Getting To Know You.

If I Could Reach You {Complete}

Selina hurriedly dressed up for dinner.She doesn't have much choice of what to wear.She only brought the basic clothes that she usually wore for the office.She have black pants and the basic white and gray bloses.Not much of a color ro choose from,she thought.As she was digging on her luggage,she found a nice printed blouse of white and pink as she decided to wear them with her black pants.She added her heely sandals with the outfit and she was satisfied at herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Selina was ready by the time Jiro rang the bell.Selina was satisfied at the look on his face when he saw her all dressed up.He likewise changed for dinner.He is wearing a khaki pants and a printed shirt. He looked like ,he took a quick shower too himself for his hair is so soft and flappy liked it has been just washed.

"Wow,I am impressed.You are ready in half an hour.Most of the girls that i knew ...." Jiro said as an admiration can be seen on his face."And you looked quite ,beautiful,if I may say."

"Thank you,You don't look bad yourself.i can say you clean up quite nice." Selina said as she laughed.

They walked to the elevator,as both of them are so quiet for a while.Selina wondered if Jiro knew that she was married,he must have seen the ring on her finger,and as she looked at her finger and never noticed till now that her wedding ring is missing.She forgot her ring at home.She forgot that Alan and her, have a big fight before coming over here and ended up taking off her ring because of her anger.She almost feel like giving up on her marriage but decided to give Alan and their marriage another chance.

The restaurant is in the hotel lobby itself.It is full,but most of the costumers are hotel resident like themselves.They walked in and the hostess immediately seat them at their table.

Selina looked at Jiro with a question in her eyes,as Jiro smiled at her.

"I called while we are dressing for reservation." he said.

"I thought you have  pull somewhere." Selina said as she smiled.

They have a perfect table by the window as you can see the outside garden.You can feel the coldness outside just by looking at it.Jiro pulled a chair for her,and Selina wondered when was the last time her husband pulled a chair for her,as she murmured her thanks.

"Something to drink ?" Jiro asked.

"I am afraid,I am not much of a drinker.Just a hot green tea for me." Selina said.

"Don't worry I won't abuse you when you get drunk." Jiro said jokingly.

"No,I was not thinking of that, I don't really drink." Selina said."It has been a while since I drank and the outcome is not that great."

"Uhmm I am just kidding.I am not really thinking of that too." as he laughed."Alright just a hot green tea for both of us then." he told the waiter."I  like the ambiance of this place.It is just really nice.I like to thank you for sharing a meal with me,although I am a total stranger to you."

"I don't know either ,how I end up having a dinner with you.I just said yes to get you out of my room but then I am glad now that i said yes." Selina said."This is far better than having to eat on my own."

"Where are you exactly from? I mean what office?" Jiro asked,

"I worked in New Haven office,in Connecticut.I lived just outside the city." Selina said."How about you?In New york?"

"Yeah,I worked in the city but lived in New Jersey. I can't afford the city.It is way too expensive." Jiro said.

"You lived by yourself?" Selina asked.Jiro nodded."Me I lived with my husband and my two boys."

"You are married?" Jiro asked as he stared at her with a surprised look.

"Yes, I am married.I got two boys now." Selina said with a smile.

":I didn't see a ring." Jiro said.

"I washed my hands so I  took it off and forgot it at home." Selina said."Then,you would have not invited me then?"

"I really don't know if it mattered,after all this is only a dinner.I am committed myself.I am engaged." Jiro said."Now I can breathe better cause you are safe. I mean....most of the girls..."

"I know...they'll try to flirt with you.Well you are a very attractive man." Selina said as he regretted her words and blushed after.

"You are quite funny,here you are a married woman and yet you still blushed and looked so innocent.I should warn people about you." Jiro said as he laughed." You can be quite dangerous."

Then the waiter came as he asked for their order.They ordered sushi and some sashimi.

"So you are married and have two boys too.You must have started quite young." Jiro said.

"Right after college.We don't see the point of waiting." Selina said."But now,I am thinking we should have waited for few more years before settling down."

"Sounds you have regrets." Jiro said.

"No,not regrets....I am happy where we are now.And quite happy with my boys." Selina said as a smile broke in her face as Selina looked at him.She must have really loved her family,judging the way she light up when she talked about them,Jiro thought.

"I am glad that you have a happy marriage.Somehow the look in your face convinced me that marriage is still an institution to uphold." Jiro said."The way things are going now...somehow you wondered sometimes."

"You should try it.There is nothing more happy feeling than sharing yourself with somebody more than the part." Selina said as she laughed ."I hope I am not too vulgar for words,but then I am a married woman."

"No ,not at all.Your husband is lucky to have you.I am sure he appreciates whatever he got." Jiro said.

Selina stopped laughing and looked at Jiro.Did Alan even appreaciated her,all through all these years.Maybe earlier but not lately...he seemed impatient and bored with all of these...."Yes,of course he does." Selina said as she forced a smile.

"So when is the big day?When are you taking the plunge?" Selina asked.

"We have not set a date yet.Sometime next year." Jiro said."We still have a lot going on with our own careers this year."

"So she is a busy woman,and a career girl?" Selina asked.

"Yes,she is finishing her training .She is a doctor and she still have a year to go." Jiro said.

"Pretty smart. I am impressed." Selina said."And what a noble profession,she have chosen."

"Yes,she was such an awesome girl.I am lucky to have her." he said as he smiled more to himself at the thought of her.

They looked at each other as they finished their dinner. Selina talked more about her kids and the fun of having them in her life.Jiro seemed to listen to every stories she told him.They laughed in between.

"Thank you again for sharing this meal.i have fun and it is sure interesting to hear about your family.I love your boys already just listening to you." Jiro said.

"Thank you is nice to have somebody to talk to out side my own world,outside my family." Selina said."I really appreaciate it for listening to me." as she smiled at him.

Jiro walked Selina to her room after dinner.Somehow talking to her gave him this nice feeling,her sharing of what she have gave a better insight of who she is,and he just admired her more,now more than her physical attributes,she is more beautiful inside than outside as he looked at her once more before leaving her.



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
ontaetae #4
nice one
so nice ^^
I liked it~
I am just a big Jiro fan and Fahrenheit and most of the time they collaborated with SHE.And in their MV sort of they pair them up and I've noticed that Selina and Jiro have chemistry...and they are pretty close off cam,in fact when Selina was asked who is she closest to in the group,she said Jiro.And Jiro look at Selina in a certain really special....

But I also like Jiro with Hebe sort of fifty fifty with Selina,but the thing is Jiro and Selina is closer while Jiro and Hebe are so distant and formal ,although they will look and stare at each other sometimes...
This is a really good story. I'm surprise I didn't see it until now. just curious, how come you are such a big fan of Selina and Jiro (i think they never acted in a drama togher ot anything right?

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