Knowing Where We Stand

If I Could Reach You {Complete}

Morning came too long for Selina.She had a hard time going back to sleep after she woke up last night.Thoughts about her life came about and it flooded her.Confusion filled her very thought.She thought about Alan,her life with him and the way things are going between them.They have a falling out lately and with the news and the buzz going around Alan taking interest to their new apprentice in the office reached her a little too late.There was a confrontation and yes he even admitted having some sort of attraction to her.What is not to like about her,she is beautiful,with a nice figure ,young and talented.She even went to see her to know her competition.She was surprised at what she saw,a young beautiful girl who looked so innocent and so naive.But once she open ,the innocent and sweet girl turns into a bad mean girl.How can a girl with such an angelic face can be so vicious and mean?She knew that Alan is married but she was all out to get him,that's what she told her.

Selina got up and looked out at the window.It looks like it is goin gto be an Indian summer day.The sun is already up and it looks like the sky is clear with no dark clouds hovering around.It looks like it going to be such a beautiful day but how come she is feeling so lousy today.She is feeling anxious at seeing Jiro gaain,after the confessions of their feelings to each other,nothing has been going on.She was surprised and more than surprised but shocked at the progression of her feelings for him.How can one fall to somebody that instant without much of a warnong or a premonitions.She just knows that she have this strong feelings for him.It is not only his look ,it is much,much more than that she knows.She have never fallen this deep,and hard and instant to any other man.In fact she have loved only one guy ,and that is only Alan.Is his betrayals have something to do with this?Or her feelings is something that has been fated and kismet and that her and Jiro have been linked before in their past life.

She her coffee pot and think of taking a shower now.Maybe after a mug of black coffee,maybe her thinking will clear up.She was not a very religious person but she have faith in the One that is higher and Supreme Being who watched and love all His creations.She believes in God and when evrything has faltered and gone,He will be alone will be there for her.She have followed His commandment and hope to abide by it all her life.But with this feeling that she have for Jiro,wouldn't she be going against her very belief?Can the God ever forgive her if she ever follows what her heart says? But they say that emotions are neither right nor wrong.It is when you act out on this feelings and you overstep your bounds then it became something else cause you have hurt and stepped on somebody's toes?But how come letting Jiro go is such a hard act to do.

She finished her coffee and went to the bathroom to shower.She still can not decide what is she going to do with her feelings for Jiro.Will she seek him out today and take the time that they have together? Or she should just let it be,forget him and let them go their own seperate ways?Go on with her life with Alan and the boys and Jiro with his fiancee.Will she be able to go back to her old life after this,after today?Selina went to shower and she can feel herself wanting Jiro's touch and kisses as she closed her eyes and think of him...

Jiro woke up with a big bang in his head.The drank did not help him all.It made him more miserable than ever.And now with a big head ache he grabbed the night table ,as he tried to get up and tried to look for an aspirin in his things.The sun blazes by his window and it did made his headache worst.He drank the aspirinn as soon as he found it,and get ready to shower.

Images of Selina played before his mind.Selina in the fields with her loose and with the flower in her hair.That is one image that will stay in his heart forever.Maybe one of this day,he will be able to paint her with that image in his mind.He needs to see her.He has to talk to her,and let her know how he feels and he needs to know what she truly feels for him.She said she also have a strong feeling for him,but will it be strong enough to act up on it? Or will she chose to stay devoted to her vows to her husband? but if she truly loves him,how come she responds to his kisses like she really belonged to him,like she really have the same strong feelings like him?

The aspirin have took effect by the time he got out of the shower.Today will be it.If she says no then he will let her go and will never bother her again.But he have to take his chances with her,even for one last he think of her...

The session today seems so boring and without much bravura.Everybody keep on looking out at the window wishing that they are out instaed being cooped up in this conference room.Jiro have noticed it.Usually he have something in his sleeves to make it more lively and more fun with his jokes and antics,but today he got none.he is not in a mood.His thoughts is just on one thing and that is to talk to Selina after the session today.

Selina was there but she opted to seat at the back row.She was late when she came down and she showed up just when the session was about to began.On lunch time,she was sorrounded by her friends and Jiro choose not to get near her,otherwise they will know that there is an undercurrent between them.He just have to be patient and wait for his turn.

The session finally ended for the day as everybody tried to scamp out of the conference room.Selina took her time to leave.She was waiting for something.She was waiting for Jiro to come to her and talk to her.And before they knew it,it is just them in the conference room as they stared at each other.Jiro smiled first at her and Selina smiled back.Jiro took her hand and Selina does not have to say anything at all.The smile and with his hand in her hand is enough to make her heart sing and be happy.She smiled as her eyes seemed to tear from such happiness....Being with Jiro is such a sheer bliss...

They went out and Jiro took her again in the lake.The lake looked so serene and so much beautiful today than the last time.The sky is so blue,the sun is even out and there' not htought os setting as of yet.The leaves as still in their branches and the colors darker than ever in gold and red and brown.The birds sings with such a melodious rhyme.The wind swept and the cool breeze fanned their pink cheeks.

Jiro and Selina looked at each other as they held hand and walked towards the boulder that was seating by the bank of the lake.They sat there for a while.

"I was wondering where you are last night." Jiro said."I thought you are trying to avoid me or something."

"I thought you have a change of mind about me." Selina said."I was in my room all those time."

"I knocked but you did not answer after the session." Jiro said.

"I took a nap just after the session.I told you drink does not agree with me." Selina said.

"And so with me.I woke up today with such a big headache." Jiro said.

"You were drinking last night?" Selina asked.

"I was miserable without you.I thought you have a change of heart." Jiro said.

"I wished I can have a change of heart but even if  I want to, I can't. I think I am way too in love with you now." Selina said as she tried to avoid his eyes and her cheeks have heightened it's colors.,embarassed now after saying those words.

"I love you too Selina,more than you'll ever know.I don't know but it seems you have cast a spell on me." Jiro his face moves closer to her and his lips found her lips....They kissed passionately held by such magic in the magical place.The place where only Jiro and Selina knew,and the place that only the two of them are allowed to enter.....They stay there until it becomes dark and then they went back to the hotel only to be together for the they tasted the forbidden fruit....

That night Jiro and Selina made love for the first time.Jiro was tender and loving and Selina was only too aware of his touches and his kisses.She responds to his touches as Jiro reaponds to her....together they reached the summit of their passion....After making love that night,Selina cried knowing that such feeling is something new to her and Jiro hugged her body close to him like he never wanted to let her go.he has been with girls before but beoing with Selina is something wonderful and something beautiful.He have never experienced this kind of feeling before.Is this what Love is all about? Is this what making love all about?

He whispered to her ear "I love you Selina." Jiro said.

"I love you too Jiro.I have never done something like this before.I know it is wrong but I love you." Selina said as she cried.

"I don't know why making love to you seems so right.How can it feel so right being with you?" Jiro asked.

"That's how I feel too.Somehow,I feel that I belong to you and not to him." Selina said,as they hugged each other.And before they knew it,they were kissing each other again as they made love all over again....feeling each other once again...soaring to a new heights of they hold each other after........and they hope that their time together  will never end.But at the back of their mind,they knew that this have to end sometime....but for now,they have each other and that's all that mattered now...





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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
ontaetae #4
nice one
so nice ^^
I liked it~
I am just a big Jiro fan and Fahrenheit and most of the time they collaborated with SHE.And in their MV sort of they pair them up and I've noticed that Selina and Jiro have chemistry...and they are pretty close off cam,in fact when Selina was asked who is she closest to in the group,she said Jiro.And Jiro look at Selina in a certain really special....

But I also like Jiro with Hebe sort of fifty fifty with Selina,but the thing is Jiro and Selina is closer while Jiro and Hebe are so distant and formal ,although they will look and stare at each other sometimes...
This is a really good story. I'm surprise I didn't see it until now. just curious, how come you are such a big fan of Selina and Jiro (i think they never acted in a drama togher ot anything right?

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