Chapter 14 : To start a Fake date.

A Geek's Charm
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Whatever, whatever, whatever. I shall wear anything that fits me then.

"Mom, I don't think this fits and looks appropriate tonight." 

I continue to strangle myself with almost all of my clothes.

"Wait, I need to get something." 

Mom rushed out my room and I helplessly lay on my bed thinking that I would seriously look hilarious tonight.

"Here, try this one." I saw a two color dress, a white on top and pink on the bottom. There's a ruffle on the edge of the silk and shines so cutely. 

"Wow. Where did you get this thing mom?" I asked her, as I continued to gawk at my mom.

"Well, I've been saving this to give it to you by the end of this year.. but I think, you need this right now.. It's pretty right?" She asked.

"Are you kidding me Mom? This is perfect! Oh my! Thank You!" I hugged her as she walked out of the room and smiled at me.

I tried the dress and it fitted perfectly on my. It's like this dress is really meant for my body shaped. I looked y and pretty. Oh my!

What is happening to me?

I walked outside my room to let them see the new dressed me. Their eyes widened.

"God, Hyun Jae! You're gorgeous!" Dad applauded as he hugged me. "You're so mature and pretty!" He added.

"Thanks Dad!"

"Well, well, well. I am really gonna be an awesome fashion consultant huh?" Mom joked and I have to agree with her so I nodded as I hugged her.

I went back to my room to refresh a bit. I need to look relaxed and warm for later. I am saving up the new-me.

I bet they're gonna be so shocked when they see

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11 streak #1
I want you to know how genuinely I enjoyed reading this story
Ruki965 #2
Chapter 25: OK... I started this just for a break from my studies,but ended up reading it in one go keeping the worries for the next day morning. This was fantastic and I love your plot and everything. EVERYTHING is so good... that I had goosebumps throughout the whole time mostly. Thankyou for this and I hope you would write more for CNU or Gongchan or Jinyoung in the future.
sorry this is too late.
Chapter 25: Oh Em Gee! I finished this story on 2am and its totall worth it!
Chapter 25: Wow this story is like wow . Thumbs up :D . Awesome . You really did great
Chapter 25: OMG thanks for writing the fanfic is really good seriously I stay up all night to read this well not all night it's 3:47 AM in my country right now I LOVE your story
Iriyaana #6
Chapter 26: Wow finished reading... It was so awesome. I wander if cnu can really kiss like in the story :P hehehe. Author nim you are great and your mind is very creative. Keep it up^_^ please keep writing cnu's fanfic.
Iriyaana #7
Chapter 5: Finally I found cnu's fanfic. Thank you for writing this fanfic. You are great. ^_^
Chapter 16: wohw- *speechless* O__o
Chapter 2: really what's wrong with being a nerd? at least they'll make something out of life :) I don't like people who judge others like that :S she better change soon :p
I'm gonna read this tonight for sure! sounds like a great fic <3