Second practice, first official kiss

And My Nightmare Begins!

Listen to First Kiss by F.T. Island.

I hope you like it!



(Kia's POV)

When I went to the rooftop to meet my secret admirer, I had to walk with Hee Bin and Yeon Hwa.

Since it takes about 20 minutes to walk there, I asked them about their day.

"Well, good luck!" said Hee Bin before I climbed the staircase leading to the rooftop of the elementary building.

I climbed the staircase and opened the metal door.

When I saw someone sitting at the edge of the building, my eyes widened.

I ran to the guy, and when I touched his shoulder he turned around.

I couldn't BELIEVE my eyes to who it was!!


"Jae Jin?!" I said.

Could it be?

Jae Jin sent me that letter, and that he's my secret admirer?!

This must be a dream, and one I wish I wouldn't wake up from.

"W-what are you doing here?" he timidly.

I knew it!

He's nervous, which means he MUST be the one who sent the letter.

"W-were you the one who gave m-me this?" I said and showed him the rose and letter.


"Well?" I said, with a little happiness in my voice.

"Sorry, but that was a mistake. I was supposed to place it in Tiffany's locker." he said.


Too bad, because I thought he really gave it to me.

Stupid feelings!

Ok, eeewwww!

He likes TIFFANY?!

That has got to be totally gross!!

"Gwanchana, Jae Jin. Hey, it's practice time isn't it?" I said, and looked at my ride below.

We went down and I was a little disappointed.

I guess that talk mom and I had last night was a waste of time.

Mom and I had out first girl bonding session yesterday.

We talked about guys, and she said I'm now officially allowed to have a boyfriend.

She said something about me being an anti-social and all.

And that it's fine with dad and Kyung Min, as long as I don't do anything stupid.

I'm pretty sure I know what that is...

At dance practice~

(Your dance studio:


"Sorry it took me time to change, JJ." I said, and he nodded.

He was plugging his cellphone to the speakers.

When he was done, he played it and we began practicing.

I kinda realized something was wrong, so I stopped at the 2nd chorus.

"Kia, we almost perfected it." he complained then chased me around the studio.

"Alright, but we are not starting until you tell me why are you so glum." I said, and he sighed.

He sat down in an Indian sitting position.

I sat next to him, and realized he didn't pause the music.

"I just...well first promise me you won't tell anyone!" he said and stuck out his pinky.

"OK, I promise." I said and twined my pinky with his.

"I know...maybe Tiffany won't like me..." he said then sighed.

"She will, don't worry. Besides, she'll like a thoughtful and funny guy like you no doubt." I said, feeling a bit doubtful to myself.

"Yeah, but look at all of her admirers...I'm no match for them." he said.

I'm surprised Jae Jin's actually open about his feelings.

He's just the kind of guy girls really want, an open and thoughtful person with a sense of humor.

"With your looks, you'll knock 'em dead!" I cheered.

He smiled then thanked me.

We both stood up, and I dusted the lint balls on my blouse.

"By the way, how are you planning you planning to get her?" I asked.

"With something French..." he said, and I felt my heart drop all the way to the floor.

"Oh..." I said.

(Jae Jin's POV)

To tell the truth, I don't know who to pick.

Should I pick my dream girl Stephanie or my best friend Kia?

Tiffany has been lingering my mind for a long time already.

I don't really know much about her personality, but a lot of people in my school knows her for some reason.

Is she as nice and sweet as I think she is?

But her beauty is killing me!

On the other hand, Kia's the nicest, sweetest girl in the campus.

She's smart, funny, and a very comfortable person to be with.

Hee Bin and Yeon Hwa think she's the perfect one for me.

Chang Ho and Won Shik hyungs think so too.

Even my best friend Gab-Do, another photographer for the school's newspaper, think the same thing.

*Ring *Ring

I saw Gab-Do's phone number on my cellphone's screen.

I excused myself, but Kia went outside instead.

Me: Yoboseyoh?

GD: Hey, did you tell her yet?

Me: No, and why are yo asking?

GD: Because I just came across your dream girl. And she's a killer shark.

Me: Excuse me?!

GD: Yeah! She went in here, asked for a photoshoot of herself and when the pictures came out, she ripped them!

Me: ...

GD: Hello?

I dropped the call and I was shocked.

So Tiffany's a mean girl?

Whew, for a moment there I suddenly thought about Kia.

Maybe she's the right girl all along...

"Hey, what was that?" she asked innocently.

Her cuteness is killing me!!

"I thought about what you said, you know, about that strategy plan of mine." I said.

(Kia's POV)

So he already had his plan?


"And that is?" I said.

He walked towards me, brushed my bangs away and our faces were only inches away.

Then, he gently planted a kiss on my lips.


My first kiss?!

Well, official that is.

After one minute and counting, he broke the kiss.

I looked at him with a confused gaze, and he gave me his back.

Was he embarrassed?

And what in the world did he kiss me for if the guy's gaga for Tiffany?

"Listen, Kia...I really like you and I thought about it. My friends said that Tiffany's like a shark. They said she was mean." he said.

Boy, is he right!

"But you are nice, sweet, and funny at the same time. I don't know, but I think I..." he said, and froze.

I took courage since I like this guy too.

Well, here goes nothing!

"Jae Jin~ah, I like you too." I said and hugged him.

He hugged me too, and we continued practicing.

Jae Jin told me we should go to the amusement park later at night.

He told me he's taking me on a date!!


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FiqahShafieJJ #1
Chapter 42: This story is so SADDDD! :( can't believe I cried ! But still DAEBAKKK! :)
nice story!!!<br />
oh my god i really cried at the end.<br />
aaah why did kia have to die? ;____;<br />
oh well, waiting for your next story! :D
pinkbunnyjay #3
I thought Kia will rise from the dead but I'm wrong. I wish there's a sequel that Kia was not the one who died! Lol =))))
koreankendi #4
Done reading it! ^_^ Nice storyline!<br />
Chap38 made me so teary-eyed. <br />
Good job! :)
koreankendi #5
Oh! This seems interesting! ^_^<br />
Imma read it. :)
CMH911209 #6
Is kia really died? i cried a lot when i read the part when she died TT^TT
Update, look interesting! Fighting~
butterfly555 #8
i know right lol but at the same time i would be scare all the fan girl sigh -.-
@butterfly555 - I know huh? Wow, if I was seriously in Charm's shoes I'd DIE! =D