots for a good amount of time.Until Minho broke it when his work mate pulled him to the boys clothing store shouting "We need new clothes for you Minho you will scare the customers away with your fashion sense." Jay smiled when she heard the sentence Minho may be her crush but he does need a fashion upgrade.

Just as she started to day dream her mind snapped back into reality and she ran after Minzy.

Saberfangs hideout

"What is the matter Minzy?"  Asked Bom when Minzy came into the hideout throwing anything and everything she could find.Bom patiently waited for an answer and she was to lazy to stop Minzy from throwing things so she just stayed in her seat."Risa she was is the mall with some random girl she blown off fighting Jay to stay with the girl and she coudnt resist her aegyo." She explained running out of energy from throwing things."And what you still have feeling for her?" Asked Bom a little worried that Minzy would answer with a yes however in the back of her head she was wondering about the girl Risa was with."Yes well sort of I dont know anymore." Said Minzy frustrated with herself.She sat down then Jay came bursting into the hideout out of breath."Minzy ive got an idea when I was coming after you I went past Risa when she was going into the arcade and she said she was going out around 6pm so why dont we kidnap that Janey girl and well find out stuff about the Insiders and Risa." Said Jay as she caught her breath.A smirk spread across Minzys face and then she gave Jay the okay sign for going ahead with the plan.Jay turned to Bom as if asking permission "Do what you want ive got things to do also if your going to do this make sure you take Siwon and Junho they have been saying they are bored lately." Bom then left the hideout munching on corn.

"And here I thought she would stop us anyway lets get Siwon and Junho and find out where Risa lives and get the janey girl I mean its wow time flys its 4pm come on we gotta be quick." - Jay

Out side of Risa's house around 6pm

Jay,Junho,Siwon and Minzy stood waiting for Risa to leave her apartment."Argh is she going to leave." Moaned Junho stamping his feet."Relax there she is and look she is leaveing so lets go get Janey." Replied Siwon.But then as soon as Risa left seconds later Janey followed."Wait what the hell where is she going doesnt matter anyway lets get her." Minzy said they all jumped out scaring Janey.Jay kicked the younger girl in the stomach wnding her then Minzy smacked Janeys head knocking her out.

"Where are we taking her?" - Siwon

"Erm my place come on." - Jay

Jays house

The four of them placed the unconscious Janey on a chair tying her hands behind her back and feet the legs of the chair and like a movie Janey woke up.The four of them wore masks so Janey coudnt recognise them.

"Who are you?" - Janey

"You dont need to know that right now you need to explain yourself to us." - Junho

"What do you mean what did I do?" - Janey

"Shut up we ask the questions ahahah I always wanted to say that." - Jay

"Jay be serious!" - Minzy

"Right sorry anyway we know your name so tell us Janey why are you hanging around with that idiot Risa." - Jay

"Unnie is not a idiot and when she finds this out she will kill you!" - Janey

"Unnie Risa has never had a sister just an older brother explain." - Minzy

"Yesterday she found me on the streets and took me in she gave me a room in her apartment new clothes everything she is even home schooling me so now she has to quite her school even when I told her not to she is gonna teach me how to fight dance sing and rap please dont hurt unnie." - Janey

"Wow who knew Risa could be so..." - Siwon

"Thats why she missed the meeting because of you." - Jay

"So you made her miss the meeting with me where I would explain everything to her im never gonna get a chance like that again." - Minzy

Minzy lost her temper she kicked Janey over and over again any visable place on Janeys body was now covered in cuts,blood and bruises."Calm down!" Shouted Jay dragging Minzy off of Janey who had now out due to pain."What are we going to do with her now we couldnt even ask  were she was going nice one Minzy," Said Jay angry.They untied her then left the house Siwon was carrying Janey on his back placed her in the back of Junho's car."Drop her off at Han river when she wakes up hopfully she wont remeber anything." Jay ordered walking away with Minzy.

Junho drove to Han river then got out from his car and took Janey from the back seats.He placed her on the floor then left.

Janey woke up her head hurting and the sky spinning.She got to her feet and looked around to find out were she was."Han river really are you kidding me!" she screamed "Better call Zinny."  Janey pulled out the phone that Risa had bought her yesterday and dialed a number of a person called Zinny it only took seconds for the person to answer the phone call.Janey told Zinny were she was and the phone call ended.

10 minutes later a black car arrived and a blonde hear beauty got out from it."What happaned Janey are you okay did they find out?" Asked the girl who was now hugging Janey and her hair."Im okay Zin my head hurts abit and no they havnt found because the idiots took me to one of their houses and forgot to hide the thing on the wall that said Saberfangs they asked me questions about Risa you should have seen my acting it was the best it has ever been." Janey said smiling "Thats good then so they dont know your my sister then and if its Saberfangs then Wooram wont be happy come lets get you better then send you to Risa's apartment then I will go tell the others by the way how did they mange to take you?" Inquired Zin as the two of the walked to her car."Risa was going on a date about 2 minutes later I left to so that I could come and see you then they popped up an then you know the rest." Janey explained.

"Looks like this is going to be fun playing with them."

TBC  ..............

Hope you enjoyed comment and say what you liked an what needs to improve also Zin is from the epic new girl band D unit the other members will be introduced later =)

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Asuna785 #1
Chapter 33: Chapter 33: update pls!!
Adam97 #2
Chapter 33: Yay they found the box and they're free now yay update soon
Adam97 #3
Chapter 32: Wow this chapter is dead good and risa must still be grieving and upsetabout jay and renia hope they get free
Adam97 #4
Chapter 31: Good chapter I enjoyed the flashback it was interesting and I hope you update soon
Adam97 #5
Chapter 30: What why does she need to be saved from her self and lol the flashback was good with the birthday party update soon
Adam97 #6
Chapter 29: Yay risa has woken up and is allowed out hospital but because Reina had her heart broken jay and Reina have been kidnapped I wonder if they will be able to find the artifact in time
Adam97 #7
Chapter 28: Ah no mami battered risa I guess she is going to want revenge on mami for that and it was cruel to make Bom and Reina watch on helplessly. Update soon
Adam97 #8
Chapter 27: Ah the threat letter that wasn't good and lol the flashback with girl in the box was lucky tht she got her out in time
Adam97 #9
Chapter 26: Ah so there's a new gang lol I wonder if they are going to be a trouble for the newly formed boltz lol we will have to wait an found out
Adam97 #10
Chapter 25: Ah at least they now she is safe now lol and risa needs to stop killing everybody lol