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“It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it is the little differences that make them interesting”

They say, life often es around whenever you care about it and I guess I can attest to that. For years, I’ve always been giving a damn about my life, I always want to give it my all and succeed in whatever, in the end I fail and sulk in one corner with the question “What did I do wrong?” Now, I care less about it although I still give a damn but not that much anymore. I can see the good points of life already and I’m loving it.

Last night, I did the most stupid and careless thing in the whole wide world. Well, I told G-dragon that I’m ready to give him my EVERYTHING and it’s just weird for I don’t even think that a girl can say that right in front of her boyfriend no matter how comfortable they are to each other. I don’t know, but I just feel like there’s no sense in keeping my purity anymore for I’ll give it to him sooner or later but then again, I was able to think about it once more and came to this decision that I’ll just keep it for now. I mean, all the chase, teasing and mystery are still exciting and if I’m going to give everything up already, there’s nothing more for him to look forward to.

This morning is just so awkward for me. I’ve been awake for an hour already but is not even thinking of going out of my room because I’m ashamed of myself. I feel like, I’ve embarrassed myself in front of G-dragon when I gave him a go signal to take my purity. I know that it’s nothing to him and it’s really not a big deal but then, I still feel a little off.

“Hello?” I picked up a call, not even looking at who my caller was.

“Tinky!” Dong min said cheerfully.

“HEYAH!” I greeted and he giggled.

“What’s up?” I opened my door and peeked out.

“Mouse and I are gonna hang out today…are you available?” he asked and I suddenly felt excited.

Well, ever since I moved in with G-dragon, my time with Eun hee and Dong min has lessened and whenever I ask them to visit me, they will always say that they are shy to come. I don’t know why they feel like that, but I have a strong feeling that they are not comfortable with G-dragon yet and I really want them to bond so that the thick and tall wall between them will come down already.

“I AM! Minnie…even if I’m busy…I’d still hang out with you and mouse” I told him and he squealed.

“Yay! I love you! This will be fun!” he said and I shrieked in excitement.

“Can you pick me up here?” I asked.

“Sure...anything for you tinky” he said and I giggled.

“Thanks! Love you Minnie!” I said in a very sweet way.

“Love you too! I’ll call Mouse now to tell her the good news” he said.

“Alright…see you later!” I hanged up and heard footsteps.

It seems like G-dragon is already up for I can hear him singing at the living room already. I’m used to his random singing every morning and he’s really like a human Ipod in shuffle for he’ll sing whatever. There are even times where he completes a song on the spot and whenever I ask him who the singer of that song is, he’ll say that the words and even the melody just popped out of his mind. I have a strong feeling that he’s really a music genius or something and I envy him for that.

“OH!” I jumped in shock when he opened my door.

“OMO!” he said while looking at me from head to foot.

“Oppa! W…why are you up so early?” I asked awkwardly with my heart banging my chest.

“umm…I actually have an early meeting…yeah…mmm...you don’t have school…right? Why are you up this early?” he asked and I noticed that his eyes keeps on moving left then right like he doesn’t want to meet eye contact.

“It’s Sunday Oppa...I don’t have school…I woke up early because my body is used to it already” I answered and there was unexplainable awkward silence.

I don’t know if it’s just me or he’s also feeling it, but we are like two strangers caught up in an awkward situation and we don’t know how to pull it off. All we do is stare at each other and the silence up. 

“I’m going to prepare breakfast…what do you want to eat?” he asked and I snapped out of my senses.

“Actually I’m not yet hungry Oppa” I told him and he looked at me weirdly.

“Do you have any problems Ae gi-ya?” he asked and I took a deep breath, and shook my head.

“Are you sure? You look like something is bugging you” he said and I shook my head.

“I’m good Oppa…I ate a lot last night that’s why I’m not yet hungry now” I reasoned out and he still looked worried.

“Alright…I’ll just cook and if you already feel like eating…just go to the dining area” he said and I gave a nod.

This is weird! We are not like before wherein we joke around even if we just woke up and if this sudden awkwardness is brought by my confession last night, I will definitely flip out and hang myself.

Now I know why G-dragon is looking at me from head to foot and is uneasy the whole time that he’s here. It’s all because of what I’m wearing. I’m just wearing a tank top and lace . It’s my usual sleep outfit and as far as I can remember, this is the first time that he saw me in my underwear for whenever we sleep together in one room, I always wear pajamas.

“Oh! Come and eat” he said when I decided to check on him in the dining area.

“I’m still good Oppa” I said and opened the refrigerator not knowing what to get.

“I squeezed some fresh orange for you….it’s there on the counter” he pointed at it and I went to get it.

“Thank you Oppa” I said and he smiled at me sweetly.

“Sit here” he said and offered me the seat beside him.

What the hell is happening to me? Seriously, I feel like I want to run away from him even just for a while just to cool myself down. I’m actually wishing for him to get a selective amnesia so that he can forget about what I did last night. Honestly, even though I know that he’s cool with it and it’s pretty obvious that he’s not even thinking about it now, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

“What’s with you? Why are you so distant?” he asked and I just looked at him and sighed.

“Huh? Am I being distant?” I try to act normal but he knows me so well that he didn’t even buy it.

“Aigoo” he said and just stared at me.

“Oppa…I’m not being distant!” I said, making him chuckle.

“Really?” he asked and I gave a nod.

He stood up all of a sudden, pulled me up to stand, wraps his left arm around my waist while his other hand in on my neck. I already know what he’s about to do and my innards are flipping even before he does it. His eye never leaves mine and I swear, I’ve melted for his stares are just too sticky but full of love.

“Oppa” I called when it’s already taking him too long, he’s just staring at me like he’s trying to get my soul out of my body.

“Oppa” I called once again and he snapped out of his senses.

“Why are you so distant today?” he asked and I sighed.

“I told you…I’m not” I answered and he pulled me closer to him, our faces just a few inches away from each other.

“Really?” he pushed and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Yaaa…I know you…you’re not good in hiding your emotions but for some unexplainable reasons…I cannot read you now” he said and I giggled.

“You cannot read me because you have nothing to read Oppa…snap out of it coz I’m not distant and nothing is bugging me as well” I lied and he claimed my lips in a swift move.

As expected, we got carried away once again and had a long make-out session while standing. Well, it’s firing me up and my mind is swirling but I keep on telling myself that I will not give in to it, not now.

“And you bit me again” he said making me giggle.

“Oppa…you’re not used to it up till now?” I asked and he hugged me tightly.

“Aigoo…I don’t care if I get thousand wounds because of your lip biting mania” he said while hugging me tightly.

“I LOVE YOU!” he shouted and it’s so good to hear.

I cupped his face with both hands and moved his face closer to mine “I love you too” I said and kissed him.

I’m slowly snapping out of my thoughts. After all, what’s done is done and I’ve said it already, I cannot bring it back anymore. This taught me a lesson and that is to not say something that you’re not that sure of.

“Oppa…Eun hee and Dong min are going to pick me up later this afternoon…we’re just going to hang out since we’ve never done it for a long time now” I told him while he’s fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

“That’d be great…at least you’ll get to breathe fresh air for I know that this apartment is suffocating you already” he said and I shook my head.

“It’s not…truth is…I really love being here…although being alone almost every night now bores me…Oppa! You have to finish your album already so that you can already have time for me” I said and he looked at me with both hands on his hips.

“Aigoo…it seems like my baby is demanding for my time” he said and I gave him a grin.

“Is it bad to demand some time from you?” I asked and he walked towards me and kneeled in front of me to meet eye level.

“It’s not…truth is…I’m loving it and don’t worry…I’d give you all my time once I’ve finalized this album coz once I start promoting…my time will really be limited once again” he said and I gave out a pout.

“That’s too bad…oh well…I can’t do anything about it…right?” I asked and he pinched my cheeks.

“Oppa will try his best to give you more time even if he’s promoting…or even if I have concerts” he said and I sighed.

In a few weeks, he’ll be promoting his new album at the same time Big Bang will continue with their concert tour which means, they’ll be out of the country for a long time once again. I am already preparing myself for that but I still can’t help to feel sad for I know that it’s going to be so hard without him here.

Eun hee and Dong min arrived at our apartment hours after G-dragon left and this is their first time to see our humble abode. The two went speechless the moment they entered for they cannot believe that they are inside G-dragon’s apartment. I can feel their excitement, while I’m so happy that they’re here and I’d be spending this day with them.

“Want a tour?” I asked and they nod their heads right away.

“Gosh! This apartment is just so full of expensive things” Eun hee said while looking around.

“Yeah…it is…one reason why I don’t want to touch anything is I might break something or damage something” I said and they cracked up in laughter.

“Tinky…this is your home as well…does it matter if you break something?” Dong min asked and I shook my head.

“Minnie…this isn’t mine…I’m just living here but this is still G-dragon’s alone” I told him and they smirked.

“This is going to be yours sooner or later…so might as well claim it now” Eun hee said while looking at the awards on the shelf.

“How can you be sure that this’ll be mine in the near future? We don’t even know how long we’ll last” I told them and they looked at me in disbelief.

“YAH! Are you going to let him slip away? You are the biggest idiot if ever you end this wonderful fairytale” Eun hee said and I rolled my eyes at her.

“Tinky…did you know that there are millions of girls around the globe who is dying to be in your place? Claim him….claim EVERYTHING and don’t let go anymore” Dong min said and I sighed.

“Who told you that I’m going to break this whole relationship up? C’mon guys! You know so well how much I love Jiyong and I’v

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just updated the longest chapter of all:)


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PrincessGD #1
Reading again ?????
Exokittyot12 #2
Chapter 134: I love you gurl
acidgaf #3
Chapter 140: Finished! Gosh you're so
Lovely and detail girl! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I found this fanfic about a year ago and i keep coming back for this since then .. I have no idea how many times i had read but doesn't matter ! ~ Its definitely one of my favourite fanfic <3
Chapter 140: Okaaaaaaaay author-nim !!! after 4 days reading i'm finally done ^^ & now going to the sequel
thanks for this amazing , Fantastic & wonderful story :)
it wasss supeeer long story i've ever read ... but it's worth it .... i enjoyed reading it ^^
thanks for your hard work and goood job *thumbs up* ♥♥♥
Ericalim #7
Chapter 140: I LOVE YOU!!! UR STORY IS THE BEST!!!
Autumnaree #8
Chapter 21: Reading this is like being given a gift. Thank you!
alwaysdreamygirl #9
Chapter 140: Ohmygod. Super duperr long story. But its worth it. Its really good. Good job authornim
boomboomshakalaka #10
Chapter 140: i reread this and it's still amazing! love it x