Chapter 4 : The Date and the Deal.

A Geek's Charm
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I was still dumbfounded with what happened. I just told my parents he was my boyfriend and he told me he has a girlfriend. A hot girlfriend. Oh, I feel like a bummer. Shizz. What am I going to do now? I closed the door and found myself awkwared with four eyeballs staring at me.

"You've got to explain that, young lady." Mom said as she crossed her arms.

"Hmmmm. Yeah, I guess so." I nodded.

"You've got a boyfriend, why didn't you tell us?" She asked. And Dad was just staring at me. Intently.

"It's just so sudden. But I tell you, he's really nice and a good influence."

"Yeah, it seems like you two are studying when we arrived? I almost thought you had a tutor. And that would be the dumbest thing ever, right?"

"y..y...eah." I looked down.

"Totally. Anyway, I'm still not approved that you didn't tell us..." Dad gasped.

"Don't worry, Dad. You'll be approved of him." I told him as I faked a smile.


"He's a straight A student."

"mmmmm..and?" Dad nodded.

"Well, he's into music!" I almost loosed myself. I know this is the key to my father.

"Wow." His eyes widened as I said those. In case you don't know.... My father is a pianist and a music composer. Well, we're both in the field of arts but I really didn't had his talent for notes and singing. He graduated at Julliard in New York City which is like a dream come true for thousands of people. You can say that my dad is really THAT talented. So, he's now working here in korea.. And kind of like, making himself in a low profile since then. He had a pen name though and his works were the reason we're like having everything that we need. I am so spoiled. You can say that. Anyway, he;s never been that strict on me since I practically do everything he wants me to and I really like what he wants me to do so we agree on that.. as well as my mom ofcourse. 

Oh, I can use this for CNU! I can tell him about my Dad and well... if I got him an offer.. maybe he'll do this favor for me. I'm gonna try it. Well, Dad was obviously so proud of his daughter having a boyfriend that is interested in music. Like it's another dream come true for him. And yeah, I'm like what is my daddy saying. He kept talking about things I don't understand which is obviously about music and I would assume that music geeks will probably understand what he's saying.

"So, dad. Wait. Stop. Would you mind taking CNU some sessions? Like, you can help him learn more about music stuffs and you guys can get along.. and maybe, you can help him with his college recommendations. I think, he'd really want to pursue his music career." I proposed.

"Well, we'll see! Invite him over, once more." He smiled and I can feel his excitement. My mom winked at me which is a signal that Dad's really liking this.

Ohhh. What will CNU tell me when he found out about this.


"Hyun Jae~ah!" Namjoo screamed my ear out. She hugged me and smiled.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Hmmm. I should ask you that? Why're you early today? You've never been early." She asked amusely. And I really need to find CNU.

"I'm just looking for someone." Hmmm.. Yeah... Where is that guy? I kept looking around.

"Who?" She asked.

"CNU." Opppps!!!

"The nerd? Why are you looking for him? Do you guys have something? I thought, you're looking for Gongchan.. because there he is.."

I glanced at the directi

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11 streak #1
I want you to know how genuinely I enjoyed reading this story
Ruki965 #2
Chapter 25: OK... I started this just for a break from my studies,but ended up reading it in one go keeping the worries for the next day morning. This was fantastic and I love your plot and everything. EVERYTHING is so good... that I had goosebumps throughout the whole time mostly. Thankyou for this and I hope you would write more for CNU or Gongchan or Jinyoung in the future.
sorry this is too late.
Chapter 25: Oh Em Gee! I finished this story on 2am and its totall worth it!
Chapter 25: Wow this story is like wow . Thumbs up :D . Awesome . You really did great
Chapter 25: OMG thanks for writing the fanfic is really good seriously I stay up all night to read this well not all night it's 3:47 AM in my country right now I LOVE your story
Iriyaana #6
Chapter 26: Wow finished reading... It was so awesome. I wander if cnu can really kiss like in the story :P hehehe. Author nim you are great and your mind is very creative. Keep it up^_^ please keep writing cnu's fanfic.
Iriyaana #7
Chapter 5: Finally I found cnu's fanfic. Thank you for writing this fanfic. You are great. ^_^
Chapter 16: wohw- *speechless* O__o
Chapter 2: really what's wrong with being a nerd? at least they'll make something out of life :) I don't like people who judge others like that :S she better change soon :p
I'm gonna read this tonight for sure! sounds like a great fic <3